Chapter Twelve: Special Education
Nobody's Pov
Everyone settled down and soon the next episode began playing.
The camera pans inside McKinley highschool and we're inside the choir room where the new directions are talking to each other while some were just sitting in their chairs in silence.
Stiles was sitting next to Santana while writing in his journal. He wasn't in a good mood but that was mainly because he misses Kurt now that he's transferred to Dalton.
"Aw, Stiles" Kurt smiled, wrapping an arm around his best friend.
Stiles said nothing and leaned into his best friends side while a smile appeared on his face.
Stiles finished writing his last word before closing his journal and stuffing it into his bag. Mr. Schue walked into the room and that's when everyone began quieting down.
Rachel stood up from her seat while raising her hand in the air.
"Mr. Schuester, I have an announcement. I've selected the perfect moving ballad for Finn and I to sing to launch our performance at Sectionals" Rachel informed her teacher.
Her words caused everyone, especially Stiles, to roll their eyes at her in annoyance.
Rachel blushed and fiddled with her fingers while the new directions felt a bit bad.
Finn wrapped his arm around his fiance's waist and kissed her temple as a way to comfort her.
"Me first. Two things. First, our competition at Sectionals are your classic stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. Now if we're gonna beat them, we need to do what they can't. Dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Brittany and Mike Chang's sweet moves in our performance" Mr. Schue explained.
This caused everyone to smile and cheer for the two best dancers in the new directions.
While a certain couple were frowning, clearly upset.
"Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?" Rachel asked incredulously.
Lydia groaned and threw her head back before picking her head back up in order to look at Rachel.
"Can you stop thinking that it's all about you for once? God, you're so annoying" Lydia glared at her.
Rachel flinched at that and Finn lightly glared at the redhead girl but flinched back when Lydia glared at him.
"You're not getting a solo for this competition Rachel" Mr. Schue told her.
Rachel's face fell at that and Stiles had to stop himself from laughing out loud.
"Finally! So what song do I get to sing?" Mercedes asked with a huge smile.
Mercedes huffed. She was still upset that she didn't get a solo.
"I was thinking that our new couple would take the leads" Mr. Schue smiled while pointing at Sam and Quinn.
The couple looked surprised at that but the smiles on their faces indicated that they were happy to be taking the lead.
"Ken and Barbie?! Wait a-a-are are you trying to throw this?" Rachel asked incredulously.
Mr Schue sighed in exasperation while everyone glared at her. Stiles resisted the urge to slap her.
"I honestly don't blame you. She's annoying and selfish" Peter rolled his eyes.
"Never thought the day would come where I'd agree with him" Malia muttered and Lydia nodded.
"You used to be just sort of unlikeable, but now, I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth" Quinn scoffed.
Sam quietly snorted at her words while Stiles sent her a pleading look, clearly wanting her to do that.
Rachel's eyes widened at that before she turned back to Mr. Schue.
"Ok, listen, I have talked the talk about everyone in here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly I haven't walked the walk. I mean, we have got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it" Mr. Schue explained.
Stiles scoffed loudly at that, gaining everyone's attention.
"Your words that time meant absolutely nothing. You only show off Rachel and Finn's talent and now that Blaine has joined us you show off his talent. It's just like Santana said, the new directions have basically become the Rachel and Blaine show while the rest of us are brushed aside" Stiles glared at his teacher.
Don't get him wrong, he cares for Rachel, Finn and Blaine.
Rachel, surprisingly, is his friend and so is Blaine while Finn is both his friend and brother figure.
But he hates that Mr. Schue is always choosing them and showing off their talents when everyone in the new directions have talent that deserves to be shown off.
But they aren't because it's clear that Mr. Schue has favorites.
Mr. Schue looked at his student with wide eyes and jaw dropped. He looked around to see if anyone was going to defend him, but nobody said anything.
Even Rachel, Finn and Blaine kept silent.
Hell, his fiance was silent too and avoiding his eyes.
That was enough for him to know that they all agreed with Stiles.
Mr. Schue turned around to sort out a few things and that's when Rachel leaned over to whisper "do something" to Finn.
"Look, I'm all for...pumping up the team, making everyone feel special, but that's for practice. You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game" Finn told his teacher.
"Yeah" Rachel nodded in agreement.
Rachel and Finn flinched at the glares they were getting from basically everyone.
Not to mention the glares their parents were sending them made shivers go down their spines.
"You're such an asshole and she's a selfish bitch. It's a perfect match" Isaac rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"Isaac" Stiles shot him a warning glare.
"No, Stiles, he's right. It's clear that those two don't care about anyone other than themselves when it's clear they just want the spotlight to be on them. They're both selfish jerks" Malia scoffed.
Lydia and Kira nodded along with a few other residents from beacon hills.
Rachel and Finn gaped at them and looked at their friends that said nothing to defend them and just looked away.
Stiles sighed and shook his head and just leaned into Sebastian's side.
"Easy to say when you're the star quarterback" Tina said while rolling her eyes at him.
"Technically, from what I've heard, Sam is the quarterback while Finn is just a replacement" Stiles added.
Everyone laughed at that while Finn shot him a glare before electing on ignoring him.
"This isn't just about me, this is about the team" Finn told everyone.
Scoffs were heard at that and Finn sunk down in his seat.
"You are such a hypocrite" Santana angrily spat at him with a glare settled on her face.
"Oh, like you even know what that means" Rachel retorted.
"It means that your boyfriend is full of crap, hobbit" Santana shot back.
Rachel let out a frustrated groan before standing up from her seat and spinning around in order to look at Santana.
"You know what? Ever since the wedding you've been up my butt and I am sick of it!" Rachel yelled at her.
Liam scoffed, "oh but when you're up theirs that's alright?" he sarcastically asked.
Rachel shot the boy a surprised look, along with a few others from beacon hills since Liam is usually one to keep quiet.
Meanwhile, Stiles and Sebastian shared a look before grinning back at the boy.
It's clear they were proud.
Meanwhile the adults of beacon hills were glaring at Mr. Schue for not stopping the two girls, especially when things were starting to get out of hand.
"C'mon Rachel, she's not worth it" Finn tried to calm his girlfriend down.
Santana shot the boy a look as she leaned forward in her chair.
"Oh really? Cuz that's not what you thought last year in that motel room" Santana reminded him.
Derek and Lydia's eyes widened at that and their jaws dropped at the information that was revealed.
Peter and Malia soon got the hint and they were now smirking, anticipating the drama that was going to happen.
Kurt realized that this is when Rachel found out that Santana and Finn had sex last year and that's when things went downhill for the couple.
He'd never admit this out loud but he was happy to finally see what happened that day. After all, he did like some drama.
Meanwhile, everyone else was confused.
"What does she mean by that?" Nick asked, looking at Stiles for an answer.
Stiles said nothing and just gestured for him to continue watching because it was going to be revealed soon.
Meanwhile the new directions were looking at Santana, Finn and Rachel.
Santana and Finn glanced at each other and grimaced and scooted a bit farther away from each other.
Rachel sent a small glare to Santana and wrapped her arm around Finn's waist. She might've gotten over it but it doesn't mean she's not bothered by it.
Rachel, along with Stiles, sent her a confused look while everyone else was oddly quiet.
Finn's eyes were wide in fear at what he knew was going to come.
Santana's eyes met Rachel's as she leaned back into her seat.
"That's right Yentl, your sweetheart? He's been lying to you, cuz he and I totally got it on last year" Santana revealed to the girl.
Stiles's eyes widened and jaw dropped at the information that was just revealed. He looked over at Rachel and saw her eyes widening too.
Silence took over.
The warblers and the residents of beacon hills were all stunned to say anything. Hell, even Scott and Theo were shocked and, for once, were too shocked to comment.
Santana and Finn shifted uncomfortably in their seats due to all the eyes that were suddenly on them.
Sebastian snapped out of his shock and looked at his boyfriend with furrowed eyebrows.
"Hold up. You're telling me Satan and Hudson slept together? Isn't she a lesbian and dating that Brittany girl?" Sebastian asked.
"And isn't he dating the annoying girl with bangs?" coach Finnstock asked.
A few people snorted at that while some laughed loudly.
Rachel shot the man an offended look and subtly touched her bangs.
