The Truth
Gem's Perspective-
Over the past week, Gem got to know Oli and the dungeon guard, Tom, well.
They were both very nice and funny.
Their ruler, though, was not.
He was rude and demanding.
And he was particularly interested in Gem and her magic.
Gem groaned and turned over in her bed, "Not now."
Tom laughed and then said in a more serious voice, "Gem, you have to meet King Everett."
"Do I have too?"
Gem slumped out of bed and Tom escorted her up to the castle.
Her hands were still chained up and her wand was still confiscated.
The villagers watched as Gem was shoved through their town.
They knew her as a monster.
Gem took a deep breath and smiled at the warm, shining sun.
This was what her freedom was like.
"Can I send an owl to my brother later?" Gem whispered.
"We'll see." Tom whispered back as they entered the castle.
His home was more like a palace.
"Thank you, Sir Robins. You may wait here as we escort the prisoner to King Everett." A woman bowed to Tom who bowed back and she leaded Gem away.
The woman had blonde hair that stopped halfway down her back. She had a red poppy in her hair and she wore a light blue dress and white apron.
Her heels clicked on the floor as she led Gem away.
"She has a name, you know." Tom mumbled as they walked away.
It was true.
People only referred to Gem as 'the prisoner' or as 'the monster'.
Same with Oli, he was only known as 'the bard'.
When Gem entered the throne room the lady bowed and stepped to the other side of the room.
Gem bowed, a scowl on her face, but when she looked back up, she plastered a smile.
"" The king trailed off.
"Gem." The lady whispered.
"Gem! Hello Gem!" Everett said, "How've you been?"
Gem, thinking that she would get away if she was nice, smiled and said, "I've been doing fine. You?"
"I've been good, but things could be...better."
Gem had a bad feeling.
Everett got up and started pacing around the room.
"When you arrived," He started, "You had a wand and a bag full of spell books and potions."
"I can't help you." Gem said immediately.
Everett raised and eyebrow and then said, "Then why did you come?"
"I came to explore different towns and update our maps. The maps don't show this far."
"Our?" Everett said, intrigued, "There are more towns?"
Gem winced and then said, "No sir. Just mine. But I wanted to update it for us as in me and my townspeople."
"So you're a ruler there?" Everett asked, raising up a bit.
"No sir, I prefer to see myself as an equal like them."
He nodded.
"So if this is true, where did you come from?"
Gem took a deep breath and said, "The desert. I came from a town in the desert."
"Really?" He asked, starting his pace again, "Then why were you wearing a cloak? Why were you riding a dragon? Seems like you were wearing and bringing attire that comes from a snowy place."
"Well- "
He raised up a hand, interrupting Gem, "No. I don't want to hear anymore lies. I want the truth. You know how to do magic, correct?"
Gem hesitated but nodded.
Everett nodded and then sighed, "Alright. That's all I wanted. Next time, I do want to know where you came from. Spend your time thinking of all the lies you want but I will find the truth."
"Trissa, lead her out."
Everett turned around and muttered to himself as the lady came and led Gem out.
"Are you a wizard?" She asked as they exited the room.
Gem shook her head.
"Please." She said, "Please, I won't tell him, I promise. I just... I can help you lie to him. I know him best. Please. Just...once I help you can you help me get out? I hate it here. Are there... are there other places to go?"
Gem looked around to make sure no one was listening and then nodded.
She started explaining Crystal Cliffs and how she came to the town to gather some students.
At the end, Trissa gasped and squealed.
"I would love to be a wizard!" She said, looking ecstatic, "Can I go?"
Gem nodded and smiled, "Yeah! Just... I need to get out of here." Gem then thought of something, "Do you guys... do you guys have owls?"
Trissa nodded, "Yep. We have some owls that we use to deliver mail outside, do you need to use it?"
"Yeah, I need to deliver a message to my brother. He's probably worried sick about where I am."
"If you write it down, I can visit you later in the dungeon and deliver it for you. I think your owl is up with the others so I can give it to that one."
Gem smiled, "Thank you so much!"
"No problem!" Trissa said and then Everett called for her back.
"I gotta go, Tom should be in the other room, see you later!"
And Trissa left.
"Wow." Oli said, looking amazed.
They were outside on a bench and Gem was filling him and Tom in on what happened with Trissa.
"That's nice. I wish I had someone to talk to outside of this town." Oli said, his look of amazement was replaced with sorrow.
Gem bumped into him sympathetically, "I'm sure when my friends come, we can get you too. But it might be a bit."
"Why?" Tom asked.
Gem took out her letter from her pocket and showed it to them.
They read it and at the end Tom frowned.
"You don't have to- "
"Yes, I do." Gem interrupted, "After talking with Trissa... well it made me think about you guys."
"Aww, thanks." Oli said, "But I'm more of a singer than magic user."
Gem giggled, "That's okay! What matters is that you'll be free."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I am super excited for this story as it is different then my others. My friend who was beta reading this chapter was a bit confused at the part where I describe the lady who has blonde hair and a poppy. That's Trissa. And the poppy is just a fun little detail that means nothing. I just thought it would be cute.
With that, have a good day!!
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