Chapter Twenty-Three: Rumours
Nobody's Pov
15 minutes.
They were given a 15 minute break.
That was enough time for Stiles.
Enough time to explain void and enough time to explain his relationship with Derek and why it ended.
He knew that he it owe it to his friends, to Sebastian, and he knew that he couldn't keep it a secret any longer.
No matter how scared he was, he had to tell them.
So, he had his friends and his boyfriend come into the break room while ordering for nobody else to come in because he needed to be alone with them.
The only exception he made was for Liam.
Two reasons.
1, the boy had been clinging onto him like he was his lifeline and refused to let go.
He even went as far as crying and screaming when Isaac tried to pull him off of him.
2, Stiles really wanted Liam to be with him.
If something were to go wrong, if he panicked during the time he was explaining things to the others, he wanted some support.
And who better than his pup.
He and the others had walked into the break room together, the doors shutting behind them as they do.
Stiles tells them to sit and they do.
Majority of them have sat on chairs while some have sat on the floor.
Stiles found himself sitting in between Sebastian and Liam.
Sebastian had wrapped an arm around his shoulders, holding him close, while Liam had his arms wrapped around his waist and his head buried into the crook of his neck.
Stiles found himself smiling softly at his boyfriend and his pup.
He then looks over at the others and saw them patiently waiting.
And he knew that they were waiting for an explanation.
Something they have wanted for a while.
Stiles was still nervous to tell them.
Hell, he was really considering running and locking himself in the bathroom.
But he didn't.
So, finally, he told them everything.
He told them what happened when void came into the picture and what happened when void possessed him and all the horrible things he made him do.
Even though he could see the shock and horror in everyone's eyes, he kept on going.
When he was done with that, he told them about his dad.
He told them that it was Theo's fault.
That while he wasn't the one that had attacked his dad he was the reason he was hurt in the first place.
Since he was the one that sent someone after his dad and that person attacked him without mercy.
He didn't tell him what happened.
Because when he was told everything the day he learned his dad was in the hospital he couldn't he felt nothing but horror.
Especially when he saw the state his dad was in.
He just told them that it was bad.
And he believed that his dad would get better and that all would be alright.
But he was proven wrong when the monitor his dad was hooked onto started beeping and the doctors rushed him to surgery.
They tried all they could, but it was too late.
His dad died.
And there was nothing he, or anyone else, could do to bring him back.
Stiles broke down crying and he was immediately engulfed in a group hug by everyone.
He swears he heard some of them crying, a mixture of the girls and boys, but he just continued crying.
After about a full minute or two he managed to calm down.
He and the others broke from their group hug and he thanked them.
He thanked them for listening to him and comforting him.
Everyone either smiled at him, hugged him or nodded at him.
Sebastian, on the other hand, cupped the sides of his face and planted a sweet kiss to his lips.
Stiles felt his mood immediately lift at that.
After all, he enjoyed kissing his boyfriend.
Oh, and speaking of boyfriends...
The topic of Derek came.
He told them about how in the beginning they didn't get along but then they started spending time together and soon they became friends.
Then they grew feelings for one another and when they confessed they got together.
He told them that they were together for quite a while and Stiles admitted that he even loved Derek.
Stiles could see Sebastian getting jealous which he found a little amusing.
But then someone asked about their breakup.
And he told them that they broke up because he found Derek cheating on him with a woman.
He told them that he and Derek got into an argument about it with Derek claiming that it was a mistake.
That he regrets it and that he wouldn't do it again.
But he didn't believe him.
And that's what led to the breakup.
"After the breakup he's tried getting back with me. Always sending me gifts and cards filled with apologies but I always threw them out" Stiles explained.
He could feel Liam's head on his shoulder while Kurt reached out to place his hand on his other shoulder.
"I kept on rejecting him and to make sure he stayed out of my life I blocked him on almost everything and always avoided him whenever I saw him" Stiles explained.
He's really glad that he moved to Lima Ohio.
Not only did he get away from beacon hills but he was also able to get away from Derek.
Especially since that cheating asshole wouldn't leave him alone and he was getting so annoyed.
"That asshole seriously thought he had a chance at getting back with you after what he did" Quinn scoffed.
"Yeah" Stiles rolled his eyes.
"I can't believe that meanie would cheat on you, unicorn" Brittany frowned.
"Me neither, Britt" Stiles softly said.
He was stupid to believe that he and Derek would actually last.
He was stupid to have actually fallen in love with someone that clearly didn't love him.
That clearly wasn't loyal to him when he was.
"No wonder you hate Valentine's day" Trent said in realization.
Stiles nodded.
"Well, all that matters is that you're no longer with that cheating asshole" Thad smiled.
"Yeah, you got out of a relationship that definitely wasn't going to be healthy since he had been cheating on you behind your back" Nick added.
"Yeah and you now are dating someone that cares about you and would never do what your ex did" Jeff finished.
At his words everyone nodded.
Stiles felt a smile appear at that and nodded in agreement.
It's true.
He was dating Sebastian now and he was over Derek, he has been in a long time.
And he knows that Sebastian would never hurt him that way.
Speaking of Sebastian...
Stiles looked at his boyfriend because he was oddly quiet when he had been explaining his relationship with Derek.
And that was worrying.
All eyes turned to the captain of the warbler and they saw him sitting there in silence.
"Uh, Sebastian, are you alright?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, dude, everything good?" Mike asked.
Sebastian snapped out of it and turned his head to their direction.
"Oh yeah, all is good" Sebastian tightly smiled.
He then stood up from the ground.
"Just stay here while I march out and kill that piece of shit" Sebastian scowled.
A glare appeared on his face as he turned around and stomped over to the door to leave.
Everyone looked at each other worriedly, especially the warblers.
They knew how much their captain cared for Stiles and they knew how protective he was over him.
They knew that the second he got his hands on Stiles's cheating ex, he wasn't going to hold back.
