Chapter Seven: Duets
Nobody's Pov
Once everyone settled down the screen slowly turned on, the beginning of the next episode playing as it did so.
The camera pans over to Stiles who was by his locker, leaning against it, writing in his journal as he waited for Kurt.
School ended a few minutes ago and he and Kurt were going to go to the park for some fresh air and just catch up on what's been going on.
"You really like writing in your journal, don't you?" Trent asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
"Yeah. It's just something that helps me, especially when I just want to write my feelings down or write about my day" Stiles replied.
"I told you it would come in handy" Lydia winked at her best friend.
Stiles smiled at his best friend and sister figure and nodded.
Stiles picked his head up when he heard footsteps approaching and smiled when he saw Kurt walking over to him.
"Hey, sorry I'm late. I was talking to the new member in glee club" Kurt smiled.
"No problem. Come on, lets get going" Stiles smiled.
He shut his journal and held onto it as the two best friends began walking.
"And who's this new member of yours?" Stiles asked.
"Sam Evans. A cute blonde" Kurt smiled, his cheeks slowly turning red.
"Aw, Kurt, you think I'm cute?" Sam asked, playfully flirting
"Of course. I mean, anyone that doesn't think you're cute is blind" Kurt winked, playfully flirting back.
Sam winked back, a grin on his face.
Everyone laughed at their interaction, Stiles being the loudest.
Blaine rolled his eyes fondly. He knew they were just playing around and weren't serious so he wasn't too jealous.
Plus, Sam was straight and in a relationship.
Mercedes chuckled and shook her head at her boyfriend and best friend. She wasn't jealous either, she found their playful flirting amusing.
It was tiring at times but it was definitely amusing and always had her laughing.
Their playful flirting wasn't as amusing as Stiles and Kurt, but it came to a close second.
"Oh, I know him. I have one class with him. And did you just call him cute?" Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.
"Maybe" Kurt shrugged, his cheeks turning more red.
Stiles stopped walking, causing Kurt to stop walking too, as he stared at his friend.
His eyes widened slightly when he saw the blush on his friends cheeks and started laughing.
"What's funny?" Kurt asked, confused.
"You totally have a crush on him" Stiles managed to say through his laughs.
Kurt blushed the same way his onscreen self did, causing everyone to release small chuckles.
Sam glanced over at his friend and let a small smile appear, he always had a feeling that Kurt like liked him.
While he didn't feel the same way, he wasn't upset or disgusted. Of course not.
He found it amusing and it definitely inflated his ego knowing that he attracted, not only girls, but gay guys too.
"What? No I don't" Kurt said in a high-pitch voice.
"Yes you do. When you speak in a high-pitch voice it indicates you're lying" Stiles grinned.
Kurt sighed and turned to his friend, "curse you for knowing me so damn well" he mock glared at him.
"You're welcome. Perks of being best friends with you since forever" Stiles winked.
Kurt rolled his eyes and gently hit his arm, causing Stiles to chuckle.
Kurt sighed, knowing that he was right. They did know each other really well.
"Fine. I have a crush on him, but can you blame me? He's really cute" Kurt argued.
"Oh trust me, I know he is. Not my type, but definitely cute" Stiles nodded in agreement.
Everyone turned their attention over to Stiles, some shocked and some amused that even he found Sam cute.
Stiles blushed slightly at the attention but shrugged. He wasn't lying nor was he going to go back against his words.
"It's nice to know that even you think I'm cute. But i'm hurt that I'm not your type" Sam mock pouted.
"Sorry" Stiles shrugged.
Sebastian sent a small glare towards Sam before turning over to his boyfriend.
"So what is your type, darling?" Sebastian asked.
He put both hands on his hips, pulling him closer so that their chests were pressed together.
Stiles put on a fake thinking face before wrapping his arms around his neck, leaning in closer.
"Tall boys with light brown hair, green eyes who wear the Dalton uniform that make them look even more sexy" Stiles told him seductively.
A smirk appeared on Sebastian's face as he leaned in closer.
"Is that so?" Sebastian asked just as seductively.
Stiles bit his lip and nodded, lust taking over his eyes as he eyed his boyfriend up and down.
Sebastian hummed, eyeing his boyfriend up and down as lust took over his eyes as well.
Just as they were about to lean in and kiss a book was thrown at them, causing them to yelp and pull away from each other.
