Chapter Twenty: A Night Of Neglect
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settled down the screen turned on as the next episode began to play.
The screen turns on and the camera pans into the choir room where everyone is sitting together with Mr. Schue standing in front of the board.
He just finished writing a math problem and turned to his students.
"Alright, we need $5,000 to pay for our trip to nationals in New York" Mr. Schue informed everyone.
"What happened to the money that we got from the Cheerios?" Quinn asked in confusion.
"I guess Sue was hiding it in offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands and we're having some trouble accessing some of it. Any of it" Mr. Schue explained.
Everyone made faces of disbelief at that while Stiles sighed and shook his head.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just learned before turning to the cheerio's coach.
"What?" Sue asked, noticing everyone's eyes on her, with a raised eyebrow.
Everyone just sighed and shook their heads at her before looking away.
Coach Finnstock, on the other hand, had to stop himself from snorting. He had to admit the woman was funny.
"This is saltwater taffy" Mr. Schue said, holding up a piece of candy in his hand.
"I love saltwater" Brittany smiled.
"I still do" Brittany nodded.
Santana just smiled at her girl while leaning in to press a kiss to her head.
"When I was a student here, we paid for our entire trip to nationals selling this. Classroom to classroom, door to door. We pushed this stuff like crack. And so will we." Mr. Schue told them.
He began throwing a few candies for everyone to taste and enjoy.
Brittany clapped her hands together as she tried to catch a taffy for herself.
The warblers raised an eyebrow at the candy, they have never tried it before and they were quite curious to know if it was good or not.
Sebastian looked at his boyfriend with a raised eyebrow to which Stiles looked at him.
"In my opinion, I didn't really like it. But if you want I can get some for you and the others" Stiles shrugged.
"Sounds good to me" Sebastian shrugged with a smile.
"So to make $5,000 at 25 cents apiece we need to sell 20,000 pieces of taffy" Mr. Schue told everyone.
Stiles frowned, he doesn't really think that selling taffy is a good idea especially if nobody will like it.
"Wait. Do you honestly think that we can sell 20,000 anything? We won regionals for the first time since dinosaurs roamed the planet and I still got a freaking cherry ICEE facial" Santana huffed.
Santana winced slightly at the reminder of what had happened that day.
She had somewhat gotten used to it but it doesn't mean it didn't hurt or wasn't annoying, it always was.
Brittany frowned and wrapped her arm around her girlfriends shoulders and kissed her temple comfortingly.
Santana leaned into her touch while sighing in content.
Stiles snapped his head into her direction and raised an eyebrow.
"And who exactly did that to you?" he asked.
"Karofsky of course. Who else?" Santana scoffed.
Stiles pressed his lips together and shook his head, he was definitely going to find that piece of shit and teach him a lesson for what he did to Santana.
The new directions laughed as they remembered what Stiles had done to Karofsky that day.
Sugar, Rory and Joe looked at them with raised eyebrows.
"What's so funny?" Joe asked in confusion.
"Yeah, what did Stiles do to that jerk?" Sugar asked with a tilt of her head.
The new directions looked at each other before looking at the new members.
"After class was over Stiles was the first one to leave the room in order to find Karofsky and get back at him for what he did to Santana" Sam explained.
"He found him in the locker room but he didn't punch him or anything" Mike added.
"Instead..." Finn trailed off, trying to hold in his laughter.
"He dumped a pile of trash on him before grabbing a slushie and dumped all of it inside his pants before leaving" Puck finished.
The new members eyes widened at what they just learned as did everyone else's.
Sebastian, on the other hand, couldn't stop the laughter from escaping his lips as he leaned in to kiss his boyfriend on the lips.
"You are amazing, darling" Sebastian complimented.
"Thank you, Seb" Stiles winked with a small grin.
"Yeah, Santana's right. Nobody cares about us" Quinn said with a shake of her head.
Mike sighed and began gathering his things and got up from his seat.
"I can't listen to this" Mike said as he made his way towards the door to leave the room.
"Mike, are you ok?" Mr. Schue asked, confused and concerned.
Mike looked at his teacher and shook his head and said, "no".
He then turned to his friends, "you guys complain all the time about being mistreated but you have no idea what it's like to work your butt off for something and have everyone, even your friends, ignore you".
Everyone frowned at his words, feeling confused yet concerned since they can tell how hurt he was.
Stiles shifted in his seat and looked down at his hands.
He could definitely relate to what Mike and the others felt like.
And what Mike had said definitely brought back memories of when he was still in beacon hills.
How he gathered tons of information as he could about Theo to prove that he was nothing but trouble and nothing but a lying bastard the second he stepped foot into beacon hills.
But even after all that he had been ignored.
Scott had ignored him and chose to believe Theo rather than him.
And he hated him for that. He always will.
Isaac, sensing how Stiles was feeling, placed a hand on his shoulder to offer him some comfort.
Stiles looked at his friend, the boy he saw as a brother, and sent him a small smile and a nod to which Isaac returned the gesture.
Everyone looked confused as to what he was talking about.
All except Stiles who had a look of realization on his face, knowing what his friend was talking about.
Artie, Tina and Brittany then made their way to stand near Mike as he spoke again.
"Artie, Tina, Brittany and I are on the Brainiacs" Mike told everyone.
"Isn't that the Academic Decathlon team?" Rachel asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Wait we have one of those?" Finn asked with his mouthful of taffy.
"Finn, don't talk while eating. You could choke" Carole scolded her son.
Finn blushed in slight embarrassment and nodded at his mom's words.
Liam chuckled but could definitely relate since Stiles always scolded him whenever he talked while eating.
"Yes, we do. And the four of us went on the Smarty Pants Show and beat Carmel High to go to the Academic Decathlon finals in Detroit next week" Artie told them.
