🕵 5
"Oga, Oga, Oga, Come see I swear this thing e bad" Musa burst into the living room where the meeting with the detective was being held. Everybody's attention immediately left detective Folorunsho.
"Musa what's wrong? Are you so dumb that you can't understand we're having a very important meeting here?" Dele reprimanded him and immediately, Musa removed his cap.
"Oga I no mean am, Oga I just say-"
"Shut up and go back to your hole moron." Dele cut him cut if off and gestured with his right hand, that the detective continues.
"So as I was saying," Folorunsho began, his thin eyes roaming all over everybody before he finally landed on Mama Benita. Immediately she saw this, she looked away.
"Ew, what's that running down from his legs?" Ifeoluwa suddenly blurted, earning the family's attention. She stayed mute but instead, she pointed to Musa who stayed rooted to the spot.
He was trembling slightly, urine running down his left leg and immediately Delete noticed this, he got up and Moses did the same too; probably to show manliness.
"Today you will leave my house." Dele yelled as he launched for a slap but Musa moved out harm's way immediately.
"Dele calm down-" Fadeke tried to stop him. She was worried about the oddly young, sexy detective that stood in the middle of the room and she wanted to keep up appearances. At her age and after three children, men younger men ceased to cross her mind but this particular one, every statement and every step he took mesmerized her.
"Shut up woman." Moses looked at Dele, Fadeke and then at Dele again before shrugging off the idea that he needed to defend bus wife.
"Oga see the boy e don go, the boy e dey for bush. I shake am for leg e no shake, I shake am for hand e no shake." He moved his hands and legs comically to explain to the educated family that he just saw a dead body in the bushes.
"I think he's trying to tell us he saw a dead guy." Dekunle, Tamilore's elder brother informed the family.
"Mogbe." Aunty Sara threw jumped from the black sofa, undid her wrapper and folded her arms on her head. "Deadi? If the say deadi it means the person have goes." She sat down back but instead of the sofa where she previously was, she chose to benefit from the luxury of the floor. "Yeeee, Tamilore ti pami o." She cried out loud in Yoruba; as she repeatedly tied and untied her blue Ankara wrapper.
"Ife and Tamilore's friend, take aunty Sara to the room." Moses instructed them.
"But daddy I want to see the dead person now." Ife whined but immediately Fadeke gave her the eyes, she rose to carry out the instruction. Demilade just sat there, staring into space, emotionally and physically exhausted.
"Oga, na im be this." Musa pointed to the lifeless body; covered in leaves and dirt. Something like a burying action was carried out on the body but parts still stuck out.
Immediately they saw the body; Fadeke left the incineration area of the Adenuga's villa and Bolu followed suit.
Their secret was finally exposed.
"Don't touch anything." The detectives cautioned them as Moses was about to touch the face of the corpse.
Dekunle stayed beside Dele, texting away on his phone. He had no care in the world even the next girl he would sleep with wasn't a bother to him, they all danced around him like ants in a spilled sugar scenario. Afterall, what girl wouldn't want to hang out with a guy that drove the recent highlander and had an unlimited credit card.
"Moses don't be stupid, do you want them to find your finger prints on the body?" Dele yelled at him. He was already up to his neck with Atinuke's family members and he was going to crack anytime soon. They were stupid, annoying and overbearing especially Moses and his family. Depe never forgot what happened two years ago when they all took a vacation to England. Fadeke slapped the Queen's direct personal assistant and Moses broke three golden platters. Dele still pondered over how a grown man could manage to break so much plates in only one move.
"I'm sorry, I wanted to see the person properly." He lied. He knew too well who the person was, he one what they had done and he dreaded that they would be caught.
"I already called the local police station, let us wait for their arrival. Everybody should leave the scene of the crime." Folorunsho fitted into the role of detective really well. Many nights he stayed up, learning and studying the ropes of being a good detective. He knew what he wanted in life. For years, he suffered trying to make ends meet with his mother and sister. His mother worked as a maid for a stuck up family and his family fed on the bread crumbs the former releases for the latter.
But it was all about to change. Soon, his story would finally change. As he walked through the garden back to the main house, he took everything in. The nearly cut flowers, the fountains of waters shaped as swans and angels and he dreamed about a time, a time where something like this would be his.
Folorunsho entered the living room, accompanied by Dele. Moses was nowhere to be found immediately they left the incineration area.
"Who could that young man be doing in your house?" The detective questioned Dele. Dele paused for a while and fixed his gaze on the grand Samsung TV. His feet tapped at slow intervals as he thought of a possible answer.
"I really don't know." He finally said something. His face looked old and worn out but not tired. Money really fixes people up but their were still something's about him that screamed 'I wasn't born into wealth.' Like the dark patches around his cheek caused by harsh rays of sunshine and his teeth that had about three different colors.
"You know this could put you in some serious trouble right?" Folorunsho always showed how calm and cool when he was when he spoke. He took every word one at a time, no need to rush whatsoever. It was as if he thinks about what he is going to say three times before he anything comes out of his mouth.