The couple turned around to see who the culprit was.
"Hey, save that shit for the bedroom! Not here!" Malia yelled.
The last thing she wanted was for the couple to have sex with everyone still present.
Everyone burst out laughing at that. Stiles sighed at his werewcoyote friend while Sebastian glared at her.
Malia shrugged and leaned back in her seat, she wasn't going to apologize.
Kurt chuckled and nodded.
"So, what were you talking to Sam about?" Stiles asked.
"Mr. Schue assigned us to find someone to pair up with to sing so I asked him if he wanted to be my duet partner" Kurt explained.
"What did he say?" Stiles asked.
"He didn't make a decision yet, but I told him I would email him some MP3s of me singing so he can see just how great of a singer I am" Kurt explained.
Sam let out a chuckle before turning over to his friend.
"I listened to all 60 of them, Kurt. And, of course, you were amazing in all of them" Sam complimented.
Kurt smiled at his friend and sent him a nod.
Meanwhile, everyone else that wasn't from the new directions or the staff of Mckinley looked at Kurt like he was crazy.
"Really? 60 MP3s?" Thad asked in disbelief.
Kurt blushed slightly and hid his face in Blaine's shoulder, causing his boyfriend to laugh softly and kiss his head.
"Well I'm sure he'll say yes. Your voice is amazing, K. Once he hears your voice, he'll definitely cave in" Stiles smiled.
"Thanks, S" Kurt smiled.
The two of them made their way to the exit so they could get into Stiles's jeep and head home.
"You know, we still have another spot for-" Kurt started but was cut off.
"Not happening!" Stiles yelled, picking up the pace so he could reach his jeep faster.
Kurt let out an exasperated groan, "it was worth a shot" he muttered before picking up the pace himself.
Everyone laughed at how easy Stiles caught onto what Kurt was trying to do.
Stiles laughed and leaned more into Sebastian's side. Sebastian smiled and kissed his boyfriends temple.
Derek glared at Sebastian for being affectionate towards Stiles, something that he used to do.
The screen slowly turned dark before the screen turned back on and the next scene appeared.
The scene changes to Mckinley and the camera pans into an empty classroom where we see Stiles eating his lunch by himself while scrolling through his phone.
"Why aren't you eating in the cafeteria, Stiles?" Lydia asked, frowning in confusion.
Stiles shrugged, scratching the back of his neck.
"I didn't really know anyone, just Kurt. I know I met the new directions in the last episode but we weren't technically friends at the time, I thought sitting with them would've been a little weird" he explained.
Lydia opened her mouth to say something when someone else beat her to it.
"Aw, are you that much of an outsider and loser that you still didn't have any friends? That's so sad" Theo mockingly pouted.
His head turned to the side in an instant, a red hand mark present on his now red cheek.
Theo's hand slowly went up to his cheek that was just slapped and he winced at the pain he felt.
Theo looked up and his eyes widened when he saw Melissa McCall glaring down at him.
He gulped. The woman had nothing but utter hatred and rage shown in her eyes as she glared down at him.
He looked at everyone and saw them staring at the woman with wide eyes in shock and their jaws were touching the ground.
Hell, even Sue and Finnstock were staring at mama McCall in shock.
Well...not everyone was shocked.
Malia, Lydia, Isaac, Santana and Finn were laughing like maniacs.
Yes, they had been glaring at Theo for mocking their friend/platonic soulmate/brother figure.
But seeing Melissa leaping from her seat just so she could stand in front of Theo and slap him was the highlight of their day.
Carole was glaring at Theo while trying to keep her husband from lunging at him.
Liam was trying not to let his wolf eyes be shown, as well as his teeth, as he glared at Theo himself.
Nick and Jeff were currently holding Sebastian back. The Smythe boy had been ready to lunge at Theo but was quickly detained by his friends.
Sebastian still wanted to hurt that Theo kid, but he struggled to get out of his friends grasp.
The same could be said for Blaine, who was struggling to hold Kurt back since the Hummel boy was, still is, ready to lunge at Theo.
Theo doesn't know if he's grateful that it was Melissa that slapped him and not Kurt or Sebastian.
He turned his attention away from everyone and turned back over to the woman that was still glaring down at him.