Mr. Schue's eyes widened at that and a proud smile appeared on his face.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just learned as a few began to smile.
"Wait, you guys were on TV? Why didn't you tell us about it?" Sam asked, confused.
"We did!" Mike, Tina, Artie and Brittany yelled in unison.
"We did!" Mike, Tina, Artie and Brittany yelled at the same time their onscreen selves did.
They were still upset at the fact that none of their friends, except for Stiles, had watched them when they were on television.
The new directions, except for the new members and Stiles, along with Mr. Schue winced slightly at that.
"We told all of you but I guess none of you were paying attention" Tina huffed.
"Yeah. The only one that did pay attention and actually watched us was Stiles" Artie added.
Everyone's head snapped into Stiles direction and he nodded confirming that it was true.
"Wait really?" Scott asked as he turned to his best friend.
"You were the only one that watched them?" Derek asked.
Stiles didn't look at them nor did he speak. He just kept his eyes on the screen and nodded his head.
Scott and Derek both frowned at being given the cold shoulder from Stiles.
"Was it actually good?" Theo asked, genuinely curious.
"Yes, it actually was" Stiles replied, still not tearing his eyes away from the screen.
Theo, although shocked that Stiles actually replied, hummed and nodded his head.
While Scott and Derek were in disbelief at the fact that Stiles answered to Theo, a lying bastard, instead of them.
"Yeah. By the way, you guys were amazing. Congrats" Stiles grinned at his friends.
"Thanks, Stiles" Brittany beamed.
"And thanks for the cookies and hot chocolate you gave us after we won. They were delicious" Artie smiled.
The others nodded, smiles on their faces, as Stiles chuckled and nodded. The others were shocked and upset.
Stiles shook his head, already feeling the looks his friends were sending him, and looked at them.
"Uh uh, none of you get to be upset that they got cookies and hot chocolate when they worked hard. They earned it and deserved it. So stop that" Stiles sternly said.
The new directions wanted to argue, mainly because they were craving his amazing cookies and hot chocolate, but stopped when Stiles glared at them.
And it was his famous fatherly glare.
A glare that scared all of them, no joke, and a glare that sent some shivers down their spines.
So they all just nodded, bowing their heads a bit, to which Stiles nodded.
Meanwhile, everyone else was either watching in amusement or laughing in amusement.
It's like watching a father scold his kids for something bad that they did.
"Wait. I...I get the three of you being on the team" Mr. Schue said while gesturing to Mike, Tina and Artie.
"Is it because two of them are Asian and Artie wears glasses?" Puck asked.
"Puck!" Stiles yelled, shooting him his famous fatherly glare.
Puck flinched, realizing what he said and how wrong it sounded, and looked down at his hands.
Puck shifted in his seat, well aware of the eyes that were on him because of what he said, and looked down at his hands.
Not only that but he could feel Stiles glaring at him, his famous fatherly glare, and he definitely didn't want to see that.
Stiles's famous fatherly glare was scary after all.
Lydia found herself rolling her eyes at mohawk boy while shaking her head.
"No" Mr. Schue shook his head.
Puck, without looking from his hands, just nodded while Lauren just patted his shoulder.
"But Brittany?" Mr. Schue asked, frowning in confusion, as he gestured to the blonde girl.
Santana glared at her teacher who basically called her girlfriend dumb.
Brittany noticed her girlfriend glaring at Mr. Schue and leaned in to whisper in her eat.
"It's ok, don't worry about it" Brittany whispered reassuringly to her.
Santana said nothing and sent one last glare to Mr. Schue before looking away while pulling her girl closer to her.
"Liz Schneider was our fourth, but she got rubella" Mike said.
"Her parents are hippies who don't believe in vaccinations" Tina added.
"That's concerning" Melissa frowned, immediately going into nurse mode.
If that girl hadn't been feeling well and needed vaccinations her parents should've allowed her to get some.
"Brittany was the only person we could find on short notice. We bribed her with Dots" Artie added.
"Of course" Stiles muttered while shaking his head.
"That Sunshine Corazon that Rachel sent to a crack house was on the other team. Luckily, we had our own secret weapon" Artie said.
"And that would be?" Isaac asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Lets just say it involved cats" Mike told him.
Tina and Artie nodded to which Isaac, and everyone else, looked confused.
"Sadly, we can't afford to go to the finals, so we're gonna have to forfeit" Artie sighed.
"Why don't you just have your parents pay for it?" Rachel asked in confusion.
Coach Finnstock shook his head, "they shouldn't have to since it's a school club. Meaning the school should pay for it".
"Because we shouldn't have to. We're a school club. The school should pay for it. It's a matter of pride" Tina told her.
"You guys are absolutely right. How much do you need to make the trip?" Mr. Schue asked.
"With gas and motels, if we only ate Funyuns, uh, $250" Tina told him.
"Which means..." Mr. Schue trailed off.
He grabbed a marker and made his way back over to the whiteboard and wrote new numbers.
"We just need to sell more taffy" Mr. Schue finished with a grin.
Everyone groaned at that with Rachel throwing her head back and Stiles running a hand through his hair.
Everyone either groaned at his words or shook their heads.
"For a school teacher you suck at math" Lydia scoffed.
"And making plans" Malia added causing Kira to giggle.
"Honey" Ms. Pillsbury sighed while shaking her head.
Mr. Schue blushed in embarrassment and just looked down at his hands.
The scene changes to the next day and the camera pans to the hallway where we see Stiles walking to head to the choir room.
He was on his phone texting someone with a smile on his face, laughs escaping his lips from time to time.
"Who were you on the phone with, Stiles?" Chris asked with a curious look.
"Kurt. We were texting each other and he would occasionally send me cat memes" Stiles smiled.
Kurt smiled and nodded, he knew how much his best friend loved cat memes like he did.
