Chapter Thirteen: A Very Glee Christmas
Nobody's Pov
As everyone settled down the screen turned on and everyone quieted down in order to pay attention to the episode.
The camera pans inside the choir room and we see the new directions all decorating the classroom for Christmas.
"Oh, I love Christmas! It's my favorite holiday" Kira squealed while clasping her hands together.
Malia smiled at the girl, a blush appearing on her cheeks at seeing her so happy.
"Oh, I love Christmas too. Spending time with my family, singing Christmas songs and of course, spending time with my boyfriend" Nick smiled.
Jeff smiled softly at that before bringing his boyfriend into a hug, planting a kiss to his temple.
Sebastian smiled as he wrapped his arms around Stiles's waist, bringing him closer to his side.
"When we get out of here I can't wait to spend my first Christmas with you, darling" Sebastian lovingly smiled at his boyfriend.
Stiles smiled back at him just as lovingly before leaning in to kiss him to which Sebastian kissed him back.
Derek stared at them with a glare on his face, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. That should be him with Stiles.
As the new directions were decorating the tree that Finn brought over for them music began playing and everyone began singing.
(The New Directions)
We're on the Island of Misfit Toys
Here we don't wanna stay
We wanna travel with Santa Claus
In his magic sleigh
A pack full of toys means a sack full of joys
For millions of girls and for millions of boys
(The New Directions)
When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year
A jack-in-the-box
waits for children to shout
Wake up
Don't you know that it's time to come out?
While everyone was smiling and enjoying the new directions sing and dance and just have a great time, Stiles looked down at his lap.
(The New Directions)
When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year
Toys galore
Scattered on the floor
There's no room for more
And it's all because of Santa Claus
A scooter for Jimmy
A dolly for Sue
"I'll have you know that I don't play with dolls anymore, Q" Sue told her.
Quinn huffed and rolled her eyes while a few people laughed and a few people were confused.
The kind that will even say...
How do you do?
(The New Directions)
When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful day of the year
Brittany wheeled Artie around as he had a present in his lap so he could put it under the three.
"How would you like to be a spotted elephant?" Brittany asked with a smile.
"Or a choo-choo with square wheels on your caboose?" Artie suggested.
The camera pans over to Sam and Quinn who were walking towards the tree to put some more presents under the tree.
"Or a water pistol that shoots...jelly?" Quinn asked with a smile.
Thad laughed loudly at that causing the warblers, and everyone else, to look at him questionably.
"I actually had that as a kid. It's something my dad made for me. But my mom took it away since she was getting frustrated at all the leftover jelly she had to clean up later" Thad explained.
The warblers laughed at that, along with the new directions and some people from beacon hills, while others just rolled their eyes.
"We're all misfits!" everyone yelled.
They all stood up and walked over to the Christmas tree and huddled around it.
(The New Directions)
If we're on the Island of Unwanted Toys
We'll miss all the fun with the girls and the boys
When Christmas Day is here
The most wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful...
Wonderful day of the year
As the singing came to an end everyone in the theater smiled and clapped for the new directions.
They really did have great voices and when they sang and danced together they look like they have tons of fun.
Everyone continued decorating the three as the presents were all under the tree. Footsteps were heard and Mr. Schue walked in with a mini Christmas tree in his hands.
"Hey, guys. What's this?" Mr. Schue asked in curiosity.
"We're trying to get into the Christmas spirit, Mr. Schue. Christmas is totally my favorite holiday. And check out this awesome tree. I found it on the side of the road. It must have fell off some guy's car" Finn told him with a smile.
"So instead of giving it back you stole it?" Scott asked with a glare.
Finn rolled his eyes and flipped him off, not wanting to look let alone speak to the boy.
"And the ornaments?" Mr. Schue asked.
"The guy who lives next door finally killed off his elderly mother. When they carted him off, they left the house wide open. I think she was a holiday hoarder" Santana smiled.
Scott glared at the girl only to flinch back at the glare he received from the blonde girl next to her.
Santana rolled her eyes at the McCall boy but smiled and kissed Brittany on the cheek.
Mr. Schue frowned, "and the presents?" he asked while looking down at the presents under the tree.
"I lifted them from a display at the mall. But don't worry. They're empty" Puck told him.
Mr. Schue let out a sigh as he shook his head, "guys, I appreciate the effort, but this isn't what Christmas is supposed to be like" he told his students.
"For us it is. This tree is like a mascot for Glee Club. We won sectionals two years in a row and according to everyone at this school, we still suck" Mercedes told him.
"Why? What happened?" Liam asked with a confused look on his face.
"Tina, Mercedes and I got slushied by the football players before we went to glee club" Mike sighed.
Tina and Mercedes grimaced and nodded their heads.
Liam frowned along with everyone else while the staff of McKinley high sighed.
"I'm pretty sure they just added food coloring to real slush from the parking lot" Mike frowned.
"You can eat that, you know" Lauren told him.
"Well, lucky for us Stiles saw what happened and we were given the joy of seeing him shove coal down their pants" Tina smiled.
Mr. Schue's eyes widened at that while some of the new directions looked shocked and some were laughing.