"If you ever call my son an outsider or a loser ever again I promise you nothing is going to stop me from killing you with my bare hands. Do I make myself clear?" Melissa growled.
Her motherly instincts came out the second Theo badmouthed Stiles.
Nobody, and she means nobody, talks about her son like that and gets away with it.
And her growl almost sounded like a real one and that shocked the supernatural beings.
"Yes mam" Theo gulped, nodding his head quickly and fearfully.
"Good" Melissa nodded.
She glared down at him one last time before calmly making her way back to her seat.
She ignored the looks people were still giving her and looked over at Stiles.
Stiles had managed to calm down, he had been shaking in anger due to Theo's insult, and when his eyes met Melissa they softened.
He sent her a soft and grateful smile and she repeated the gesture.
He mouthed 'thank you' to her and she mouthed 'you're welcome' back to him.
When everyone had calmed down, more so when Kurt, Burt and Sebastian calmed down, the episode resumed.
Stiles was about to play a game on his phone when the classroom door opened, causing him to look up.
He furrowed his eyebrows together when Kurt, who looked upset and frustrated, walked in while carrying his lunch tray.
Kurt kicked the door closed with his foot and stomped over to the table Stiles was sitting at. He practically slammed his tray down onto the table before plopping down on the chair across from Stiles.
Stiles raised an eyebrow at his friend as he began picking at his food, the anger clearly visible in his eyes and his actions.
"Uh...Kurt, is everything alright?" Stiles asked.
"Just peachy" Kurt muttered, still picking at his food.
"Geez, who made you mad Lady Hummel?" Sebastian asked, raising an eyebrow at the boy.
Kurt just sighed and looked down at his feet.
While Finn sighed and frowned, knowing exactly why Kurt was mad.
Stiles frowned and set his phone down, leaning forward slightly.
"K, what happened? Why do you look upset?" Stiles asked in concern.
"Two words. Finn Hudson" Kurt replied.
"Finn? As in Finn from glee club and the son of Burt's girlfriend?" Stiles asked.
"No. Finn as in the stinky janitor. What do you think?" Kurt sarcastically and angrily asked.
"Hey!" Finn yelled, offended.
Kurt shrugged while everyone laughed in amusement.
Finn pouted as everyone laughed at him. Rachel giggled and kissed her fiance's pout away.
Stiles rolled his eyes as he held his hands up in surrender. Kurt sighed and calmed down.
"Sorry, S. I didn't mean to snap at you" Kurt apologized.
"It's fine, K. But what did Finn say or do to make you upset?" Stiles asked.
"He said that I shouldn't sing a duet with Sam" Kurt told him.
Carole frowned and turned to her son with furrowed eyebrows.
"Finn, why would you tell your brother that?" she asked, wanting some answers.
Finn didn't answer her and just looked down at the ground.
He had a feeling it would all be explained soon and he already knew that his mother was going to be angry and disappointed at him.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows at that and gestured for Kurt to elaborate more.
"Finn doesn't want me to sing a duet with Sam because he's worried that Sam will get made fun of for singing with me because I'm gay" Kurt explained.
Stiles's eyes widened at that and soon anger took over him.
"What?!" everyone yelled in shock and disbelief.
The new directions were staring at Finn in shock because none of them knew he said that.
Sam sighed while Blaine gritted his teeth and looked ready to punch Finn.
The warblers themselves were shocked themselves. Hell, even Sebastian looked shocked and angry and that says alot.
"Finn Hudson!" Carole yelled, appalled that her son would say that.
Finn flinched and wished that the ground would swallow him.
"He said what?!" Stiles yelled.
"Yeah! He believes that I'll ruin his reputation if we sing together, all because I'm gay" Kurt huffed.
"What the hell is wrong with him? Why would he say or think that?" Stiles angrily asked.
"That's what I'd like to know too" Carole nodded, looking at her son who avoided eye contact with her.
"It's just how he is. He says he has no problem with me being gay but I know that's not true. Especially when he's trying to get me to back off Sam" Kurt rolled his eyes.
Stiles gritted his teeth, wanting to find Finn and punch him in the face and he doesn't care who he is.
He heard a sigh from his friend and saw him dropping his fork, planting his head on his palm.
"What should I do?" the Hummel boy asked.
He needed advice and he knew that the best person to give advice was Stiles.
"I've been known to give the best and helpful advice" Stiles smiled proudly.