He sent his last text and began putting his phone away just as he entered the choir room.
He opened his mouth to apologize for being a little late when his teacher spoke first, addressing the others.
"We're only gonna do songs by neglected artists" Mr. Schue smiled.
Everyone looked at him weirdly or in confusion to which his smile faltered a little.
Everyone in the theater looked at the teacher in confusion.
"What exactly did you mean by that?" Hiram asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Just continue watching, it'll be explained" Mr. Schue politely said.
Hiram nodded and leaned into his husbands side to which Leroy wrapped an arm around him.
"Because it's a night of neglect" Mr. Schue added.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows together and walked over to the others and sat down next to Santana.
"What did I miss?" Stiles asked to which Santana just shrugged.
"Can you define what you mean by neglected artists?" Rachel asked.
"Um, someone whose brilliance isn't always appreciated" Mr. Schue said.
"Oh, so you mean like me?" Rachel asked.
This made Stiles, as well as everyone else, glare at her.
All eyes turned to Rachel and most of them began to glare at her.
"Rachel" Hiram and Leroy sighed at their daughter, shaking their heads.
Rachel said nothing and just shrunk into her seat while Finn patted her shoulder comfortingly.
"He means like all of us, hobbit" Stiles scoffed with a roll of his eyes.
Mr. Schue nodded before continuing.
"Alright, everyone, next Saturday night in our auditorium McKinley High's First Annual Night of Neglect fund-raiser benefit is officially a go" Mr. Schue smiled.
Everyone looked at each other and shrugged before clapping, small smiles on their faces.
"Why do you guys look unexcited?" Thad asked.
"Yeah, did you not want to do the fundraiser?" Trent asked.
"It's not that we didn't want to do it, we did, but we had some doubts" Mike explained.
"Yeah, we just didn't know what to expect" Sam shrugged.
Stiles sighed and rested his head on Santana's shoulder.
"Something tells me I should've just stayed home" Stiles muttered.
Santana snorted at his words before wrapping her arm around his shoulder.
Mr. Schue looked a little offended at that.
Stiles just shrugged before resting his head on Sebastian's shoulder to which his boyfriend smiled down at him, leaning down to kiss his head.
Derek glared at the two of them as jealousy coursed through him.
The screen turns black before turning back on. The camera pans into the auditorium where we see the new directions standing together.
The camera pans to the person that was standing in front of them and we see that it's Sunshine, one of the members of Vocal Adrenaline.
Everyone's eyes widened at seeing Sunshine since they haven't seen her since she transferred after what Rachel had done.
"Uh, why is she there?" Isaac asked in confusion.
"Yeah. I thought she hated you guys, mainly Rachel" Malia added.
"And since she's in Vocal Adrenaline she is technically one of your rivals" Lydia added.
The new directions said nothing and just gestured to the screen, telling them to continue watching.
"You are a terrible spy" Rachel commented, glaring at Sunshine.
"Seriously, with your size, you easily could have stayed in the air ducts for days" Artie said.
"Right" Brittany nodded in agreement.
"I'm not a spy. I heard about your benefit concert on Facebook, and I wanted to perform. I know what it feels like to be in Academic Decathlon. No one pays attention to you. No one cares. It's not right. We study so hard" Sunshine said.
Melissa frowned at that and shook her head.
"Those poor kids feel neglected when they do nothing but work hard" Melissa said.
She was definitely going to head to McKinley as well as the school for Vocal Adrenaline to talk about the academic decathlon team.
"But you're in Vocal Adrenaline. How do we know we can trust you?" Quinn asked.
"Because I have nothing against any of you. Well, except Rachel" Sunshine said, glaring at the Berry girl.
Rachel's eyes widened at that while Stiles snorted.
"Why are you shocked? It's clear she still hates you after what you did" Malia rolled her eyes.
"Yeah I know" Rachel muttered, looking down at her hands.
"I have 600 Twitter followers. I can get all of them to come" Sunshine told them.
"How many tickets have we sold so far?" Finn asked his best friend.
"Four. No one's interested. That's just sad" Puck huffed.
"No wonder nobody's interested when you guys suck" Scott scoffed.
A yelp escaped his lips when someone smacked him upside the head.
He looked up, expecting that it had been his mother, and his eyes widened when he saw Chris glaring down at him.
"Shut up, nobody asked you" Chris scowled before turning away.
Scott looked shocked at what happened but even more shocked that his mother didn't defend him.
"Please, just let me show you what I can do. I would like to sing the perfect song about neglect 'all by myself'. I'm such a better singer than everyone else, so I know how it feels. I'm all alone at the top. Also I'm really short. So even when I'm in a group of people it feels like I'm wandering alone through a forest" Sunshine explained.
Stiles frowned as he pondered her words carefully.
Stiles sighed as he looked down at his hands.
He could definitely relate to what Sunshine had said since that's how he felt during his time in beacon hills.
Liam looked at Stiles and frowned, sensing his sadness.
He scooted closer to him and wrapped his arms around his waist, embracing him in a tight hug.
Stiles looked down at his pup and smiled softly at him. He wrapped his arm around him and leaned down to kiss his head.
Sebastian turned to them and smiled softly, feeling his heart warming up.
"There's no way that she's singing in our auditorium. She's the enemy" Rachel sternly said.
"I say we give her a chance. You owe her, Rachel" Puck said to which everyone nodded.
"Yeah considering you're the one that sent her to a freaking crack house" Stiles added.
"She sent you as well" Sebastian reminded his boyfriend.
"Not really. Kurt gave me the right address while Rachel gave Sunshine the wrong one. I just went with her since I was suspicious" Stiles explained.
Sebastian huffed as he glared over at Rachel.
Rachel huffed but said nothing.
The scene changes and we see everyone either standing or sitting. The camera pans onstage where we see Sunshine getting ready to sing.