Santana laughed the loudest as she leaned against Quinn who was also laughing.
Everyone's eyes widened at that and they turned to Stiles to see him grinning at them.
"Seriously?" Nick asked with wide eyes.
"Yep" Stiles nodded proudly.
"Where did you even get coal from?" Sebastian asked in amusement and curiosity.
"Sorry, but i'm not revealing any of my secrets" Stiles winked at his boyfriend before placing a soft kiss to his lips.
Sebastian rolled his eyes but accepted the kiss with a small smile.
"Wait hold up, where is Stiles?" Mr. Schue asked as he looked around the room.
The new directions shrugged with the exception of Mike, Tina and Mercedes. They glanced at each other before looking at their teacher.
"He's not coming" Mike told him.
"What? Why not?" Mr. Schue asked, confused.
"He said that he doesn't want to be involved in anything that's Christmas related and he knows that we're going to be talking about Christmas and singing nothing but Christmas songs" Tina told him.
Mr. Schue frowned at that along with everyone else.
Everyone looked at Stiles who was looking at the ground, not wanting to meet anyone's eyes.
"Stiles, you don't like Christmas?" Jeff asked with a frown.
"Why not? Everyone does" Thad asked.
Stiles said nothing and continued looking at the ground. He didn't want anyone to see the tears that were gathering in his eyes.
Finn, Santana and Kurt saw and scooted closer to their friend in order to wrap their arms around their friend.
Burt, Carole, Melissa, Chris and Peter all frowned at the boy as they all knew exactly why he didn't like Christmas.
Scott frowned in confusion. His best friend loved Christmas as a kid and continued loving it as he grew up.
What changed?
The screen turns black before turning back on. The camera pans over to Dalton academy and we see Stiles walking down the hallway, trying to find Kurt.
He hasn't seen him in what feels like forever and he really wants to see his best friend, again, in person and just see how he's doing.
"Hey, why didn't you bring me along? I missed Kurt too" Mercedes asked.
"Sorry, Cedes. But I wanted to see Kurt on my own" Stiles softly told her.
Mercedes let out a small sigh but flashed him a small smile and nodded her head in understanding.
Stiles walked into the room that looked like the warblers rehearsal room and a smile appeared on his face when he saw Kurt.
"Hey there, K" Stiles greeted.
Kurt spun around and his eyes widened when he saw his best friend in the same room as him.
"Stiles!" Kurt yelled.
Stiles laughed and was going to walk over to him but Kurt practically sprinted to him and jumped on him, wrapping his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck.
Stiles laughed in surprise and hugged him back, holding him close.
Everyone either smiled at the two best friends onscreen while some were letting out small laughs.
"Wow, porcelain. If you weren't dating your gay warbler I would think you and Stiles are something" Sue smirked.
"Yeah, you guys are really close" Melissa teasingly smiled while winking at the boys.
This just prompted everyone to laugh harder with the exception of two people.
Scott was jealous at how close Stiles and Kurt were, Stiles never acted that way around him when they were best friends.
Derek was jealous and glaring at Kurt for being so close to Stiles, wanting nothing more than to pry the boy off of his love.
Blaine and Sebastian frowned, feeling slightly jealous at how close their boyfriends were but had to remind themselves that they were just best friends.
Meanwhile, Stiles and Kurt were blushing and looked at each other.
"Are we ever going to tell them?" Kurt asked quietly.
"I have a feeling it'll be shown one way or another, so lets just give it more time" Stiles whispered.
Kurt sighed but nodded his head in agreement.
Although, neither of them were ready for their secret to be revealed.
The two best friends held onto each other for a minute before Stiles set Kurt back down on the ground.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Kurt asked.
"I wanted to surprise you. I know we see each other at home but it's not really the same since we go to different schools and have different schedules" Stiles explained.
Kurt hummed in understanding, "as long as you're here that's all that matters. Did you pass Mr. Schue walking in?" he asked.
"I saw him leave when I was parking my jeep. Any reason why he was here?" Stiles asked.
"Because I suck at Christmas shopping, that's way" Mr. Schue snorted.
"He just asked for my help on what to get someone for Christmas. Speaking of Christmas, how are you holding up?" Kurt asked.
He knew that his best friend didn't like Christmas for obvious reasons and he had to make sure he was doing alright.
"Ok, seriously, is nobody going to tell us why he doesn't like Christmas?" Nick asked in frustration.
Stiles is his friend, he's the friend of all the warblers, and he's confused and concerned why his friend hates Christmas.
He just wants to help him, he wants to understand him, but he's not saying anything.
Jeff nodded in agreement with his boyfriend as he looked at everyone.
"Yeah, there has to be a reason. You three obviously know why he hates it, why aren't you saying anything?" Jeff pointed to Kurt, Finn and Santana.
Kurt and Finn avoided the two boys while Santana sent the two boys a glare.
"It's none of your business, blondie. If Sti doesn't want to tell you then he doesn't have to, so drop it!" Santana yelled.
Nick and Jeff glared at her and opened their mouths to protest but were stopped by their captain.