The new directions all laughed fondly and nodded. Stiles wasn't lying after all.
Even the resident of beacon hills agreed that when it came to giving advice Stiles was great at it.
"Tell me something, did Sam respond to your emails and say he would sing with you?" Stiles asked.
"Yeah he did" Kurt nodded.
"Then there you go. You and Sam will sing the duet and not listen to Finn. There's nothing wrong with two guys singing together when it's the same as a girl and a guy singing together" Stiles told him.
Kurt smiled at him before getting up from his seat. He walked over to his friend and pulled him into a hug.
"What would I do without you?" Kurt asked.
"Perish" Stiles jokingly said before hugging his friend back.
Everyone laughed at that while Kurt fondly rolled his eyes and nudged his friend by the arm, causing said friend to return the gesture.
The scene changes to Stiles walking into the boys locker room.
He wasn't on the football team or any clubs for that matter but he knew that Sam and Finn were.
And he needed to talk some sense into Finn and remind him that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Kurt and Sam singing a duet together.
"Agreed, there's nothing wrong with two boys singing together if they're both comfortable with it" Carole nodded.
Melissa nodded too. She didn't see what the big deal was either.
Stiles and Scott, at least when they were kids and were still best friends, sung together and she nor nobody had a problem with it.
He spotted Sam and was about to walk over to him when he saw Finn walking behind him.
He saw that they were talking to each other so he decided to listen in.
"I don't see the big deal. He e-mailed me, like, 60 MP3s of him singing, and I thought it was Faith Hill. The kid's good" Sam shrugged.
He opened his locker and looked at Finn who sat down on the bench.
"Why thank you" Kurt grinned, winking at his friend.
"Just stating the truth, buddy" Sam shrugged, winking back.
Kurt chuckled while Blaine frowned slightly at their interaction, pulling Kurt closer to his side.
"Look, this isn't about how good Kurt is. Being in glee club is's like walking down the double yellow lines of a highway. If you get just a little off course, you're gonna get crushed" Finn explained to him.
Stiles scoffed at that and rolled his eyes.
Everyone in the theater had the same reaction as Stiles, causing Finn to shrink down in his seat.
Sam chuckled slightly and shook his head as he took his towel out.
"I gotta be honest, you're kind of confusing my head right now. I mean, do you remember what you said when you talked me into joining glee club? You said we'd be gods" Sam reminded him.
Stiles furrowed his eyebrows at that, resisting the urge to laugh.
Everyone chuckled or furrowed their eyebrows at that.
Finn blushed slightly and continue to shrink down in his seat.
Sam put his pants on as he continued speaking.
"I joined up because I'm new here and you said it would make me popular, and now you're telling me that it's going to get me killed?" Sam asked, confused.
"Well, eventually you're going get popular from it, believe me, but until then, you've got to lay low a little bit. And singing a duet with another dude is not laying low" Finn explained.
Stiles gritted his teeth and glared at Finn in anger.
Isaac let out a scoff and turned over to Finn to glare at him.
"If you have an issue with gay guys, just say it out loud instead of being a coward!" Isaac angrily spat.
Isaac wasn't gay but he was an ally and he supported anyone that was apart of the lgbtq community.
Stiles is apart of it along with Lydia, Malia and Kira and he doesn't mind because it won't change the fact that they're still his friends and he loves them no matter what.
The same goes with Liam.
He might be straight but he's also an ally and, just like Isaac, he still cares about his friends no matter who or what they are.
Finn flinched, shame coursing in his eyes as he looked down at his lap.
"Isaac" Stiles softly spoke, putting his hand on his shoulder.
Isaac let out a huff and glared at Finn one last time before turning back to the screen.
"I didn't realize that you had a problem with gay dudes" Sam said, putting his shirt on.
"Look, I don't have a problem with gay dudes, everyone else does. And we're living in their world, and in their world, you singing a duet with Kurt is a death sentence" Finn told him.
"Who cares what other people think? If they can't accept people for who they are then screw them" Nick rolled his eyes.
Jeff smiled and nodded in agreement with his boyfriend.
The warblers all nodded in agreement. Some of them might be straight but at the end of the day they support those that are apart of the lgbtq community no matter what.
"Well, I gave him my word. In my world, that's that" Sam sighed.
