Chapter Three: Leaving For Ohio
Nobody's Pov
Before the show could start everyone got up to get some snacks and drinks. They were hungry after all.
When they got what they needed and sat back down, the screen lights up.
The camera shows the Stilinski household, we get a look of it from the outside before heading inside.
The camera shows Stiles Stilinski, who's currently in his room getting his stuff packed up.
Everyone smiled at seeing Stiles on the screen, Sebastian's smile being wider at seeing his boyfriend.
"You have a nice house, unicorn" Brittany smiled.
Stiles chuckled, "thanks Britt" he told her kindly.
She beamed at him and everyone else chuckled. While the beacon hills gang were confused.
"Why does she call you unicorn?" Kira asked, raising an eyebrow.
Stiles opened his mouth to answer but Brittany answered herself.
"Stiles is my unicorn and I love him" Brittany told her.
She turned her attention back to the screen. Kira looked at Stiles, still confused, but Stiles just waved her off and they turned their attention back to the screen.
Stiles was folding the last bit of his clothes and putting them into his suitcase. He wasn't going to bring everything, just the things he needed.
His bag already had his laptop, charger and other electronic things. Along with a few books and his journal. The stuff he wasn't going to take were either going to charity or the trash.
He was just about finishing with the folding when his bedroom door was flung open.
"Stiles Stilinski, tell me this isn't true or I will cut off your balls!" Lydia Martin yelled, marching inside his room.
Stiles gulped, so did Isaac and Liam. All the boys gulped and cowered at the sight of Lydia on screen.
Hell, even Sebastian Smythe looked scared at the angry redhead on screen.
The girls started laughing at the reaction of the boys, the loudest being Santana and Malia.
Lydia smirked proudly and flipped her hair, clearly pleased.
Stiles jumped, turning around to face the redhead after setting his folded jacket down on his bed.
He gulped, his eyes filled with fear when he saw a pocket knife in her hand.
"Lydia!" Melissa yelled, her eyes wide in utter disbelief.
Santana was now red with laughter, leaning against Brittany for support, while Malia was leaning against Kira for support.
Especially when all the men in the room looked downright frightened, all of them covering their private area.
"What? I wanted to prove my point!" Lydia defended, seeing nothing wrong with what she had been holding.
Melissa looked ready to pass out. She simply sighed and rubbed her temple with her fingers.
"Lydia, what the fuck! Why do you have a knife? More importantly, where did you get a knife?" Stiles asked.
"It's something Parrish gave me when he was teaching me self defense. In case I need something to defend myself with" Lydia told him.
Parrish smiled sheepishly at the looks he was getting from all the other men.
"Remind me to kick his ass for that" Stiles muttered, snuggling closer to his boyfriend.
"And remind me to join you" Sebastian muttered, recovering from his own shock.
Stiles sighed and muttered "of course" under his breath.
"Can you please put that thing away and tell me why you barged into my room ready to kill me?" Stiles calmly asked.
Lydia huffed but complied, causing Stiles to sigh in relief.
"Thank you. Now, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked.
"I'm here because I just got a call from mama McCall telling me to head over to your house to say goodbye. I was confused what she meant by that but then she told me the reason and I was shocked, I still am" Lydia explained.
Melissa sighed and shot Stiles an apologetic look. Stiles simply sent her a reassuring smile and nod, telling her it was ok.
"You really didn't tell anyone you were leaving?" Kurt asked, looking at his friend.
"No. The only one that knew about me leaving was mama McCall. I didn't tell anyone else" Stiles replied.
"Why not?" Finn asked.
"I didn't want to break the news to them, especially when I knew how heartbroken they would be when they found out" Stiles sighed.
Finn and Kurt frowned at him but didn't say anything else.
Stiles sighed and looked down at his shoes, finding them more interesting.
"You know, this is the part where you laugh and tell me it's a prank" Lydia bit her bottom lip worriedly.
Lydia sighed and looked down, she really wanted it to be a prank.
Sadly, it wasn't.
Stiles bit his bottom lip before looking back up at his friend.
"I'm sorry, Lyds. But it's not a prank, it's true" Stiles told her.