"Guys, enough. Just drop it" Sebastian sent them a glare.
Nick and Jeff huffed but backed down, not wanting to go against their captains words.
The new directions all looked at each other. They had to admit that they agree with Nick and Jeff.
Stiles hates Christmas for a reason but won't say what it is. Not to mention he rarely talks about his past to anyone and by the looks of it, the only ones that know are Kurt, Finn and Santana but they aren't telling them anything.
Stiles let out a sigh as he sat down on one of the couches with Kurt standing in front of him.
"I'm managing, I guess. It just irritates me when I see people singing Christmas songs, talking about presents, and seeing kids beg for their parents to take them to see Santa Claus" Stiles explained.
Kurt shrugged, "that's as expected since everyone loves Christmas" he told him.
Stiles let out a small hum while moving his head forward.
"Maybe, but I'm not one of them" Stiles told his best friend.
"For good reason too" Stiles muttered while fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
Liam looked at him before cuddling into his side and a smile appeared on his face when Stiles wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
"I get it, S. I do" Kurt softly smiled.
Stiles nodded before letting out a sigh.
"Well, I actually came here for another reason" Stiles told his best friend who raised an eyebrow at him.
"Oh, really?" Kurt asked.
"Yep" Stiles nodded.
He dug his hand into his bag and pulled out a black box that had a red ribbon on the top.
"What's that?" Theo asked in slight curiosity.
"How about you wait and see for yourself" Stiles rolled his eyes.
Theo sent him a glare but flinched back at the glare Stiles sent back at him. A scary one at that.
Stiles scoffed and looked away from him. Did that bastard really think he could scare him? Please.
"Oh, what's this?" Kurt asked as Stiles handed him the box.
"It's my early Christmas present to you. I was going to wait till the actual day of Christmas but I think you deserve it now" Stiles told him.
Kurt sent him a smile before taking the ribbon off and setting it aside. He opened the box and let out a gasp at what he was seeing.
A beautiful golden locket.
Everyone's eyes widened at the locket and gasps were heard in the theater room.
"Oh my god" Melissa gasped as a smile slowly made its way onto her face.
"Are you wearing it right now?" coach Beiste asked as she turned to Kurt.
Kurt smiled at all the eyes that were on him and pulled out the locket that was around his neck and was hidden underneath his shirt.
Everyone gasped as the girls of the new directions scooted closer to the Hummel boy to get a better look at his locket.
"Oh, it's beautiful" Quinn smiled as she examined her friend's locket.
"Forget that, that shit looks expensive as hell" Artie added.
"Oh trust me, it was. Luckily the owner knocked the price down" Stiles smiled.
"What? How did you manage that?" Puck asked with a frown.
"I was leaving school late at night and just as I was about to get into my jeep I saw a girl having trouble with her car. I helped her out and got it working again and she thanked me before leaving. Turns out that was the owner's daughter and she told her father all about me and as his way of saying thanks he told me I could buy the locket for only $100" Stiles explained.
Everyone was either staring at him with wide eyes or in awe.
Kurt chuckled in amusement and shook his head especially at the look on his dads face.
"Well, you picked out the perfect one. It's stunning" Sugar smiled as she examined the locket.
"Finn, why didn't you get me something like that for Christmas?" Rachel asked, whining as she did so.
Finn blushed and tried to think of something to say but nothing came out of his mouth.
The boys of the new directions all looked at each other and agreed that they're going to Stiles if they need help in getting the best gift.
Blaine especially. If he needs help getting something for Kurt he's going straight to Stiles.
The warblers, the boys and men of beacon hills also agreed that if they ever need tips on getting the perfect gift they are going to Stiles.
"Stiles. Oh my god" Kurt breathed out.
"Do you like it?" Stiles asked.
"Like it? I love it, it's so beautiful" Kurt sent his best friend a smile.
"Agreed" the girls and the women all said in unison.
Mr. Schue looked at his fiance, who was still admiring the locket onscreen and in real life, and reminded himself to not only ask Kurt for tips, but to ask Stiles as well.
"Open it" Stiles insisted.
Kurt nodded and gently took the locket out of the box as Stiles took the box from him. The Hummel boy opened the locket and saw a picture of him and Stiles when they were kids.
But what made Kurt tear up was the fact that his mother was also in the picture with them.
Burt let a smile appear on his face and felt his eyes beginning to water as he saw his late wife in the picture.
"I remember that day" Kurt spoke, never taking his eyes off the picture in the locket.
"Me too. Mrs. Hummel took us to the mall since your dad, my dad and my mom were working. Your mom had the day off and we didn't have school and she didn't want us to get bored so she took us to the mall" Stiles started.
"She took us to all the stores in the mall. Then she took us to the food court and let us eat whatever we wanted and then took us to the park so we could run around" Kurt added.
"And at the end of the day she took us to get frozen yogurt and as the three of us were eating she had someone take a picture of us to capture the moment" Stiles finished with a smile.
Everyone smiled softly at that.
"She sounds like a lovely women" Peter softly spoke with a soft smile on his face.
"Trust me, she was" Burt nodded as Carole sent her husband a sad look as she rubbed his back.
