Chapter 5- Protective
Time Skip
Classes start today. I'm not too nervous. At least not for Debate Class, because
Prof. Washington teaches that class. But I'm a little nervous about everything else.
"Alex, darling are you okay you've been staring t the wall for almost 10 minutes."
Huh, oh yeah I'm fine, just nervous."
"Well, don't worry I'll be there for you. Even in classes when I'm not there just text me."
"Thanks, Love."
"How about for our free period we go and get some food?"
"Sure that would be great."
"Alright its a date. We should get going."
"Okay, let's go."
We start walking to our classes. Thomas walks me to debate and then he goes to creative writing.
"You sure you'll be okay darling?"
"yes Thomas I'll be fine, don't worry. I'm just little nervous. "
Okay, but remember to meet me at, my math class when you finish Law."
"Okay, I will."
He leans own an kisses me. It was quick and soft but I felt all my worry melt away. I walk into the debate a little early and decide to pick a seat at the back. I start to take out a notebook when Charles Lee walks in and I know for a fact I'm going to get beat up.
"If it isn't Alexander Hamilton. What an idiot like you doing in a high-level debate class?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Lee."
"I said I could ask you the same thing, Lee."
"And what that supped to mean?"
"See my point is proven let me spell it out for you. You Are Stu-Pid. Got it?"
Then he punched me. and I guess I should have seen that coming...I fall to the floor and hear laughs. The bell rings a five-minute warning when Washington walks in.
"Alex? Son? Ar you okay?"
"Agh, I got punched once. I got lucky."
"Uh Alex your nose is bleeding and you have a black eye."
"Well... give me some tissues and the ill be fine."
"Okay, but I think you should go to the nurse."
"I'm okay I swear. I got lucky."
"AWWW Alex do you daddy need to help you with the bullies?" Lee said it in such a taunting tone that I wanted to get up and kick him in the face.
"I swear Lee I will come over there an kick you in the face so shut up."
"Oh no, I'm so scared I'm shaking in my non-existent boots."
He is trying me so I get u and start to walk over to him but then Washington grabs my arm.
"Son, don't bother with him.."
"Do you need a ride to preschool?I'm sure your daddy can give you a ride.."
I wriggle out of Washington grasp and get face to face with Lee I grab his shirt and punch him in the face and then kick his side.
"Don't mess with me, Lee."
"Or what? What will you do?"
"Do you want a broken rib?"
He gets up and tries to shake up my kick. I'm about to punch him again when Washington grabs my arm and pulls me out of the class.
"Your only encouraging him Son."
"'Notcha Son."
"Son, stop, don't let him get to you. I'll be sure to eat yall way from each other but that's all I can do for this issue."
We walk in and Lee sat the back by me so I move over to the opposite end.I plug headphones in rest of the class floods in. I focus on the syllabus Washington passed out and we end u not doing much in class. Just going over a few rules and what will happen in ti class.
I start to pack up and I'm almost to my next class when Lee shows up again. He shoves me against the wall and punches me a few more times then shoves me to the ground and kicks me. The basically stomps on my with all of his body weight.
"Do you want a broken rib?" e ask and I know he's mocking me. He punches me once more then walks off. I can barely move. I know Thomas has a class right now so I try and text John.
Non-Stop- John I got beat up pretty bad I need you to come and take me to the hospital.
I wait for about 10 minutes and no response. So I text Thomas.
Non-Stop-Thomas, I need help. I got beat up and I can move. Please help me.
I wait or maybe 5 minutes with no response. Then I sigh because I don't think anybody will help me. Then I hear footsteps. Their running. I see Thomas and I couldn't be more relieved.
"Come on. Let's go to the Hospital."
"Thomas! I'm so happy."
"Come on...My car is at the parking deck. I'll carry you."
He looks mad...but not at me.He starts to hold me tighter everytime someone walks by. Even when we get to the car one hand is on the steering wheel and the other is holding my hand tightly.
