Chapter 24- Finally a Family
After the visit to Virginia, Thomas and I have been looking into adoption more. After the visit to the orphanage last month we have been trying to adopt a little kid named Philip. He is about 5 years old.
He is such a sweet kid. And he really took to us. He doesn't mind having two dads, honestly, I think he is too young to understand.
He has curly hair and is slightly tanned and has a lot of freckles. He is just too cute.
Thomas likes him too. We visit every day while going through the adoption process. IT is gonna take a while but all three of us are willing to wait.
John and Peggy are dating. Even when they all said it would happen it did. Yeah. John is bisexual.
James, I don't think we will ever see him again after that event a few months ago.
*3 years later*
I got a call on the house phone.
"I got it," Thomas said as he got up and ran to the phone.
"Hello....This is them....REALLY!?.... We'll be on our way....Thank you so much...Bye."
"ALEX! Get in the car NOW!"
"Why? What is it? "
"We get to take him home today!"
"YES! GET IN THE CAR!" Thomas shouts running out of the door. I laugh and quickly follow behind him.
"I can't believe it. We waited 3 years for this," I say shaking Thomas as he drives down the road like a maniac.
"I know! I'm so excited, but stop shaking me or we might crash," He laughs, so do I.
"Fine, fine."
"He's 8 now."
"I know. He is in 3rd grade. AHHHHHH."
"I just thought of how cute he will be dropping him off at school."
"Alex, I swear don't scream like that you scared me half to death." He said chuckling slightly.
We get there in 5 minutes.
"Hello, we are the Hamilton-Jefferson's, we were called here to pick up a little boy."
"OH yes, right this way." She guides us to a bright yellow room and sees a little boy packing up his things.
"PHILIP!" I scream. He whips around and smiles his cute smile.
"DADDY!" mmmmmm, when he calls me daddy it makes me the happiest person ever.
"PAPPA!" He calls Thomas 'pappa' and me 'daddy' its the cutest thing.
He runs and hugs us both then looks up at me.
"Do you get to take me home with you today?"
"Yup, ready to see your new room. We painted it the color you wanted and with the bed you always wanted."
"Really?" He says with a glimmer in his eye. I just nod then look at Thomas. The big baby is crying.
"Mhm.." He says shakily
"You okay?"
"So happy. So proud. "
"You are too funny."
"mmmm SO proud."
"Whatever Th-"
"Pappa, why are you crying?" Thomas looks down at the 8-year-old hugging him.
"I'm just so happy to be taking you home today Pip."
"ME TOO!" He says then start jumping. We all laugh. It almost feels perfect.
We walk out of the orphanage hand in hand. Once we get to the car he runs and jumps in the back and buckles up. He is too cute, the way his hair bounces up and down.
On the drive home, we listen to some of Pips favorite music. With all those visits we have bonded quite a lot.
*At the apartment*
"Wow," Philip says in wonder. He walked into his room and almost screamed.
"Do you like it?" Thomas asked.
Me and Thomas laugh. We mad the right choice.
We are having a party tonight and everyone is coming over to meet Philip. Laf and Herc love kids so tonight should be interesting.
*Later that Night*
We all head over John's apartment, because he wanted to decorate, he probably stuck turtles everywhere.
*Knock Knock*
"Hey, Johnny," I say smiling. Philip has never been a shy boy so he jumps in front of me and sticks out his hand.
"Philip Hamilton-Jefferson. Nice to meet you, you are?-" We all just stand the slack-jawed and frozen. John hesitantly sticks his hand out and shakes Philips.
"I-I'm John Laurens nice to meet you." He laughs a bit at the end.
"You've got a pretty impressive first impression, Philip," John says gesturing to come in.
"We know," Thomas says proudly.
After about 30 minutes everybody is there, Laf, Herc, The Schuyler's, Maria, Aaron, Theodosia Sr. Theodosia Jr. (Who is about the same age as Philip so this really will be interesting.) and the Washington's (Geoge and Martha)
John's apartment looked amazing. IIt had colourful streamers everywhere, there was a buffet of food, and there are pictures of us all everywhere.
"ALRIGHT! I want you all the Meet Philip!" Thomas announces proudly.
"Um, Sure." Right after they get the okay they both snatch him up in a hug and start to laugh.
"Hi Philip, I'm George Washington, I'm your fathers boss."
"Should I put in a good word for you Daddy?" Philip asks leaning a bit to see me. I am bursting with pride. He's cute, smart, brave, AND Has a sense of humour. I think I will explode with pride.
Everybody laughs at Philips remarks as we go around the room introducing ourselves. I think Philip, Eliza, Laf, and Peggy will be really close. They just clicked, Peggy with Philips jokes, our house will be crazy if she comes over to babysit.
At around 9 Philips out. He fell asleep on me and Thomas' laps. He is so cute!
"I think we should be going home, Philip is already asleep," Thomas says yawning himself.
"Okay Mon Ami, he is so cute by the way!"
"We know Laf that like the first thing you said when you met him," I say chuckling a bit.
"Bye Guys."
Once we get home, Thomas who is carrying Philip takes him to his room, I stand in the doorway and watch him tuck Philip in.
"Your gonna be a great dad Tommy."
"Ya think so?"
"You were obviously proud of him tonight. The way you are handling him now, your gonna be an amazing dad."
He walks over and wraps his strong arms around my waist and pulls me close.