Santana sighed as she ran a hand through her hair before making eye contact with the meerkat.
"At the time I believed myself to be straight and just fooled around with anyone. Mainly with Puck, but I did fool around with Finn. But it only happened once and that was it" Santana explained.
"And Rachel and I weren't dating at the time so it didn't really matter who I was with or, if you will, fooling around with" Finn added.
Sebastian frowned slightly at that before looking at his boyfriend for confirmation and he nodded.
The Smythe boy let out a laugh of disbelief as he leaned back in his seat.
"Damn" he managed to say while shaking his head.
Stiles chuckled quietly and shook his head before smiling when Sebastian grabbed his arm and gently pulled him down so that they could cuddling.
"Ok, enough already! No more conversations about this, or anything! This is our plan for Sectionals, and that is that" Mr. Schue yelled.
Everyone in the choir room fell silent as some were shocked that Santana did that while some were trying not to laugh.
"Mike, Brittany, c'mon up, let's start choreographing" Mr. Schue calmly said.
Mike and Brittany got up to start choreographing while Finn sat in his chair stunned while Rachel was staring at him with a look that said she was clearly upset and betrayed.
"Well that was awkward" Blaine muttered to Kurt who simply chuckled and nodded his head.
That was the understatement of the century.
Melissa shook her head and turned to look at Mr. Schue as her eyebrows furrowed together.
"What I don't understand is why you didn't step in before things got more out of hand? You just waited until after the damage was done" Melissa glared at him.
What kind of teacher just lets students argue and don't jump in until last minute?
"My thoughts exactly" Chris piped in, glaring at the teacher too.
Mr. Schue blushed and looked down at his lap while fiddling with his fingers. Ms. Pillsbury just patted her fiance's cheek.
The scene changes to an empty classroom and the camera pans over to Rachel and Finn. The couple were sitting next to each other but kept some distance from each other for a reason.
"Just tell me if it's true" Rachel said without looking at Finn.
Finn let out a sigh as he turned around to look at her, "I'm sorry, ok" he told her.
Rachel clenched her eyes shut and looked down at her lap as she tried to hold in her emotions.
Everyone was confused as to what they were seeing. They thought they'd see something involving Stiles or Stiles and Kurt.
While Stiles's eyes widened at the scene and he threw his head back in annoyance.
"Not this shit" Stiles groaned.
Rachel and Finn glanced at each other, already realizing what was going to show, and laughed in amusement.
Everyone else was confused and would've asked what was wrong but the episode resumed playing.
"I shouldn't have lied to you, I just thought that if I told you the truth, you'd get so mad at me..and, you're kind of scary" Finn told her.
"Don't you see how it's ten times worse now? Why her? I mean Quinn I'd understand, but her?" Rachel asked as she turned around to look at him.
"I'm lost. Are you two talking to someone or each other?" Tina asked.
"Yeah, did you guys want to talk to each other without anyone interfering?" Sam asked, raising an eyebrow at his friends.
Rachel and Finn tried to say something but failed due to them laughing.
Everyone was even more confused and looked at Stiles, who was simply glaring at the couple.
Rachel sighed and looked down at her lap, "do you think she's prettier than me?" she quietly asked.
Finn opened his mouth to say something but didn't get the chance to do so.
"Hold the hell up!" a certain someone yelled.
The couple turned around and the camera pans over to Stiles who was sitting across from them with his lunch tray in front of him and an apple in his hand.
"Can you two explain to me why the hell you're here?" Stiles asked while raising an eyebrow at the couple.
Silence took over the theater.
But it only lasted for a good few seconds before everyone burst out laughing.
Some of the established couples leaned against each other for support while everyone else laughed as some clutched their stomachs.
Stiles glared at everyone but his glare turned over to his boyfriend that was laughing along with the warblers.
"I hate you two for starting this" Stiles grumbled, glaring over at Rachel and Finn.
The couple simply shot him slightly apologetic smiles before going back to laughing.
"Hold up, those two actually went to you for help?" coach Finnstock asked through his laughter.
Stiles huffed but answered, "I was just eating my lunch in peace when the door opens and they walk inside, sit down across from me and began talking".
Everyone laughed more at that with Finn and Rachel being the loudest.
"Wow, Stiles. I never knew you were a couples counsel. Maybe Nick and I should go to you if we ever have any problems" Jeff grinned teasingly.
"That sounds like a great idea" Nick nodded, grinning teasingly himself.
"We should definitely do that too, Blaine" Kurt smirked.
"Great idea, baby" Blaine nodded, smirking himself.
Stiles snapped his head in their direction and glared at every single one of them angrily.
Nick, Jeff and Blaine shifted in their seats and gulped quietly while Kurt continued smirking at his best friend.
Sebastian laughed loudly in amusement and wrapped his arms around his darling and planted a kiss to his temple in order to calm him down.
"My dad's went to couple's counselling because one of them put up wallpaper in the den without asking the other and they said it was the only thing that kept them from killing each other" Rachel explained.
"Ok..." Stiles trailed off, still confused.
"We need your help, that's why we're here" Rachel finished and Finn nodded.
"Why didn't you guys just go to Ms. Pillsbury?" Quinn asked after getting her laughter under control.
Rachel and Finn took a few deep breaths in order to get their laughter under control. Finally, they spoke.
"We were originally going to go to Ms. Pillsbury" Finn started.
"But Kurt did mention that Stiles gives great advice and we thought that going to him was a better option" Rachel finished.
Stiles looked up and turned to his best friend in order to glare at him and Kurt threw his hands up.
"I simply said you give great advice. Not that you're a couples counsel and that they should go to you for help" Kurt defended.
Stiles simply glared harder at him while everyone burst out laughing once more.
"Ok and why are you two here? Last I checked, I'm not a couples counsel. Go ask Ms. Pillsbury or something" Stiles told them.
"Kurt tells us you give great advice and that's what we need" Finn said and Rachel nodded.
Stiles groaned and clenched his eyes shut, making a promise to yell at Kurt the next time he saw him.
Kurt winced. Stiles yelled at him for twenty minutes and it wasn't pleasant, at all.
His best friend is definitely scary when he's ticked off.
"Fine, whatever, lets just get this over with so I can go back to eating my lunch in peace" Stiles sighed as he reopened his eyes.
Rachel and Finn shot him small smiles before they disappeared within seconds.
"Let's start with you, Finn. Why didn't you tell Rachel the truth before Santana blurted it out to her and everyone else?" Stiles asked.
"I wanted to tell her, I really did, but I chickened out. I also didn't want to hurt her" Finn told him.
"I'm pretty sure it was better to tell her beforehand so that way she was aware and not left in the dark" Thad piped in.
"Yeah, a relationship is built on not just love, but trust and communication" Nick added.
The established couples took their words into consideration and made a mental note to start better when getting out of the theater.
Meanwhile, Derek looked at Stiles only to flinch at the glare he received from the Stilinski boy before he looked away from him.
Derek sighed, hating that he lost Stiles's love and trust.
"Then why did you do it with her?" Rachel asked incredulously.
"Why are you so caught up with who it was? It doesn't-" Finn started but was cut off by his upset girlfriend.
"Is it because she's hot?" Rachel angrily asked.
"Yeah, sure she's super hot but I'm- that's-" Finn stuttered, trying to come up with the right words, while Rachel was shaking her head at him.
"Finn, buddy, shut up" Stiles deadpanned.
Finn did as told and looked down at his lap sheepishly.
Everyone laughed at that while Stiles rolled his eyes, Rachel quietly giggled and Finn blushed.
"You look like a child that just got scolded by his dad" Puck grinned while shaking his head in amusement.
Finn blushed more at that, looking sheepish, and everyone continued laughing at that.
Hell, even Carole, Burt, Hiram and Leroy were laughing.
"I told you, definitely giving off father vibes" Malia whispered and Lydia and Kira nodded in agreement.
Brittany, after getting her laughter under control, turned to her girlfriend and leaned into her.
"Finn's right, you're definitely hot. Especially in bed when you're under me" Brittany whispered huskily with a smirk plastered on her face.
Santana blushed bright red at that and shifted in her seat, clearly turned on by her girlfriends bold words.
Rachel took a deep breath and turned away from her boyfriend to look at the Stilinski boy.