Kurt nodded in agreement with his father and let Blaine pull him into his side and kiss his head comfortingly.
Kurt looked at his best friend with a smile as small tears slid down his cheeks. Without letting go of the locket, he brought Stiles into a hug and the boy hugged him back.
"Thank you, S" Kurt whispered.
"Anything for you, K" Stiles whispered back.
Everyone smiled at the friendship between the two of them, some were envious because they wanted that kind of friendship.
Kurt pulled away from Blaine and walked over to Stiles and hugged him.
Stiles smiled and hugged him back, holding him close as the two of them refused to let go of each other.
Scott glared at the two best friends with his fists clenched tightly at his sides.
He hated the Hummel boy for stealing his best friend. He hated that he was the one that was getting Stiles's attention and great gifts when it should be him, not Kurt.
The two boys pulled away from the hug as Kurt handed Stiles the locket so he could put it on his neck.
Stiles smiled and put the locket on his neck and once he made sure it was clasped properly, so it wouldn't fall, he patted Kurt on the shoulder and his best friend turned around to face him.
Kurt took his phone out in order to look at how the locket looked around his neck through the camera and he let a smile appear on his face.
"I still can't believe none of us noticed the locket on your neck" Mike spoke.
"Yeah, I mainly hide it under my shirt to avoid it getting dirty. Mainly from slushies and other things too" Kurt explained.
"What about in the pool when you guys helped me propose to Emma?" Mr. Schue asked.
"I left it at home to not only avoid it getting wet but to also avoid it getting stolen" Kurt told him.
Mr. Schue nodded in understanding along with everyone else.
The two best friends smile at each other before embracing each other in another hug as the screen turns black.
The screen turns on before turning back on. The camera pans inside McKinley highschool and we head inside the choir room.
A few days have passed and from what Stiles has heard the Christmas tree and presents for the homeless had been taken. It put everyone in a really bad mood and now they had to come up with a new way to raise money.
Sue sighed, feeling awful for what she had done and internally promised to make it up to the new directions.
"This was my dad's" Finn spoke as Mike walked over to him with a hat in his hand.
"He'd want you to do it, for those kids" Mike told him and Finn sighed before putting the watch into the hat.
Mike moved to Puck.
"This was my uncle's. It's the first thing I ever stole actually" Puck smiled slightly before sighing and putting the watch into the hat.
"Stole? What are you a thief?" Derek asked with a glare.
"Shut up, none of your business so stay out of it" Puck scoffed while rolling his eyes.
The glare on Derek's face hardened but Puck was unfazed. That brooding man didn't scare him in the slightest.
Mike moved to the rest of the boys and each of them put in the watches that they were holding.
The camera pans over to the girls side and it's clear that some looked upset and some were determined.
"I'm gonna look terrible" Quinn sighed while shaking her head.
"Why do you say that? You're beautiful no matter what" Isaac smiled softly at the Fabray girl.
Quinn blushed at his compliment and send him a small smile.
"Shut up. With your bone structure, you could rock the Rosemary's Baby look and still look good. I'm gonna look like Jackie Chan" Tina complained.
"If Barbra can pull off a bob, so can I" Rachel said as she gathered a handful of her hair.
"Enough yapping. Let's do this" Santana told the girls.
The girls all sighed but nodded and the scissors each of them were holding in their hands were brought up to their hairs as they got ready to cut them.
"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Lydia and Melissa yelled with wide eyes.
"Rachel, why were you going to cut off your hair?" Hiram and Leroy asked in unison, their eyes wide in surprise.
"We were trying to raise money for the homeless kids so we could get them what they needed" Rachel explained to her dads.
"And you were all willing to cut off your hair to do it?" Sebastian asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes" the new direction girls replied in unison.
The warblers and Sebastian looked at them in surprise while everyone else were still in disbelief.
But before any of the girls could cut off their hair Mr. Schue rushed into the room, stopping them.
"Whoa! What are you guys doing?" Mr. Schue asked with wide eyes.
"We're going all 'gift of the magi' to raise money to buy homeless kids those school supplies" Mercedes explained.
"The guys are gonna sell their watches and the girls are gonna sell off their hair" Sam explained.
"You can't do that" Mr. Schue sighed.
"No, it's cool. Most of this isn't mine anyway" Santana waved off his concerns.
"Do any of us even want to know?" Malia asked with narrowed eyes.
"Nope" Santana smiled while shaking her head.
"I mean, that's not the answer. There are other ways to raise money at Christmastime" Mr. Schue told them.
"No, but we tried caroling, and it didn't work" Rachel sighed.
"Wait. I thought you and Finn were getting us a new tree?" Artie asked with a frown.
Rachel sighed as she sent her ex-boyfriend a glare, "we went, but Finn bailed before we could get one" she replied.
"That was probably awkward" Stiles whispered to Santana who snorted and nodded in agreement.
"It probably was" everyone said in unison while Rachel and Finn sighed but couldn't disagree.
"Nice Christmas spirit, Finn" Brittany sarcastically said while shooting the Hudson male a glare.
"Wait. Guys, no more fighting. Have any of you ever actually read gift of the magi?" Mr. Schue asked.
