Bates Bianchi
Name: Jacobi "Bates" Bianchi
Nickname: Bates
Parents: Samuel Bianchi & Amanda Amaris
Siblings: Zianna Bianchi, Miliano Bianchi and Marie Anne Bianchi
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual, but would screw with Cryptids
Height: 5'11
Species: Dragon of Ice and Blessed Death.
Magic: He uses his ice powers as defense and usually whips up weapons using his ice powers. Blessed Death is whenever someone is about to die and Bates is ready to pick up their soul, but the victim dies in peace without suffering. He treats them gently. His father is a fire dragon user, and his mother is a snow dragon and a "child"of Hades. So, Bates is blessed by Hades; Lord of the Underworld.
Likes: His family (old & new), ice skating, his guitar, sleeping, writing, partying, Krystina & Cryptids, and dark theme fashion or designs.
Dislike: Candy, people judging him, rejection, rude people, his mother babying him.
Personality: Loud, Energetic, Kind, Protective, Generous, Charming, Hotheaded, and playful.
Weapon: Scythe the
Others: His best friend is "Cryptids" Barazon. Bates is a song writer and music performer, he does become a famous singer once he's done with Eira's shenanigans (future reference). He is protective over his siblings, especially his younger sister, Marie Anne. Bates' parents are friends with Cryptids parents so they knew each other since they were kids. Bates' biggest fear is being alone.
Bates acts like a "bad" boy only to protect Cryptids, they are close, even if Cryptids is much stronger than Bates, Bates still believes he should be watching over him. The only reason he can be considered an actual "troubled kid" is his attitude towards others, he's not nice to all, he's mean to those who treat Cryptids like shit. The name Bates is a stage name, but Bates actually prefers using that one instead of his real name. Bates use to have a major crush on Krystina.
Cryptids Barazon
Name: Alessio "Cryptids" Barazon
Nickname: Cryptids, Cryp
Parents: Allennon Barazon and Gianna Fiora
Siblings: Krystina Barazon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'5
Species: Dragon and High Elf (Father is a dragon and mother is a high elf)
Magic: Cryptids is a user of all forms of magic, he's not powerful in all magic, but he is able to use them. His high elven abilities help him enhance his abilities. He is able to use and read old talisman.
Likes: Reading, Krystina, Bates, magic, studying, constellations, working, tea, and his old magic books.
Dislike: The Dragons who mistreat him and his older sister, loud people, being called a monster, his family's curse, and rude people.
Personality: Stoic, Harsh, Intelligent, Realistic, Quiet, Observant, Generous, and Loyal.
Weapons: His grimoire, daggers, and a staff with a snake skeleton on the tip of it.
Others: Cryptids and Krystina's parents were simple and kind people, but the dragons in the realm did not approve of them. They knew about Allennon's family's curse, the curse was famous in their realm. Allennon & Gianna were murdered by the Empress & Emperor of the Dragon Realm for committing Witchcraft and treason, the children were going to be killed but they were young and Samuel and Amanda fought to save them. Ever since then, Cryptids & Krystina were adopted into the Bianchi family, but they kept their last name since the Dragon Realm wanted to know their actual lineage if they were ever to change it. Cryptids becomes more cold and distant after his sister dies from their family's curse.
Luna Castillo
Name: Luna Castillo
Nickname: None
Parents: Draconis Celis & Edurne Castillo
Siblings: McKale Castillo & Mathias Castillo
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'5
Species: Dragon of the Moon Azu
Magic: Luna is able to obtain power and energy from the Moon. With the energy of Azu, Luna is able to reflect light the Moon Azu and use it to provide protection and prosperity to the lands as well as the oceans.
Likes: Dancing, Performances, Reading, Classic Plays, the Lyre, her "people", family, and helping.
Dislike: Rude people, wars, her father, cruel acts, her siblings not listening to her, and storms.
Personality: Kind, Alluring, Gentle, Smart, Protective, Loyal, and Emotional.
Others: Luna is the Crown Empress of the Dragon Realm; Lumenia, she is the eldest daughter of Late Empress Edurne and Emperor Draconis. Luna is considered to be the Realm's Pride and Joy, the people expect great things from her. Luna is arranged to marry Castor, the Prince of the Azu Kingdom.
Allennon Barazon (dead)
Gillian Fiora (dead)
Krystina Barazon (dead)
Samuel Bianchi
Amanda Amaris
Zianna Bianchi
Miliano Bianchi
Marie Anne Bianchi
Goddess Azure
Hierarchies of Realms & Kingdoms
Goddess/God: Creator of a Realm
Realm: A different World
Kingdom: A section that takes care of the world, each kingdom helps the Realm flourish.
Empress/Emperor: Rulers of the Realm
Queen/King: Rulers of the large land section/ continent.
Lady/Lord: Future Heirs of the Realm
Princess/Prince: Future Heirs of a Kingdom
Duchess/Duke: Retired rulers or are related to the Royal Family.
Marchioness/Marquess: Defend and fortify against potentially hostile neighbors.
Countess/Earl: Rank of nobility, can be related to the royal family or are loyal and powerful mages.
Viscountess/Viscount: Lower Noble Rank, but same as a countess/earl.
Baroness/Baron: Much lower rank of nobility.
The Barazon Curse
The Barazon Curse was all started by The Maiden Dragon, Guinevere Barazon, she was a citizen in the Capital of the Azu Kingdom, Guinevere was a talented magic user, but her family have warned her that magic shouldn't be use as a game and should be treated as if it were a real person. Guinevere did not care about that, she was eager to learn and obtain all knowledge, and that's what she did, and she was successful too. Guinevere grew hungry for power and decided to battle the Goddess Azure, the creator of the Lumenia Realm. Azure did not care to fight a mere dragon, but Guinevere was persistent and made a deal with the Goddess. If Guinevere were to win, the Goddess will have to admit to the entire realm that Guinevere has surpassed the Great Goddess Azure. If Goddess Azure won the battle, Guinevere would have to work for the her for all of eternity. The two agreed and began their battle which latest 2 years. Tired of the battle, Guinevere decided to play dirty, she stole Goddess Azure's most precious mirror and used it to catch the light and energy of the Moon Azu, which helped Guinevere in her battle. Soon Guinevere and Goddess Azure fought and Guinevere won the battle, the Goddess was about to congratulate Guinevere, but see's the mirror Guinevere stole from her. Outraged and humiliated, Goddess Azure put a curse on the Barazon Family.
Only the women of the Barazon family were cursed, but they must be blood related. The more magic the women use, the more of their life force would be taken from them and is given to the Moon Azu, or if the girls were born with immense power then their life force would also be taken by the Goddess Azure.
Lumenia Realm
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