Music starts playing and Sunshine begins to sing.
Everyone in the theater smiled and began clapping and cheering for Sunshine as she finished her song.
"She's really talented" Parrish complimented.
"I know right. Her singing is amazing" Pete nodded in agreement.
The new directions smiled and nodded in agreement since, well, it was true that Sunshine had a great voice.
It's a shame that she was with Vocal Adrenaline but because of a certain someone that wasn't possible.
Everyone, with the exception of Rachel, burst into claps and cheers as Sunshine finished her song.
Stiles made his way to the stage and stood next to Sunshine, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.
"Sunshine, that was amazing" Stiles complimented.
"Thank you" Sunshine shyly smiled, a blush painting her cheeks.
"Oooh, looks like someone has a little crush" Kira teased with a grin.
Stiles chuckled and shook his head while Sebastian narrowed his eyes at the Sunshine girl.
"So, can I perform with you guys?" Sunshine asked, looking at the others.
Everyone looked at each other before looking at Stiles.
"Just let us talk it over and we'll give you our answer. Got it?" Stiles asked.
Sunshine smiled and nodded. Stiles smiled at her and patted her head before walking back over to the others.
"Why do you need to talk it over? I would've immediately said yes" Jeff said.
"Same here. Her voice is amazing" Nick nodded in agreement.
"We had to talk it over to make sure everyone was on board with it" Mercedes told them.
The new directions nodded at that.
The scene changes to the choir room where the new directions have moved to in order to decide whether Sunshine should perform with them.
Most of them are on board since her singing is amazing and her performance from earlier definitely proved that.
However, only one person wasn't on board.
"No doubt it's the bangs girl" Peter muttered.
"Absolutely not" Rachel shook her head.
Peter grinned, happy to have been right.
Even though it was obvious but moving on.
"She's just trying to get on our good side so she can spy on us" Rachel told the others.
"You're one to talk. We told you the same thing about Jesse St. James last year" Quinn scoffed.
Stiles frowned and looked at Santana.
"Who's Jesse?" he asked in confusion.
"He's with Vocal Adrenaline and he's Rachel's ex-boyfriend. He was using her to spy on us and when his job was done he broke up with her. Not only that but he and his teammates threw eggs at her" Santana explained.
Stiles's eyes widened at that, he clearly didn't expect that.
Everyone had the same reaction as Stiles and looked over at Rachel for confirmation.
Rachel sighed but nodded, confirming that it was true.
"Wait, I'm sorry, but did she just say that your ex-boyfriend not only used you but also threw eggs at you?" Leroy asked.
Rachel sighed but, again, nodded.
Leroy and Hiram glanced at each other, they were definitely going to track down Jesse and give him a piece of their mind.
"And you were right" Rachel said.
"This whole thing isn't about us. It's about helping the Brainiacs" Finn reminded her.
"We need Sunshine's Twitter followers to come and pay for tickets or there's no point in having a benefit at all" Puck added.
"Yeah, so try not to be a stuck up bitch for once and let Sunshine perform with you guys" Lydia huffed.
She was really starting to not like Rachel, she was this close to putting her at the top of her dislike list.
Everyone nodded to which Rachel groaned.
"Fine" Rachel said as she stood up.
Everyone nodded, happy that she agreed.
"Mercedes, you're okay with being bumped to the decidedly less glamorous middle spot, right?" Rachel asked.
Mercedes smiles falters before she slightly nods her head.
"Um, sure, I guess" Mercedes shrugged.
Everyone, except for Stiles and Lauren, give her a look that clearly shows that they want her to reconsider.
Mercedes sighs before saying, "absolutely".
Everyone smiles at that while Stiles and Lauren look shocked and angry.
The new directions flinched at the looks and glares they were getting from everyone.
"You guys are assholes" Malia scoffed.
The new directions flinched at that but they had to admit that it was true since it's clear that Mercedes didn't want to be bumped down to that spot but they made her do it anyway.
Stiles sighed at his friends while Mercedes just shook her head.
The screen turns black before turning back on. The camera pans in the hallway and we see that it's the day of the benefit.
The camera pans over to Stiles who comes out of the bathroom and walks down the hallway to find his friends.
However, he stops walking and his eyes widen and a smile appears on his face when he sees two familiar people nearby.
"Kurt!" Stiles yelled.
The camera pans to the other end of the hallway and we see Kurt and Blaine turning around.
"Stiles!" Kurt yelled, a smile appearing on his face.
Stiles laughs before rushing towards to the two of them, mainly heading towards his best friend.
Once he reaches them he embraces Kurt in a hug and Kurt hugs him back.
Everyone smiled at the two best friends, it's pretty clear how much they missed each other since Kurt was still at Dalton.
Scott grumbled while glaring at the two best friends, he hated seeing them together.
He hated how great their friendship is while his and Stiles's friendship has crumbled.
"Oh it's so good to see you" Kurt said as they pulled away from their hug.
"It's good to see you too. I'm glad you two were able to make it" Stiles smiled.
"Of course, we wouldn't miss it" Blaine smiled.
Stiles smiled and moved closer to Blaine and grabbed his hand and shook it.
"I know you two are dating and I want to say I'm happy for you both. I can tell how much you care for him the way he cares for you. Just promise me that you'll keep him happy no matter what" Stiles said.
"Of course" Blaine nodded.
"And I'm still keeping that promise" Blaine smiled as he wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulders.
Kurt smiled at his boyfriend and leaned up to kiss him on the lips before snuggling into his side.
Everyone couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces as they looked at the couple.
Stiles smiled but then his face hardened and he pulled Blaine closer to him.
"Fair warning, if you break his heart I'll cut your dick off and feed it to you. Understood?" Stiles asked.
Blaine's eyes widened at that but based on the glare Stiles was giving him he could tell he was serious.