"As a therapist, is it productive of me to slap him right now?" she asked.
"First of all, I'm not a therapist. Not a couples counsel either. And trust me when I say I'd love to see you slap him, but that's not going to help" Stiles shook his head.
Stiles scoffed at his past self for saying that. Slapping someone definitely helps.
He certainly felt a bit better after slapping Derek across the face after finding out about his infidelity.
And the fact that he left a scratch on his face that couldn't heal even with werewolf healing made him even more smug.
Derek slowly brought his hand up to his cheek, the cheek Stiles slapped that certain day, and winced.
The scratch might've gone away a few weeks later but it definitely hurt like hell.
"But, I'd say the best thing you can do right now is storm out of the room and go somewhere where you can be alone and cool down" Stiles finished.
Rachel, taking his words to heart, nodded and shot up from her chair and stalked over to the door.
Not before her and Finn share an angry and confused glance with each other before she finally leaves.
"Is there anything else you want to talk about?" Stiles asked.
"I don't think so" Finn shrugged.
"Good, now get out. I wanna enjoy the rest of my lunch in peace" Stiles deadpanned.
Finn sighed but nodded and got up and left the room while closing the door behind him.
"Sorry, Finn. That was rude of me" Stiles apologized to his best friend/brother figure.
Finn chuckled and waved him off, "don't sweat it man. Besides you simply wanted to eat lunch alone, I understand that" he smiled.
Stiles sent him a smile and a nod and Finn returned the gesture.
The screen turns black before turning back on. A few days have passed and sectionals is almost near.
The camera pans inside McKinley highschool before heading inside the choir room. Everyone is sitting down, with the exception of Rachel and Puck, were doing their own thing.
We see Stiles and Santana sitting next to each other laughing as Stiles was showing his newfound best friend something on YouTube.
"What were you guys watching?" Sebastian asked.
"Just some fail compilations. And they were funny as hell" Stiles laughed.
"Hell yeah they were" Santana laughed in agreement.
Sebastian and Brittany smiled at their respective lovers and nodded their heads.
Suddenly, Santana realized something and stopped laughing and that made Stiles pause the video.
"Where's Puck? I haven't seen him since yesterday and I need him to get me a churro" Santana asked.
"If you do see him ask him to get me one too. I'm hungry, haven't eaten anything all day" Stiles said and the latina girl nodded.
"Are you really that lazy to get up and buy a churro yourself?" Theo asked, scoffing.
Stiles glared at him, along with everyone else, while Sebastian wrapped a protective arm around his shoulders.
Not before shooting the Raeken boy a glare for the way he spoke to his boyfriend.
"Can you shut up? Nobody wants to hear you speak, Tim" Lydia scoffed.
"My name is Theo!" Theo yelled at her with a glare settled on her face.
"Does my face look like I gave a damn?" Lydia asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Theo didn't answer that, not really sure what to say, which made Lydia scoff and turn away from him.
"My guess is he'd rather quit Glee Club than lose Sectionals and I can't blame him. Our set's gon' be real light on the Mercedes" Mercedes said.
"I'm telling you, if the Warblers win Sectionals, it's only because we gave them Kurt. We should not clap" Tina shook her head.
"Wow, really feeling the love Tina" Kurt sarcastically smiled at her.
Tina winced at her past selfs actions and words and shot her friend an apologetic look to which he chuckled and waved her off.
Meanwhile, Blaine glared at the girl for what she said and held his boyfriend close to him.
"First, you need to stop being bitter over the fact that you didn't get a solo and get over it. Second, Kurt left on his own free will and I don't blame him since that jackass Karofsky wasn't leaving him alone. He left for his safety, especially when people at this shitty school aren't doing anything to protect him" Stiles glared at the two girls and the teacher.
Tina and Mercedes both stared at him with wide eyes, clearly not expecting that, while Santana smirked at her best friend.
Mr. Schue sighed and glanced over at Stiles who was laughing at something Sebastian told him.
He wasn't expecting an apology. After all, he knew Stiles was right.
"If we lose, we should throw possums" Brittany suggested.
Stiles frowned and leaned closer to Santana, "why would we throw possums and where would we even get them?" he asked.
Santana shot him a weird and amused look before shrugging her shoulders.
Footsteps could be heard and everyone turned around only to see Rachel walking in with her arms crossed and duct tape over her mouth.
Raised eyebrows were shown from almost everyone as their heads snapped into the Berry girls direction.
"Rachel, sweetie, what are you doing?" Hiram asked his daughter.
"More importantly, why are you wearing duct tape?" Leroy asked.
Rachel blushed and looked down at her lap, wanting the ground to swallow her because everyone was going to witness how bratty she acted that day.
Malia eyed the girl up and down before leaning into her fathers side.
"$20 she's wearing duct tape is because she's still bitter that she doesn't have a solo and that's her way of protesting" Malia whispered.
Peter looked at his daughter and a smirk appeared on his face, "deal" he nodded.
"What the hell?" Stiles asked, glancing over at Santana who looked confused but also delighted.
Mr. Schue looked up and furrowed his eyebrows together at the girl.
"Rachel, what are you doing?" Mr. Schue asked, barely concealing his annoyance in his tone.
Rachel walked over to her seat and sat down. She took the tape off in order to answer her teacher's question.
"I'm not doing anything. You've silenced my talents, I'm merely protesting" Rachel replied before putting the tape back on.
Cue sighs, groans and facepalms from almost everyone in the theater.
Hell, even the adults from beacon hills looked completely done with the Berry girl and they didn't even know her properly.
"Rachel, I swear to god" Leroy clenched his eyes shut in frustration while running a hand through his hair.
He loves his daughter, he really does, but her attitude can be annoying at times.
And the way she acts towards the others in her team is something he needs to talk to her about later on.
Hiram rubbed his husbands shoulder and sent his daughter a pointed look. Rachel just shrunk down in her seat.
Meanwhile, Peter was grumbling under his breath in defeat before placing $20 into Malia's waiting hand.
But apparently she wasn't done and took the tape back off in order to speak.
"My talents are wasted in this club. My star shines too bright and I think you're threatened by it" Rachel commented.
Everyone glared at the girl for her bratty attitude. Some wanted to lunge at her, such as Lydia and Malia, but they were held back.
Rachel continued sinking down in her seat but looked shocked at how annoyed and frustrated Mr. Schue onscreen was at her behavior.
Although, she doesn't blame him.
The entire members of the glee club shot the girl a glare while some wanted to lunge at her. Santana being the main one.
Stiles let out a scoff and abruptly stood up from his, almost knocking his chair down, and all eyes were now on him.
"Good lord you are such a self centered brat! You get solos every fucking day and the one time you don't you think you're being punished and that your talent is being wasted. Newsflash, hobbit, not everything is about you! For once in your life try and be happy for those that are finally getting their chance to shine in the spotlight because everyone here is talented, not just you. So do everyone, including your boyfriend, a favor and just shut the hell up!" Stiles angrily spat.
Everyone in the choir room, even Mr. Schue who was ready to yell and scold Rachel himself, stared at Stiles in shock at his outburst.
Everyone in the theater had the same reactions as the new directions from the past.
Some people from beacon hills were also staring at him in shock since they've never seen him so angry.
The one to break out of it first was Lydia who smirked and started clapping.
"Awesome job, Stiles. That bratty bitch deserved that, hopefully it'll knock some sense into her and she'll learn that not everything is about her" Lydia said in approval.
Soon everyone snapped out of it and voiced their agreements as some smiled at the Stilinski boy.
Stiles just grinned and shrugged at everyone.
Rachel sighed and buried her face into her hands while Finn rubbed her back for some comfort.
Sebastian pulled Stiles close to him so that his back was pressed against his chest and leaned down so that his lips were close to his ear.
"That was hot" Sebastian whispered huskily into his ear.
Stiles blushed and felt shivers go down his spine and Sebastian smirked and placed a soft kiss to his neck.
Rachel shot the boy a look of disbelief as her eyes were wide in shock and her jaw was touching the ground.
But before she could say anything Mr. Schue slammed the papers he had been carrying when walking inside down harshly onto the piano, causing Rachel and a few others to jump on the spot.
