I woke up to a bright light shining in my eyes.
"Wake up! Wake up!" I heard Esmeralda yell. I heard a shuffling sound next to me. I looked over to see that Cole had also passed out.
"What happened?" He asked. I stood up, and realized we were in the restroom.
"Why don't you tell me!?" Esmeralda shouted.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Is there a freaking reason that you two were asleep on the floor of the bathroom!?" She looked like she would explode.
"Well, Alex was there too." Cole muttered after realizing that he was no longer there.
"WHAT!?" Esmeralda threw her hands into the air.
"No no no it's not like that!" I tried to calm her. Esmeralda looked confused.
"Wha- EEW NO THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!" She screamed.
"Okay okay!" I tried to calm everyone down. "Lets go tell everyone what happened."
We now sat in the living room with James, Rob, Robin, and Esmeralda.
"So what happened?" Robin questioned.
"Well, I was with James in the Media room." Cole started. "He started acting kind of weird, so I decided to go back to editing my book. When I entered my room, the window was shattered, there was blood everywhere, and Jalaura~ Together at Last was open on my desk."
I could see James gulp when he heard the title.
"Out of shock," Cole continued," I called for Maddie to come. When she saw which book was open, she became just as frightened as I was."
"So what's the big deal with this book?" Rob asked eagerly.
Cole paused for a moment and managed to sputter out the name,"Fonfon."
"No!" James yelled. He was distressed.
"Who is Fonfon?" Esmeralda interrogated.
"Well," I piped in. "When Cole and I were in Seventh Grade, we started a story about James. We called it Jalaura~ Together at Last. But, we also created a character called F-Fonfon. Fonfon didn't really have a gender. They were incredibly ugly and believed that they were a Martian, although they were just mentally deranged."
"Yes." Cole said. "But you see, the story was never finished. We never closed the story. Dangerous things can happen when you leave a story included, especially with characters as powerful as Fonfon."
The people in the room looked petrified.
"Okay. I have one more question." Robin said. "Where's Alex?"
Cole and I looked at each other. Finally, I stared into Robin's eyes and said,"We have no idea."
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