"Yes sir" Blaine gulped, nodding his head rapidly.
Isaac and Malia burst out laughing at their friends threat and soon everyone else followed.
The warblers were laughing the most since Blaine looked, and sounded, so scared.
Although, they don't blame him considering Stiles is scary when he's angry and his threats are no joke.
"Thanks, Stiles. You did my job for me" Burt grinned.
"Anytime" Stiles grinned back.
He then turned to Blaine with a glare.
"And just so you know, I'm still keeping that promise" Stiles told him.
Blaine's eyes widened at that and his face began to turn pale while Kurt sighed and shook his head.
Stiles smiled and nodded before releasing Blaine.
Blaine scooted closer to Kurt who rolled his eyes at his best friend while shaking his head.
"What the hell are you two doing here?" they heard a familiar person ask.
The three of them turned around to see Karofsky walking towards them and it's visibly clear he doesn't want Kurt and Blaine here.
Almost instantly the mood died down when Karofsky appeared.
"Why the hell is he there?" Kira asked, sighing.
"Obviously to cause trouble, like always" Isaac replied, shaking his head.
"We're here for the benefit. Don't tell me you're going" Kurt said.
"I wouldn't be caught dead. I was pumping iron in the gym, and one of the guys told me you two were here spreading your fairy dust all over the place" Karofsky said.
"Will you just give it up" Blaine scoffed, getting fed up.
"Yeah, live whatever lie you want, but don't pretend the three of us don't know what's going on" Stiles added.
Karofsky shifted as he clearly knew Stiles was talking about the incident between him and Kurt in the boys locker room.
Kurt shifted in his seat, clearly uncomfortable about that incident.
He will always be uncomfortable whenever it was mentioned, he hated being reminded of what had happened.
Not wanting to anger Stiles he looked over at Blaine and glare at him.
"Nobody asked for your commentary, butt boy" Karofsky scowled.
Blaine, clearly angry, shoved Karofsky backwards catching him by surprise.
Karofsky quickly got over his surprise and tried to engage in a fight with Blaine when Stiles stepped in and punched him in the face.
Cheers were heard at seeing Stiles deliver that punch to Karofsky, after all he deserved it.
"Stiles, you shouldn't have punched him" Scott scolded.
"And you shouldn't have opened your mouth when it's clear I didn't ask for your commentary" Stiles scoffed.
Scott frowned, looking hurt, while Stiles just rolled his eyes and looked away.
Stiles was about to deliver another punch when Santana rushed forward and stopped him before he could.
"Sti, Sti, stop, stop" Santana said as she held him back.
"Real brave with your fists, but you're a coward when it comes to the truth" Kurt sarcastically said.
As Stiles calmed down Santana looked between her friends and Karofsky in confusion.
"Truth about what?" Santana asked.
Blaine himself looked confused and looked at his boyfriend who looked anywhere but him.
Blaine sighed, he really wish Kurt had told him about what happened with Karofsky.
He really wanted nothing more than to find him and give him a piece of his mind for touching his boyfriend.
"It's none of your business, J. Lo" Karofsky said.
"First of all, anything you do became my business when you decided to toss that slushee up in my grill" Santana huffed.
"I think I can take a couple of queers and a girl" Karofsky scoffed.
"You're really asking for it you piece of shit" Stiles scowled.
He lunged at Karofsky causing the football player to yell in surprise as Stiles's hands wrapped themselves around his throat.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they saw and turned to Stiles, surprise shown in their eyes.
"Stiles!" Scott and Derek yelled.
"Are you trying to kill him?" Theo asked, unsure if he should be surprised or a bit amused.
Stiles didn't say anything to the three of them and simply shrugged his shoulders.
He wasn't looking to kill Karofsky, he just wanted to teach him a lesson.
Kurt, Blaine and Santana's eyes widen and they quickly rush forward and pry Stiles off of Karofsky.
"Thank you for doing that" Melissa sighed in relief.
"Yeah, no doubt he would've choked him and he wouldn't have stopped" Burt nodded.
He honestly didn't mind Stiles giving Karofsky a few punches but he doesn't want the boy he sees as another son to choke him and possibly kill him.
The last thing he wanted was for Stiles to get in trouble for that.
As they pulled him back Santana pushed him forward while extending her arm out.
"Sti, walk away and go somewhere to calm down" Santana ordered.
"But-" Stiles started but she cut him off.
"Let me handle this, please" Santana said.
Stiles huffed before, reluctantly, nodding his head. He sent a glare towards Karofsky before turning around and walking away.
As he walked down the hallway he pulled his phone out and began dialing a number as he made his way outside.
"Who were you calling?" Sebastian asked in curiosity.
"I called Lydia since I knew she and the others were going to be hanging out at her place and I wanted to talk to them as much as I could before having to head back to the benefit" Stiles explained.
Lydia and the rest of his friends had been hanging out at her place to watch movies, something they had always done whenever they were free.
He decided it was the perfect opportunity to call so he could speak to all of them.
Sebastian smiled and leaned in to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek to which Stiles smiled.
The scene changes to the choir room where we see Stiles walking into the room.
However, he stopped when he saw everyone huddled around a crying Tina as Mike was comforting her.
Everyone's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and concern as they look at the girl.
"Are you alright, sweetie?" Melissa asked, frowning.
"Yeah, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Chris asked.
Tina just shook her head before burying her face into Mike's chest to which he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head.
Everyone was confused but decided not to ask as they believe it would be explained soon.
"Uh...what's going on? What happened?" Stiles asked in confusion.
"Where were you?" Quinn asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I was outside talking to some friends over the phone. Now, what's going on?" Stiles asked.
"Sunshine didn't come and neither did any of her followers. There's just six people in the auditorium but we decided to continue the benefit" Santana explained.