"Rachel take that off! Stiles is right, you have a terrible attitude, you're a lousy sport, and it is not okay anymore!" Mr. Schue yelled.
Stiles smirked at that and sat back down in his seat in satisfaction.
"Never thought the day would come where the vest man would snap at her" Isaac hummed.
Everyone nodded and voiced their agreements while ignoring the slightly offended looking coming from said vest man.
"The one and only time he snapped at her" Stiles muttered while shaking his head.
Rachel shook herself out of her shocked state and sat up from her chair as Mr. Schue made his way over to her.
"Well I'm upset! I'm furious about this, about a couple of things actually!" Rachel yelled while shooting Santana and Finn a glare.
Finn sighed while Santana scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Is she really still angry? It happened last year, why can't she get over it?" Stiles asked the latina girl sitting next to him.
Santana just huffed out a laugh while shrugging her shoulders.
"Why are you even angry?" Liam asked, furrowing his eyebrows together while tilting his head to the side.
"Yeah, I can understand if you're angry that your boyfriend lied to you, but you guys weren't together. Why can't you just get over it?" Malia asked.
Rachel just shook her head and sighed while brushing her bangs away from her face.
"Guys, just leave it alone" Stiles told them, sending them a stern look.
Liam pouted but obeyed while Malia huffed and leaned back in her seat and turned her attention back to the screen.
Mr. Schue sighed and sent the girl a look before speaking once more.
"I'm sorry you're disappointed, but you know, you could also make the choice to be happy, that we're a part of a glee club that is bursting at the seams with talent. There's an awful lot of 'me' talk going around. 'What's in it for me?' 'What solo am I gonna sing?' Now, when we go to Sectionals, we're gonna be good sports. We'll cheer on the Hipsters, we'll cheer on Kurt and the Warblers, and if they win we will congratulate them, because that's who we are" Mr. Schue told everyone.
Stiles smiled at that and nodded and soon everyone else was nodding in agreement to their teachers words.
Everyone smiled at that while others just hummed and nodded their heads at that.
The warblers and Kurt sent Mr. Schue smiles and the man returned it.
"Dude, where have you been?" Artie loudly asked, his attention on someone that was walking inside the room.
Everyone turned around to see Puck, looking disheveled, and a girl named Lauren Zizes.
"What happened to you, pretty boy?" Lydia asked, looking at him in amusement and concern.
Puck sighed but answered, "just watch and i'm sure it'll be explained".
Lydia frowned but nodded her head and turned her attention back to the screen.
Meanwhile, Stiles frowned feeling bad that he wasn't there to help Puck after what the football players did to him.
"I found him in a porta potty" Lauren replied.
Santana, along with everyone else, looks bewildered and looks at Puck to hear his story on what happened.
"I was tryna find Kurt's replacement for Sectionals. I went to the football players to see if they would join, but obviously they shut me down and attacked me and locked me in the porta potty and tipped it over before leaving. I was trapped in that porta potty for twenty four hours. But then Lauren came in and got me out of there. So I asked her if she wanted to join and she agreed under a few conditions" Puck explained.
"What conditions?" Parrish asked in curiosity.
"Story for another time" Puck waved the man off, not really wanting to tell anyone what the conditions were.
Everyone asked him about the conditions but he waved them off, not wanting to get into details about the conditions.
"I have to say, she kinda rocked my world" Puck smiled while giving Lauren a glance.
Everyone, more specifically Santana, looked at him either in shock or confusion while Stiles just shrugged.
"You really didn't care, did you?" Thad asked in amusement.
"Not really. As long as he was alright and she was willing to join I was fine with it" Stiles replied.
Mr. Schue cleared his throat and nodded his head as he turned over to everyone else.
"Ok guys, um, well, looks like we're back in business. Let's all welcome our newest member, Ms. Lauren Zizes" Mr. Schue announced with a smile.
Everyone began clapping as Lauren sent them a grin and did a small curtsy.
"Puck, nice work. We owe you one." Mr. Schue praised the boy while holding his hand out for him to shake.
Puck nodded and shook his hand before him and Lauren went to sit down so that everyone could go back to rehearsing.
The new directions sent smiles to Puck and he chuckled at them but was grateful and nodded at them.
The scene turns black before turning back on. It's Saturday and it's the day of sectionals and everyone was tense and nervous.
Not to mention it was a bit awkward considering everyone seemed to be mad at each other for whatever reason.
"Why's that?" Derek asked, raising an eyebrow at the new directions but his eyes were mainly on Stiles.
The new directions just gestured to the screen, knowing that it'll probably be shown soon, while three certain people glared at him.
Derek frowned over at Stiles because the boy ignored him and didn't even look at him.
Stiles and Rachel were currently over at the bar where they have snacks and drinks and were talking to the waiter.
Well, Rachel was talking while Stiles was drinking some water.
"Then go down to 7-11 get some. I need raisonettes!" Rachel yelled at the waiter while Stiles watched on in amusement.
"Woah there, Berry. Who made you angry?" Sebastian asked in amusement.
"Basically everyone" Rachel muttered with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Carb loading?" Kurt asked in amusement as he walked over to the pair.
"Kurt! My bestie! My platonic soulmate" Stiles squealed.
He practically tossed his water bottle onto the counter and rushed over to his best friend and embraced him in a hug. Kurt laughed and hugged him back.
"Um, what about me? I'm your best friend and platonic soulmate too" Santana spoke up.
"Hey, he's my best friend and brother figure" Isaac piped in.
Santana snapped her head in his direction and sent him a glare. Isaac sent her a glare back.
"Might I remind you that i've been his best friend since birth, i'm his #1 platonic soulmate and his brother figure" Kurt piped in.
The two teens ended their glare off in order to glare at Kurt who glared back at them.
Stiles let out a sigh and was going to say something to get them to back off of each other only to yelp in surprise when Kurt threw himself at him, hugging him tightly.
"Hey! Don't hog him to yourself!" the two other teens yelled in anger.
They then threw themselves at Stiles and hugged him just as tightly.
"Hey! Might I remind you guys that he's my father figure!" Liam yelled in anger as a pout appeared on his face.
He practically jumped onto Stiles's lap and wrapped his arms around him while nuzzling his face into his neck.
By now the rest of the audience was dying from laughter, some were rolling on the ground due to how much they were laughing.
Sebastian laughed softly at the exasperated look on Stiles's face before he gave in and hugged the teens that were squishing him back.
"Told you they would fight for his attention" Malia whispered to Lydia and Kira who nodded.
"Puck got Lauren Zizes to take your place and she won't go on unless she gets her damn candy!" Rachel yelled in frustration.
Kurt sent her a look while Stiles laughed under his breath while shaking his head.
Rachel took a few deep breaths to calm herself and when she was calm she spoke in her regular tone.
"She's a warm body. Hey did you uh, get your solo?" Rachel asked, hoping to get a yes from him.
"Sadly no" Kurt shook his head with a small sad smile.
Stiles turned his head around in order to glare at Blaine and the warblers and they all flinched at his glare.
He hated that they didn't give Kurt a chance and he hated that Blaine thought Kurt was trying too hard to get a solo.
Sebastian raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend and his warblers but decided to ask about it later.
"Oh wow, if you didn't get a solo then they must be really good. We are doomed" Rachel said.
Kurt shot the girl an unamused look while Stiles looked ready to yell at her, or maybe even slap her.
Rachel's eyes widened when she realized what she said and she let out a sigh.
"Sorry that was selfish. What I meant to say was, wow that really sucks, I'm sure you were really good" Rachel softly said with real genuine.
"Wow, never thought the day where she'd actually say sorry" Lydia said with wide eyes.
"Same. I thought her saying sorry wasn't in her vocabulary" Malia nodded.
Stiles shot the girl a shocked look while Kurt just sent her a small smile.
"I was. I mean, I think I was. Being in the Warblers has really made me question everything I thought about myself" Kurt told the two of them.
Rachel and Stiles frowned at that, Stiles's frown being deeper and his eyes showed concern.
Blaine and the warblers all frowned at that, feeling guilty that they made Kurt feel like that.
Blaine feels the most terrible out of all of them and made a promise to make it up to his boyfriend when they get back home.
"Yeah...what has become of us Kurt?" Rachel asked while sighing.
Kurt sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Stiles gestured for them to sit and they did just that as they all sat together.