"What even is that?" Peter asked with a slight frown.
"I'll explain it to you later" Chris told the man who sighed but nodded.
The new directions kept quiet at that and Mr. Schue looked at them in disbelief.
"None of you?" Mr. Schue asked.
"You don't have to read Gift of the Magi. Everybody knows what it's about" Quinn told her teacher.
"Well, if you actually read it, you'd know what it's about" Mr. Schue told her.
"Yeah, I know what it's about life freaking sucks" Stiles scoffed while shaking his head and Santana nodded in agreement.
"I still stand by my statement. Life sucks" Stiles rolled his eyes while leaning into Sebastian's side.
Sebastian frowned at that but didn't say anything and just hugged his boyfriend close to him while kissing his head affectionately.
Some people frowned at his words while some understood where he was coming from.
"Actually, you're right" Mr. Schue smiled at the boy.
Stiles looked at him in surprise and confusion along with everyone else.
Mr. Schue let out a sigh and moved to sit with his students who all turned their chairs in order to look at him.
"The first Christmas you remember having is the greatest day of your life. Your family's all together. There are loads of presents, cookies. The magic is alive and well. But before you know it, you grow up. Work and school and girlfriends take over and Christmas becomes more of an obligation. A reminder of what's lost instead of what's possible. And all the trees and the presents and even the mistletoe can't change that" Mr. Schue explained.
Stiles frowned and took his words into consideration. Everyone looked like he was taking his words into consideration.
Everyone in the theater room took the mans words into consideration and realized that, for once, he was right.
Everyone loves Christmas, not to mention their first Christmas, and even if they have grown up they remember it like it was yesterday.
Some of the magic might be gone for some people but some of it has remained.
And they would do anything to get back the entire magic to remember what they felt like on their very first Christmas.
"And then when you get to my age you're so desperate to get that magic back you'd do anything to be able to feel how you did that first Christmas" Mr. Schue finished.
Stiles frowned slightly, "so what should we do?" he asked.
"Put your scissors down. Put your watches back on. We're gonna go out and find some people who really need some Christmas spirit. And we are gonna sing for them" Mr. Schue explained with a smile.
The new directions all smiled at that while Stiles just sighed but nodded.
"Well aren't you heartless" Theo rolled his eyes.
"That's rich coming from you, asshole" Liam scoffed out while glaring at him.
Theo gaped at the boy in surprise while everyone burst out laughing.
Stiles sent the boy a grateful smile and Liam sent one back while nodding his head at him.
"Nice one, kid" Sebastian grinned as he wrapped his arm around his shoulders.
Liam beamed at him with a smile appearing on his face while Stiles smiled softly at their interaction.
He was happy to see his pup and his boyfriend getting along.
The scene changes to the teacher lounge. The place was decorated due to Christmas and all the staff were sitting.
The new directions, with the exception of Artie and Brittany, were wearing their matching sweaters and scarves as they all stood in the teachers lounge with the staff being their audience.
"Where were you guys?" Parrish asked in curiosity.
"Brittany was upset and in no mood to sing so I asked Mr. Schue if I could take her home to rest and he agreed" Artie explained.
Brittany nodded to confirm that it was true.
"Hey. Uh, so we're your students. All year long you suffer through dealing with us. I imagine having some of us in your classes would slowly chip away at your hopes and dreams until the whole world just felt like a never-ending nightmare of pain" Finn told the staff.
Stiles's eyes widened at his words and he shared a glance with Santana who was staring at Finn with a slightly concerned expression.
Everyone, even Scott, Derek and Theo, looked at Finn with wide eyed confused and concerned expressions.
"Honey" Carole muttered quietly while rubbing her eyes tiredly and worriedly.
Finn blushed in embarrassment and hid his face in Rachel's shoulder. His fiance just rubbed his back comfortingly.
"Get to the point, Finn" Mr. Schue sternly told him.
"Right. Uh, anyway, we're here today to help raise money for children that have a lot less than we do. And I know some of us have had a hard Christmas. But what we've come to learn is that no matter how tough things get there isn't anything that more Santa or a couple more jingle bells can't cure" Finn smiled.
A smile returned to Stiles's face as Finn joined the others. Soon music began to play and that's when they all started to perform.
(Imagine Stiles standing in between Mercedes and Santana while singing)
Everyone smiled at the new directions singing. Not to mention how Stiles was slowly getting some Christmas spirit back just by singing.
Stiles smiled as Sebastian wrapped his other arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to his other side.
Liam smiled at the boyfriends while the said boyfriends smiled back at him.
One by one the staff took the opportunity to put in some money as the new directions sang. Even as the song came to an end they kept on putting money inside the bucket.
As the song ended everyone erupted into claps and cheers and that alone brought smiles to all the new directions faces.
Stiles wrapped his arms around both Mercedes and Santana and brought them into a hug to which they smiled and eagerly returned.
The new directions all smiled at the people that were cheering and clapping for them inside the theater room.
The camera pans into the hallway where we see the new directions walking together to head back into the choir room.