"Tina went on first but that ended badly and, well, here we are" Sam finished.
Stiles didn't react to that. Yes, he was shocked but he had a feeling that something like this would happen.
"Wait really?" Artie asked.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Puck asked.
"I didn't know 100% that something like that was going to happen but I felt something was off the day Sunshine came to our school and offered to perform at our benefit. And it looks like I was right" Stiles explained.
As much as he wanted to believe that Sunshine wanted to help them, he just didn't buy it.
Especially when he knew how much she disliked Rachel for sending her to a crackhouse.
He knew that what she had done was her revenge.
"This is the worst I've ever felt in my entire life" Tina sobbed.
"I didn't think it was possible for people to hate us even more. We're calling this off" Artie said.
Everyone nodded in agreement while Stiles just sighed and made his way over to Tina.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Tina" Stiles softly said.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug to which she easily melted into his comforting embrace.
Derek frowned, not liking how close Stiles and that girl were.
While everyone else just smiled at Stiles comforting his friend after what she had to endure.
"Unicorn's hugs are the best" Brittany smiled.
"I know right. When he hugs you you just feel safe and secured" Quinn softly smiled.
The new directions smiled and voiced out their agreements.
Stiles's hugs always make them feel safe and secured, like a father hugging their child whenever they're upset and just need comfort.
"Guys, I hate to say it, but I think we have to buck up. Tina, like Stiles said, I'm sorry you had to go through that but it's actually a really good lesson for us. That's a part of show business, guys. Sometimes people can be really mean. Think about what's gonna happen if we have an unfriendly crowd at nationals in New York. And I'm sure there's gonna be some Vocal Adrenaline hecklers there too" Mr. Schue explained.
Malia raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to Kira.
"Was that supposed to be comforting and helpful?" Malia asked.
"I don't know" Kira shrugged, trying not to blush at how close the werecoyote was to her.
"We need to find some strength and barrel through this. I think I may know a way to shut those hecklers up for a number or two" Mr. Schue finished.
Mr. Schue ends up asking Quinn to pass out taffy to the hecklers to shut them up to which she agrees as she grabs two baskets full of taffy and leaves the choir room.
"Did that actually work?" Isaac asked, turning to the Fabray girl.
"Surprisingly, yes. The hecklers actually really liked them" Quinn nodded.
Isaac smiled at that to which Quinn returned the gesture.
The camera pans to the auditorium where we see Mike onstage ready to perform.
When his performance ended Blaine and Kurt were up on their feet and cheering for him.
As Mike's performance came to an end everyone cheered and clapped for Mike to which he smiled at everyone.
"Nice job, babe" Tina smiled as she leaned in to kiss her boyfriend on the cheek.
Mike smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.
The camera pans into the choir room where we see Mike and Sam walking back in with smiles plastered on their faces.
"That was all kinds of awesome" Mike commented.
The new directions clapped and cheered for their friend.
"Terrific job, Mike" Mr. Schue smiled.
Mike made his way to Tina and hugged her to which she hugged him back.
When they pulled away from the hug Stiles stood next to Mike and ruffled his hair.
"Nice job, man. You were great" Stiles smiled.
"Thanks" Mike smiled.
"I still stand by that and always will. You're a natural when it comes to dancing, Mike" Stiles smiled.
"Tell me something I don't know" Mike proudly grinned.
The new directions either laughed at that or fondly rolled their eyes at him.
"Hey, sounds like the Heckling Club loved our refreshments" Mr. Schue smiled.
"Yeah, but we're almost out of that taffy. How are we gonna keep them from going after us again after the intermission?" Quinn asked.
"By kicking their ass and threatening them" Malia suggested.
Everyone looked at her weirdly, mainly the ones from Lima Ohio, while the ones from beacon hills shook their heads at her.
"Malia" Kira sighed at her werecoyote friend/crush.
"By being so good that they can't heckle us. And I know just the person for the job" Mr. Schue said.
He glanced at his students before frowning when he realized the one he was looking for wasn't there.
"Where's Mercedes? She's up" Mr. Schue asked.
Everyone looked around and frowned in confusion when they saw that Mercedes wasn't with them.
They hear a door open and turn around to see Lauren coming out of Mr. Schue's office.
"I'm sorry. Ms. Jones has not appreciated the way she's been treated and is refusing to go on" Lauren told everyone.
"Wait is that really why you left?" Melissa asked, frowning.
"Yeah. I just didn't feel appreciated and didn't see what the point was in participating in the benefit" Mercedes shrugged
The new directions frowned at that with Rachel shifting in her seat feeling guilty.
Sam wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and pulled her into a hug. Mercedes sighed before burying her head into his chest.
"I'll talk to her, where is she?" Stiles asked.
"Don't bother. Mercedes has left the building" Lauren told him.
"Ok, you guys go find Mercedes. I'm gonna go deal with the haters" Ms. Holliday told everyone.
The new directions nodded and all walked off to find Mercedes.
The scene changes to the parking lot where we see that it's heavily raining.
We see Stiles, who is wearing his hoodie, running towards a car and when he reaches it he knocks on the window.
"You didn't have an umbrella with you to protect yourself from the rain?" Scott asked.
"Are you blind? He obviously doesn't have one" Kurt rolled his eyes.
"Let me in. Mercedes, I know you're in there, let me in please" Stiles said.
Stiles hears Mercedes unlock her car and he quickly opens the door and gets into the car, shutting the door behind him.
"Finally found you. We've all been looking for you after Lauren told us you left the building" Stiles said.
"Don't bother with the pep talk. I'm not going back in there. My demands were not met" Mercedes reminded him.
"Mercedes, no offense but your demands were funny and a bit ridiculous at the same time" Stiles told her.
The new directions laughed because they had to admit that despite the fact that her demands were surprisingly they were funny too.