"So, do you miss us?" Rachel and Stiles asked in unison.
Their eyes widened at that and they shared a glance before looking away.
Rachel and Stiles looked at each other and laughed in amusement before turning back to the screen.
"I do. Being a Warbler is great but I don't think they appreciate my individuality as much as you guys did. And I can't help but think that I let you guys down" Kurt told them with a frown.
"Kurt, you made the right choice to leave. You didn't let us down, you were simply thinking of your safety" Stiles softly told him.
Rachel nodded in agreement, "it's your life Kurt. You weren't safe at McKinley anymore and we all get it" she added.
Hiram and Leroy smiled at their daughter, happy that she wasn't being selfish and was now understanding of Kurt's situation and decision to leave.
Some people were stunned at the Berry girls words while some were just happy that she understood that Kurt was thinking of his safety.
Kurt sent Stiles a soft smile and when he turned to Rachel his smile turned into a teasing one.
"How come you were never this nice to me when I was your teammate?" the Hummel boy asked.
"Because you were my only real competition" Rachel shot him a teasing grin.
"True" Kurt nodded with his own teasing grin on his face.
Stiles laughed at their interaction and the two other teens laughed as well. Rachel and Kurt stood up and embraced each other in a hug.
The two of them pulled back a bit from the hug and turned to Stiles and gestured for him to join. Stiles's eyes widened before a smile appeared on his face and he joined the two of them in the hug.
Stiles, Kurt and Rachel looked at each other and smiled before hugging each other tightly.
Sebastian, Blaine and Finn smiled at their respective lovers along with everyone else.
Stiles had to admit that that particular moment was when he started to somewhat tolerate Rachel.
Because while she was annoying and got on his nerves, he could tell how genuine she was when speaking to Kurt and knew that she has her good moments too.
The three of them pulled away from the hug and sat back down.
"So how's Finn? I feel bad, I haven't spoken to him since the wedding" Kurt asked his friends.
"I don't know, I barely talk to him since I mainly keep to myself" Stiles shrugged.
Kurt nodded in understanding before turning to Rachel who sighed as she shook her head.
"I, uh, haven't really talked to him much either. I found out he and Santana were romantically involved and he lied to me about it" Rachel rolled her eyes.
"Wait, you didn't know about that?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.
Stiles's eyes slightly widened at that while Rachel's eyes widened more and her jaw slightly drops.
Honestly, nobody in the audience is surprised that Kurt knew since it was pretty obvious.
The only ones that were let in on the secret was Stiles, which is understandable since he was new at the time, and Rachel.
Before either of them could say anything a guy from Dalton that was also on the warblers walked over to them as he made his way over to Kurt.
The guy, Blaine Anderson, stopped at Kurt's side and put his hand on his shoulder.
"Kurt, they're calling places" Blaine told him and Kurt nodded.
Blaine turned to Stiles and Rachel and smiled at them while saying "hey".
"The best friend meets his best friend's future boyfriend" Santana announced.
Everyone laughed at her words while Stiles and Blaine chuckled and shook their heads.
"Thanks again, Rachel. And it was great to see you, S" Kurt smiled at both his friends.
"Great seeing you too, K" Stiles smiled back but narrowed his eyes at Blaine's hand on his shoulder.
"Uh oh, protective best friend mode is coming on" Kira giggled.
Stiles shrugged because it was true. He's very protective over his friends, especially Kurt.
Kurt gets up as he and Blaine walk away leaving Rachel and Stiles. Stiles looks at Rachel and sees her completely shocked by the news.
He let out a sigh and gestured for her to follow him and she did just that. The two of them had to meet up with the others and get dressed.
The scene changes inside the place where everyone was going to perform. The new directions all sat down in order to watch their competitions perform before they had to go on themselves.
Stiles was sat next to Santana as they, along with everyone else in the audience, watched a group called 'the hipsters' sing 'the living years' and even though they were a group of old people they were still really good.
"Oh wow, they actually let old people perform?" Sebastian asked with wide eyes.
"I guess they do just as long as they can actually sing" Mr. Schue shrugged.
When they finished their performance everyone in the audience clapped for them and watched as they got off the stage as the curtains closed.
"And now, for our second performance of the program, from Dalton Academy is Westervale, the Warblers!" the announcer spoke.
Everyone clapped and smiled. The new directions were happy to see their performance again and the residents of beacon hills were happy to see how they performed.
Blaine and the warblers smiled at each other, especially at seeing their captain clap for them along with everyone else.
The curtains were pulled back and we see the warblers on stage in position as the music turned on.
(Kurt looks at Stiles & Rachel and the two of them are encouraging him and smiling)
When the performance ends Stiles jumps up from his seat and claps and cheers for the warblers. But he's mainly cheering for Kurt as his way to show that he's happy for him and always has his back.
Rachel soon followed Stiles's lead along with Mercedes and soon everyone else got up and started clapping and cheering.
Soon everyone in the theater got up and clapped and cheered for them.
Sebastian looked at his warblers and Blaine and sent them a smile and nod, telling them that he enjoyed their performance and was proud of them.
The warblers and Blaine smiled at him and sent him a nod.
Although, they felt sad at seeing Wes and David onscreen. They missed them like crazy.
The scene changes to backstage where we see the new directions in their room. Some were preparing before having to go onstage, some were trying to ease their worries while some were just chilling.
Stiles was standing by himself with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched his friends talk to one another.
"These costumes are causing some unmentionable chaffing" Lauren told Puck.
"You ok?" Sam asked his girlfriend in concern.
"No, I'm totally freaking out. Last time we performed in front of an audience I went into labor. I think I'm having post-traumatic stress disorder" Quinn replied.
"Wait, hold on, labor?" Isaac asked as he turned to look at the beautiful blonde girl.
Quinn looked at him and muttered a slight curse under her breath before answering.
"I got pregnant in my sophomore year. I was pregnant when performing last time and after the performance I went into labor and gave birth to a baby girl. But I gave her up for adoption since she deserved a better life" Quinn explained.
Isaac looked shocked by the news, he didn't know that the beautiful blonde was a teen mom.
Quinn bit her lip and looked at him worriedly. She was starting to really like the Lahey boy and now she's worried he'll judge her and distance himself from her because she's a teen mom.
However, she got the shock of her life when Isaac simply wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a hug.
"It's alright, I'm not going to judge. Teen girls getting pregnant is something that happens and the only thing I'm going to say is that I'm sorry for whatever struggles you had to deal with. And I know it must've been hard, but giving your daughter up was for the best especially if you weren't ready to be a mom" Isaac softly told her.
He pulled back from the hug in order to look into those beautiful eyes of hers.
"And it won't change the fact that you're still beautiful and that I like you" Isaac finished with a smile.
Quinn was speechless.
She couldn't believe that Isaac hugged her and comforted her rather than judge her for being a teen mom and giving her daughter up for adoption.
She couldn't believe how understanding he was and she couldn't believe that he still likes her.
Quinn's eyes watered slightly with tears and she hugged him back tightly with her face pressed into his chest. Isaac smiled and leaned down to kiss her head while hugging her just as tightly.
Stiles smiled softly at the two of them. Maybe Isaac could be that certain someone Quinn needs in her life.
"FYI I'm totally available to fill in" Mercedes spoke up while looking at a magazine.
Stiles rolled his eyes and looked over at Artie and Brittany. By the looks of it, Artie looked upset.
"Nowhere to run, from me, or your lies. I hope they judge us on dancing and adultery because your aces at both of them" Artie angrily said.
"I don't understand how you found out. I am so stupid, I can't believe I did it, I'm, I've never felt more awful about anything in my life" Brittany told him.
But Artie rolled away from her with a scowl on his face.
"Woah, what's got you upset, wheels?" Sebastian asked with furrowed eyebrows.
Artie and Brittany looked at each other and let out sighs before turning away from each other.
"It was in the past, when we were dating, and I thought she was cheating on me with Mike. But it was just a misunderstanding" Artie explained.
Brittany nodded as she leaned into Santana's side who wrapped an arm around her waist.
Sebastian and everyone else hummed in understanding.
Stiles raised an eyebrow at that and looked over at another couple, Tina and Mike, to see Mike leaning down to talk to his girlfriend.