He shut his locker and left the boys locker room, leaving a dejected Finn on the bench.
Stiles waited until Sam left before walking over to Finn. He stood in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You know, I really don't like the fact that you're trying to stop them from singing together when they both want to" Stiles spoke.
Finn jumped and looked up, his eyes widening slightly when he saw Stiles.
Everyone laughed at that while Finn blushed slightly.
"What?" Finn asked, confused.
"Don't play dumb with me, Hudson. I know you told Kurt that it's better if he and Sam don't sing together and I'm here to tell you to leave them alone" Stiles said.
"Why? Why do you care?" Finn asked.
"Kurt's my best friend since birth and I live with him and his father since my dad was friends with Burt. I care about Kurt and I want him to be happy and if singing a duet with Sam makes him happy, I'll do whatever I can to make that happen" Stiles sternly said.
Kurt pulled away from Blaine in order to hug his best friend, resting his head on his shoulder.
"Thank you. For always being there for me and defending me" Kurt whispered.
"Anything for my best friend" Stiles whispered, wrapping his arms around him.
The two best friends held onto each other and ignored the soft smiles and soft coos everyone was sending them.
And they ignored the glare Scott was sending towards them.
"You and Kurt live together?" Finn asked, looking and sounding shocked.
Stiles groaned and threw his head back before picking his head up.
"Stop getting sidetracked. Look, my point is there's absolutely nothing wrong with two guys singing together. It's the same as a girl and a guy singing together. Sam said so himself that he's fine singing with Kurt" Stiles said.
"I'm just worried about him. He might not be bothered by it but there are tons of people at this school that are" Finn argued.
"I'm sorry, but do you not remember that this duet assignment is for your glee club? Do you realize that the only ones that are going to be seeing and voting for the best duet are your friends? As far as I'm concerned, the entire school isn't going to be watching" Stiles pointed out.
Finn opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he realized that Stiles was right.
"I really should've taken that into consideration" Finn muttered.
Stiles and Kurt nodded while Rachel sighed at her fiance and shook her head.
Stiles nodded, looking satisfied, before uncrossing his arms while shaking his head.
"Look, two boys singing a duet is normal. It's not a big deal. The only reason it is is because you're making it seem like it" Stiles explained.
With that, he turned around and left the boys locker room as he left Finn to deal with his own thoughts.
The scene changes to the Hummel house where we see Burt sitting on the couch.
Stiles and Kurt were in the kitchen before walking into the living room as Kurt was holding a tray in his hands.
"First course is served. Heart-healthy vegan carrot soup with whole grain croutons, and you'd better eat all of it" Kurt sternly said.
He set the tray down and as Burt looked at it he sent his son and son figure an annoyed look.
"You really are trying to punish the poor man, aren't you?" Malia asked, glaring at the food that was shown.
"Excuse me for looking out for my dad after he recovered from a heart attack and a coma" Kurt shot back.
Malia flinched, not at the way he spoke to her but at the reminder of what happened to his dad in the previous episode.
Blaine put a soothing hand on Kurt's shoulder and rubbed it gently, hoping to calm him down.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find saffron in this town?" Stiles asked and Kurt nodded.
Kurt walked over to grab a small flower vase while Stiles sat down on the armrest of the couch.
"Alright, let me eat this at the table. You could make a plaster cast of my ass with the cushions from this couch" Burt sighed.
He tried getting up from the couch but the boys were quick to stop him.
"Absolutely not. We are in charge of your care from now on. You had a serious arrhythmia, dad. The doctors say you need to rest until your stress test" Kurt reminded him.
He sat down on the couch as he and Stiles glared at Burt when he said "you boys are my stress test".
Everyone laughed at that, especially at the offended looks Stiles and Kurt were giving Burt.
"I still stand by that statement" Burt shrugged, grinning teasingly.
Stiles and Kurt gaped at him before pouting like two kids that were caught stealing from the cookie jar.
"Guess this means I can't get salt?" Burt asked.
"No" Stiles deadpanned, causing Kurt to snort.
Burt fondly rolled his eyes and let out another sigh. He got ready to eat his soup but stopped when Kurt said "chin up" while holding a napkin.
Burt did as told and let Kurt tug the napkin into the collar of his shirt.
"What's up? How's school?" Burt asked the boys.