Especially with her wanting to be carried in on a giant egg.
Mercedes said nothing to which Stiles sighed but he kept on going.
"Cedes, I know something is bothering you. I know that you've been acting this way since Rachel suggested that you be bumped to a middle spot, something you definitely didn't want but still agreed to it" Stiles said.
Mercedes still said nothing to which Stiles kept going.
"Cedes, talk to me. You know I'll listen and help you as best as I can. So, tell me, what's wrong?" Stiles softly asked.
Everyone couldn't help but smile at hearing Stiles's words.
The ones from beacon hills, the ones that really knew Stiles and were his close friends, knew that he would always be there for them whenever they were having trouble and needed help.
He may not have understood their situation, since he never experienced what they did in their lives, but he was still there to help them.
And he was really great at it.
Mercedes sighed and looked at her friend before finally speaking.
"I just don't get it. Why is Rachel a bigger star than me? She always gets the big solos, the best songs, the moments in the sun. Why is it never me?" Mercedes asked.
Stiles's eyes softened at her words and felt his heart breaking at the sadness in her tone as she spoke.
Everyone frowned at her words and looked at the girl who avoided everyone's eyes.
Sam felt his heart breaking at his girlfriends sadness and insecurities and wanted to punch his past self for not being there for her.
He understands they weren't together just yet but he could've been the friend she needed before becoming the boyfriend she needed.
The new directions felt guilty for not being there for their friend when she needed them.
Mr. Schue sighed and looked down at his hands, feeling guilty for always giving Rachel the solos when Mercedes deserved it just as much as she did.
All of his students deserved chances just as much as Rachel.
Maybe when this is all over he will start making some changes.
"I don't know. It baffles me that you're not given solos like she is, it baffles me that you're never in the spotlight she is because you're just as much of a star as she is. Your voice is wonderful" Stiles said.
"He's right, Mercedes" Rachel softly said.
Mercedes pulled away from Sam and looked at Rachel who was already looking at her.
"You've got a wonderful singing voice, you always have. You were born to be a singer and do many amazing things in life. I'm sorry for making you think otherwise. I was, probably still am, a bitch" Rachel softly smiled.
Mercedes laughed at what Rachel said at the end as did a few others.
"Yeah, you are. But, I have to admit, you're slowly becoming likeable" Mercedes said with a small smile.
Rachel smiled before hugging her to which Mercedes sighed and hugged her back.
The new directions smiled at the two of them as did everyone else.
When the girls pulled away from the hug everyone's attention turned back to the screen to resume watching the episode.
"It sure doesn't feel that way" Mercedes muttered.
Stiles frowned when he saw tears beginning to build up in her eyes but was doing her best to hold them back.
Stiles had an inner debate in his head before sighing as he took a few deep breaths.
"Before coming here I always felt second best" Stiles said.
Mercedes looked at him with a raised eyebrow, curiosity shown in her eyes.
Stiles felt his eyes widen as he realized that everyone was going to hear something he really didn't want them to.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, there was nothing he could do so he would just handle it as best as he can.
"I had an ex-best friend back in my hometown. Something happened and he changed into a different person, he started getting better at many things and before I knew it he grew popular. Everyone began to like him while I was invisible. I mean, I was always invisible and it never bothered me at first, but I slowly started hating that he was getting more attention while I was still invisible. But I never said anything since I didn't want to cause any unnecessary drama or fight with my ex-best friend about it, the same way you didn't want to say anything at first to avoid fighting with Rachel" Stiles explained.
Mercedes remained silent as she stared at her friend with surprise shown in her eyes.
She didn't know any of that since Stiles never talked to anyone about what his life was like before coming to Lima Ohio.
Everyone in the theater remained silent as they took in Stiles's words, some frowning while some were shocked at what they were hearing.
The ones that knew about Stiles's past and the ones from Beacon Hills were looking at Stiles with sad eyes.
Melissa felt guilty for not realizing how her son felt towards Scott and she hates herself for not noticing sooner.
Speaking of Scott...
He was currently staring at Stiles, who was ignoring him, with surprise and guilt shown in his eyes and a frown plastered on his face.
He never knew Stiles felt that way about him. He never knew Stiles felt lower than him simply because he became a werewolf and got better at everything else.
Why didn't Stiles talk to him about this?
They could've talked about it and worked things out, but he didn't and Scott wanted to know why.
The new directions, the ones that didn't know about his past, and the warblers were shocked and confused.
They never knew Stiles felt that way and they were confused why he ever would since he was an amazing person, he was great at everything.
Sebastian had a frown plastered on his face as he looked over at his boyfriend who was fiddling with his hands.
"I never knew you felt that way, darling" Sebastian softly said.
"I feel alot of things but I never said anything since it's a bit hard to talk about" Stiles shrugged.
Sebastian frowned in concern and he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and pulled him into a comforting embrace.
Stiles sighed in content as he easily melted into his boyfriends arms.
"Hell, I was second best in a past relationship of mine. Apparently, the guy that I was dating thought I wasn't enough" Stiles bitterly chuckled.
Mercedes eyes widened at that, not knowing that Stiles had been in a relationship.
Everyone in beacon hills, along with the ones that knew about Stiles's past, whipped their heads to glare at Derek.
Derek flinched at all the looks he was getting and looked down at his hands, unsure of what to say.
He looked over at Stiles and frowned when he saw his ex-boyfriend, the boy he still loved, being hugged and comforted by his new boyfriend.
And he hated it.
He not only hated that Stiles was dating someone else, he hated that Stiles wants nothing to do with him because it's his fault they're over in the first place.
Liam glared at the man that hurt his father figure and wanted nothing more than to beat him to a pulp.
But he decided to worry about that later and focus on Stiles.