"What's Artie all worked up about?" Mike asked but Tina turned to him with a glare.
"You are such a jerk!" Tina yelled as she got up from her seat and walked away from him.
Mike looked stunned at that and confused while Stiles furrowed his eyebrows together.
Tina winced and looked at her boyfriend, "i'm sorry Mike. I should've talked to you instead of making assumptions" she sighed.
Mike sent her a smile and wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple.
"It's alright, babe. We just have to communicate better" Mike smiled.
Tina smiled and nodded. They shared a kiss before turning back to the screen.
Stiles looked annoyed and was going to ask what was wrong when Rachel stormed into the room and stormed over to Finn, clearly angry.
"You told Kurt?!" Rachel yelled at him.
"I don't remember, maybe" Finn replied while shrugging his shoulders.
"About Finn and Santana?" Mercedes asked and Rachel nodded, "no I think I told him" she told her.
Rachel looked shocked at that while Stiles shook his head, his arms crossed over his chest.
Everyone else was silent as they watched the drama unfold but some did laugh a little at how annoyed Stiles looked.
"Who told you?" Rachel asked, looking over at the Fabray girl.
"Me? I think Brittany told me. Or maybe it was Puck" Quinn said.
"Yeah it was me" Puck nodded.
"Everybody knew about this but me?!" Rachel angrily asked.
"Pretty much" Tina nodded.
"Ok, first of all, Sam and I didn't know any of this considering we're both new" Stiles piped in and Sam nodded.
"And now we're all getting in on this information" Carole muttered and Burt nodded.
"And second of all nobody tells you anything because, A, you're a blabbermouth, and B, we just pretend to like you" Santana rolled her eyes.
"That's not true, I kinda like her" Puck shrugged.
"I'm learning to somewhat tolerate her" Stiles added.
Finn, having enough of Rachel's constant interrogations, got up from his seat and turned to her.
"Look, Rachel, when this all happened, you were dating another guy. So you don't really have a right to be pissed at me about it, ok. And fine, I shouldn't have lied about it but, to be honest, that isn't what you care about. You care about the Santana of it all.
Santana raised her hand in agreement and Stiles laughed slightly at that.
"For once, the Hudson boy speaks the truth" Isaac nodded.
"Can you blame him? The latina girl is smoking hot" Malia complimented.
"I second that. She's indeed hot" Lydia nodded in agreement.
Kira shot Malia a look while Puck shot Lydia a look. The girls looked at them and simply shrugged.
Meanwhile, Santana was smirking at their compliments only for the smirk to go away when she saw Brittany glaring at her.
"Relax, Britt. You're the one for me, always" Santana reassured her.
Brittany huffed but leaned into her side, "i better be" she muttered while resting her head on her shoulder.
"Oh who are you right now!" Rachel yelled.
"Best green room ever" Lauren grinned while eating a pretzel.
Soon Mr. Schue walks into the room just in time to see everyone arguing with each other.
"You know what? You guys are gonna have to find someone else to mindlessly harmonize in the background because I'm not going on stage with him!" Rachel yelled while pointing at Finn.
"Make that two subs. I'm not going out there with Brittany" Artie piped in.
"Me either!" Tina piped in.
The new directions all blushed in embarrassment and shrunk down in their seats at all the eyes that were on them.
And they didn't need to look at anyone to know that some were angry and some were disappointed.
Sugar, Rory and Joe were shocked at how their friends/teammates acted in the past before they came into the picture.
Mr. Schue let out a frustrated groan and was going to say something but a certain someone beat him to it.
Stiles spun around and kicked a nearby chair creating a loud sound that made everyone in the room jump and turn to him with wide eyes.
"All of you shut the fuck up!" Stiles yelled out in anger.
Everyone in the theater jumped at that, clearly not expecting it.
Hell, even Derek, Scott and Theo flinched but they tried to cover it up.
Stiles chuckled nervously and shot everyone apologetic smiles for the scare. He probably should've warned them.
"Do you even hear yourselves right now? You're all acting like selfish little kids and acting like you're in kindergarten when you're all in highschool and should be acting like the teenagers you are!" Stiles yelled.
He cares about his friends, he really does, but he was getting annoyed of their constant arguing and was close to ripping out his hair.
While everyone stared at him in shock Mr. Schue snapped out of his shock and nodded his head in agreement.
"Stiles is right. I am ashamed of all of you. Think back to where you were this time last year. In this room, no set list, no choreography, no chance in hell of winning. But you did win, because you did it together. Look, I don't care if you guys hate each other, all I want is for you guys to go out there, and sing together. Get up there, and for six minutes remind yourselves that you're not alone" Mr. Schue told everyone.
Ms. Pillsbury smiled at her fiance and kissed his cheek causing the man to smile at her.
Everyone either smiled at the mans words or just nodded, considering there were some people that still didn't like him.
Soon bells go off signalling the New Directions need to go to stage.
"Alright! Show time!" Mr. Schue clapped his hands together.
The scene changes to the audience that are all sitting down waiting for the new directions to perform. After about a minute the announcer speaks through the microphone.
"And now, for our final performance of the program, McKinley High's, the New Directions!" the announcer spoke.
Everyone clapped for them before quieting down. Music begins to play and the camera pans over to the back of the audience and we see Sam emerge from behind the curtains as he begins to sing.
Now I've had the time of my life
No I never felt like this before
Yes, I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
Cause I've had the time of my life
And I owe it all to you
I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone to stand by me
We saw the writing on the wall
As we felt this magical fantasy
(Quinn & Sam)
Now with passion in our eyes
There's no way we could disguise it secretly
So we take each others hand
Cause we seem to understand the urgency, oh
Just remember
Everyone in the theater was silent as they watched Sam and Quinn perform together and were smiling at how great their voices were, especially together.
"You have a lovely voice, sweetie" Melissa complimented the Fabray girl.
"Thank you very much, Ms. McCall" Quinn softly smiled at the kind woman.
"You too, bud. You've got a great voice" Chris complimented the Evans boy.
"Thank you" Sam smiled while nodding his head.
Isaac, despite the jealousy, smiled at how beautiful Quinn looked and she looked even more beautiful when she smiled.
Not to mention her voice was incredible.
You're the one thing
I can't get enough of
So I'll tell you something
The two of them rush towards each other and hold onto each other, their noses touching and their foreheads close to each others.
(Quinn & Sam)
This could be love, because
Soon the curtain opened and revealed the rest of the new directions as they started dancing using the choreography Mike and Brittany came up with.
The new directions smiled at each other before turning to thank Mike and Brittany for teaching them the choreography they came up with for them.
Mike and Brittany smiled at their friends and just told them that they're happy they liked it and all of them were able to dance well.
(The New Directions)
I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
Now I've...
Had the time of my life
No, I never felt this way before
Never felt this way
Yes, I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
(The New Directions)
I've had the time of my life
No, I never felt this way before
Yes, I swear, it's the truth
And I owe it all to you
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Kurt shoots up from his seat with a smile on his face as he begins to clap for his friends and soon everyone in the audience is clapping for the new directions and cheering for them.
Everyone in the theater cheered loudly for the new directions and clapped loudly for them, smiles evident on all of their faces.
The new directions all smiled at each other with Sam and Quinn nodding at each other before looking away.
The cheering and clapping died down and it was time for their 2nd number. The new directions all got into position as music began to play once more.
Well, sometimes I go out by myself
And I look across the water
And I think of all the things, what you're doing
And in my head I paint a picture
Cause since I've come on home, well my body's been a mess
And I've missed your ginger hair
And the way you like to dress
(Santana & The New Directions)
Won't you come on over?
Stop making a fool out of me
Why won't you come on over Valerie?
Mike and Brittany got the front and began dancing extremely well while the others were in the back dancing and singing.
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie-e-e (The New Directions: Why don't you come on over?)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Va-a-lerie yeah (The New Directions: Valerie, Valerie)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie-e-e (The New Directions: Why don't you come on over?)
Everyone in the audience began cheering for Mike and Brittany, along with everyone else, as they were in awe at how well they were dancing.
Mike and Brittany shared a grin, they practiced day and night and it was all worth it because they really did rock it.
