Chapter 14- Lies and Cover-Ups
I freeze.
"Well..." He gets down on one knee.
"Alex you have been the light in my life, why I have hope, why I enjoy life. You re the reason every day is an adventure, why every day is the best day of my life because I get to spend it with you. I don't want to ever let you go so... Alexander Hamilton, will you do me the greatest honour and marry me?"
"Thomas... of course, YES!" He puts the ring on my finger and I kiss him. This has to be the best day of my life.
"Thomas I love you so much."
"I love you too Lexi."
The Rev Squad
Turtleboi-Okay then on my way.
FranceBoi-Alright then Lets gooooooo!!!!!!
Soon after that the entire group is there. Okay then. They came over faster than i thought.
"Hey, guys well thank you for coming. We have some big news to tell you." Thomas says looking jumpy.
"Welllllll, what is it?"
"Umm well. You want to tell them, Thomas?"
"Okay, well... WE'RE ENGAGED!!!!!!"
I don't even know what happened next I just heard a bunch of screaming, laughing and apparently money being exchanged for those who won bets.
"Congrats Mon Ami!"
"I get to throw flowers at the wedding!"
"I wanna throw flowers too!" Jeez, Peggy and Herc with the throwing flowers.
"Well, we'll figure that out later," I say almost laughing at how eager they are.
"Crap, I have to go, I have work bye congrats again."
"I should go to mon ami. Bye."
*Time Skip*
"Well, that was eventful."
"Yeah, no kidding."
He hasn't stopped smiling his amazing smile. I love it. He is so happy. We decide to go out for dinner. We basically just looked at each other like love-struck puppies.
We got home and cuddled as always. He is just too cute for me. We both doze off clasped tightly in the others arms. Best night's sleep I've had in a long time.
~~~The next Day~~~
We spent all day in the dorm just talking and discussing topics. You would think just sitting and talking for 12 hours would be boring but this was a better day than usual class days. Later that night we had a nice dinner and sat on the couch to choose movies.
"Hey, babe I'm going to go for a walk."
"Okay, be safe Love you."
"I love you too Thomas."
He seems so relaxed. I guess he is just as overjoyed as me.
I got up and left for a walk. I wanted some fresh air since I spent the day inside. I was breathing in the nice cold air, and looking up at the stars when I was pulled harshly by a silhouette.
The figure just pulled me harshly away. Suddenly we were in a black place. I looked around but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly I feel hands slide up my shirt. I kick and scream.
I sat there helpless as my arms were tied up along with my feet and legs. I started to sob. What was Thomas going to think when he notices I'm gone for so long and come back with a lineup of hickeys down my jawline and neck. What will he say? Will he leave me without a chance to explain? I hope he lets me explain. Then everything goes out.
I wake up to be in a bush somewhere still tied up. I don't know what to do. I just lay there. It's bright outside. Oh no, I was gone all night long? It feels like it has been hours before I see a really worried Jefferson rush past. I start to yelp.
He turns around and walks towards the shuffling bushes.
I nod. He begins to look angry but then untie me and hugs me. He takes the gag out of my mouth.
"Thomas please let me explain. I didn't I wouldn't cheat on you. I went for a walk and then I was taken and- an-and..." I start to feel tears burning in my eyes and are screaming to be released.
"I was r-r-" Before I can finish he hugs me as tight as he can and puts a finger to my lips.
"It's okay. I understand."
"T-T-Thomas.I love you so much. I'm so sorry I worried you."
"You're okay now though, and that's all I care about."
He picks me up and carries me to our dorm. I snuggle closer to him. His heart is pounding. Why did I have to worry him so much?
He sets me on the couch and gets a first aid kit to help with the bruises, scratches and cuts.
"I'm so sorry," I say again.
He looks up at me with pain in his eyes and makes my heart break to see him like this.
"I swore I would protect you. I'm gonna make up for failing that," he says and then kisses me.
"Now how about we get some sleep?"
