Chapter SEVEN
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I screamed, following him down the sidewalk.
He stopped, but didn't turn around. "I really, really can't do this, Marley."
"You? You think beating the shit out of Kyler, your friend, is okay?" I yelled, still trying to catch up to him.
"No. But I warned him. Many times."
"You are not in charge of me! You have to leave me alone!" I yelled, tears forming behind my eyelids. "Please."
"Leave you alone? To get hurt, to get your heart broken? I can't," he said, shaking his head.
"It's not up to you!" I screamed at him. The tears were pouring down my cheeks now. I was only a few feet from him.
"I know what Kyler is like. I know what he's done," Kane went on, shaking his head.
"I don't care what you think," I told him. "Just leave me alone."
"Then why are you out here and not in there with him?"
I hesitated, but just for a second. "I said leave me alone, or I'll tell my parents about this."
Kane thought about this, then smiled, daring me. "Marley, I'll tell them myself."
"Are you okay?" Kaylee asked Kyler a few minutes later, once I was back inside.
I was sitting beside him, holding an ice pack on his cheek and lip. Kaylee had heard the fight and was now close by, looking sympathetic. I'd only been outside for five minutes, but everything was different now.
"I'm fine," Kyler told her, "I'm sure it looks worse than it is."
"Well, it looks pretty bad," Kaylee said, forcing at smile at him.
"I guess we should have expected this," Kyler said to me. I couldn't even say anything. "I mean, I told him I'd back off, and then he sees us making out -"
"What was he even doing here?" Kaylee wanted to know.
"He used to go to Lower Hills High, remember? I guess he knows about all the parties," I told her, still feeling angry.
"Or he was just being a creeper and showed up because he heard you'd be here," Kaylee went on, then shrugged at me.
I swallowed hard, and bit my lip. Suddenly I was very aware of what was happening, and I was so embarrassed about what Kane had done. I shut my eyes and I could still see him there, down the side walk, looking right at me. He was practically begging me to listen, but I had turned and walked away from him. Now I was trying not to worry about what he might actually do.
"Are you okay to drive?" Kaylee asked Kyler now, looking at him seriously.
The rest of the party goers had gone back to partying. A few people hung out to make sure Kyler was okay, but otherwise the fight was already old news.
Kyler nodded. "I only had one beer, when we got here."
"Okay, get Marley home safe?" she said, standing up.
"Of course," he told her.
We didn't talk on the drive back to Greensborough. I was so embarrassed and had no idea what to even say. Kyler smiled at me at a red light, but remained quiet as well. His lip was puffy and his cheek was bruising. My heart was in my throat, and I wanted to scream.
"So, the party... not the best idea we had..." he finally spoke, as he pulled onto my street.
I let myself smile at him. "Definitely a poor choice."
"We were doing so good there, for a week," he went on, then laughed awkwardly.
"Totally," I said, then touched his hand. "What now?"
Kyler sighed. "My parents are going to freak out. And I can't..."
"I get it," I interrupted. But it wasn't fair.
"I was in some trouble, a while ago. I literally have to stay out of trouble or I will get kicked off the football team, for good," he went on.
I didn't know what kind of trouble he meant, but I knew getting in a fight at a party was not good for him.
"It's okay," I said, because what else could I say?
"This really sucks. I like you," Kyler told me, parking his car on the road across from my house.
"I don't want you to get in any trouble," I said, and I meant it.
He nodded, looking right at me. "Well, see you at school? Though, I'll likely have to avoid you." Another awkward laugh.
"Okay," I said, but I felt like crying again. It was all over.
I went inside the house, trying to as act normal as I could. It was thirty minutes before my curfew. The kitchen was dark, but as I headed for the stairs, I heard my mom's voice.
"Mar," she said, quietly.
I turned, and she and my dad were both in the living room, waiting for me.
"Oh, hey," I said, narrowing my eyes.
"Marley, we need to talk to you," my dad said, his voice concerned.
I stepped into the living room, my heart racing. What had Kane done?
"What's up?" I asked, running my fingers in my hair.
"Kane was just here," my dad went on. I held my breath for a second, waiting for the rest of the story. "I asked him, this summer, to try to make sure you're safe... that's all."
"This was you? You're the reason he keeps showing up and lecturing me?" I yelled back.
My dad looked hurt. I never yelled at my parents. Like, ever. My mom remained quiet. "Marley, you're our little girl."
"No, I'm not! I'm sixteen and I can take care of myself. Please, stop," I begged.
"Marley, it's just that you're new to this. We don't want you to get in over your head -"
"Oh, so Kane should babysit me because he's a whole year older?"
"Honey..." My mom finally spoke.
I wanted to tell them right then that Kane had punched Kyler. Twice. I almost said it. But instead, I turned and went upstairs to my bedroom. I couldn't even slam the door, as Andy was asleep across the hall.
I threw myself onto my bed, already crying.
Growing up with Kane was like having a built-in best friend. He treated me like I was perfect, like he would never ask me to change, in a million years. We played hide and seek and tag with huge groups of friends; we played for hours in the treehouse in his backyard in Lower Hills, pretending to be pirates on an adventure. Obviously, I knew things would change. Things couldn't always be perfect between us. But I truly never expected this.
I hate Kane, I texted Kaylee, still crying.
You do not, she sent back.
Me: Yes I do. And I hate my parents.
Kaylee: Well that's dramatic.
Me: Where are you?
Kaylee: Ryan drove me home, kissed me in his car, she told me.
Me: Nice!
Kaylee: Yeah, he's sweet. I mean, he's great. But he's not really my type.
Me: Who cares?
Kaylee was a bit judgy, it was just the way she was. She wanted to try out for cheerleading when they did their spring try-outs. She wanted to date a football player. Ryan was in the high school band - he played the trombone. He was funny, and I knew that Kaylee liked him. But I also knew why she was hesitant. I didn't want to be a cheerleader and didn't necessarily want to date a football player. But I did like Kyler. Not that it mattered now.
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