Stiles quickly sprung up from the ground and sprinted over to his boyfriend.
He made his way around him and blocked the door to prevent him from leaving.
"Seb, please don't" Stiles begged.
"Darling, get out of my way" Sebastian ordered.
"No, because I know the second I move you're going to leave this room and kill Derek and that's not happening" Stiles sternly said.
"Why not? He deserves it after what he did to you" Sebastian told him.
"Agreed!" Kurt, Finn and Santana yelled.
Stiles glared at the three of them causing them to look away.
Liam sprung up from the ground and rushed over to Sebastian's side.
"I'm not opposed to killing him either. After all, it's what he deserves" Liam said.
Stiles shot his pup an incredulous look.
While Sebastian gestured to the kid as he wrapped his arm around his shoulders.
"See, he gets it" Sebastian grinned.
Liam grinned back at him while snuggling into his side.
Everyone either looked at them with amusement or were laughing.
Stiles sighed, muttering a few things under his breath, and shook his head.
"Look, you have no idea how much I wanted to kill Derek after finding out that he cheated on me. Hell, I still do. But that's not going to solve anything and it won't erase the damage that he did and the hurt he caused me" Stiles said.
He ran a hand through his hair before speaking.
"I don't care about him anymore and I sure as hell don't want him back in my life. I just want to move past all of that and focus on what's happening now" Stiles added.
He wasn't lying.
He's long moved on from Derek and buried whatever memories they made when they were together.
He knows that Derek, for whatever reason, can't move on but he doesn't care.
Because he has and that's all that he cares about.
Stiles moved closer to Sebastian, who let go of Liam, and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"Besides, I'm over Derek. I've got myself someone better and I'm very much happy with him" Stiles smiled.
Sebastian smiled at that and placed his hands onto Stiles's hips.
"Is that so?" Sebastian asked.
"Very much" Stiles nodded.
"Good because I'm very happy to have you with me. I wouldn't want anyone else by my side" Sebastian smiled.
Stiles smiled, letting out a hum, before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend.
Sebastian hummed when he felt Stiles's lips on his and kissed him back.
The kiss lasted for a few seconds before the couple broke away after hearing someone clear their throat.
They turned to see their friends staring at them with deadpan looks or grins.
"You lovebirds know we're still here, right?" Kurt asked.
Sebastian rolled his eyes while Stiles chuckled.
Stiles felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Rachel behind him.
"It's still weird that you're dating Smythe, but as long as you're happy and he's treating you well that's all that really matters" Rachel smiled.
Stiles's eyes widened at her words and glanced at Sebastian and saw he had the same reaction as him.
He honestly never thought he would hear those words come out of Rachel's mouth.
Considering she doesn't like Sebastian because of the things that he did.
To hear her actually say that she's fine with their relationship is shocking.
But, despite the shock, he was happy and he knew Sebastian was too.
Stiles smiled at Rachel and nodded causing her to return the gesture before walking back to Finn.
Stiles pulled away from Sebastian and slid his hand into his, holding it firmly.
"Come on, guys. It's time we head back" Stiles told them.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
A Few Minutes Later
When everyone left the room they immediately returned back to their seats.
Stiles and Sebastian sat down with Liam sitting next to Stiles.
Stiles smiled at his pup as he wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
Sebastian smiled at the two of them as he leaned in to kiss Stiles on the temple while ruffling Liam's hair.
This made a few people smile at their interaction.
Once everyone settled down the next episode began to play.
The screen turns on and the camera pans into the glee club room where we see some of the New Directions sitting in their seats.
The camera pans over to Stiles who is sitting next to Kurt as the two of them talked with one another.
"I have to admit that you were great with the warblers but you're better with us" Stiles said.
"Yeah, I know. And I'm happy to be back" Kurt smiled.
"And I'm happy you're back" Stiles smiled, wrapping an arm around his best friend.
Kurt smiled and rested his head on his best friends shoulder.
Everyone smiled at the two best friends, happy that they have reunited now that Kurt has returned.
"The best friends back together again" Finn grinned at his brothers.
Stiles and Kurt laughed before looking at each other and side hugged.
They were unaware of the glare that Scott was sending their way.
The camera pans over to the door where we see Finn storming in, clearly angry.
"What the hell is this, dude?" Finn asked, looking at Sam.
Sam turned to look at him, confusion plastered on his face, causing Finn to look at the newspaper he was holding.
"What blondie former cheerleader is having a secret Moonlight Motel rendezvous with another big-lipped blondie?" Finn read off what was said.
Everyone looked intrigued and confused.
"Where does it say that?" Sam asked, taking the newspaper from him.
"Right on the front page of the school newspaper!" Finn yelled.
Everyone was confused as to what was going on and why Finn was so angry.
While the new directions all sighed as they glanced at each other, already knowing what this episode was about.
"Any of you care to explain what's going on?" Chris asked.
"Lets just say that there was this newspaper that was spreading gossip about everyone, including us, and it caused some issues" Puck explained.
"Understatement of the century" Sam muttered.
He hated the gossip that was being written on those newspapers in school.
It's basically the reason why his home situation was revealed when he never wanted it to.
Quinn walked over to them and stood behind Finn.
"You don't seriously believe this, do you?" Quinn asked.
"Well, why shouldn't I? Why wouldn't he want to get back at me for being the reason you broke up with him because you still have feelings for me?" Finn asked.
"Because it's gossip, Finn" Quinn rolled her eyes.
Santana storms into the room, a newspaper in her hand, as her eyes locked with Brittany's.
"This is your fault!" Santana yelled.
Stiles's eyes widened, hearing the anger in her tone, and looked over at Brittany.
"You told everyone that I played for 'another team' on your ridiculous melted cheese show" Santana scowled.
"Wait. Are you mad?" Brittany asked, confused.
"Judging by the tone in her voice and the look on her face, yes. She is" Theo rolled his eyes.