He said he was going for a walk. But he hasn't come back yet. It's been 3 hours. I'm starting to think that he is cheating on me. I decided that I will go and look for him. I walk around the park, the cafe, even campus. I haven't seen him anywhere. I'm really starting to worry. What if he wasn't cheating on me and....I begin running everywhere. I search all night. Then as I walked by the park again, I hear some rustling in the bushes.
I walk over and see Lexi tied up, beat up and has a gag in his mouth.
"Lexi are those hickeys?"
His face goes blank.He nods.
I'm mad. From the state, he is in he doesn't look like he cheated on me, but the hickeys tell a different story. Then I look at his face. Tear stained and beat up. I untie him and take out the gag and hug him.
"Thomas please let me explain. I didn't I wouldn't cheat on you. I went for a walk and then I was taken and- an-and..." I see his face start to redden and his eyes become glassy.
"I was r-r-" Before he can finish I hug him and put a finger to his lips.
"It's okay. I understand." I do. He didn't want it. He wouldn't do that to me.
"T-T-Thomas.I love you so much. I'm so sorry I worried you."
"You're okay now though, and that's all I care about.' I pick him up and carry him back to the dorm where I start to help his cuts, scratches and bruises.
"I'm so sorry," I say again.
I look up at him and he seems to sadden more.
"I swore I would protect you. I'm gonna make up for failing that," I meant that. I kiss him.
"Now how about we get some sleep?"
~~~Later That Day~~~
Lexi hasn't woken up yet, so I go out and make some dinner. I think about going to the cafe to get some real coffee, but my mind turns to Lexi. I don't want to leave him here alone. I go back in the room with food an wake Lexi up.
"Lexi, come one get up, I made some dinner."
"Mhmmm, no leave me be, I'm engaged!"
Is he sleep talking?
"NO! Don't! Please! I'm engaged I cant do that to him!"
I start to shake him when I see tears roll down his cheek.
He jolts up when he sees me he lunges over and hugs me. He starts to cling to my shirt.
"I swear I didn't want it to happen. I didn't mean it. I didn't want to hurt you!"
"Lexi, its okay. I know I know. shhhh. Its okay, I promise. We'll report it to the police. But for now, here eat some dinner."
I hand him the late of food and he starts to eat. Good.
After he finishes eating I just lay down next to him.
He flinches whenever I touch him. I guess it because what happened was a traumatic experience. He is really jumpy, and whenever anybody like tries to hug him or just touch him, in general, he jumps away or flinches. Even with his friends. I wonder how long he will be like this.
"Hey Alex, we were gonna go hang out at the cafe if you wanna come. " John pipes up.
"Um, I don't know. When?"
"Whenever everybody is free."
"Um, sure, I shouldn't be very busy today."
John goes to hug Alex but Alex shys away and starts to cling to me.
"Alex?" John seems...hurt.
"Lexi, are you okay?"
" Um, yeah just.."
"What is it?"
"Um, I'm just not um, just, I don't really want to be, touched."
"Oh, o-okay then. " John still seems hurt.
"I'm sorry John, it's not you, it is just... I c-cant tell you."
"Come over here, I need to talk to you."
I walk over to the side just out of earshot from John.
"Lexi, why won't you tell them?"
"I'm embarrassed."
"What will they do disown you?"
"No, I just... d-d-don't want t-to d-disappoint them." He says as he chokes on sobs he is trying to keep down.
"Lexi, you won't disappoint anyone. You didn't disappoint me. You have known your friends for a longer amount of time then you've known me and I wasn't disappointed at all. What would they possibly be disappointed about?"
"That I couldn't protect myself. That I'm worthless because I cant do anything on my own."
He starts to cry now. I am almost about to cry at the thought that he thinks we would be disappointed in him...
"Lexi, no. Never think like that. The first thing they will say is are you alright and how can we help. They won't be disappointed."
I hug him and he doesn't flinch. He just melts into the hug.
"I-I'm s-sorry."
"There is nothing to be sorry about."
We walk back over to John.
"Hey, well um we're gonna go and get some food, come over in like 30 minutes, bring the rest of the squad with you."
"Okay, Bye."
we walk back back to our dorm and just sit and talk.
"Are you gonna them?"