"I should've been there."
"This is my fault. I was thinking of coming to see you when I was walking to my other class and I didn't for some reason I didn't."
"THOMAS! This is not your fault. Please don't think it was!"
"Lexi... It is. I should've been there to protect you. Now you can barely move."
I see his eyes get cloudy and a tear roll down his cheek.
"Thomas...I love you. This isn't your fault even if you came to see me you couldn't have done anything it was before class started like right before class started. You would have left by then a-
I shoot back in a fit of pain at his tone.
"Lexi it's my fault! I sorry I couldn't have been there for you." He is crying more now.
"Your here for me now aren't you? That's all that matters."
He sniffles and almost freezes. He quickly drives over into the parking deck of the hospital. Once we park the car he looks down and puts his face in his hands. I move so I can hug him even though I hurt.
Once my arms are around him he starts to cry harder. I move his hand's ad lift his chin up so he's facing me.
"Thomas, it's not your fault." I lean forward and kiss him and pull him into an embrace. I feel his breathing settle and he gets out of the car. He goes around to my sie and picks me up again. He holds me as tight as he can. We walk into the hospital he set ms down in a chair and goes up to the desk.
(Back before the drive to the hospital)
I start to walk to my next class. I think that maybe I should go see Lexi and make sure he is okay. But I check the time and I know that I would be late for class if I did.
I get to my next class and sit in the back. I'm in class for about 10 or 15 minutes before I get a text from Lexi.
My heart skips a beat. I don't even reply I just grab my bag, get up and leave. I start running because I need to get to him as soon as possible. I hear objections from my teacher but I don't care.
I'm running as fast as I can to get to him. The entire time of thinking to myself.
Did this happen just now, or was it a few minutes ago? Why didn't I go see him? Is this my fault? What did I do? Is he okay? He cant move. Oh no. How bad is this? Does he need to go to the hospital? why did I let this happen?
Then I see Alex and my heart breaks. He is on the ground clutching his chest. I see that he is crying. What have I done? I'm pissed. I pissed at whoever did this. I swear I will kill whoever did this to my Lexi. he doesn't deserve this.
"Come on. Let's go to the Hospital."
"Thomas! I'm so happy."
"Come on...My car is at the parking deck. I'll carry you."
Every time someone walks by I holds him tighter. I just keep looking forward. I can't stand to look at him hurt and in pain. Even when we get to the car. I don't want to let go of him. I hold his hand as I tight as I can. I feel guilty.
"I should've been there."
"This is my fault. I was thinking of coming to see you when I was walking to my other class and I didn't for some reason I didn't."
"THOMAS! This is not your fault. Please don't think it was!"
"Lexi... It is. I should've been there to protect you. Now you can barely move."
I feel my face get hot and I start to cry.
"Thomas...I love you. This isn't your fault even if you came to see me you couldn't have done anything it was before class started like right before class started. You would have left by then a-
He sinks back at my tone.
"Lexi it's my fault! I sorry I couldn't have been there for you." I start to cry more now feeling more guilty.
"Your here for me now aren't you? That's all that matters."
He says the sweetest things sometimes. I start to drive faster as I start to cry more. I pull in to the parking deck of the hospital. Once I park I burst ears streaming down my face like a rushing river. I feel a warm embrace around me as Lex comes over to hug me, I start to feel even more guilty because I know it hurt him to move that much. Why didn't I get there sooner why could I protect him? He lifts my chin to look at him. see concern and pain in his eyes. He leans forward and kisses me softly. He then hugs me more. I feel my breathing start to regulate.
It's time that we went in, so I leave and pick him up. I start to carry him to the hospital lobby. I hold him as tight as I can, not ever wanting to let him go.
A?N sorry this was late a lot of school work pile up. I'm sorry its short but I will write more and hopefully come ut with a new chapter tomorrow. Thank you all for reading, and for all of your support and patience!!!
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