"Be quiet, nobody asked you" Brittany shot back.
Theo shot her a look while laughter filled the theater room.
Santana grinned at her girlfriend and kissed her on the lips before wrapping an arm around her, pulling her into her side.
"You do play for another team. You were on the Cheerios, and now you're only in the New Directions" Brittany said.
"And you couldn't have thought of any other way to say that?" Santana asked.
Brittany didn't have the chance to respond as Finn started a fight with Sam.
"I swear I'm gonna punch your face off!" Finn yelled, shoving Sam.
"Finn!" Stiles yelled, standing up from his seat.
Sam, clearly angry himself, shoved Finn too.
"Hey! You got a lot of nerve accusing me of cheating when you're the one that stole my girl!" Sam yelled.
The two of them started shoving one another, trying to start a fight, while everyone watched unsure of what to do.
Finn winced, knowing that it's his fault since he let his anger get the best of him.
He should've known that Sam wouldn't have stolen Quinn from him because he was angry at the girl for breaking up with him.
Maybe if he hadn't believed some gossip and just talked to Sam like a mature person they wouldn't have argued or fought.
Quinn grabbed Finn to stop him while Stiles rushed over to them to help Quinn separate the two of them.
"Stop it! Stop it!" Quinn yelled.
"Both of you stop it!" Stiles yelled.
Mr. Schue rushed into the room and helped the two of them separate Finn and Sam.
"Hey! Enough!" Mr. Schue yelled.
Finn and Sam stared at each other before Finn rolled his eyes and began walking away.
"Finn, where are you going? We got rehearsal!" Mr. Schue reminded him.
"Not today!" Finn yelled, leaving the room.
Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair, before looking at Sam.
"I'm sorry, Sam. I shouldn't have accused you of something like that, especially since it's clear you're not that type of person" Finn said.
He knew that he had to apologize, it's what Sam deserved.
Not only that but he had to apologize for being the reason his home situation was revealed to everyone.
"I appreciate the apology. Thanks, Finn" Sam nodded.
Finn nodded with a small smile.
Sam returned the smile before resting his head on his girlfriends shoulder.
Mercedes smiled at her boyfriend and leaned down to kiss his head.
Stiles sighed and looked at Sam to see him glaring at Quinn before making his way to his seat. He looked over at Santana to see her glaring at Brittany before making her way to her seat.
Everyone else just glanced at one another, already sensing the tension in the room.
Stiles sighed before gesturing for Quinn to sit down as he made his way to his own seat.
The scene changes to a motel and we see it's already gotten a little dark.
The camera pans over to the parking lot where we see a familiar blue jeep.
The jeep stops after finding a good parking space and the doors open and we see Stiles and Kurt getting out.
Confusion was plastered on the faces of everyone, minus the new directions and Mr. Schue, as a few people raised their eyebrows.
"Uh...what are you two doing at a motel of all places?" Thad asked.
"Yeah, did you guys have a date or something?" Trent asked.
Stiles and Kurt's eyes widen while Sebastian and Blaine glared at Trent.
"What? No, we didn't" Stiles shook his head.
"Yeah because, one, Blaine and I had already started dating and Stiles and I are just best friends. Nothing more" Kurt explained.
"Yeah because best friends love to have heated makeout sessions with one another" Derek scoffed.
"And assholes like you love to cheat on their loyal partners" Santana shot back.
Derek flinched at that.
Santana rolled her eyes before making eye contact with Stiles and winked at him.
Stiles laughed in amusement before shooting her a look of gratitude.
"You sure this is the right place?" Stiles asked.
"I'm sure. This is the address Sam texted me" Kurt nodded.
"Man, I can't believe him and his family have to live here now. That's gotta suck" Stiles frowned.
"Yeah, well when you've got no job that means no money and that means you have to start living somewhere cheaper" Kurt said.
All eyes immediately went onto Sam who winced and avoided everyone's gazes.
"Uh, kid, what does that mean?" Peter asked.
He didn't want to invade his personal privacy but he couldn't stop the curiosity from building up inside of him.
The new directions glared at him with Stiles leaning over to slap Peter upside the head.
Peter winced and shot Stiles a glare who glared right back at him.
Sam shot Stiles a small smile of gratitude before sighing.
"My dad lost his job and without a job he wasn't making any money. Without money the bills weren't being paid so we lost our house and had to move into a motel since that's all we could afford. Basically, my family and I were homeless" Sam explained.
Peter's eyes widened at that and he immediately felt like a shitty person.
And, for the first time, guilt was coursing through him.
No wonder those new direction kids were glaring at him and his favorite human smacked him upside the head.
Everyone's eyes softened at hearing what Sam was going through and looks of pity were being sent his way.
Sam avoided their looks, not wanting any of their pity, and buried his face into Mercedes chest.
Mercedes wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and rubbed his back up and down comfortingly.
She knew how hard her boyfriend had it and she knew it was just as hard to explain it to others.
Especially when she knew how much he hated pity.
And she doesn't blame him.
Melissa felt bad for Sam and could definitely relate to his situation.
After her and Rafael divorced and he left she worked many shifts at the hospital just so the bills could be paid and there would be food on the table for her and Scott.
But sometimes that wasn't enough and she struggled a ton.
There were times where they almost had to face homelessness but was able to bounce back up.
Unfortunately, Sam and his family weren't able to bounce back up and now look at where they are.
Melissa really wishes there was something she could do to help the boy and his family.
The two of them walk over to one of the rooms and Kurt knocks on the door a few times.
The two boys wait for a few seconds before the door opens revealing Sam.
"Hey, guys" Sam greeted his friends.
"Hey, buddy" Stiles greeted him back.
"How are you?" Kurt asked.
"I could be better but I'm hanging in there" Sam shrugged.
He moves aside to let them in and as they walk in Sam closes the door behind him.