Lydia stared at him in shock, her phone still in her hand and she was frozen where she stood.
She couldn't believe that her friend was really leaving. She couldn't believe that she was losing the person that she cared for deeply.
Stiles frowned at her and walked over to her. He brought his hand up to her head and pulled her in for a hug.
Stiles looked back over at his friend and sent her a small smile, a gesture that she easily returned.
Lydia couldn't bring herself to say anything, she simply wrapped an arm around him to hug him back.
They stayed in each others embrace for a while longer, neither of them saying anything as they enjoyed the silence.
A silence that was broken by Lydia herself.
"Are you seriously going to leave? Just like that?" she finally managed to ask.
Stiles sighed and pulled away from her, tugging at his hair slightly. He didn't say anything and just nodded.
"Why the hell didn't you tell us you were leaving? Why didn't you tell me?" Lydia asked.
"I didn't think it was that big of a deal" Stiles shrugged, turning around to put his jacket in his suitcase.
"Of course it was a big deal!" Malia yelled, glaring at him.
"Agreed. We're your friends and for you not to tell us you were leaving was a low blow, dude" Isaac nodded.
"I'm sorry for not telling you guys, I really am. I just didn't want you guys to start crying, especially when I was going to come back for visits. So it's not like I was completely leaving" Stiles told them.
He also wanted to add another main reason why he would visit beacon hills, but he kept it to himself.
He's almost certain that whoever brought them here is going to show what he doesn't want others to see.
"Of course it's a big deal! You're our friend, our best friend, and you were ready to leave without telling us!" Lydia yelled.
"Lyds..." Stiles trailed off, unsure of what to say.
"Why are you even leaving? Is this because of Scott? Derek? Or that other guy, Tim?" Lydia asked.
Stiles laughed along with his onscreen self that laughed at getting Theo's name wrong. He wasn't the only one.
Everyone else, the loudest being Santana, Malia, Isaac and Kurt laughed at Lydia getting Theo's name wrong.
"Tim, seriously?!" Theo yelled, scandalized.
"I'm sorry, is that not your name? Is it Tip?" Lydia asked, pretending to be confused.
More laughter erupted in the theater room while Theo glared at her with his fist clenched at his side.
Stiles laughter died down and he shook his head in amusement. He knew she knew Theo's name but was pretending she didn't.
"I'm not going to lie, they are the reason I'm leaving. But I'm leaving for another reason" Stiles said.
"Which is?" Lydia asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
Stiles stared at her for a few seconds before looking away. He walked over to his desk and grabbed onto a picture frame.
A picture frame that had the picture of none other than Noah Stilinski.
Stiles smiled softly and sadly at the picture, his eyes locked on his dad.
"Who is that, Stiles?" Artie asked his friend.
"My dad" Stiles replied.
Rachel beamed, smiling as she clasped her hands together.
"Finally, we get to see a picture of your dad. You know, you really do look like him" Rachel complimented.
"Yeah, I get that alot" Stiles chuckled.
He has always been told by others that he looks like his dad. He has some of his mothers features, but the rest were his dad.
"How come you don't talk about him?" Mike asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
"Yeah, we don't really know anything about your family" Tina added.
Stiles face paled and the beacon hill residents breath hitched.
Stiles bit his bottom lip and looked away, ignoring the question while trying to hide his tears.
Kurt and Finn frowned at their friend, the boy they saw as their brother, and placed their hands on his shoulders.
Santana wrapped her arm around her best friend, her platonic soulmate, and kissed his temple for comfort.
Burt sighed and looked down, sadness taking over him because his good friend was taken away too soon. Carole wrapped her arms around her husband, trying to comfort him.
The new directions frowned at Stiles, confused and concerned for their friend. The warblers did too.
The staff, especially Sue, were also concerned for their student.
Sebastian frowned, concern taking over him because his darling was sad and he doesn't know why.
"I want to get away from beacon hills, I want to get away from all its drama and problems. I want to start fresh" Stiles told her.
Lydia frowned, sitting down on Stiles's chair.
"Where are you even going?" she asked.