"This was probably done by one of those reckless teenagers yesterday, I have nothing be worried about." He said nonchalantly. With power and money, all things are possible- This were the words Dele lived by. For a man like him, nothing was impossible and he could get whatever he wanted.
"If you say so." The detective answered.
"I will be going upstairs now, when the police get here I'll come back down. Feel at home." Dele's gruff voice filled the living room for the last time before going upstairs. The detective fixed his gaze on Dele as he walked up the stairs, his baggy jeans making him look fatter than usual.
Folorunsho's eyes roamed the tastefully furnished living room. He hated those people deeply; just because they had what he didn't have, he hates them. He hated how he lived in a box and they had a mansion, he hated how they had an HD TV and he barely had a radio but soon, soon it'll all change.
"Young man, have some coffee." Mama Benita handed the detective a cup, her eyes smiling as if he knew him before.
He collected the cup and thanked her with a smile, his formerly white teeth showing more than one needed to see.
"You're in charge of Tamilore's case right?" She asked him.
"Yes ma'am, I promise to do my best with the case." He nodded, before taking another sip of the black coffee.
"Okay, I hope you know what to do." Mama Benita said with a big smile. "Also, the lady boss wanted me to give you this envelope, make sure you follow it to the letter." She gave him a brown envelope as well as a big smile that made her wrinkles more obvious. Oh Mama Benita's smiles, like the cherry on top.
"The police has arrived at the crime scene." One of the bodyguards informed the detective. His black outfit made his dark skin look even more darker, he kept a straight face like his job was more than being a bodyguard.
"I'll be right there." He answered him.
Men dressed in black hovered over the dead body like a thick cloud covering the sun. The Adenuga's house became a hub for ambulances, forensic scientists and stretchers. As the officers examined the body with white gloves on their hands, the family were being held back by a skinny police officer that seemed to be sweating profusely despite the cool weather.
Atinuke paced back and forth, worry evident on her flawless white skin as she wondered when she would finally have some peace. She suddenly felt a bit dizzy, like the entire house was being elevated from the ground but she kept her cool because she wanted to find out why her home was going through all those problems.
Dele clung to her like a scared puppy sticking to its owner, he never ceased to play the perfect husband in front of the family, the man in charge. His oddly thin eyes roamed round the entire fiasco as he was also in the dark.
"Atty who do you think Is dead?" Dekunle asked his mom. He suddenly became interested in the murder case and for the second time that morning, the first being when the argument about Tamilore's inheritance ensued, Dekunle looked up from his phone and slipped it into the pocket of his grey addidas joggers. He pulled the little strands of hair hanging out on his jaw as he waited for Atinuke to give him a reply but she stayed must, her mind was far from the Dekunle's shenanigans.
Atinuke's heart beat accelerated as the representative from the forensic department came to where the silent family stood and said "Someone should come and identify the body." Immediately, Dele rushed to the front- his genitals bouncing in such a way that could induce a three-hour puking spree. He simply enjoyed playing the hero he wasn't.
The team of officers paved the way for Dele and the forensic scientist like the rest sea. Dele kept a serious face as he approached the deep blue stretcher. The body was on the stretcher, lifeless and still; in a black body bag. The entire atmosphere was so tense that one could almost taste it- everybody wanted to know who the deceased was. Even Dele was tensed despite the straight face he wore. They were all relieved the deceased was a male because any other thing that would mean only one thing. Tamilore.
With steady albino fingers, the scientist unzipped the unlabelled body bag and motioned for Dele to come forward. "Please identify the corpse if you can." The man said. He spoke like an Edo man but one couldn't quite decipher because of his skin color.
"The boy's name is Seyi, My daughter's boyfriend. We'll give you his family's number right away." Dele said quietly before leaving the albino man and his team to complete their job. "It's Tamilore's boyfriend." Dele said with a cold face. He didn't feel sympathy for the handsome young man, he couldn't care less if he burnt in hell because he deserved it for being with his Tammy.
"Ye." Atinuke yelled, clutching her chest without shame. She shut her eyes deeply and clenched her teeth for the young man. Her mind wandered to her daughter; her Tamilore. Was she dead too? Where was her baby? Who was she with? Did she run away? Her heart ached for her child and her soul weeped for the possible answers.
"I think it's best everybody goes inside, we'll be with you." Dele said to the onlooking family members.
"The forensic team informed us that the deceased is your daughters boyfriend." A dark skinned officer with a notepad in hand approached Dele and Atinuke, taking notes. They both nodded quickly in affirmation. "And where is this your daughter?" He asked with a risen brow.
"She's Emm..." Atinuke tried to answer but she couldn't. She felt like she had two thousand words stuck in her throat and it was threatening to suffocate her.
"Hello, I'm Detective Folorunsho." He clasped hands with the officer. "I'm a private detective in charge of the missing girl's Case." He brought the officer up to speed.
"Oh I see." His lips formed into a smile as he nodded at close intervals. "Then Case closed." He said with another sarcastic smile, leaving the trio with confused looks on their faces. "Your daughter murdered her boyfriend and ran away." He said with another smile and closed the note pad dramatically.
Happy Halloween detectives 👻👻. This is my Halloween gift to y'all, I hope you enjoyed :)
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