Stiles stops when he sees Sam's two younger siblings peacefully sleeping together on the bed.
"Who are those two munchkins?" Lydia asked with a small smile.
"My younger brother and sister" Sam told her.
"Aww, they're adorable" Kira smiled.
"They are but they can also be a bit of troublemakers" Sam chuckled.
He loved his younger siblings, he did, but there were times where they were a handful and he just wanted to get away from them.
But, at the end of the day, he would always be there for them no matter what.
"Did they just fall asleep?" Stiles quietly asked.
"Yeah. They were watching T.V for a few hours and they drifted off to sleep. Honestly, it's a good thing since it is getting late and I don't want them staying up all night" Sam explained.
Stiles nodded and walked closer to the bed and stared at the two kids.
His eyes softened at seeing them and a small smile appeared on his face.
Stiles had the same look as his past onscreen self.
He loved taking care of Sam's younger siblings, whenever Quinn wasn't able to, and they loved being around him just as much.
Stiles has always loved kids because of how cute, fun and adventurous they can be.
Not to mention he's always wanted kids of his own.
He's always wanted to become a dad and treat his kids the way his dad treated him.
But that was something he would have to wait for later in the future.
Which is something he was fine with since he is a patient person.
Stiles turned to Sam and handed him two bags that Sam took.
"Those bags are filled with food and it should be enough to last you and your family for a few weeks" Stiles said.
"Thanks, Stiles. But you know you didn't have to get all of this" Sam said.
"I know but I wanted to" Stiles told him.
Sam smiled at him to which Stiles smiled back at him.
Sam set the bags down and turned to Kurt who handed him another bag.
"Those are some of my old clothes that I either don't wear or don't fit me anymore. But, I'm sure you'll like them and they'll fit you" Kurt said.
"Thanks" Sam nodded.
"I was wondering where Kurt's clothes had gone and why Stiles needed the money" Burt muttered.
He had been doing laundry only to realize that some of Kurt's clothes had gone missing.
Not only that but Stiles asked him for money that made him a little curious because Stiles only ever asked for money if it was important.
He tried asking the two of them, wanting to get some answers, but they either shrugged him off or changed the topic.
Now he knows why neither of them told him anything.
Which he understands.
But he wishes his sons had told him because he would've been more than happy to help.
Sam takes the bag from Kurt and sets it down with the other bags.
"Where are your parents?" Stiles asked.
"They went out for a walk but will be back soon. My dad has another job interview tomorrow in the morning so he wants to go to bed early for that" Sam explained.
"Well, I'm sure it'll go well" Kurt said.
"Me too but I doubt it. Considering the last two jobs he applied to rejected him" Sam sighed.
Stiles frowned when he noticed the look of sadness on his friends face.
Stiles walked closer to Sam and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"It's going to be ok, Sam. I promise" Stiles softly said.
Sam said nothing and simply nodded his head with a small smile appearing on his face.
Everyone's eyes softened at seeing the state Sam was in and felt really bad for him.
It's never easy to see your family struggle and wonder what's going to happen to all of you.
Sam hugged his girlfriend tighter, trying his best not to cry, while Mercedes held him and whispered soothing things in his ear.
When Sam calmed down he and Stiles pulled away from their hug just as Kurt walked over.
"We'd like to stay but it's getting late and my dad is going to wonder where we are" Kurt said.
Stiles nodded in agreement while Sam nodded in understanding.
The three of them walked out of the motel as quietly as they could so they wouldn't wake up Sam's siblings.
When they got outside Kurt smiled at Sam and patted his shoulder.
Stiles patted Sam's other shoulder and wished him luck before he and Kurt walked away.
Sam watched them go before getting back into the motel.
Finn and Rachel glance at each other and winced, feeling guilty.
They really felt like idiots for thinking that Kurt was cheating on Blaine with Sam when he would never do that.
And they felt like even more idiots thinking that Stiles was fooling around with Sam.
Especially after learning about Stiles's previous relationship and how, at the time, he wasn't interested in romance.
As Stiles and Kurt reach the jeep Stiles looks back at the motel with a sad look in his eyes.
"I feel really bad for Sam and his family" Stiles said.
"Me too" Kurt nodded.
"I wish there was something we can" Stiles sighed.
Kurt sighed and reached over to place a hand on his best friends shoulder.
"There's not much we can do other than remind Sam that we're there for him and we'll help as best as we can" Kurt softly said.
With that he patted his best friends shoulder before getting into the passengers seat.
Stiles sighed before getting into the drivers seat.
Once he started the jeep he drove off so he and Kurt could head on home.
Stiles sighed, he still felt bad that there wasn't more he could've done to help Sam.
He really wanted to help more but Kurt had a point.
There wasn't much they could do other than just be there for Sam, remind him that they're there for him and help him as best as they can.
Sebastian, sensing how upset his boyfriend was, scooted closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist.
"You're helping him as best as you can, darling. And I know he appreciates it" Sebastian smiled.
"You think so?" Stiles asked, looking up at him.
"I know so" Sebastian nodded.
Stiles sighed, a sense of relief coursing through him, before smiling at his boyfriend.
Sebastian smiled back at him and pecked Stiles on the lips causing Stiles to laugh.
Stiles snuggled closer to Sebastian's side while Sebastian kept his arm around his shoulders and kissed his head.
Derek glanced at the couple with a glare, nothing but jealousy coursing through him.
The scene changes to the next day at McKinley Highschool.
The camera pans inside and we head over to the lockers where we see Kurt by his as he reads a book.
Stiles is standing next to him while texting with Isaac.
"And what were you two talking about?" Quinn asked, leaning closer to Isaac.
Isaac looked at her, trying not to blush at how close she was, and just shrugged.
"I was just checking in on him, making sure he was ok and all" Isaac told her.
Quinn hummed and nodded but didn't pull away from him.
Instead, she found herself leaning against his side while resting her head on his shoulder.
