This one might also seem short but whatever, hope you have a great day! -Port3l_150
I had escaped. Barely. As I ran through the forest carrying the vital info with me, panic was still in my chest. I knew that the Towers trying to break our seige on Forest Camp would probably have to be postponed, since one of their troops was injured. But I had made it out of the forest, and I opened a portal to The Kingdom. I walked inside, and experienced one of my least favorite parts of going to and from The Kingdom. Dimensional Teleportation. Everything was wavy and motion-sick inducing. Personally, I hated doing this, but at this moment, I didn't care. My mind was too full of thoughts, grief, hate, I barely even noticed the horribleness of this Teleportation phenomenon. Then, it stopped. I had arrived. I ran through my dimension before arriving at The King's Chamber. There were two Fallen Guardians standing at the entrance with their spears in a x-like cross.
SF:"I request an audience with The King immediately."
FG1:"Who are you?"
SF:"I am the scout that The King himself sent me to spy on the Towers."
FG2:"And the rest of your squad?"
I inhaled deeply.
FG2:"Ah. Well, you must wait until this other guy in there is done."
FG1:"You may enter now."
They raised their spears, and I rushed in.
SF:"My King!"
FK:"Ah, my scout. where is your team?"
It pained me to have to say it again.
FK:"Their deaths will be honored throughout history. Now. Report."
SF:"I overheard some of the Tower's meeting! They're going to go and break our seige on their Forest Camp! But one of them got wounded, so they'll have to postpone it.
FK:"Great. That gives us time to amass our troops."
FK:"Go back to your troop barrack and get some rest, you deserve it."
SF:"Ok, My King.."
I walked out, and started going back to my barrack. I made it, and collapsed onto my bunk. As I drifted off, it was almost like I could hear my friends around me, talking.
Ok thats chapter 4 done! I'm probably going to make another one today, then regret it because i'm going to commit burnout -Port3l_150
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