"Lima Ohio. My dad's friend, Burt Hummel, is coming to take me. Mama McCall went to pick him up and bring him here" Stiles told her.
Stiles looked over at Burt who also looked at him.
"Thank you for taking me in, Burt. I really didn't want to stay in beacon hills or worse, go into foster care" Stiles softly smiled.
Burt smiled at him and ruffled his hair, causing Stiles to huff in slight annoyance.
"Of course, kid. I'm happy to have made that decision, especially when I wasn't going to leave you alone during a moment like that. Besides, it gave us a chance to bond and you and Kurt got to reunite after so many years" Burt smiled.
Kurt beamed happily and hugged Stiles, who laughed and hugged him back.
Blaine smiled at the boys while Sebastian huffed at ladyface, jealous at how close he was with his boyfriend.
Nick and Jeff saw Sebastian's reaction to Kurt and Stiles and tried to muffle their laughter.
"Stiles, have you really thought this through? Are you really going to leave?" Lydia asked.
Stiles sighed and walked over to his bag, gently putting the picture frame inside.
"Yes, I'm leaving. I've made my decision and I'm not changing my mind, especially when this is something I want" Stiles sternly said.
Lydia frowned, clearly upset, before letting out a defeated sigh.
"I know that no matter what I say you're not going to change your mind. Especially since you're so stubborn" Lydia rolled her eyes.
"Ain't that the truth" Peter Hale scoffed, shaking his head fondly.
His favorite sarcastic human was stubborn and proud of it. No doubt about it.
"But, if this is what you really want, I'm not going to stop you" Lydia sighed.
Stiles smiled at his friend, gratefulness shown in his eyes.
"Thank you for understanding, Lyds" he softly said.
Lydia softly smiled at him and nodded her head. She sighed before getting up from the chair.
"Before I leave and head over to break the news to the others, do you need help packing?" she asked.
Isaac leaned over to smack the back of Stiles's head, causing said boy to let out a surprise yelp.
"Ow, what the hell? Isaac!" Stiles yelled.
"Don't Isaac me, you deserve that for leaving without saying goodbye! Do you have any idea how devastated we were when Lydia told us you left?" Isaac angrily asked.
"Exactly! All you left was a letter, who the hell does that?!" Malia joined in.
Stiles frowned, realizing that they had a point.
"Alright, I know what I did as an ass move and I'm sorry. I just didn't want to tell you guys the bad news because I knew how heartbroken you all would've been. Not to mention you would've done something to convince me to stay and I already made up my mind" he explained.
Both teens sighed at that, knowing that he did have a point.
"I promise to make it up to you guys" Stiles softly smiled.
"You better, Stilinski" Malia warned.
"We expect a lifetime supply of ice-cream and movie nights when you come over for a visit" Isaac sternly said.
"Deal" Stiles nodded.
"No, I have everything I need. However..." he trailed off.
He picked up two picture frames. One picture frame held a picture of Stiles and Scott when they were entering their freshman year.
The other picture frame held a picture of Stiles and Derek, when they became a couple. Derek was behind Stiles, his arms wrapped around his waist and his chin resting on his head, Stiles was smiling at him with love in his eyes.
The new directions were shocked that Stiles had been in a relationship before coming to Ohio.
He doesn't really talk much about his life. Nor did he say anything about his love life, all he ever said was that he wasn't ready to date.
After all, only a few people knew about his past.
They all turned to Stiles and flinched, clearly taken aback by the look on his face.
Stiles glared at both picture frames with nothing but hatred and betrayal.
Sebastian glared at the picture of Stiles and Derek, his hold around his boyfriend tightened possessively.
He knew that Stiles had to have had relationships before him, but that doesn't mean he's happy to see pictures of him with his ex-boyfriend.
Stiles calmed down and smiled at his boyfriend, a jealous and possessive Sebastian was definitely something he could get used to.
He glared at the picture frames before turning over to his friend.
"On your way out, please throw these out. I want absolutely nothing to do with them" Stiles told her.
Scott frowned, clearly sad that Stiles threw the picture of them away and acted like it meant nothing to him.