As they all walked into the choir room they all stopped and their eyes widened in shock at the scene in front of them.
"Artie" Stiles breathed out in shock.
The camera turns over and we see Brittany and Artie. And, shockingly, Artie was standing using some machine.
Gasps filled the theater room as people's eyes were wide open, some jaws were touching the ground and some were covering their mouths with their hands.
"Oh my god" Thad breathed out as he stared at the screen with wide eyes.
"Holy shit" Nick and Jeff breathed out in unison.
Sugar, Rory and Joe were all in shock as well while the rest of the new directions were smiling at Artie who was already smiling himself.
"It's called a ReWalk. Some guy in Israel invented it. I can't use it all the time, but...check me out" Artie smiled.
He used the machine to move his legs and everyone gasped, some moving closer to get a better look at it.
"Where did you get it?" Stiles asked as he stood at Artie's other side with Santana and Quinn following him.
"We went home, and it was sitting under my Christmas tree" Brittany told everyone.
"How the hell did you afford that thing?" Puck asked as he and Finn walked closer to them.
"Are those things really expensive?" coach Finnstock asked with furrowed eyebrows.
"They are, I looked it up, but you have to admit that it makes sense for them to be" Rachel told him.
"I didn't buy it. I didn't know what it was. I thought it was a Transformer" Brittany said causing some people to laugh.
Artie let out a chuckle before turning to the others.
"I assumed her dad got it for me, but he has no idea where it came from. He went to take a long poop, and when he came back, it was there" Artie quietly told them.
"So who got it for him?" Sebastian asked in curiosity.
"We don't know. We still don't know who got him the ReWalk, there was no note or anything" Tina sighed.
"Yeah, I desperately want to know who got it for me so I can thank them" Artie smiled.
Unknown to everyone, a certain football coach let a smile appear on her face before turning back to the screen.
"So if no one we know bought it for you, then..." Rachel trailed off unsure of what to say.
"Santa brought it" Brittany smiled widely and happily.
"Santa" Mercedes giggled.
"Santa" Artie nodded with a smile of his own.
"A real Christmas miracle" Quinn softly smiled as everyone else nodded in agreement.
Soon everyone surrounded Artie and watched as he used the ReWalk to use his legs and everyone was smiling happily for him, knowing that this has got to be the best Christmas present ever.
"It really was" Artie smiled to which everyone smiled back at him.
Stiles pulled his friend into a hug that was easily returned. Soon all the new directions joined in on the hug.
Everyone smiled at their interaction.
The scene changes to the new house of Burt Hummel and Carole Hudson Hummel. We head inside where we see Stiles in the kitchen cleaning up.
The new directions all had gone over to Mr. Schue's apartment so they could spend Christmas with him since they didn't want him spending it alone. And, surprisingly, Sue tagged along with them.
Stiles was invited to go but he declined. He still wasn't in the Christmas mood and just wanted to stay home.
"Why didn't you want to go?" Scott asked with a frown, thinking that his absence was rude.
"I didn't want to go, simple as that" Stiles rolled his eyes as he kept his attention on the screen.
But then he winced and turned to face his teacher.
"Sorry for not going, Mr. Schue. I just really wasn't in the mood" Stiles apologized.
Mr. Schue chuckled and waved him off, "don't worry Stiles it's alright. Besides, the cookies and hot chocolate you made for me the next day made up for it" he smiled.
Stiles smiled back at him but then his smile went away when he saw the looks his team and the other team were giving him.
"Seriously?!" the new directions and the warblers yelled in disbelief.
"Why did he get cookies and hot chocolate and not us?" Brittany asked, whining as she did so.
Stiles let out an exasperated sigh and just leaned into Sebastian's side while snuggling into him.
Sebastian smiled softly at his boyfriend and wrapped his arms around him, holding him close and leaning down to kiss his head.
Right now he was cleaning up the kitchen table. He, Carole, Burt and Kurt had eaten dinner together while Finn was with the new directions at Mr. Schue's apartment.
Carole had left to get a few things to make some dessert. Kurt had gone upstairs to chat with Blaine over the phone. Stiles was going to wash the dishes. Someone had knocked on the door and Burt went to answer it, probably some people caroling.
"Stiles! Come here!" Burt yelled.
"Coming!" Stiles yelled as he set the last bit of dishes inside the sink before walking into the living room.
As he walked into the living room his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion when he saw a box wrapped in wrapping paper on the coffee table with Burt standing in front of it.
Everyone looked at the box either in curiosity or in confusion, wondering what was inside.
While Stiles shared a smile with Carole, Burt and Kurt.
Melissa, Lydia, Kira, Malia, Isaac and Liam shared a smile with each other as well.
"What's with the box?" Stiles asked as he walked further into the living room.
"It's for you, or at least that's what the guy told me. It even says it's addressed to you" Burt told him.
Stiles frowned at that as he stopped in front of the box, "for me? I didn't order anything though".
"You didn't have to" Melissa muttered with a small smile on her face.
"Maybe Melissa or one of your friends got you something for Christmas and had it delivered here" Burt shrugged.
"Maybe. But what would they even get me? I didn't really want anything for Christmas" Stiles said.
