Chapter 2-He followed me?
Song: She Wolf by David Guetta ft. Sia
6 months later
"Delilah, just follow him already." My friend sighed. "I mean come on, you drool over him enough."
I sighed. "Its... I don't know." I looked up from my phone. "I can't even think about what has happened over the past 6 months."
I had reached over 10 million followers on Instagram and had a budding Youtube channel with the same number of subscribers, along with modeling gigs and a business plan. My life was full and I just didn't think I could do it.
"Well then I'm gonna do it for you." Tracy grabbed my phone from my hands and pressed follow.
"Nooooo!!" I cried.
"Oh come on." She giggled. "You've been stalking him for two years."
"Almost two years." I mumbled.
"My point." She smiled. "Now you are following him, and maybe he'll follow you back."
I laughed. "Not likely."
"You never know." She pointed out. "I mean you're hot, successful, did I mention rich?"
"Okay okay shush." I laughed and tackled her. We ended up in a giggling heap. "Fine. Oh by the way. I have a modeling job in New York in March, you wanna come along?"
"Yeah. I was gonna ask you and Suz." I smiled. "We'd be flying first class to and from, staying in a high end hotel and I believe some really cool cars can be arranged." I laughed as she hugged me.
"I can't wait!"
"Me either." I smiled.
After a while I went home. I threw my phone on my bed and put on my work out stuff. I went for a run and lifted and then showered off. I pulled on my shorty shorts and tight tank.
I did a quick live Insta story and then shut off my phone. A few minutes later my phone pinged. I picked it up and read what was on the screen.
@tomholland2013 followed you.
I almost dropped my phone in surprise. I opened my instagram and looked through my pictures. Sure enough a little red heart was threaded into some of them next to his username.
A DM came across the screen. I opened it and read what he wrote.
TomHolland: Hi
Me: Hi
TomHolland: You are beautiful.
Me: Thanks? So are you...
TomHolland: Can I get your snap? I'll give you my personal.
Me: Can I trust you?
TomHolland: Darling u can trust me...
I sent him my private snap and he added me. I added him and then set my phone down. Holy crap. I was in contact with Tom fricken Holland.
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