He understands that their friendship is ruined, he understands that Stiles wants nothing to do with him, but is he really willing to throw away all their memories?
Derek frowned too, feeling a pang in his heart at how easy Stiles threw away their picture.
"Why's that?" Blaine asked, confused.
"Because they bring back memories, memories I want nothing more than to bury" Stiles replied.
Blaine was still confused but just nodded, not wanting to pry any longer.
Lydia smirked and nodded.
She let out a sigh before bringing him into another tight hug, burying her head into his chest.
"I'm going to miss you" she spoke, her voice muffled.
"I'm going to miss you too, Lyds" he softly said, holding in his own tears.
They remained in each other's embrace for a while longer before pulling away. Before Lydia left Stiles handed her a letter.
He told her the letter was addressed to her and the others. He told her to read it to everyone when she saw them again. The letter would explain everything, they both knew it.
As Lydia walked to the door to leave she spared her friend one last glance. She smiled sadly at him before finally leaving.
Lydia sighed and Melissa comforted her, knowing that Stiles leaving had a huge impact on her.
It had a huge impact on all of them but it hit her the hardest because Stiles was her friend, her brother in all but blood, and she lost him.
She already lost Allison, she didn't want to lose Stiles or for him to leave.
It took Stiles a few minutes before he was fully done packing.
He grabbed his suitcase and bag. He already had his phone in his pocket and his phone charger, along with his laptop charger, were already in his bag.
He took one final look at his room before leaving, turning off the lights on his way out.
Stiles sighed. He really did miss his old house, after all he had good memories in there with his dad.
But he had to move on and start fresh. Something he wanted and something he knew his dad also wanted.
"What even happened to the house anyway?" Chris asked, turning to Melissa.
"Stiles offered it to Parrish so that he would have a better place to leave" Melissa smiled.
Parrish smiled and nodded. He really was grateful that Stiles gave him his old house.
After all, if Stiles wanted someone living in his old house it would be Parrish. Not some stranger.
As Stiles was walking downstairs the front door opened, revealing Melissa McCall.
"Mama McCall!" the six teenagers from beacon hills, one that formerly lived there, yelled in happiness.
"You kids realize I'm right here, correct?" Melissa asked, looking at them in amusement.
"We know, but we're happy to see you regardless" Liam beamed at her.
Melissa smiled at the boy, who everyone knows resembles a puppy, and let out a soft laugh.
"Sweetie, look who's here "Melissa smiled softly at the boy she viewed as a second son.
Stiles watched as she stepped out of the way for the other person to enter the house. The second they did, a warm smile appeared on his face.
"Mr. Hummel" Stiles breathed out, the smile never leaving his face.
He let go of his suitcase, dropping his bag, and rushed over to the man and embraced him in a hug.
Burt Hummel chuckled before hugging the boy back.
He gently rubbed the back of his head before they pulled away.
Kurt smiled at his father and his childhood friend. He knew how much his father cared about Stiles, he did too.
However, he knows that this isn't their first reunion.
Their first reunion had been at the funeral...
Where nothing but tears, sobs and apologies had been exchanged...
"Oh, it's good to see you again. It's been a while" Burt said.
"Mr. Hummel, we saw each other a week ago" Stiles reminded him, laughing in amusement.
"It still feels like a while. And don't call me Mr. Hummel, just call me Burt" he mock scolded him.
"Alright, Burt" Stiles sighed, nodding his head.
"Sweetie, do you have everything?" Melissa asked.
"Yes, I double checked. Everything that I won't be taking with me is in a box, you can look through it and give it away to charity or throw it out. I don't really care" Stiles said.
Melissa nodded before bringing him in for a hug, a hug that he easily returned.
"You promise to call and text whenever you can. I don't want you to forget about me or your friends" Melissa said.
"I didn't" Stiles smiled, winking at his mother figure and his friends.
"I promise. I could never forget about you guys, you guys are my family after all" Stiles said.
Melissa sighed softly. She placed a kiss to his temple and pulled away from him.
"As much as I don't want you to leave, you've already made up your mind. And I know that this is something you really want, something that you need and something I believe is good for you" Melissa softly smiled.