"That's a lie" Stiles sighed, causing people to look at him either in curiosity or in concern.
Finn, Kurt and Santana shared a look and sighed. They knew exactly just what he wanted but they also knew, just like he did, that it was impossible to get.
The same could be said for Burt, Carole and Melissa. Along with the five teens of beacon hills that were still friends with Stiles.
Sebastian held his boyfriend tighter in his arms as he also knew what it was that he wanted but knew he couldn't.
"Well, open it and find out" Burt suggested with a smile.
Stiles sighed but nodded in agreement. He unwrapped the wrapping paper and tossed it aside before opening up the box.
As he and Burt looked inside they saw a letter on top of a black cover that was covering up Stiles's Christmas present.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows together once more as he picked up the letter and cleared his throat in order to read it out loud.
Everyone leaned forward, wanting to make sure they heard every word of what was on that letter.
To our best friend/brother figure/son figure,
We know that you don't want to talk about Christmas. We know that after everything that has happened you don't like it let alone tolerate the holiday and that's perfectly fine. But we want you to know that we're here for you, always, and that we're always going to help you no matter what. It doesn't matter how far away we are from each other, it won't change the fact that you're still one of us. We all miss you like crazy and we wish you were here but we know that you left for a fresh start, you left to get away from the craziness and the drama of beacon hills and we understand. We hope you visit soon because it's just not the same without you here with us.
With that being said, I hope you like what we got you. It's our Christmas gift to you. We know you'll treasure it with all your heart. Merry Christmas, Stiles. We hope to hear from you or better yet see you soon. Stay safe.
- Love, Isaac, Liam, Kira, Malia, Lydia & Melissa
Almost everyone had smiles on their faces after Stiles read the letter, some shed a few tears.
Stiles smiled at his friends and his mother figure and they smiled back at him with some of them mouthing 'you're welcome' to him.
Scott looked shocked that his mother and the others had sent him something for Christmas.
He was hurt that none of his friends wanted to spend time with him on Christmas and he was even more hurt that his mother just looked disappointed at him during Christmas and the only gift he got from her was socks.
Derek glared at the teens for not telling him that they were sending Stiles his Christmas gift.
Had he known he would've bought something for his love and had it delivered to his new home.
Or better yet, he would've done over to Lima Ohio to have the gift delivered in person and that would've given him the opportunity to see Stiles in person and talk to him.
After reading the letter a soft smile appeared on Stiles's face as he tried to hold back his tears while Burt was smiling at his son figure.
Stiles set the letter down and took the black cover off in order to see just what his friends and mother figure got him for Christmas.
The second he laid eyes on his present he let out a huge surprised gasp, the black cover in his hands dropping to the ground.
"What? What is it?" Burt asked in concern.
Stiles said nothing and continued staring at the inside of the box that contained his Christmas present.
"Come on, show us what it was" Mike grumbled causing Tina to laugh softly while shaking her head at him.
Blaine looked at Kurt, hoping to get an answer on the present, but Kurt just smiled at him and gestured to the screen.
Stiles swallowed a lump in his throat and gently took out his present that was inside of the box. Once Burt saw what he was holding his eyes widened and a gasp escaped his lips.
It was a jacket.
More specifically a Sheriff's jacket.
More specifically, his fathers jacket.
Everyone's eyes widened at that, especially Finn and Santana since they hadn't known that.
But they had a feeling that that jacket belonged to Stiles's father since he always told them that it was special and nobody was to ever touch it.
Scott and Derek looked at the screen with wide eyes in shock.
They both knew, or thought they knew, that the jacket that belonged to Noah had been destroyed or taken away.
How the hell did Stiles have it?
Actually, how did Melissa and the others involved have it and managed to send it over to Stiles?
"Is that...?" Burt asked as he looked at Stiles.
"It is. It's my dad. I know it is" Stiles nodded, never taking his eyes off the jacket.
Burt nodded and took a step closer to the boy as he never took his eyes off the jacket he was holding.
"But how? I was told that everything my father owned from the station would either be given to me or given away. Some of his things were given away and some of his things I kept" Stiles asked.
"Really? Like what?" Rachel asked in curiosity.
"Just the important things. My dad's journal, the picture frame he had in his office of my mom holding me as a baby, the necklace that I'm wearing and his taser. Everything else I told the officers they could give away" Stiles explained.
"And the jacket?" Quinn asked.
"I tried getting it, I really did, but they told me that while it was my dad's a new sheriff would eventually take over and it made sense for them to get the jacket" Stiles huffed.
After hearing him say that scoffs filled the theater room as people got angry.
"What a load of bullshit" Sue rolled her eyes.
"That's what I said" Stiles nodded which earned a few laughs.
"So wait how did you guys get it?" Ms. Pillsbury asked as she turned to the beacon hills people.
"It wasn't hard. Turns out the new position of sheriff was given to our friend Jordan over there and he knew that wearing the sheriff jacket that belonged to Stiles's father was wrong since it wasn't his and would never be his" Isaac explained.
"So Jordan got himself a new sheriff jacket and handed over Noah's jacket to Melissa" Malia added.