"Teachers are a pain, most of them, and some of the students are too but other than that it's fine" Stiles shrugged.
"I hope that wasn't applied to us, Sti" Santana mock pouted.
"Of course not, you guys are the best" Stiles reassured her, sending her a wink.
Santana smirked at that while the new directions smiled at their friend.
Kurt sighed and rubbed his thighs with his hands before letting out a sigh.
"It's fine, I guess. There's this new kid Sam in glee club. He and I are singing a duet together" he told his dad.
Stiles smiled at that but he could tell Kurt was upset. And so could Burt.
"Is that a problem?" Burt asked, confused.
"It's not, of course. But Carole's son, Finn, is making it into a big deal" Stiles rolled his eyes.
Kurt nodded, "he practically begged me not to. He said it'd ruin Sam's reputation" he rolled his eyes at the end.
Carole let out a small sigh.
She knew that Finn really didn't have a problem with Kurt being gay, but after finding out that Kurt used to have a crush on him it shocked him and he didn't know how to react.
And she knew that Finn cared about Kurt but not in the way Kurt wanted him to.
It just freaked her son out a bit and he didn't know what to do.
"Well, this kid Sam, know, does he play for your team?" Burt asked.
"Undetermined" Kurt said while Stiles shrugged.
"Oh. Maybe Finn has a point" Burt said as he took a sip of his soup.
"What?!" Stiles yelled.
"What?!" everyone yelled the same time onscreen Stiles did.
"You're seriously siding with him over your son? Really?" Isaac asked in disbelief.
Burt sighed and gestured to the screen, wanting everyone to watch the whole scene so they would have a better understanding as to where he was coming from.
Isaac opened his mouth to say more but stopped when Stiles gestured to the screen too.
Isaac huffed before doing as told. As did everyone else.
"You're siding with him? After what he called me in our basement?" Kurt asked in disbelief.
"Wait what? What do you mean by that? What did he call you?" Stiles asked, turning to his best friend.
Burt opened his mouth to say something but Kurt shot his father a pleading look and shook his head.
He knew how protective Stiles was over him and if he found out what Finn called him, well, lets just say Finn won't be in school tomorrow.
"Damn right he wouldn't" Kurt muttered.
To this day he still hasn't told Stiles what Finn called him.
But Kurt has a feeling he knows...
Stiles scoffed before turning around to look at his second brother figure.
"Finn, I love you like a best friend and brother, but if I find out that it was the f word you called Kurt, I will end you" Stiles warned him.
Finn's eyes widened and he gulped fearfully before nodding.
"I was talking to Carole, and you weren't totally honest with me. She told me that you had a crush on Finn and you weren't afraid to show it. Is this true?" Burt asked.
Kurt scoffed and threw his hands up in exasperation before shooting up from the couch.
"So a gay guy can't be friendly to a straight guy without it being predatory?" Kurt angrily asked.
"You got to understand that most guys don't know how to deal with unwanted advances" Burt told him.
Trent hummed and nodded at Burt's words.
"Yeah. I have to agree with that. Some straight guys are fine with gay guys..." Trent trailed off.
"But if the gay guy is making moves on them they're bound to get uncomfortable and the result is, well, not going to be pretty" Thad finished.
Kurt looked down and fiddled with his fingers, unsure of what to say to that.
Kurt had gone into the kitchen to get some water and came back while holding a water bottle.
"So you're saying I shouldn't sing with this Sam guy because it might upset a couple homophobes?" Kurt asked incredulously.
"I thought you said no one pushes the Hummels around. Dad always said that nobody pushes the Stilinski's around either" Stiles added.
"No one does" Burt sternly said.
Stiles huffed and so did Kurt.
"I'm not saying that. I'm saying that maybe it's you who's pushing this kid Sam around, trying to take advantage of him because you're interested in him" Burt told him.
Sam frowned at that and turned around to look at his friends dad.
"With all due respect, Mr. Hummel, Kurt wasn't pushing me around. I was the one that agreed to sing with him. I was the one that said it was completely fine for us to sing together. I was completely comfortable singing with him because it was my choice. He didn't force me, push me or anything" Sam sternly said.
While he might not like Kurt in a romantic way he obviously does like him as a friend.
And Kurt was and still is a good friend overall and he doesn't care if he's gay or not. It doesn't change anything.