Well, sometimes I go out by myself and I look across the water
And I think of all the things,
What you're doing and in my head I paint a picture
(Santana & The New Directions)
Cause since I've come on home, well, my body's been a mess
And I've missed your ginger hair and the way you like to dress
I won't you come on over, stop making a fool out of me
Why don't you come on over Valerie?
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie-e-e (The New Directions: Why don't you come on over?)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Va-a-lerie yeah
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie-e-e (Why don't you come on over?)
Valerie (The New Directions: Valerie Valerie)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie (The New Directions: Why don't you come on over Valerie?)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Valerie Valerie (The New Directions: Why don't you come on over?)
Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa
Why don't you come on over Valerie?
Everyone that was dancing in the background huddle together as Mike and Brittany do their final move together.
When their performance ends, as well as the music, everyone in the audience all stand up and begin cheering and clapping for them as loud as they can.
Everyone in the theater room smiles and cheers as loud as they can.
Sugar, Rory and Joe were really impressed by their teammates and were happy to be apart of their team.
The warblers were all cheering the loudest because they remember the 'Valerie' performance and it truly was amazing, especially Mike and Brittany's amazing dance moves.
Sebastian smiled at the new directions and although he'd never admit it out loud he was really impressed by how great they were.
But, if he's being honest he only loves watching them because his darling is apart of the group.
"I've said it before and I'll keep on saying it, you kids are amazing" Melissa praised.
"Yeah, you guys killed it no doubt" Lydia grinned.
The new directions all smiled at the praises and compliments they were getting from everyone. All of them bowed before taking their seats.
Stiles smiled when Sebastian wrapped his arm around his waist and placed a kiss to his temple.
"You killed it, darling. I mean, you all did, but I love seeing you on stage just having fun" Sebastian smiled.
"Thanks babe" Stiles smiled as he leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips to which the boy smiled even more.
The scene changes to all three groups on stage so they can announce the winner of the competition.
Stiles looked over at the warblers side and made eye contact with Kurt. Kurt smiled at him and Stiles returned the gesture with a wink, causing the boy to laugh slightly while shaking his head in amusement.
Everyone smiled at the best friends while Scott glared at the boys onscreen.
"And now, this year's head judge, associate director of the Ohio Department of Motor Vehicles, Mister Pete Sznowski" the announcer spoke.
Everyone clapped as the head judge walked onstage with an envelope in his hands.
"Thank you, and thank you to all the groups who performed here today, we all had a serious, good time. You know what else, is a serious good time? Taking two minutes to save a life by filling out an organ donor card, because it's never too late, to donate" Pete told the audience.
The audience responded by clapping along with a few people that were onstage.
"Drumroll please" Pete said.
The new directions and the warblers were amused by the fact that some people of beacon hills actually started drumrolling.
Stiles chuckled while shaking his head at seeing Melissa, Liam, Isaac and Kira being the ones to do the drumroll.
Chris laughed softly at Melissa, fondness shown in his eyes that went unseen by everyone other than her son who frowned.
"In third place, the Hipsters!" Pete announced.
The new direction sighed in relief before clapping along with the audience as they watched the leader of the hipsters walk to Pete to accept the award and shake his hand.
"Thank you, drive carefully" Pete told the leader who nodded and walked back to his team.
"Although they didn't win they still were really good" Isaac smiled.
"Yeah, and they're old too" Liam piped in.
Isaac snorted at that, clearly amused, while Stiles sent a glare to his pup who blushed and shrunk down in his seat.
"And now, the winner of this year's west central Sectionals is..." Pete trailed off as he took out the paper from the envelope that held the name of the winner.
The warblers and the new directions held their breaths, all of them impatiently waiting for the winners name to be said.
Pete looked shocked and amused at what the paper said before facing the audience, "it's a tie" he revealed.
Everyone looked shocked at that while some members of the new directions looked a little annoyed.
Gasps were heard from the theater while the new directions and the warblers shook their heads slightly.
"Seriously? It was a tie, how?" Sebastian asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, why didn't you guys win? Your performances, especially 'Valerie' was amazing" Sugar asked with some anger shown in her tone.
"I guess the judges thought both groups were great and couldn't decide on a winner so it came down to a tie" Nick shrugged.
"Either way at least we all won and we got to go to regionals" Kurt smiled.
"Got that right" Blaine nodded while pecking his boyfriend softly on the lips.
"Congratulations! You're all going to the Regionals!" Pete announced.
The new directions and the warblers shrugged before smiling and clapping as the audience clapped and cheered for them.
While Mr. Schue and Blaine went to get the award and shake hands some of the members hugged each other with smiles on their faces.
Stiles brought Santana into a hug and she smiled before hugging him back with her head coming down to rest on his shoulder.
Sebastian glared slightly at Santana and pulled Stiles closer to his side.
He knew they didn't like each other in the romantic way and were simply best friends but he can't help himself when he sees his darling with other people.
And he wasn't the only one.
Derek was also glaring at Santana onscreen as well as Sebastian, anger and jealousy evident in his eyes.
The screen turns black before turning back on. It's the day after sectionals and the camera pans to McKinley highschool.
We go inside and we see Stiles in an empty classroom sitting on a table with his legs crossed while writing in his journal, a smile on his face as he did so.
"Let me guess, writing about the win. Or, well, tie" Kira softly smiled.
"How did you know?" Stiles asked in mock shock.
Kira fondly rolled her eyes while laughing and Stiles soon joined in on the laughter.
He was finishing up his last sentence when the classroom door was flung open, creating a loud thud, and Stiles jumped in surprise and his head shot up and he was on high alert.
"STILES!" Rachel and Finn screamed while barging into the classroom.
The two of them walked closer to his table and stood in front of him. They both talked over each other with Finn glaring angrily at Rachel while Rachel had tears in her eyes and was trying, by the looks of it, apologize and make things better.
Meanwhile, Stiles was visibly startled, confused and irritated.
Everyone burst out laughing at everything that happened, more so the look of Stiles's face.
They couldn't believe that the couple had once again gone to Stiles for help. It was downright amusing.
Especially when Stiles has told them that he's not a couples counsel and looks annoyed that they're still going to him for help.
"I hate all of you. Especially you two" Stiles glared at everyone before directing his glare to Finn and Rachel.
Everyone ignored him and continued laughing while Finn and Rachel shot him apologetic smiles before going back to laughing.
Sebastian, trying to keep his laughter in check, and rested his head on Stiles's shoulder.
"Even me?" Sebastian asked with a pout on his face.
If the warblers weren't too busy laughing they would be very shocked at seeing their captain pout. After all, this is Sebastian Smythe we're talking about.
Stiles rolled his eyes at his boyfriend before leaning down to kiss his forehead, causing the Smythe boy to smile happily.
Liam pouted and wrapped his arms around Stiles and looked up at him.
"Do you hate me?" Liam asked, the pout never leaving his face.
Stiles looked away from his boyfriend in order to look down at his pup. His eyes softened and he sighed before hugging him while kissing his head.
"No, kiddo. I don't hate you" Stiles softly told him.
Liam beamed at that and tightened his arms around him to which Stiles chuckled softly.
Stiles, having had enough, slammed his journal onto the table with so much force that Finn and Rachel jumped in fright.
"Shut the hell up! Both of you! I can barely understand a word either of you are saying!" Stiles yelled.
Finn and Rachel nodded and wisely kept their mouths shut, not wanting to anger the boy anymore than they already did.
"Papa Stiles isn't happy" Malia whispered as Lydia and Kira nodded while giggling.
Stiles took a few deep breaths to calm down and when he was calm he grabbed his journal and placed it back onto his lap.
"Thank you. Now, Finn, why don't you start?" Stiles suggested.
"Rachel got so mad at me that I didn't tell her that Santana and I slept together that she cheated on me with Puck!" Finn yelled.
"WHAT?!" everyone in the theater room shouted in complete shock.
Hell, Derek, Scott and Theo themselves were shocked.
And one of them was a cheater himself.
"Rachel!" Hiram and Leroy yelled in unison, completely shocked, disappointed and scandalized.
They knew that their daughter loved Finn more than anything, it was well known to everyone.
And they also knew that they had broken up but Rachel didn't tell them why. Now they know why.
