Chapter 8- Calm
A few hours later Thomas and I walk to Herc and Lafs dorm. But before we knock I talk to Thomas.
"Hey, I love you. Please be calm."
"Don't worry Lexi, I had a moment of jealousy, I love you too, okay, now knock before I bust the door down. " Thomas and I chuckle for a second before knocking. we brought over mc and cheese to eat while watching the movie.
"Hey Allex, hey Thomas, come on in so we can start the movie."
"Hey Herc."
"We brought Mac and cheese!" I hear Thomas pipe up.
We walk in an have a seat on the couch, pitting the mac and cheese on the coffee table.
John walks in the room rubbing a towel to his wet curly hair.
"Oh...hey Alexander, hey umm, Hey Thomas. "
"Hey John, do you know what we're watching?"
"Umm, No. Laf and Herc have been keeping it all a secret from me."
"Well, we will be waiting until everybody gets here. Aaron, The Schuyler, Maria, Jame, and Theodosia.
"Oh wow everybody is coming," I say surprised s Herc lists off our group of friends.
We sit on the couch and make small talk as everyone arrives. the more people who arrive the more everybody relaxes.
"Alright, now that everyone is here we were thinking of doing a vote for what movie we want to watch. Sound good to everybody?"
Everbody nods in agreeance.
"Okay, so, who wants Finding Nemo? Finding Dory? Moana? "
Herc, Laf, John and Peggy choose Finding Nemo, Thomas, James, and Aaron choose Finding Dory and Theodosia, Eliza, Angelic, and Maria and Alex choose Moana.
"Okay, so it looks like we are watching Moana, everybody okay with that?" Everybody nods.
"I think no matter what we choose we would be okay with watching Herc,"Laf says, giggling.
"Whatever Laf."
When the movie starts we all cuddle up close to each other. I and Thomas are on the end of the couch cuddled really close while eating mac and cheese. John is on the other side of the couch next to Laf and Herc, who poor John are making out.
John shoots me a glance that says "Help me"I just shrug and laugh.
Soon enough everybody is asleep after the movie ended it was just Thomas John and me who are awake.
"Thomas, Babe, I think maybe we should head back to our dorm," I say with a yawn.
"Sure Lexi, let's go." he picks me up because I was already drifting off to sleep on him. But I all asleep before we even walk out of the door.
Alex falls asleep in my arms before we even walk out of the dorm room.
"Bye John, again sorry about earlier. Goodnight."
"Bye Thomas, tell Alex I said goodnight." I kinda just look at him.
"Mhm sure." I start walking out of the dorm with Lexi in my arms. He looks so sweet when he is asleep. I can't help but smile looking at him.
"Mmmmmmmm, Thomas?"
"Yes, Lexi? I thought you ere asleep?"
"Mmm. I was. I'm awake now *Yawns* I can walk if you want *Yawns Again* me to."
"Its okay Lexi, I don't mind carrying you. Your almost asleep again anyway."
"Mmk. Goodnight Thomas. Love you."
"I love you too Lexi."
He dozes off again. We get back to our dorm in no time. I set him down on his bed and tuck him in. I go to my room and lay down. Maybe John likes Lexi more than he says he does. I swear if he does, I think I might kill him. Mmm. Whatever. I'll have to let it play out from here.
~~~The Next Day~~~
I wake up and I smile becaus I smell eggs an bacon. Thomas- always making amazing food. I get up and change into better clothes. dark blue skinny jeans, a very light blue long sleeve shirt and white hightops. I walk out to the kitchen to see Thomas making omelettes, bacon and sausages.
"Morning Love."
"Goodmorning Lexi."
"We have to leave for classes soon."
"Well we have to eat breakfast, and if we need to we'll throw it in a blender and drink it on the way to the park."
I giggle and sit on the counter.
"Alright food is ready."
"YAY! I'm starving!"
"Mhmhm, Lexi you look cute today."
I gasp in an offended way to joke around.
"Are you saying I do not look cute every day!?"
He wraps his arms around my waist and stares me in the eye.
"Of course not. You look cute every day!"
"Awww, your too sweet. Now excuse me but my amazing boyfriend made me food and I would love to eat it."
"Of course."
He sets me down and shoves plate in front of me.
*Time skip because I'm tired and lazy*
"Come on Thomas we have to go. We're gonna be late for classes!"
"Just a few more minutes, I need to do my hair!"
"Honey, you've been "doing your hair" for 3 minutes now."
"FINEEEEEEEEE! I'm coming."
" Finally."
I grab Thomas' hands and we start to run to our classes. We make it to debate just in time.
I sit in my usual seat and say goodbye to Thomas.
"Bye Honey, Love you," I say kissing Thomas.
"Alright, I gotta go, Lexi, love you."
Right as Thomas walks out of the room Mr.Washington walks in.
"Alright, class... "
My mind just wanders, I can only think of Thomas. Today is gonna be a long day. A very long day.
*Time skip*
FINALLY! Classes are OVER! I decide to stop by my dorm and relax before I head out and go to the cafe and get some coffee.
"THOMAS! You here?" I don't get a response so I assume he is not here. I head to my room and end up working and not relaxing but I don't mind. After about an hour I decide to walk to the cafe. bring my laptop so I can work some more.
~~~On the walk~~~
*Mhmm, it's a nice day, I wonder where Thomas is though. He probably went to an afternoon class. What class would that be though? He took all of his law classes the same time I did. Was he taking an extracurricular? Agghhh why I Thomas filling my thoughts?! WHATEVER! Screw it let me think about Thomas...... He never took an extracurricular before. Maybe it's only on Monday's? But even so, last Monday he didn't take and extracurricular. Mmm...*
I turn around to see none other than Charles Lee, and oh boy George. I try to remain calm and be civil, knowing they probably came to beat me up again.
"Oh, Hey Lee, George. Did you need something?" I say in a half annoyed tone.
"Yeah, we did need something."
"We need you to never tell anyone about this!"
Lee shives me up against the side of a building then punches me. I clutch my stomach only to get a kick to it from George, hurting my arm. Then a kick to the legs makes me fall down. Lee crouches down beside me and punches me once again. He stands up and kicks m head own to the sidewalk and everything goes black.
Alex's last thoughts-
When will they leave me alone?
When will they stop?
why do they do this to me?
I don't understand.
What did I do wrong?
WIAT! What will Thomas do?
Where is he when I -
*everything goes black*
A/N HEY! Well, hope you enjoy this chapter. It is one of the shorter ones but... next chapter will be long hopefully.I hope you readers are enjoying this series! Thank you for reading and-
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