Isaac blushed a little but he wasn't complaining, not at all, and gently wrapped an arm around her waist.
Quinn blushed and couldn't contain the small smile from appearing on her face.
All of a sudden Rachel appears in front of the two boys.
"Stop it" Rachel said, looking at Kurt.
"Stop what?" Kurt asked, not looking at her.
"I am begging you. Sam is cute, but he's not worth losing Blaine over" Rachel said.
Kurt looked at her with confusion plastered on his face while Stiles looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
"The hell does that mean?" Stiles asked.
Almost instantly all eyes were on Rachel.
"I'm sorry, but were you accusing my son of cheating?" Burt asked, glaring at the girl.
Rachel blushed at his glare, along with all the other glares and looks she was getting, and looked down at her hands.
Burt went to stand up but Carole pulled him back down and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
She knew how angry her husband was, she was too, but she wasn't going to let him hurt a teenage girl.
So, she was doing her best to calm him down so he doesn't try and start anything.
"Rachel" Hiram and Leroy sighed, shaking their heads.
"I know" Rachel muttered, burying her head into her hands.
She knew she would have to find a way to make it up to Kurt for thinking that he was cheating on Blaine.
"Oh, how I've missed your insanity" Kurt sighed, shaking his head.
"He's wearing your jacket, Kurt. I remember that jacket. You wore it April of last year. You said it was your Earth Day jacket because it was made out of recycled hemp" Rachel explained.
"Rachel, the jacket doesn't fit Kurt anymore and he didn't want to throw it away so he gave it to Sam" Stiles told her.
Rachel shook her head and says, "I know how these things work. I remember when Finn and I used to date. Sometimes he would leave his letterman jacket at my house and I'd wear it the next day".
Hiram and Leroy blinked at that and looked at their daughter and her fiance.
"Does that mean that he's been over at our house, in your room, when you two were alone?" Hiram asked.
Leroy too wanted to know.
Finn and Rachel glanced at each other and blushed brightly.
The new directions laughed at their friends expense along with everyone else.
Burt grumbled and rubbed his forehead while Carole sighed and rested her head on her husbands shoulder.
"Ok, you need to bone up on your Fleetwood Mac-ology" Kurt told her.
"More like mind her own business" Stiles muttered.
"When they made rumours, they weren't speaking to each other. Not even 'pass the nondairy creamer'. They only spoke about the music. And it was that focus that allowed them to make their masterpiece" Kurt explained.
"You're deflecting" Rachel pointed out.
"No, I'm being a team player. And any minute spent on this vicious, hurtful and hateful gossip is a minute taken away from preparing for nationals" Kurt told her.
With that he shut his locker and said goodbye to Stiles before walking away.
Stiles looked at Rachel and rolled his eyes and turned to walk away but Rachel told him to wait.
"What now?" Stiles asked, annoyed.
"Look, I know we don't know each other that well but I just want you to know that if you and Sam are seeing each other I don't have a problem with it" Rachel told him.
"Excuse me?" Stiles asked, his eyes wide.
Everyone's eyes widened at that with a few people laughing in amusement.
Stiles and Sam glanced at each other and groaned while shaking their heads.
Mercedes glared at Rachel while pulling Sam closer to her side. Sebastian too glared at Rachel while pulling Stiles closer to his side.
Derek too glare at Rachel before moving to glare back at Sebastian.
Rachel just blushed in embarrassment and buried her head into Finn's shoulder.
"Stiles, I know you're gay and I'm fine with it. After all, I have two dads so I'm definitely fine with you liking guys. And if it's Sam that you're-" Rachel started but was cut off.
"First of all, I never kept my sexuality a secret so you're not the only one that knows I'm gay. Second of all, there is nothing going on between Sam and I. We're just friends" Stiles told her.
"That's what Kurt and Blaine were but look at where they are now" Rachel pointed out.
"Yeah because they're both gay and like each other. I'm gay but Sam is straight which means that there's not going on between us. And even if he was gay or even bisexual I wouldn't go for him. One, he's not my type. Two, the last thing I want to do is date" Stiles explained.
"Stiles-" Rachel started but was cut off.
"Rachel, do yourself a favor and mind your own business. Got it?" Stiles asked.
He didn't wait for her to say anything and turned around and walked away.
Stiles really wish Rachel had listened, the same goes for Finn, but she didn't.
And it annoyed the hell out of him.
Especially since Sam is the one that had to suffer because of their spying and butting into business that isn't theirs.
The scene changes to the next day and the camera pans into the glee club room.
We see everyone sitting in their chairs while Finn and Quinn were performing.
As Finn and Quinn finished their quite awkward performance everyone clapped for them.
Stiles and Kurt glanced at each other, wondering what the hell was going on between those two.
Everyone in the theater had the same reaction as the new directions did onscreen.
They had to admit that the performance wasn't too bad but because of the awkward tension between Finn and Quinn it made it hard to enjoy.
And they had a feeling the awkward tension is because of the rumours of Quinn and Sam fooling around.
"Ok. Terrific job, guys. Might want to try to smile a little bit more next time though" Mr. Schue suggested.
The couple nodded as they pulled away from each other.
"Yeah, it was lovely, but I prefer Quinn's duet performance of 'lucky' with Sam better. Since you and Sam have become closer lately, maybe you should do duets together more often" Rachel said.
Quinn glared at her while Artie looked around.
"Where is Sam? Quinn, Kurt and Stiles are all here today, so we know he's not doing the dirty" Artie said.
Quinn and Kurt gave him offended looks while Stiles clenched his jaw.
Stiles gave Artie his famous fatherly glare causing Artie to flinch and avoid his eyes.
Artie flinched at not only Stiles's famous fatherly glare onscreen but could feel his friend glaring at him in the theater.
Not only him but he could feel glares from everyone else in the theater.
"Dude, what the hell?" Isaac asked.