"You will be a great dad too, he is gonna grow up and be just like you. Smart, good looking and he will have a way with words, just like you. "
"Oh your too kind," I say smirking.
"Mhm, that's what I'm talking about. A way with words."
We walk back to our room and lay down. I snuggle close to Thomas as usual. He kisses the top of my head, and everything feels right with the world.
I wake up to Philip tugging on my sleeve.
"Pappa, Pappa! Wake up!"
"Mmhm, What? WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED!" I start yelling, cause if Philip is telling me to wake up something might be wrong. I think I woke Lexi up though...
"Mhm, What? What wrong?"
"Pappa, Daddy, there was a knock at the door. I didn't want to open it cause I didn't know who it might be."
I feel so proud of him! He is so smart!
"Alright, I'm coming." I hear Lexi say from beside me.
"I'm coming too." We all start walking towards the door as if its a dangerous bomb.
When I open the door we all relax. Its just Laf and Herc.
"Finally, what took yall so long?"
"Thomas and I were still asleep, and Philip wasn't sure who could be been at the door so he didn't answer, like the smart kid he is," Alex says proudly. If Philip grows up to be like Alex, that would be enough.
"Oh, well that's good. Well, we thought yall could use a day out away from any work. We can babysit Philip. PLEASSSEEE!"
"You just want to babysit Philip don't you?"
"Lemme talk to Lexi about it. "
"So, sounds good to you?"
"I don't have a problem with it. We could use a break."
"Okay then. How about you Philip? Wanna hang out with Uncle Laf and UNcle Herc?"
"Alright then sure, yall can babysit. When-"
"NOWWWWWW!" Herc is basically yelling at the top of his lungs, at 6:52 in the morning. What a guy.
"Alright then, Lexi, I guess we go get ready?"
"Yes, mon ami."
"Okay then."
After we get ready we say goodbye to Laf, Herc, and Philip. Thomas being the protective person he is starting to tell Laf and Herc some 'rules'
"Okay, don't go anywhere dangerous have fun but not oo much fun. Make sure you feed him, I mean he is 8 he could probably feed himself but I mean still make sure you feed him and don't give him something that illegal like beer or something, another thing no drinking in front of my kid-"
"Thomas lets go, they know what to do, they're good with kids, and Philip is a good kid, lets goooo!" "Fine, Fine. Have fun, but like I said not too much, oh and make sure to give him breakfast it's the most important meal of the day so you cant forget that and do-"
"THOMAS!" "I'm going, I'm going. Bye Philip." Philip just waves he is a laughing mess.
*Time Skippity Skip*
The day out was nice. Relaxing. The entire drive home though, Thomas was only thinking of how the day went with Philip and if he is safe, and if he had fun, but of course not too much fun."
"What if he didn't have fun?"
"Its Laf and Herc, I'm sure he had fun."
"But what if they went crazy and they had too much fun?"
"Thomas relax, we had a nice day, Philip had a nice day. Everything is fine."
"Mmm, okay."
*At the House*
Thomas bust through the door and starts to run to the living room.
"Wheres Philip?"
"He's asleep."
"Yes détendre Thomas, il est en retard de toute façon." ( relax Thomas its late anyway) "LATE! Late!? " "Yes Thomas, it's 10 pm. Its late and he fell asleep." "Thomas, Hun relax. Thank you guys for babysitting, we'll talk to yall tomorrow. " "Alright Au revoir mon amis."
(Bye my friends)
Once Laf and Herc leave I rush to Philip's room to check on him. He is sleeping soundly and looks adorable all snuggled up in the bedsheets.
"Thomas its almost tomorrow lets go to bed."
"Okay. NIght Philip."
We walk back to our room and snuggle up under the covers. I'm so proud of Philip. I have a son! Tomorrow is Saturday so Alex, Philip and I are gonna have a movie day with everybody over again. Its gonna be so much fun.
Finally, we get to watch Moana with Philip and everybody over! Its gonna be so much fun.
Everybody came over again, we had popcorn, candy, soda, water, an entire platter of sandwiches, mac and cheese, chicken, mash potatoes, it looks like a Thanksgiving feast except its all just for a movie night.
"Philip come on! I want to watch Moana!" Thomas says sounding like a kid himself.
"Coming!" He runs out with a paper and pencil.
"Watcha gonna do with that paper an pencil Pip?" I ask.
"Well, while we are watching the movie I was gonna write a story or something..."
Silence. Then-
Everybody laughs. I'm so proud. We all cuddle up. Philip is my Lap, Thomas is leaned against me on the couch, Laf and Herc are cuddled upon the floor, Peggy and John are on the armchair, Angelica and Eliza are huddled together under a big blanket on the other side of Peggy and John. Theodosia Jr. Is next to Thomas, Philip and I while Aaron and Theodosia Sr. are next to her. The movie starts and we are all singing our hearts out. Now I don't like to use the word perfect because nothing is ever perfect but this moment, these people that surround me,
My family, my life, Thomas, everything in this moment is perfect
Just perfect.
That's the best word to describe this.
Nothing Perfect can ever last can it.
Nothing Perfect stays forever does it?
A/N AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OVER 200 READS!?? THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR READING THIS! And I know this is the last chapter of this book, but I am writing the sequel called "Trying" I'm sorry I just had to leave you on a cliffhanger so as always
(Please go read the sequel "Trying" Coming very, very soon!)
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