Kurt sent a grateful smile to his friend and so did Stiles.
Burt let out a sigh, feeling a bit upset at himself for thinking something like that.
Stiles let out a scoff and stood up, going to stand next to his best friend.
"Kurt isn't pushing anyone around. Sam was the one that told him he had a great singing voice and was the one that agreed to sing with him. He obviously knows that Kurt is gay but does he have a problem with it? No, he doesn't. Two guys singing together is the same as a girl and a guy singing together, it's not a big deal" Stiles angrily stated.
He was getting angry and Kurt noticed. He put his hand on his friend's shoulder and rubbed it to calm him down.
Stiles closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, slowly calming down.
"Thanks for that, K" Stiles smiled.
"Anytime" Kurt smiled back.
Stiles can get really angry, and scary, when it comes to defending the ones he cares about the most.
Kurt knows that very well and he's grateful but he doesn't want his friend to lash out at anyone and end up regretting it. Which is why it's important to calm him down.
"Dad, you have no idea what it's like. I am the only openly gay kid at school, in this town. I mean, why can't I walk hand in hand down the hall with a person that I like? Why can't I slow-dance at my prom?" Kurt angrily asked.
Burt looked at the two boys and let out a sigh.
"Come here" he softly spoke, gesturing them to come back to the couch.
Both of them sighed before walking back over and sitting back down.
"You think I don't want those things for you? I do. You know, until you find somebody as open and as brave as're just going to have to get used to going it alone" Burt told him.
Kurt looked at his dad and shook his head. He set his water down and got up and went into the kitchen.
Burt looked at his son sadly while Stiles sent his father figure a nod before getting up himself and heading into the kitchen as well.
Burt sighed and rubbed his eyes, maybe he should've said something else or done something else to help Kurt feel better or relaxed.
He just said what he felt was right and appropriate but maybe he was in the wrong at the time.
Burt wishes that his wife was around to help him. She was always better at talking with Kurt and giving him advice when she was still alive.
But, even if Kurt didn't have his mother, at least he had Stiles.
Stiles walked into the kitchen just in time to see Kurt by the sink, his head bowed down and his shoulder shaking slightly.
He heard sniffling and frowned, already knowing that his best friend was crying.
Stiles slowly walked over to him and stood behind him.
"Kurt, you know your dad is simply looking out for you and he cares and loves you the same way I do. Right?" he softly asked.
Kurt sniffled and slowly nodded, "i know. But it's just so hard because nobody seems to understand me or my issues. Sometimes I really do feel alone" he sadly said.
Blaine frowned, feeling tears prickle in his eyes, and quickly brought his boyfriend, his everything, into a tight hug.
"Don't say that, Kurt. I love you, I'm here for you and I'll always be there for you. Not just me, but everyone too" Blaine spoke lovingly to his boyfriend.
The new directions all looked at each other and nodded before getting up.
They all walked over to the couple and hugged them, mainly hugging Kurt.
"Blaine's right, Kurt. We're all here for you and we all care about you. We love you no matter what and we've always got your back" Quinn softly smiled.
"Yeah, we've always got your back" Mike softly smiled.
"Agreed" Tina smiled.
"We might not always understand your issues or what you're going through, but I can promise you that no matter what we'll always be right by your side helping you whenever you need it" Puck smiled.
Mercedes wrapped her arm around Kurt's shoulders and kissed his temple.
"We're here for you boo. You're not alone and you'll never be alone" she reminded him.
Rachel nodded, leaning into Kurt's side and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"Always remember that" she added, smiling.
Kurt's eyes watered with tears and his lips quivered slightly. He can't believe that he's surrounded by people that are his friends that make him feel safe and secured and remind him that he'll never be alone.
He can't believe that he's dating someone that truly loves him and will always be there for him no matter what.
And most of all, he can't believe that he has the most amazing best friend since birth.
Kurt let out a small sob before hugging all his friends and his boyfriend tightly, not wanting to let any of them go, clenching his eyes shut as he let the tears fall down his cheeks.
Stiles smiled softly at them before yelping in surprise when Santana grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the group hug.
"The same rules apply to you too, Sti" his platonic soulmate whispered softly in his ear.
Stiles chuckled softly before nodding his head, wrapping his arms around his friends tightly.