"Yeah, that wasn't cool" Kira added.
"I know" Artie sighed, running a hand through his hair.
He discreetly glanced over at Sebastian and looked a little scared at seeing him look ready to kick his ass for what he said.
Fortunately, Stiles was talking his boyfriend out of it which was a relief.
Liam glared at Artie for what he said, especially when he involved his father figure, before scooting closer to Stiles.
He rested his head on Stiles's shoulder and smiled when he felt Stiles wrap an arm around him.
"I know what you're doing. You want Finn and I to stop singing together so that you can sing with him again" Quinn said.
"Frankly, yes. Finn and I have amazing proven harmonies. And when it comes to nationals, I think it makes more sense for him to be paired with me" Rachel explained.
"Well, it's not happening. Not as long as Finn wants to be with me" Quinn said.
"Wait. I thought you said this relationship was about trust" Finn said, looking at his girlfriend.
"Oh, I trust you. I just don't trust her" Quinn said.
Rachel's eyes widened at that, looking offended.
"I'm sorry but you don't have the right to be offended" Chris told her.
"Agreed. Especially when you, along with that boyfriend of yours, are the ones accusing Quinn and Kurt of being cheaters and Stiles being involved with Sam when none of it was true" Peter added.
"If anything, the ones that should be offended are them. Not you" Melissa finished.
Rachel stared at the three adults with a frown on her face.
She wouldn't admit this out loud but she knew that what they said was true.
She was a complete jerk for assuming those things of her friends.
"Quinn, I don't think you can mandate who pairs up for nationals. Alright. Vocal Adrenaline doesn't need any help from us" Mr. Schue said.
"I love being here, and I want to win but my relationship comes first" Quinn told him.
She then looks at Finn with a stern look and says, "I'm sorry, but Finn, if you want to be with me, no more songs with her".
"What?" Finn asked, his eyes widening in shock.
Rachel too looks shocked but Quinn stands by her decision.
Without saying anything else Quinn turns around and walks out of the classroom.
"Standing on business, huh?" Isaac asked with a grin.
"Definitely" Quinn nodded with a giggle.
Isaac relished in the sound of her giggle and found himself falling more for the girl.
The scene changes to the next day and we're back in the choir room.
The camera pans to Mr. Schue as he walked into the room with a microphone in his hand.
"Alright, guys. Who is up first today?" Mr. Schue asked, looking at his students.
Rachel immediately raised her hand.
"Of course the hobbit wants to go first" Stiles whispered to Santana.
Santana snorted in amusement while nodding her head.
"Stiles!" Rachel yelled, offended.
"Hey, I still didn't like you at the time so don't blame me" Stiles defended.
Rachel huffed but said nothing because she knew that Stiles was right and she didn't really blame him.
"Mr. Schuester? If it's all right with you, I'd like to do my own reinterpretation of my favorite Fleetwood Mac song" Rachel smiled.
"Great, Rachel. Which one?" Mr. Schue asked.
"Go your own way" Rachel told him.
She took the microphone from him and made her way to the isle of the room.
"It's the song about the painful breakup between Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks. Traditionally, it's sung by a man but today Rachel Berry's gonna put her own feminine twist on it" Rachel explained.
She looked at the band, pointing her finger, and says, "hit it".
The band nodded and music begins to play as Rachel starts singing.
Everyone smiled as Rachel finished singing and clapped while cheering.
Although, they couldn't deny that there was tension considering it's clear that Rachel was singing that song for Finn.
And it's clear that Quinn noticed and was angry and jealous.
Not that they blame her since she and Finn, at the time, were dating.
"Nice one, honey" Hiram smiled.
"Your singing is amazing, as always" Leroy smiled.
They both kissed her on the head causing Rachel to smile at her dads.
As Rachel finished singing the new directions clapped while erupting into cheers.
Rachel smiled at everyone, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, as everyone threw compliments her way.
However, one person wasn't happy and that was Quinn.
So, once the claps and the cheers stopped Quinn spoke up.
"Don't you think it's maybe a little inappropriate that you chose to sing a love song to my guy?" Quinn asked.
"You're such a hypocrite!" Rachel yelled, sounding fed up.
"Please, the only hypocrite is you considering the type of person you are" Malia rolled her eyes.
She really really didn't like that Berry girl and her dislike for her was only increasing.
And she knows that she's not the only one that feels that way.
Rachel gave Malia a small glare but said nothing because she knew that she was right.
"You little miss perfect prom queen. You're a cheater who cheats in cheap motels with Sam" Rachel added.
"Nothing is going on between Sam and I" Quinn rolled her eyes.
"Enough, guys" Mr. Schue sternly said.
"You know, I blame Sam for all of this" Santana said.
"Santana" Stiles warned.
Santana ignored her best friend and pointed to Rachel, "and Rachel too. I blame her".
"What did I do?" Rachel asked, confused.
"I'm sure you did something" Santana shrugged.
Everyone laughed a little at that while Rachel just rolled her eyes.
"See, I'm with Santana. Why doesn't Sam have anything to say about this?" Lauren asked.
"Guilt" Mike said.
"Seriously, dude, what you're doing is not cool. I mean, if you're fooling around with Stiles that's fine but not Quinn or Kurt. They both have boyfriends" Puck said.
"First of all, there's nothing going on between Sam and I. Second of all, you shouldn't be talking since you and Quinn slept together when she was dating Finn and got her pregnant" Stiles shot back.
Puck's eyes widened, shocked, while everyone else was silent.
Everyone did a doubletake at that and looked between Quinn, Finn and Puck with confusion plastered on their faces.
Not to mention the curiosity they were feeling too.
" to elaborate?" Parrish asked.
Quinn and Puck glanced at each other before looking away, embarrassed and ashamed, while Finn grumbled under his breath.
Quinn sighed as she ran a hand down her face.