"I plan to. I just don't know how I'll bring it up."
"Umm, come straight out and say it or..."
There was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it."
"Oh, Hey John."
"Hey, so it been an hour so I figured I should come over."
"Oh right come in. Anybody else coming?"
"Yeah the rest of them are on their way."
"Oh, okay come in then."
He walks in and heads to hug Alex, who surprisingly doesn't flinch. John smiles brightly. I walk over and sit next to Lexi and he snuggles closer to me.After about 5 minutes we hear another knock at the door.
"I'll get it." John jumps up and heads towards the door. When he comes back everyone is there.
" HEY LOVE BIRDS!" Herc is way too loud...
"Shut up Herc, hey mon ami."
"EVERYBODY! HUSH! We are obviously here because Alex needs to tell us something. SOooooo, whats up." Peggy gets right to the point.
"Whatever Peggy."
"Shut up Maria."
"Peggy jumps over and give me a hug. The goes to Alex who suddenly has fear shot through his eyes and jumps away.
"Alex?Whats wrong?"
"Well, that brings us to why yall are here."
"I don't care, Alex what did I do? Why couldn't I hug you?"
"Peggy, why yall are here explains that!"
"Okay, fine what is it?"
I turn to Alex. "Do you want to tell them or me?"
"umm You, if that's okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine." He shuffles closer to me.
"why do you let him hug you?"
"Shut up Maria!"
"Peggy... come here," John says motioning for her to come to him. She gets up and walks over to him. He hugs her and she instantly calms down.I think we all were in disbelief.
"Are you two a thing John?" Lafayette says, with a huge smile on his face. Peggys blushes a lot and so does John.
"NOOOOOOO...." They say in unison.
"Hey, umm, Alex needed to tell us something? Right?"
"Um yeah." I say rubbing Lexi's back because his breathing starts to speed up.
"So umm, a few nights go, Lexi went out for a walk... and was gone all night and wh- "
"Alex, did you cheat on Thomas!?" Eliza said staring at Alex with anger.
I feel Alex stop breathing for a second, I realize that he is crying now.
"YOU DID?!" Eliza says only making Lexi put his face in his hands and cry harder.
"I can't believe you! That's why you had a whole bunch of hickies you were trying to hide. I asked you and you said that it wasn't Thomas so, who did you cheat on him with!?"
"I-I-I d-didn't ch-cheat on h-him."
"ELIZA! I SWEAR! HE DIDNT CHEAT! HE GOT RAPED!" I yell in anger that Eliza would push Lexi like that. The whole room is silent. I lean down and hug Lexi, who is crying hard. I kiss the top of his head.
"It's okay Lexi."
"I d-d-didnt cheat. I swear! Please don't leave me! I swear I didn't cheat!"
"Lexi.." I pull his chin up so he is facing me.
"I know, I know you didn't cheat. It's okay." I hug once again and look at the people in the room. Most are just staring mouths open wide. Others are crying.
"Alex, we didn't know... I' so sorry." Eliza said tears filling her eyes.
"Alex je suis désolé. J'aurais aimé le savoir plus tôt. Je suis vraiment désolé."(Alex, I'm so sorry. I wish i would have known sooner. I reaally am sorry." "WHO DID IT! I"LL KILL 'EM!" Herc says punching his hand. "G-guys, t-thnks for being there f-f-or me. B-But i w-want t-to be with T-Thomas alone." "Oh, okay then come on guys." John shoves them all the door then leave himself and closes the door. I let out a breath i didnt know i was holding. Lexi starts full out sobbing.
"They, they looked d-disappointed."
"NO! They were sad. Sad that they couldn't have been there for you."
He pushes his face into my chest, I hold him tighter.
"It's okay Lexi. How about we go get some sleep, and skip classes tomorrow?"
"I feel his head no, so I pick him up and carry him to the bedroom. I lay him down and tuck him in. I crawl into bed next to him and pull him as close to me as possible. He should never be this sad. He deserves the world not this.
AHhahahahahhahahahahah! Over 2200 words suckers!!! Well that was an eventful chapter... well hope you enjoyed, thank you for reading and
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