Chapter 9- Déjà vu
It feels as if this has happened before. The sense of worry and pain. The feeling of helplessness. The knowledge that you cant do anything. The wave of doubt. Then telling yourself it's all going to be okay when it might not all be okay.
I'm sitting by his bed. Looking at his stilll beautiful face.
He went into a coma. I got a call an hour ago.
:"Is this Thomas Jefferson?"
"This is he."
"Well, you're the emergency contact for Alexander Hamilton. He is here at Kings Hospital ."
I only Heard emergency contact when I got up from my after class and ran out to my car.
"Is he okay?!"
"He um, well he entered a coma and we are unsure when he wakes up from it."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"
"I'm sorry sir."
I started to rush to the hospital. I knew I was crying. Who wouldn't be crying when they hear the person they love most entered a coma?
I got to the hospital and ran inside.
"I need to see Alexander Hamilton!"
"Are you family?"
"No, but I'm his boyfriend."
"I'm sorry only family until he is more stable."
"I'm his emergency contact please I need to see him!"
"I'm so sorry sir, only family until he is more stable."
"No, no, no, no, no, no!"
I collapsed on the ground crying.
"I need to see him." I cried out desperately.
Th nurse at the counter ran over to me and crouched down by me.
"You will be able to see him in a little it. Until then please fill out these papers. And wait in the waiting room. Get some water, try to calm down." She handed me a handful of papers.
I sat down somewhere, I don't know where and I don't care where unless it's in Lexi's room.
I ended up texting the group.
The Rev Squad-
FranceBoi- Lexi's in the hospital, he is in a coma. We don't know when he will wake up.
FranceBoi-He is in a coma, and I don't know what happened I was in class.
WERK!- THOMAS! You are supposed to be there for him! You e supposed to protect him, you are supposed to be there.
FranceBoi- DONT YOU THINK I FEEL BAD ENOUGH! I KNOW! I know. I know...
ANDPEGGY!- Angie, don't take this out on Thomas, he is probably torn up about all of this.
SpyTailor- Where are you?
FranceBoi-Kings Hospital
FrenchFry- We'll be there in a bit
~FrenchFry left Chat~
~SpyTailor left Chat~
~ANDPEGGY left Chat~
FranceBoi-Angelica, I know I messed up. I know I should've been there for him please dot make this worse on me.
WERK!- I'm sorry. I just care too much about Alex to lose him.
~WERK! left Chat~
TurtleBoi- Thomas, take care of him.
FranceBoi- I promise I will.
~TurtleBoi left Chat~
I start thinking about what might have happened if i was there for him. why couldnt have been here.
I walk up to the desk with the now finished papers.
"I need to see him...please," I say once again desperate. My face is hot and wet with tears that burn my eyes.
"You can see him in an hour. Get some rest."
"I can't rest until I see him." There is pain in my voice.
"I'm sorry sir, i really aam i wish i could let you in-
"THEN WHY DONT YOU!??I need to see him. "
"I cant let you in until-
"Until he's more stable I know, but i need t-to s-see h-him," I say choking up from crying.
She sighed.
"Do you think you two will ever get married?"
"YES OF course I do!" I say a little annoyed.
"well then i guess your soon to be fiance's. shouldn't do this, but follow me."
She starts to lead me to his room.
"Here we are."
I hug her. Its the only thing i can think of.
"Thank you." I whisper.
"No problem."
I go and sit down next to him and i cant help but start sobbing. He looks beat up. Hi head is wrapped up. What have i done? I grab his hand and squeeze it.
"You still look beautiful, even in the state your in Lexi. You never cease to amaze me.Please wake up Lexi. Please."
Its all black. Except one small light. THOMAS? I try to run towards him but i realize that its not really him. Not my Thomas. He's crying? He's holding me hand and I can feel him warmth. I really want to hold him and say that its all going to be fine, but he just seems to get further way the more I run towards him.
"I love you too Thomas."
No one's pov
Thomas huddles closer to Alex,, while his friends rush in to the waiting room.
"Alexander Hamilton!" Herc practically yells.
"I;m sorry you cant go in until he is more stable. "
"where is Thomas Jefferson?" Angelica asks.
"He is in the room with him. I had to let it slide. He was about to break down."
"Okay thank you."
"Mon pauvre cousin" (my poor cousin)
"He was about to break down..." Angelica said thinking.
"That doesn't really sound like Jefferson. "
"I know, but Thomas cares about Alex a lot. So it would make sense, and he was probably feeling guilty after angelica basically blamed him fr it over text!" Peggy says, making sense for once.
"Guys, relax. We shouldn't fight." John says on the brink of tears.
He looks so helpless, so innocent. I swear i will kill whoever did this t him. He doesnt deserve this treatment. He deserves so much more than what this world ha given him.
I feel like this has all happened before. It seems like ever since me and Lexi started to go out he has been getting jumped more and more. I swear ill protect him more. I dont want him to ever get this badly hurt ever again. I dont want him in this hospital, in this coma, in this world where he is treated like crap.
I squeeze his hand once more.
" I promise Lexi, I'll never let this happen to you again.I love you."
AHHHHHHH SO MUCH HAPPENING! I hope you all enjoy this chapter. 2 chapters in 1 day, hehe i work too hard -.- BUT! I will keep publishing as many chapters as i can. I should have another one out by Monday depending on schoolwork. But once again thank you for reading! >///< BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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