"This happened in our sophomore year. Finn and I were dating but I gave into temptations with Puck and, well, we slept together which resulted in me getting pregnant" Quinn explained.
She'll forever hate herself for cheating on Finn.
She knows that while she isn't in love with him anymore he will always be her first love.
He'll always have a special place in her heart especially when he was good to her when they were together.
But she hates that she betrayed him when cheating on him with his best friend.
She's just glad that he isn't angry anymore and was able to move on from it.
The beacon hills gang and the warblers looked shocked by the revelation.
But they weren't going to judge the girl because, one, what's happened has happened and nothing can be changed.
Two, they can tell by the way she looks and the way she spoke that she felt guilty for what she did.
Derek, on the other hand, scoffed loudly which gained everyone's attention.
"Wow, you sure are girlfriend of the year" Derek snidely commented.
Everyone gave him dirty looks while Quinn flinched and looked down at her lap.
Isaac glanced at Quinn before turning to Derek with a glare.
"You shouldn't be talking when you sure as hell weren't boyfriend of the year when you and Stiles were together" Isaac scowled.
Derek looked at him with wide eyes and a blush of embarrassment appeared on his face.
Isaac just kept on glaring at him before turning his attention to Quinn.
He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him with a curious look.
"What you did was wrong but it's clear that you feel guilty for what you did. When you were with Sam but realized you still had feelings for Finn you didn't cheat. Instead, you thought over everything Stiles told you the day you went to him for advice and you ended things with Sam because you knew it was better for the both of you. And in my eyes that makes you a good person" Isaac softly said.
Quinn felt her eyes widen at his words and felt tears gathering in her eyes.
She didn't know this cute boy and he didn't know her.
But here he was telling her that despite what she did she's a good person and not a bad one.
He saw past her mistakes and realized that she truly felt guilty for what she had done.
And it filled her heart with warmth.
The same way it made her heart skip a beat.
Quinn wrapped her arms around Isaac, embracing him in a hug.
"Thank you" Quinn whispered.
Isaac smiled before wrapping his arms around her, hugging her back.
"You're welcome" Isaac whispered back.
They away from the hug but Quinn didn't move away from him.
Instead, she stayed sitting next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.
Isaac smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders while pulling her closer.
The new directions smiled at the interaction between Quinn and Isaac.
They could tell that Quinn needed reassurance and they were glad that, for whatever reason, it was Isaac that gave it to her.
Stiles smiled at his friends with a knowing look in his eyes.
He knew that, without a doubt, Isaac and Quinn were perfect for each other.
He was already coming up with ideas in his head to get the two of them together.
"I'm not messing around with Quinn or Kurt or Stiles or anyone else for that matter. They're just helping me" Sam said.
"Oh, is that what we're calling it now?" Mercedes asked with a raised eyebrow.
Stiles turned to give her his famous fatherly glare causing her to flinch.
"Hold on. How were they helping you out?" Mr. Schue asked, turning to Sam.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Chris asked, turning to the man.
"Sam's personal life isn't your business or any of theirs so why would you ask something like that?" Melissa asked.
Instead of trying to diffuse the situation he was going to make the poor kid talk about something he's not comfortable sharing.
What kind of teacher is he?
More importantly, why the hell does he still have his job?
Mr. Schue blushed in embarrassment and was unsure of what to say.
He looked at his fiance for help but she gave him the same look the other two adults were giving him.
That's how he knew that what he did was wrong.
Stiles glared at Mr. Schue before looking at Sam.
"Sam, don't answer that. You're not obligated to tell him or the others anything" Stiles reminded him.
Sam gave him a glance before shaking his head as he looked at everyone.
"Kurt was bringing me some clothes, Stiles brought me food and Quinn was helping me babysit my brother and sister" Sam sighed.
"Then why were you in that motel?" Finn asked.
"Because that's where I live now!" Sam yelled, turning to face him.
Finn's eyes widened in shock.
"I don't know why you're shocked when you and Rachel were the ones that started this" Burt shook his head.
"When you should've just let it go and minded your own business" Carole added.
She loved her son, she really did, but there were times where he made some stupid decisions.
Finn said nothing and simply looked down at the ground in shame.
He knew that his stepfather and mother were right and the only ones to blame are him and Rachel.
They should've just stopped spying on Sam and minded their own business.
Especially when it's clear that Sam was going through a tough time and didn't want anyone to know about his issues.
"My dad lost his job a few months ago. Then we lost our house. So now we live in that motel in one room" Sam revealed.
Rachel's face fell in shock and the same can be said for everyone else.
Quinn and Kurt had their eyes closed while Stiles's jaw was clenched tightly.
Sam stood up from his chair and faced everyone.
"Are you all happy? The truth's finally out" Sam scoffed.
He doesn't wait for anyone to say anything and storms out of the room.
The room filled with silence as nobody knew what to say.
The silence was broken by Stiles, who was now standing, as he let out a loud sigh while looking at everyone.
"I hope you idiots are happy" Stiles scowled.
The new directions either looked down or avoided making eye contact with Stiles.
Especially when they could hear the disappointment in his tone.
Stiles stood up from his seat, making all heads snap in his direction, before looking at his friends.
"With the exception of Quinn, Kurt, Rory, Joe and Sugar all of you look at Sam and apologize. Now" Stiles ordered.
He wanted his friends to apologize to Sam since he deserved that much.
Especially when his friends pushed him to reveal something he didn't want to.
The new directions sighed while glancing at each other.
They knew that they had to do it because Sam deserved an apology.
Not to mention Stiles was giving them his famous fatherly glare which meant that if they didn't do as told he would punish them.
So, they all looked at Sam who looked at them.
"We're sorry, Sam" the new directions said in unison.
Quinn and Kurt snorted as did Sugar while Rory and Joe chuckled.
Everyone else was laughing with a few trying to stifle their laughter.
Sam chuckled, amusement coursing through him, before smiling at his friends.