Stiles sighed and looked over at the woman, causing said woman to look at him.
He gestured for her to lean in and she did. When she was close he spoke.
"Do you regret letting me leave?" he whispered.
Melissa sent him a soft smile and shook her head.
"I promised your father I would do what's best for you. Which is why I knew letting you got to Lima Ohio was the best choice" Melissa whispered back.
Stiles felt sadness wash over him at the mention of his father, it was always a touchy subject for him.
He pushed that away and sent a grateful smile to Melissa. Said woman returned the gesture, kissed his head before leaning back in her seat.
Stiles smiled at her and brought her into one last hug. Melissa easily returned the hug, trying to hold back her tears.
The hug lasted for a few seconds before they finally, and reluctantly, pulled away.
"Alright, it's time to go. We've got a long road ahead of us" Burt said.
Stiles nodded. He watched as Burt grabbed his suitcase and walked out the door.
Melissa handed him his bag and he smiled at her and thanked her as he took it. The two of them walked outside in time to see Burt placing his suitcase in the back of Stiles's jeep.
"Hey, where are you, Kurt?" Trent asked.
"I wanted to go but dad told me that he wouldn't take too long. Besides, he didn't want me to miss out on sleep since the drive was going to be long" Kurt explained.
"Tell me about it" Stiles muttered.
The drive really was long.
He loves his jeep, it's his baby after all, but he had never been so happy to get out of it the second they arrived at Burt's house so he could stretch his legs.
Stiles walked over to the jeep and handed Burt his bag. Burt placed the bag inside before shutting the door.
"Come on, kid. Time to go" Burt patted his shoulder.
He quickly hugged Melissa and bid her goodbye before getting into the passenger seat of the jeep. Stiles sighed and turned over to mama McCall.
"This is it, huh?" he asked.
"Yeah, it is" Melissa nodded, her eyes watering a little.
Stiles frowned and held onto her hands, causing her to smile faintly.
"Stay safe, mama McCall. And please call me if you need anything. Any emergency, I'm here within seconds" Stiles said.
"You got it" Melissa giggled.
She cupped his face and placed a kiss to his forehead before taking a few steps back.
"Stay safe, Stiles. And have fun" Melissa smiled.
"Thank you. I'm gonna need it" Stiles smiled.
The two waved goodbye at each other before Stiles got into the passenger seat of the jeep.
Once he shut the door and put his seatbelt on Burt started the jeep before driving away. Melissa watched as the jeep drove off before letting out a sigh, she turned around and got into her own car and drove off to head home.
Burt is seen driving, making sure to never take his eyes off the road, while Stiles was leaning his head against the window.
He watched as they passed the beacon hills sign and let out a sigh.
This is it.
This is the start of his new life.
When the screen turned black everyone was silent, but they had smiles on their faces.
The new directions were happy to know what had happened the night Stiles left his hometown. Like they said before, he doesn't speak about his past alot but they're happy to have a watched a glimpse of it.
Meanwhile, Scott and Derek were upset.
They hadn't been told that Stiles left beacon hills until much later. They were angry, hurt and betrayed.
Scott turned to Stiles, who was laughing at something Sebastian said, and spoke.
"Do you seriously not regret leaving? You just left everything behind, you left me behind" Scott asked.
He flinched slightly at the glares he got from Isaac, Malia and Lydia. Not to mention his mother.
But when Stiles snapped his head in his direction, he flinched more and a frown made its way onto his face.
"I don't regret leaving Beacon Hills. I regret not leaving sooner to get away from your bullshit" Stiles scowled at him.
Scott's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, he was clearly hurt.
But did Stiles, or anyone else for that matter, care?
No, not really.
Stiles rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to the screen.
Everyone else did the same thing, waiting for the next episode to play.
Hey guys, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Sorry if it wasn't that good. I'm new to reaction books, so sorry in advance if it's bad.
I also wanted to state that Peter, Chris and Parrish are there too. They arrived with Scott, Derek, Theo and coach Finnstock.
Sorry, I forgot to clarify that.
Anyways, next chapter is the start of season 2 of glee, so be ready for that.
Thank you and have a great day! Bye!
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