*Ashton's Pov*
They appauled. Charles,Erik and I gave our goodbyes and fled back to the hotel to catch our flight.
We got back onto the private jet but I got sad. I miss Ashley. I took our seats I sat in the very back by myself. Im forcing myself not to cry. Erik and Charles begun to play chess. They were all smiles and laughs and the best at making small talk. Happy tears started crying happy tears,Charles looked at me since he was sitting towards me he looked confused. I just sat there like an idiot smiling and crying. Erik turned his head around facing towards me. "What's wrong princess?" Erik asks me. "I love you guys. I am just glad to see guys I don't know have eachother." My voice cracked. "Charlie,as long as I know you I always found you the most interesting I dont know why it just happens. Erik,ever since I knew what love was I always wanted you to be my only one because I knew you understood what I had been through.." I croaked I walked over and layed on Charles. They just both smiled. "We love you too" Charles and Erik said in unison.
After they finished their chest game Erik laid down on the couch and I knew Charles needed a break. I went and laid down on top of Erik. Erik's hands went up my shirt and rested on my back. I flinched then he removed them. "I'm sorry I trust you I swear on my life I'm just not comfortable,its not that you know what I mean its lik--" I got cut off by Erik,"Shut up." "Are you being serious?" I whispered. "No I am not,I would never hurt you and would only go as far as you want me to" He says. "Can I have a kiss please..." I whispered. "You dont have to ask." He said with a cheeky smile. He put his hands on the sides of my face and brings my face towards his,my lips formed a smirk. I looked at his lust filled eyes. A part of me wanted to go further but I knew I wasn't ready for that. I placed my forehead on his. I moved my hands up his shirt and kept them there. I slowly stuck them under his back and felt where I had scratched him and just rubbed it in circles.
I felt him smirk ever so slightly. We both fell asleep laying exactly how we were. Both of our chests rising and falling in perfect sync. Hours passed by until someone woke us up by blowing an airhorn. I fall on the ground first then Erik falls right on top of me. "Ophm." Was all that came out of my mouth. Erik gave me the sorry look. I realized what position we were in and I blushed people would have thought we were in a heated makeout session. So I leaned forward and pushed him on the ground and got on top of him. "Your comfy."I told him and Charles spit out his tea,and look towards the television."Uh guys we are on the news..." I whispered.
"Ashton Taylor new discovered mutant with sonic scream and flight mutations and her friends interuppted the presidents speech to give the american people the following message" was all the television said before I shut it off. "If they come after you guys I'm so sorry.." I mumbled. "Don't be you are just trying to make peace believe me charles is 24/7." Erik told me and me and Charles laughed at the last part.
The jet was starting to land but for some reason one of the engines blew,bracing us for crash landing. Erik wrapped his body around my tiny torso protecting me. Charles was using his mind trying to make the plane not totally crash and was successful. Luckily this wasn't our jet. "Are you alright?" I asked the both of them before I see I piece of debris fly down towards Charles."ERIK!" I screamed and he deflected the rubbish. We carefully jumped off the plane. Charles insisted he get off first and help me. I jumped down in his arms. I decided to try and help Erik down. I took his hand and helped him jump off.
"Thank you Madam."Erik spoke in a husky voice and I blushed. We took a cab back to the school when we walked in everyone was staring at us. A little girl ran up and hugged me. "Thank you miss.." She whispered. I gave Erik the I want one look but he didnt seem to catch on. We walked up the steps. They kept going but I stopped at the very top. I turned around to look at all the children. "My wonderful kids,we should not have to live in fear because I know what it is like to cover up who we really are,hide our feelings from our other halves,believe me...I have had more than my fair share I bet you kids have too." I said with full confidence in my voice. The same child that had hugged me she looked about 5 ran up and hugged me again with tears flowing down her rosey red cheeks. I picked her up and held her close to my chest as Charles ,Erik and I walked out of the room. I walked into my dorm with the child still in my arms followed by me was Erik.
She fell asleep in my arms I just smiled. I layed down on my bed holding onto the sweet child for dear life and Eriks weight dent the bed. I set the youngling down in between us. I don't know how Erik feels about children I am defiantly not going to pressure him,if he doesn't want them then so be it. If he does then great.
Either way I am falling in love with him all over again..
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