"Excuse me?! You cheated on my son for something that happened years ago and, might I remind you, when you two weren't even together!" Carole yelled in anger as she stood up from her seat.
She knew that Finn had broken up with Rachel but refused to tell her why.
Now she knew the reason and was so tempted to slap the girl.
She adores the girl, she really does, but cheating on her son is crossing the line especially when she knew that her son was sensitive towards that after what happened between him and Quinn.
Burt sent the Berry girl a glare before gently pulling his wife down to sit. When she was sat back down he rubbed her thigh in order to get her to calm down.
Rachel shrunk down in her seat at all the glares she was getting and wanted nothing more than to be taken away and put somewhere else.
She felt extremely bad for what she had done to Finn all for something that happened in the past. Now she has to relive it all over again as the guilt resurfaces.
Some of the new directions just looked away from the girl while some felt slightly bad for the girl.
But only slightly. After all, she did cheat on Finn with Puck for something that happened years ago when her and Finn weren't a thing.
Finn opened his mouth to say something, wanting to defend his fiance, but didn't get the chance to do so due to the episode resuming.
"What?!" Stiles yelled, shutting his journal while glaring at Rachel.
If there's one thing Stiles hated it was cheating.
"I wonder why" Stiles muttered, sparing his ex-boyfriend a glance to glare at him before quickly looking away.
Derek frowned and opened his mouth to speak but the glare he got from his uncle made him, surprisingly, keep quiet.
Sebastian glanced between his boyfriend and his ex-boyfriend with a confused and frustrated frown.
Something happened between them to make Stiles absolutely hate the man with a burning passion. And he was going to get some answers.
"It was a mistake! Puck realized it too and stopped things and left. And after he left I realized what I had done and felt extremely guilty!" Rachel yelled with tears in her eyes.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better? You made out with my best friend!" Finn asked in disbelief.
Puck sighed and looked down at his lap. He felt extremely bad for what he had done and while he was happy he had left, it doesn't change the fact that he still went along with it.
Lydia looked over at the boy with narrowed eyes and her lips pressed together tightly.
While she found the boy handsome and wouldn't deny that she's starting to like him, maybe would even consider going on a few dates with him, she doesn't know if it's worth it anymore.
One thing she hates is cheaters, just like Stiles, and she really doesn't want to be with someone that can't keep it in his pants.
By the looks of it, he seems really guilty by what he had done with the bangs girl. So maybe that means that he hasn't gone back to his old ways after what happened.
She'll have to talk to him when they have the time in order to figure everything out.
"You slept with Santana and lied to me about it! The way you feel now is how I felt! Doesn't that make us even?" Rachel asked.
Stiles looked at the girl in disbelief while Finn let out a laugh of disbelief and anger.
"For god sakes, Rachel! We weren't together, meaning I was allowed to hook up with whoever I wanted. And that also means that I didn't cheat on you when we weren't a couple to begin with!" Finn yelled at her.
Rachel opened her mouth to say something when Stiles finally stepped in.
"That's enough! Both of you shut up!" Stiles yelled with authority in his tone.
Almost instantly the two of them shut up but Finn kept on glaring at Rachel while Rachel tried to avoid his eyes.
"This is seriously a whole lot better than any drama T.V show" Isaac muttered.
"You can say that again" Malia muttered back while munching on some popcorn.
Lydia and Kira sent them amused looks while Melissa sighed and shook her head fondly.
Stiles nodded at them, thanking them for obeying, and ran a hand through his hair before looking at Rachel.
"Look, Rachel, I know you were angry and hurt that Finn slept with Santana and lied to you. Trust me, anyone in your position would've been the same. However, you have to understand that you and him weren't a couple to begin with. He was allowed to date whoever he wanted or sleep with whoever he wanted. He didn't cheat on you. You, however, did and I'm sorry but the damage has already been done" Stiles told her.
Rachel looked at him with wide eyes as more tears gathered in his eyes while Finn looked happy that Stiles was on his side.
Malia scoffed and opened her mouth to say something but decided against it due to the glare she got from Stiles.
"Puck and I didn't have sex! Making out isn't considered cheating!" Rachel tried to defend herself.
"You made out with his best friend while still being with Finn. I don't give a damn if you and Puck didn't have sex, you definitely were going to do it if he hadn't stopped the entire thing and left. And that's still considered cheating!" Stiles yelled at her with clear anger.
Rachel flinched back at that and let the tears slide down her cheeks.
Lydia rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to say something when Rachel beat her to it.
"I know what you're about to say and I want you to know that you're right, ok? I was a bitch for cheating on Finn. I know that. I also know that I sound like an utter idiot for saying that making out with someone isn't the same as having sex and shouldn't be considered cheating when it should. I made a mistake for making out with his best friend and I'll always live with regret and guilt. So please, save whatever you're going to say because I don't need you or anyone else for that matter making me feel even more shitty about what I did!" Rachel angrily yelled.
Lydia's eyes widened and her jaw slightly dropped, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.
She's not the only one.
Everyone was staring at the girl in shock. Even her dads.
Rachel took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. When she felt calm she turned away from and turned her attention back to the screen.
Finn let out a sigh and wrapped his arm around his fiance's waist and kissed her temple. He was happy at the small smile that appeared on her face.
After everyone got over their shock they turned their attention back to the screen in order to finish the episode.
After a few seconds of silence Finn spoke up.
"So, what do you suggest we do?" he asked in curiosity.
Rachel glanced at him before looking at Stiles. Stiles glanced between them before sighing.
"I think it's better for you guys to end this relationship. You two have honestly made things worse, more so Rachel, and it's not healthy to continue this relationship that's going to be filled with nothing but constant arguments" Stiles said.
Rachel looked at him with wide eyes in disbelief while Finn sighed but didn't seem against the idea.
Nobody said anything but everyone knew that Stiles had a point.
If Finn and Rachel continued their relationship, especially when they both had bigger problems than Finn and Santana sleeping together, it wasn't going to be healthy.
It was better that they ended it. They definitely needed time away from each other.
"Fine by me" Finn nodded.
Rachel shot him a look of disbelief but her now ex-boyfriend glared at her before storming out of the room.
Rachel watched him go with sad eyes before turning to Stiles in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Rachel. But you two breaking up is for the best. You betrayed him and he has the right to be angry" Stiles told her.
"I made a mistake and I regret it" Rachel quietly told him as tears slid down her cheeks.
Rachel sighed and shook her head at her past self and how she sounded.
While she was in denial and obviously didn't want to lose Finn, she knew that Stiles had a point when he said that them breaking up is for the best.
She betrayed him and he had every right to be angry and betrayed.
Stiles sighed and gathered his things. He hopped off the table and looked at Rachel.
"You shouldn't have done it in the first place. You should've talked to Finn and told him how you felt so you two could come to an understanding and worked things out on your own. But instead you made out with his best friend, you cheated on him and betrayed him. I'm sorry, but you brought this on yourself" Stiles told her.
With that he patted her on the shoulder before leaving the classroom to head home.
The screen turned black signaling that the episode has ended.
Everyone was silent. Taking in everything that just happened while stealing some glances at Finn and Rachel.
"Well, I wonder how things are gonna go about now that they're broken up" Malia broke the silence.
Now that gained everyone's attention as they wondered what will happen now that those two have broken up.
The new directions, except for Sugar, Rory and Joe, all looked at each other and winced.
It's fair to say that Rachel and Finn being broken up was weird, tense and awkward.
Hey guys, I hope you liked todays chapter!
Sorry I didn't add in the final scene where the new directions talk in the classroom and sing and dance to 'dog days are over'. I felt that the scene between Finn, Rachel and Stiles was the best way to end it.
Now, I want to say a few things.
First, Stiles becoming a couples counselor without trying is just amazing and hilarious at the same time 😂
Second, almost everyone is going to be jealous and fight for Stiles's attention. So get ready for more scenes of that.
Third, how do you guys like Stiles not only being a best friend and leader to the new directions, but a father figure to them?
Fourth, which episode should Finn and Santana find out about Stiles's past?
Right now the only ones that know about his past, including the supernatural, are Burt, Carole, Kurt, Finn and Santana.
Season 2, only Burt and Kurt know. When should Finn, Santana and Carole be let in on the secret and how?
With that being said, have a great day and see you in the next chapter. Bye!
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