Liam scooted closer to Stiles and wrapped his arms around him from behind since he was still in the embrace of his boyfriend.
Stiles didn't say anything when he felt his pup hugging him from behind. He just wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer.
Sebastian smiled at the two of them and unwrapped his arms from Stiles so he could pull his boyfriend and Liam into a hug, wanting to hug them bother instead of just one.
"Cedes, I'm telling you this because I don't want you to stay quiet. I don't want you to ignore what you feel. That's what I did and I regretted it. I know how badly you want that closing slot and I don't want you to easily give it up to Rachel" Stiles said.
"So what should I do?" Mercedes asked.
Stiles leaned forward while placing both hands on the shoulders of his friend.
"If you want that closing slot, get back in the choir room and take it from her" Stiles smirked.
Mercedes said nothing but the small smirk that appeared on her face said everything.
"You better listen to him. After all, Stiles knows best" Lydia smiled.
"He sure does" Isaac nodded.
The scene changes to the choir room where we see everyone waiting.
The camera pans over to the door where we see Stiles and Mercedes walking into the room just in time to hear Lauren tell everyone that Mercedes wasn't picking up her phone.
"Ms. Jones is fine" Mercedes said to which Stiles nodded.
"Wait. Shouldn't one of us be carrying you in?" Finn asked.
"You know I really wish we had carried you in. Especially on that egg" Finn said.
"I know right. That would've been awesome" Puck grinned.
The new directions nodded in agreement to which Mercedes laughed in amusement.
Stiles shook his head which made everyone confused.
Stiles gestured towards Mercedes causing everyone to look at her.
"I have only one more demand. I demand that all of you get your butts out there and watch me sing" Mercedes grinned.
This made everyone smile and they all began clapping and cheering.
Everyone in the theater had the same reaction as the new directions onscreen.
"You hear the woman, let's go!" Stiles yelled, a grin on his face.
Everyone nodded and got up to get ready for Mercedes to get onstage.
The camera pans into the auditorium where we see the new directions sitting together.
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Mercedes Jones" Sam announced.
Sam got offstage to join his friends just as the lights turned off and the curtains were removed as music began to play.
The lights slowly began to turn on as Mercedes began singing.
As soon as Mercedes finished her performance Stiles jumped up from his seat and began clapping and cheering for her.
This made the rest of the new directions stand up and clap and cheer for their friend.
As soon as her performance came to an end everyone in the theater erupted into claps and cheers.
"Oh sweetie, you were amazing" Melissa complimented.
"I'll say. You've got a great voice" Chris nodded with a small smile.
"Yeah, I don't know why you doubt yourself. You're just as great of a singer as the bangs girl. In my opinion, you're better than her" Coach Finnstock grinned.
Rachel, having heard what the man said, smiled instead of being offended or throwing a slight tantrum.
After all, she knew it was true and she knew that Mercedes deserved it as well.
Mercedes blushed at the compliments she received and thanked all of them with a smile on her face.
Sam wrapped his arm around her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her on the lips.
"You were amazing, babe. As always" Sam complimented.
"Why thank you" Mercedes smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek.
The new directions either hugged Mercedes or complimented on how great she was and she appreciated all of it.
Once everyone settled down they put their attention back onto the screen.
The scene changes to the choir room where we see the new directions sitting with Mr. Ryerson standing in front of them.
The camera pans to the door where we see Mr. Schue walking in and when he sees Mr. Ryerson he's shocked.
"Sandy. What are you doing in here?" Mr. Schue asked as he walked closer.
"I tried to be a hater, but I just couldn't do it. That song and the weed I smoked immediately prior, it gave me a change of heart" Mr. Ryerson told him.
Stiles looked at the man with furrowed eyebrows, especially at hearing the smoking weed part.
"Uh should he even be doing that? Especially at a school" Peter asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Definitely not" Chris muttered, narrowing his eyes at the man onscreen.
"Mr. Ryerson offered to pay for our trip" Artie tells Mr. Schue with a smile.
This made him, Brittany, Tina and Mike cheer as they high-fived one another with smiles plastered on all their faces.
"It's drug money, but, you know it's actually a fantastic way to launder it" Mr. Ryerson said.
Stiles's eyes widened at that and he looked at Santana and saw her staring at the man weirdly.
Everyone's eyes widened at what they just heard and learned.
"I'm sorry but he has what now?" Melissa asked, clearly concerned.
"Why the hell does someone like him have drug money?" Chris asked, narrowing his eyes even more at the man onscreen.
Parrish muttered a curse under his breath and rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming on.
This was definitely something he was going to look into when he got out of here.
"Goodbye, William. I miss the arts. I really do" Mr. Ryerson said.
Mr. Schue said nothing and just stared at him to which the man took that as his cue to leave.
But before he could leave the room he turned to the students.
"You just got poked, poked by the dagger" Mr. Ryerson told everyone, raising his hand while holding up a finger.
Everyone just stared at him weirdly to which he just turned around and left the room.
Everyone in the theater had the same reaction as the new directions onscreen.
They honestly didn't know what to feel towards that man but what they did know was that he was weird.
Mr. Schue sighed and shook his head and turned to his students.
When Mr. Ryerson was gone everyone began clapping and cheering.
"Detroit! Detroit! Detroit! Detroit! Detroit! Detroit!" Tina, Mike, Brittany and Artie chanted.
As the screen turned black, indicating that the episode was over, everyone couldn't help but laugh at what they had witnessed.
They were happy that the ones on the academic decathlon team were still able to go on their trip.
After all they did deserve it.
Hey guys! How are you all doing?
I know it's been a while but I hope you all liked todays chapter.
I just want to say that updates will be slow since I have my other books to focus on and not to mention I have school as well.
So I ask that you all be patient when it comes to update.
With that being said, have a great day and see you in the next chapter. Bye!
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