You lying little bitch
(A/N: I'm going to be using the cast of secret life of an American teenager, as an example for this story, I will be using different names, if you don't know what SLOAAT is then it's a TV series, I seriously recommend it it's in Netflix, anyways enough if my rambling onto the story)
Brie and I make our way to the gym and what not. I always start in legs and then I warm up in the ring and practice moves with Brie.
"Nicole are you okay"
"I don't know"
"It's okay I mean, she is the girl that sabotaged you, I guess"
"Brie something is up with her"
"What do you mean"
"I still have a picture of her when we were younger and she looks skinnier"
"Wait let me see". I show her the picture and she studies it carefully.
"She does look skinnier"
"Hold on let me check her social media, I think i have her on Instagram" I tell Brie
"Wait let's go to sit down and stalk her" I follow Brie to a small bench in the back of the gym and start looking for her.
"Alright let's see if I still remember her username" I type in @glitterfabprincess and see she showed up.
"Well it looks like she hasn't been active since 7 years ago"
I scroll through her pictures when one catches my eye.
"Brie look"
"What the fuck"
"I can't believe it"
"Do you think Seth knows"
"Well I don't know, but I don't think so"
I look at the picture in shock.
"Wait that picture was in 2008, so that baby is 9 years old"
"Wait does she have any pictures with the baby?" Brie asks
"Yea she has one where she was in the hospital and one with the little kid and the baby daddy"
"Let me see"
"God damn" I tell Brie
"The baby daddy is hot" I tell her
"That's the hottest guy in our high school" how the fuck can she get with the hottest guy in our school.
"Hey Nicole show me the picture"
"My god"
"Nikki I think we should get going we have to be at the arena in 5 hours"
"Yea" we get in the car and drive back to the hotel"
"So what are you going to do with this information"
"I think we should expose her"
"Well I'll apologize, I'll show her the picture of her baby daddy, see her reaction, and then tell her something about him having a kid, say he was probably with a slut and see her reaction"
"I don't see the exposing her part"
"I'll ask her if she knows the baby momma; then I'll say I know her too and look straight at her and ask how The baby is and how Ricky is doing"
"Good one, I'm going to record"
"Yea, you do that"
"Ugh I can't wait"
Brie and I arrive at the hotel in less then ten minutes, I think we are too excited to expose her. I get out of the car and instantly get pulled away from Brie into the lobby.
"Hurry up Nikki, I can't wait" I sigh and run along with her, up the stairs. According to Brie elevator are way to damn slow for what we are going to do.
We finally make it to our room and we go in. I make my way to Ashley and put on my inner actress.
"Ashley can I talk to you"
"Yea sure"
"Well first of all I want to say I'm really sorry, I should have respected your wishes"
"Well thank you Nicole"
"Well now that I think we are on the same page, can I ask you something"
"Yea what is it"
"So there is this really cute guy and his name is Ricky, and I want to ask you how to ask him out"
"Just walk up to him and ask him"
"Okay but the thing is he has a little kid around 9 years old"
"Oh, yea that can be a problem, I think"
"Yea his name is Ricky Summers" I look at her face and see a face of realization.
"Here let me show you a picture" I show her the picture of him.
"Yea but can I ask you a question"
"Sure" she says sounding a bit nervous.
"Do you know the baby momma"
"I saw a picture of her and she seems like this slut that only sleeps around" I look over at her face and see she is getting angry.
"I know her very well actually and I know she is not a hoe or a slut"
"Can I ask you one last question" I ask her and look over at Seth to see him staring at us intently.
"How's Jonathan and Ricky" I smirk telling her.
"I... I don't kn-know what you are talking about"
"Cut the crap ashiepoo"
"How the fuck do you know"
"Know what" Dean says coming out from the bathroom"
"Ash it's no difference that I can see you clearly added some pounds"
"That is a family matter you are not supposed to know that"
"Wait Ashley you have a kid" Seth asks.
"Go ahead Ash tell him your dirty little secret"
"Fine I have a fucking 9 year old kid"
"Ahh I see"
"Why didn't you tell me" Seth tells her.
"Because I was going to use you, I was going to use all your money to get the life my son deserves"
"You were going to use me" Seth tell her sadly. I almost feel bad for him. Key word almost.
"My husband and I are not getting any richer so we came up with this plan, and Nicole if you lay one hand on Ricky i would make you regret ever meeting me"
"She was going to use me" Seth says sadly.
"SETH GET OVER IT ALREADY" Ashley yells at him.
I look over at Seth to see him walk out.
"I'm going to go comfort him"
"Yea you go you little bitch I had everything going GREAT UNTIL YOU CAME ALONG" Ashley yells at me.
"Brie" she looks over at me.
"Get her" Dean and I both tell her.
I jog out of the hotel room to see Seth in the lobby.
"Seth" walk closer to him.
"What" he asks me.
"Seth I know what you are going through"
"No you don't"
"Well believe it or not her and I were best friends in high school"
"Okay, but then why are you so mean to her"
"She used me too"
"How" he says while looking over at me.
"She used me for my money too"
"Well we both got used"
"I can't believe I fell for her trap, I mean I loved her" he kept rambling things and stuff. To make him stop I kissed him. There we stood in the lobby making out with each other.
"Nikki and Seth" Seth and I jump away from each other and we look over to see Brie and Dean.
I look at the ground blushing deeply.
Seth and I both look at each other and run towards the hotel room.
"Get back here" Dean yells
"Fuck no" Seth yells.
We both make it to the hotel room and I immediately run to the bathroom.
I lock the bathroom door and look down to see I'm still in my gym clothes. I hop in the shower and take a bath.
I get out of the shower and do my makeup, hair and realize I forgot my outfit outside. I groan and walk out in a towel and see Seth laying down watching TV.
"Did you leave them locked outside" I ask him.
"Yup" he says and I can clearly see he is trying not to stare.
I grab my outfit and walk back into the bathroom to change.
I open the door and start doing my hair and makeup.
Seth walks in the bathroom to do his hair too.
"Seth you're just putting it in a man bun, you don't need a mirror"
"You're wrong babe"
"Oh fuck, you know what I just realized"
"What's that"
"We never told Brie and Dean about the storyline"
"You're rig..." he gets cut off from a loud bang come from the door.
We look over at the door and we tip toe to it
I press my ear towards the door and hear Dean say to Brie on the count of three we both charge at the door
I open the door for them and they both run into the wall. Seth and I start cracking up and I take a picture.
"You fucktards"
"You should have seen your face when we opened the door"
"Yea yea"
"So care to explain why you two were making out in the lobby"
"Oh yea we forgot to tell you, we have a storyline where we have to act as a couple outside of work"
I walk back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.
"Nicole can you leave I still have to shower" Brie tells me. I walk to the little mirror in the room. I do my hair and makeup fast since we only have 2 hours till we have to be at the arena.
(Hair and makeup ⬆️⬆️)
Seth and I walk out of the hotel hand in hand, as we make our way to another day in hell.
Wow a lot of drama in this chapter, stay tuned to find out what happens next.
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