"Who then came to us and told us that we should surprise Stiles with it on Christmas and we did" Lydia finished with a smile.
Everyone turned to Jordan who simply smiled at them all while waving his hand.
Stiles looked over at the young man that he considered an older brother and sent him a grateful smile. Jordan looked over at the boy he considered a younger brother and sent him a soft smile while nodding his head.
"Maybe Melissa along with those friends of yours managed to find it and decided it would be better if you had it" Burt softly smiled.
"Yeah, maybe" Stiles nodded.
He stared at his fathers jacket with tears building up in his eyes. His lips quivered and he tried to stop himself from releasing any sobs.
Everyone, the ones that didn't know his backstory and still had no idea his dad was dead, looked at Stiles in concern.
Stiles ignored their looks and stared at the screen sadly, tears already sliding down his cheeks.
He could feel Finn, Kurt, Santana and his friends from beacon hills hugging him tightly but he was still staring at the screen.
He missed his father so much. He was the only blood relative he had and he was gone and he would never see him again.
He lost his mother and now he's lost his father.
Why did the universe hate him? Why were his parents taken away from him?
"Stiles?" Burt called out to him, concern shown in his tone.
Stiles finally tore his eyes away from his fathers jacket and looked over at the man he considered a second father.
"I'm sorry. I'm just emotional, especially now that I have something else of my dads that I'll be able to cherish forever" Stiles softly told him.
Burt sent him a sad and soft smile before extending his arms out.
Stiles smiled at him and, without letting go of the jacket, walked into Burt's arms and hugged him tightly as the man hugged him back.
Everyone smiled at the two of them onscreen and some were trying to hold in their tears.
Kurt smiled at his best friend and his father. He loved their interactions because it's clear that Stiles has always, will always, be apart of their family.
His father has always seen Stiles as a second son just like how he has not only seen Stiles as a best friend, but as a brother too.
"I love you, Stiles. You and Finn are my sons and I love you both the same as I love Kurt" Burt whispered with a smile.
"I love you too, Burt. You're like a father figure to me and I appreciate it more than anything" Stiles whispered with a smile.
Everyone was smiling at the interaction between the two of them.
Malia looked at Peter and sent him a small smile before leaning into his side.
Peter looked shocked but he didn't mind. He slowly wrapped his arms around her shoulders and placed a gentle kiss to her head, a small smile appearing on his face.
The new directions all glanced at each other before smiling.
One by one they all hugged Stiles with all their might, basically crushing him in a long group hug.
Stiles groaned in slight pain before letting a small smile appear on his face as he hugged his friends back.
Sebastian laughed at the jealousy in Liam's eyes and how he was glaring at the new directions. He brought the kid into a hug, without even knowing just what he was doing, and smiled when Liam leaned into his touch and hugged him back.
The warblers looked at their captain in shock. They couldn't believe that he was showing his soft side to a boy he barely knew, they couldn't believe that he was showing affection to someone other than Stiles.
"Well I'll say" Nick laughed under his breath while fondly shaking his head.
"Right" Jeff nodded with a small smile.
Maybe Sebastian can be soft towards others rather than just Stiles.
Meanwhile, over on the side of the people that are from beacon hills.
Isaac let out a sigh as he looked down at his lap in sadness.
He longed to have that kind of relationship but never got it since his sperm donor was a deadbeat dad that did nothing but abuse him every single day of his life.
He looked over at Chris and saw him smiling at something Melissa told him.
He found himself a real father after meeting Chris and even though they got off on the wrong start at first, they grew closer overtime and he started seeing Chris as a father rather than his sperm donor.
He'll always be grateful for Chris coming into his life and becoming the father he always wanted.
The two of them remained the way they were. Neither of them letting go.
Footsteps could be heard and Kurt came downstairs and walked into the living room to see his father and his best friend hugging. He let a smile appear on his face before walking over to them and joining in on the hug.
Stiles and Burt smiled at each other before wrapping their arms around Kurt as the three of them were now engulfed in a group hug.
The screen turned black and that indicated that the episode has finished.
Burt, Kurt and Stiles shared a look before turning over to Carole and Finn.
"Come on you two, we need to have a real family group hug to make up for you guys not being there" Kurt grinned.
Carole and Finn smiled at them before walking over to them and hugging all of them.
Burt, Kurt and Stiles laughed before hugging the two of them back with smiles on their faces.
Melissa and a few other from beacon hills were just happy that Stiles gained himself another family so that way he wasn't alone.
Everyone else just smiled at the family.
Hey guys, how are you? I hope you liked todays chapter.
I also hope you like the interaction between Sebastian and Liam. Our adorable pup seems to be getting another father figure.
Also, I have decided that Santana and Finn will find out about Stiles's past in the episode "Born This Way". Stiles is going to write 'Void' on his t-shirt and everyone is going to be confused why he wrote that but brush it off.
Of course, not including Finn and Santana. They're both going to want answers and Stiles will come clean to them, along with Carole.
You all can thank coffee_addict_19 for giving me this amazing idea.
With that being said, have a great day and see you in the next chapter. Bye!
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