Chapter 16- Graduation
We graduate tomorrow. Who would've thought time would fly by so fast. Lexi is completely freaking out, but one thought keeps him calm. The fact that after we graduate we are getting married. It makes the thought of graduation the best thing in the world.
We spent all day today getting ready for graduation. I got the caps and gowns, flowers shoes, suits, and after graduation food. Now all that's left to do is graduate.
Thomas spent all day getting ready for things tomorrow. I* spent all day working on my speech, Yup I graduated as valedictorian. Washington is proud of me, and I am proud of myself too. Its one of the things I said I wanted to get out of my last year. I completed mostly everything else. I learned and wrote as much as I could. I have been the happiest I've ever been all year with my friends and Thomas. Sweet Thomas. He has done so much for me and I couldn't be more grateful. I will include that in my speech.
I graduate tomorrow. We graduate tomorrow. But its all okay because after that I get married to the love of my life. I couldn't be happier. And I will keep in contact with all of my friends, I mean, after all, I've kept in contact with them all this time.
We are going out for a dinner. Kinda like a party for graduation. Everybody came. Eliza, Herc, Laf, ANgelica, Peggy, Eliza, John, Theodosia, Burr, James. Even though they put me and Thomas through h***, they were still close friends. We went to a nice place it was fancy but not too fancy.
"So who else is excited to graduate beside french fry?" John said jokingly
"Herc, no need to shout," Burr said seeming annoyed.
"Its all in good fun Burr."
" May I ask why I went to the zoo when I got drunk a few nights ago?"
"You ran out yelling 'IM COMING MY POOR TURTLES! I WILL SAVE YOU AND PUT YOU IN A ZOO! TURTLETOPIA!'." I said being the only one to remember.
Everybody bursts out laughing.
"Laf and Herc ran out saying 'LETS GO LAFFY! WE ARE BUYING A BAR SO WE CAN GET AS DRUNK AS WE WANT!' " I said stirring my drink laughing while everyone else joins in.
"I-i-i-iTs TRUE! I want to own a bar!" Herc said laughing between words. Everyone laughed more.
"Thomas you cant be laughing! You leaned on me and we fell over then the conversation went like -
Ughh, Lexiiii, you were supposed to hold me up!"
"Your too heavy you dingbat!"
"No need to be a meany!"
"You were the one who gave me a boo-boo!"
Everybody is almost crying with laughter.
"You said, "You're the one who gave me a boo-boo?" Thomas says in between laughs.
"And you call Thomas a-- d--ing---bat!?" Herc says.
"I kn--ow!" I say almost falling on the ground.
After all the laughing we started to talk about what our plans were for after college.
"Well, Thomas and I are going to get married and then move closer to the ocean in New York. I plan on working as a Lawyer. "
"Yeah, and I want to work in something with Law enforcement, like police or something in that field of work."
"Well sounds like you two will be very happy together," Laf says, thick in accent. "Who knows maybe someone else will get married after you all." He says fidgeting with his hair.
"Yeah maybe," Herc says nudging him. This makes laugh softly and smile.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! SO sweet!" Peggy says. Everybody laughs slightly at this.
After a bit of talking, we decide to pay for the bill and go home. It's only 10 but... WE GRADUATE TOMORROW! So we thought we should go to bed early.
"Alright, Thomas! You ready to graduate!?"
"Nope, but I'm ready to marry you." He says with a smirk. Ahhh, that dang smirk. Makes my heart flutter every time!
"You big flirt! Go to bed." I say smiling
He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. He pulls away.
"G'night Alex." He says with a wink. *sigh* he hasn't said my real name in a while. For some reason it makes me smile.
"Goodnight Thomas," I say leaving to go to my room. He is too sweet.
~~~The Next Day~~~
I'm so happy after we graduate, a month later I am marrying the love of my life. And Alex is Valedictorian! I'm so proud of him! I can't wait to hear his speech. I got dressed in a magenta suit and made my hair poofy and fluffy. After about an hour I was one getting ready and checked in on Alex.
"Hey Lexi, Hun, you ready?"
"Yeah just let me ut my hair up."
He walked out and had his hair in a cute bun. He was wearing a blue suit. He looked stunning. (Yeah not doing the whole green suit sh**. Going with the blue suit Lin wore. DEAL WITH IT!)
"You look amazing." He blushes.
"Thank you." He is so adorable. I walk closer to him and put my arms around his waist.
"We're graduating," I say.
"Yes I know, I'm nervous though. I don't want to mess up my speech." He says looking down a bit. I pull his chin up.
"Hey, you'll do great.I know it."
"You really think so?"
"Absolutely I do." We kiss for a few seconds before he pulls away saying he needs to practice. I am left alone in the living room area. The shock of graduating not hitting me. Yet. It's almost time to go.
"Lexi! Its almost time to leave."
"Okay! Coming!" He runs out of his room and rams into me.
"Sorry, let's go!" I nod and we walk out hand in hand.
~~~At the Graduation~~~
They are having all speakers go up before we hand out diplomas. I go last. Right now, holding hands with Thomas, I'm not nervous at all.
"Last but certainly not Least, we have Alexander Hamilton." The audience cheers. I hear my friends most of all. They say they are proud of me. I know they are. I walk out to the podium, my nerves still calm.
"Thank you. I was told to give a speech so here I am. It is surprisingly short, knowing me that is very unusual.-They all laugh- I just wanted to say thank you to all those who supported me. My teachers my friends. And most of all my amazing Fiance. He has done more things for me than I can even begin to count. I was asked about what I wanted to get out of my last year here. It was an easy answer. Learn and write as much as I can. Graduate Valedictorian, and be happy with friends and family. I can say happily that I can check all the things off the list. I always thought college would be easy but it was anything but easy. But the struggle is worth it to get to this point. We can be proud of who we are and go out into the world. There may be struggles but with good friends and family, I know you all can get through it. So be proud of yourselves and live in this bliss, YOUR GRADUATING!"
They all cheer. I walk off the stage and to my seat by my friends. They were all crying. I was almost full out sobbing. But in a good way. I hug Thomas who I can see is trying to hold back tears but one escapes. He smiles.
"You did amazing."
"Thank you," I say wiping off a tear and hugging him.
"Now for the diplomas."
We stand and go line up to the stage.
They call names up one by one.
"Maria Lewis" I cheer
"Aaron Burr"
"James Reynolds"
"James Madison"
"Charles Lee"
"Samuel Seabury"
"Theodosia Alston"
"Angelica Schuyler"
"Eliza Schuyler"
"Peggy Schuyler"
"John Laurens."
"Marquis De Lafayette"
"Hercules Mulligan"
"Thomas Jefferson" I smile as wide as I can. I clap as loud as I can I am so proud.He looks back at my smile.
"Alexander Hamilton"
I am so proud of him. I clap loudly. When he sets down on the stage, I tackle him and kiss him. "I'm so proud of you!" I say smiling.
"I'm more proud of you." He says turning his head.
"Not possible." I smile. I get up and pull him up after me. We kiss and gets 'whoops' and cheers from the other people in our friend group. He makes me unbelievably happy.
He makes me unbelievably happy.
A/N AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW so sweet but anyway I will keep trying to post as muc as I can. I should be done with another chapter by Friday. Thank you for reading!
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