"Thanks, guys. I have to admit I was very angry at you guys but I got over it so, really, it's fine" Sam said.
The new directions nodded at him with smiles on their faces.
Stiles nodded in approval before sitting back down in his seat.
Sebastian chuckled, giving his boyfriend an amused look, before leaning in to kiss his temple.
Stiles glared at Mr. Schue before he started walking to find Sam.
However, he stopped and looked at Finn and Rachel.
"You two need to learn when to mind your business and stop spying on people. Find a way to make it up to him or so help me god I won't hesitate to kick both your asses" Stiles sternly said.
He smacked Finn upside the head, making him wince, while shooting a glare at Rachel causing her to look away.
"You deserve that smack, sweetie" Carole told her son.
"And you deserve that glare, honey" Hiram and Leroy told their daughter.
"We know" Finn and Rachel muttered, avoiding eye contact with their parents.
Stiles leaves the choir room and walked down the hallway in order to find Sam.
He finds him by the lockers and sees him leaning against them with a look of anger plastered on his face.
"Sam!" Stiles yelled.
Sam turned around to see Stiles jogging towards him and pushed himself off the lockers.
When Stiles reached Sam he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around him and hugged him. Sam didn't hesitate to hug him back.
"I'm sorry that happened, bud. I'm so sorry" Stiles whispered.
Sam didn't say anything and just tightened his hold on Stiles as tears streamed down his cheeks.
Everyone's eyes softened at seeing the two boys hug and seeing the state that Sam was in.
It's clear that having to reveal his home life situation to everyone, especially in that way, was overwhelming.
If they were in his position they would've felt the same way as him.
"Thanks for going after me and comforting me, Stiles" Sam smiled.
"Of course, bud. That's what friends are for" Stiles smiled.
He would always be there for his friends and if they ever need help he will help them as best as he can.
The screen turns black and stays that way for a few seconds before turning back on.
A few days have passed and we're back in McKinley High and the camera pans inside the choir room.
We see the new directions sitting in their seats and all of them were reading the Muckraker.
The camera pans to Mr. Schue as he walked into the room.
"Alright, clase" Mr. Schue said as he walked to the piano.
"Mr. Schue, is this true?" Mercedes asked, turning the Muckraker around.
"Yeah, the muckraker says you're bailing on us to do April Rhodes's big show" Puck added.
"Guys, if there's anything we've learned from this week's assignment it's that you can't believe every rumor you hear" Mr. Schue reminded them.
"Or don't believe any rumor unless you have proof" Melissa muttered.
She always hated rumors when she was a teenager because people made a big deal out of it.
Especially when there wasn't any proof to see if the rumors are true.
People just cared about stirring up drama and it was quite annoying.
"But isn't it your dream to sing on Broadway?" Tina asked.
"I have a lot of dreams, my top one being taking you guys to nationals" Mr. Schue smiled.
"So, you're gonna stay?" Quinn asked.
"Look, we are going to nationals together and we are going to win" Mr. Schue said.
Footsteps are heard and everyone turned around to see Sam walking in the room but he wasn't alone, he had his siblings with him.
"Hey, everybody. Wanted to get these guys out of the motel for a while. I hope it's ok if I brought them" Sam said.
"Of course. Yeah, come on in" Mr. Schue nodded.
Everyone smiled at the little kids while waving at them.
Quinn and Stiles smiled at the kids and the kids immediately ran towards them.
Quinn grabbed Sam's sister and set her on her lap while Stiles grabbed Sam's brother and set him on his lap.
"Hey, rascal. How are you doing?" Stiles asked.
He tickled Sam's brother causing him to laugh which made Stiles laugh as well.
Everyone's eyes softened at seeing Stiles interact with Sam's little brother and found themselves smiling.
Derek too couldn't stop his eyes from softening and his heart beating at seeing his ex-boyfriend interact with the little boy.
He always knew how great Stiles was with kids and how much he adored him.
He always imagined him and Stiles starting a family together when Stiles was older.
But that's all ruined and it's his fault.
"The kid likes you, huh?" Sebastian asked, turning to his boyfriend.
"Yes he does and I like him. He's really sweet and funny. Plus, he reminds me of me when I was younger" Stiles smiled.
He loved hanging out with Sam's siblings whenever Sam asked him to babysit them.
He bonded with the two of them but he felt closer with Sam's brother.
He always adored kids, no matter how troublesome they can be, and always imagined himself having kids of his own.
Not now, obviously, but in the future.
Sebastian smiled softly at his boyfriend.
His boyfriend really adored kids and was really good with them based on how he acts with his friends little brother.
He's honestly never seen himself as someone to be good with kids since he's never really been around any.
But maybe, just maybe, he can learn how to be good with kids through Stiles.
After all, whatever Stiles does or is interested in he's willing to learn too.
Anything for his boy.
"I was also hoping that maybe they could help out with a number today. I have the perfect song I want to sing to them. Don't worry. It's good for the assignment" Sam smiled.
Mr. Schue walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"The more the merrier" Mr. Schue told him with a smile.
The scene changes to the auditorium and we see everyone onstage.
Music starts to play and everyone begins to sing.
As the music died down everyone stopped singing and erupted into cheers.
Everyone took turns to hug Sam along with his siblings as they clapped and laughed.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone erupted into cheers and started clapping.
"Good job, guys. That was great" Chris commented with a small smile.
"Agreed. You guys are really talented" Coach Finnstock nodded.
He knew talent when he saw it and those kids certainly have it.
"And I'm glad to see your siblings had fun. Definitely better than staying in a motel room all day" Melissa smiled.
"Definitely" Sam nodded.
He's glad that his siblings had fun because that's all he wanted for them.
And he didn't want them worrying over their situation, at the time, and just wanted them to be kids and have fun.
A bit of chatter was heard in the theater as everyone wondered what the next episode was going to be about.
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