Everyone else watched on in silence. Some were crying and some were smiling while some were just looking away, either they weren't interested or just wanted to give the new directions some privacy.
When the new directions got Kurt to calm down and Kurt thanked every single one of them for being there for him they returned to their seats.
Soon the episode resumed.
"K, you aren't alone. You have me. I understand what it feels like, trust me. I'm also gay myself and it was hard for me to come to terms with it at first, mainly because I was scared. But the fear went away because I had the most important people in my lives that stood by my side and supported me no matter what" Stiles softly said.
Stiles smiled softly and nodded with what his past self said.
"There's going to be times where life just sucks, but I can assure you that you're not alone. Whatever issues or struggles you go through, you're not going to go through them alone. Because I'm going to be right by your side helping you to the best of my ability. That's a promise" Stiles softly smiled.
He was never going to leave Kurt alone to deal with issues by himself. Whatever Kurt needs, he'll be right there for him.
Kurt sniffled and slowly picked his head up, turning his head around to look at his best friend in the eye.
"What did I do to deserve a best friend like you?" he asked, smiling.
"I should be the one asking that" Stiles smiled.
Kurt chuckled and leaned into his side, causing Stiles to smile and hug him.
Stiles chuckled before wrapping his arms around his friend from behind. Kurt chuckled and held onto him.
"Promise me something" Stiles spoke.
"Yeah?" Kurt asked.
"Promise me that you're still going to sing the duet with Sam. Don't listen to Finn or anyone for that matter. If Sam is comfortable with singing with you, if he said yes to singing with you, then you sing with him and forget about everyone else" Stiles sternly said.
Sebastian smiled at his boyfriend, happy that he was there for Lady Hummel and encouraging him to still sing with the blonde boy.
Everyone else was in the same boat as Sebastian, happy that Stiles was still encourgaging Kurt to go for it despite what others are telling him.
Finn himself was smiling too, happy that Stiles told him to still go for it and happy that Kurt listened to him.
"Alright, I will" Kurt nodded.
"You better. Because if I find out otherwise, I'm burning all your clothes" Stiles warned.
"You wouldn't dare" Kurt gasped, his eyes widening in horror.
"Watch me" Stiles grinned.
Kurt let out a huff before turning around and hugging Stiles once more, resting his head on his shoulder. Stiles smiled and hugged him back, holding onto him tightly.
Soon the screen turned black, signalling that the episode was over.
"So, wait, you and Sam still sang together? Right?" Kira asked.
Sam and Kurt glanced at each other, smiles appearing on their faces, as they looked away.
"Yeah, we still sang together" Sam nodded.
"Stiles was right. I shouldn't have to listen to Finn or anyone else for that matter. And if Sam was alright with it, which he was, there was no problem" Kurt added.
Kira smiled at that and so did everyone else.
"Not only did they sing together..." Brittany trailed off, a smile slowly forming on her face.
"But they won the duet competition" Rachel squealed.
Everyone's eyes widened at that before they started cheering and clapping, congratulating the boys for winning.
Sam and Kurt laughed and thanked them before sharing a hug and pulling away.
Stiles smiled and leaned into his boyfriend. Sebastian grinned at his darling and pecked him softly on the lips, earning himself a smile.
Hey guys, how are you doing?
As always, I hope you liked todays chapter!
I hope you all are happy that I did change things in this episode so that Sam and Kurt actually sang their duet.
I honestly didn't see the problem with them singing together since it's clear that Sam truly didn't have a problem with singing with Kurt and he didn't have a problem with him being gay. He wasn't disgusted or anything. But Finn made it into a big deal.
Alright, moving on from that...
In regards to Quinn's endgame, I have decided to switch things up.
So, the options for Quinn's endgame are Joe or Isaac.
Whoever gets the most votes will be her endgame.
I have taken Puck out because I have two options and I want you guys to tell me which you like better.
Should Puck stay single? Or should I pair him with Lydia?
Whichever has the most votes, I will use.
I have taken Liam out of being Quinn's endgame because I have something else planned for him. You'll find out when I reach season 3 and they have their first break.
Also, with the exception of Sebastian, Thad, Trent, Nick and Jeff, I'm simply going to refer to the warblers as just, well, the warblers since I'm too lazy to come up with random names.
Plus, it seems like too much work.
Anyways, with that being said, have a great day and see you all in the next chapter!
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