The fight
( A/N: I just wanted to clear up that all the chapters would be in Nikki's point of view, until I decide to add somebody else)
I walk towards AJ's room with my phone and charger. I mean it would be tragic if I forgot it. I get all these weird stares from people in the hallways because one I'm in my pajamas. Or they saw I'm Nikki Bella walking in the hall with her pajamas on. I knock on AJ's door and stand there patiently for him to answer. A few minutes later Heath answers the door.
"WE GOT THE LONGEST DIVAS CHAMPION IN OUR HOTEL ROOM AJ" I smile at him and walk towards Aj.
"Hey, so um i figured that I'll take the couch and you can take my bed" I feel bad because he is going to have to sleep in that couch. Which I might add are uncomfortable as hell.
"No Aj it's completely ok, you can sleep in the bed with me, don't worry I don't bite" I wink at him
"Whatever you say" I walk over to his bed. I was about to fall asleep when I feel the bed dip beside me. I smile as Aj wraps his hand around my waist. I cuddle against him and fall asleep instantly.
I wake up around 10 a.m. I decide to get out of bed and make my way back to my original hotel room.
I walk into the room to realize everyone is asleep, except Seth and Ashley.
"Good morning" I tell the two of them. They both tell me good morning. Well more like Seth Ashley just mumbled it.
I walk into the room and see Brie and dean all cuddled up. They look so adorable, I think to myself. Too bad it won't last long. I jump on the both of them earning a yell from Brie and a groan from Dean.
"What the hell, did a fucking hippo just fall on me" Brie yells. I gasp and burst out laughing.
"You bitch" I tell Brie again.
"Nikki can you come here for a second" Ashley yells. What the hell does she want. I make my way over there to see her holding her head disapprovingly.
"What" I said to her with a little hint of attitude in my voice.
"I already told you that I would like you to stop swearing"
"Oh shit sorry I forgot" I say while smirking at her.
"Nicole" she says with a stern look in her face
"Fine whatever" I walk towards my suitcase and grab my gym clothes.
"Hey Brie I'm going to the gym, you coming or not"
"Yea just give me 10 minutes" I walk to the bathroom to change into my gym clothes.
I wait for Brie in the living room and sit down next to Seth.
"Hey" he tells me
"So how did you sleep"
"Great, what about you"
"It was okay"
"What do you mean"
"Well Dean snores really loud, if you haven't yet noticed"
"Well I mean, I think we can all tell" I tell him. He chuckles but abruptly stops. I look behind me confused to see Ashley there, glaring at both of us.
"Nicole" I quickly interrupt her with a smart ass remark
"I didn't curse this time"
"No what I want for you is to stay away from Seth" who the hell does she think she is.
"I'm sorry what"
"I want you to stay away from Seth"
"And why would I do that"
"Nicole just stay away from MY man"
"I think I smell jealousy"
"No not at all why would I be jealous of you" I look her up and down and start laughing.
"What's so funny" Ashley asks me.
"Oh I thought you said you were better that me"
"I did say that"
"Oh well you see Ashley that's where you are wrong"
"I am better than you, unlike you I have had many great relationships" that's strike one.
"Yea, did they all include you paying them"
"No but I don't see how that's different from all your past relationships" Strike two
"You better watch mouth"
"Or what Nikki"
"You don't call me Nikki, only the people I like can call me that"
"Oh alright then I found a better name, let's see how about nikwhore" Strike three
"I said watch your fucking mouth you slut" I spat at her. I feel a stinging sensation on my cheek. I look over at her and once again all I see is red.
I tackle her to the ground and start throwing punches left and right. She somehow finds a way to roll herself on top of me and starts attacking me.
"Stop it both of you" Brie yells at us. I instantly stop, knowing that if you don't Brie goes Brie mode on you.
"She started it" I tell Brie pointing at Ashley.
"Nikki let's go" I sigh and make my way to the gym.
"Are you mad at me" I ask Brie once we walk out the door.
"No she fucking deserves it"
"Wait you don't like her"
"No, Nicole do you not know who that is"
"No" I tell her confused.
"That's Ashley warrington" once she says that all these memories run through my mind.
I was waking down the hall from class to meet my best friend Ashley. I have known her since kindergarten. We talked and we instantly hit it off. The thing was that Brie didn't like her. She said she always had this bad feeling from her. Ashley convinced me to turn on Brie. I ignored Brie everyday. Even at home and Ashley was not there. I know I was stupid to choose Ashely over Brie, but at that time I was in desperate need for a friend other than my twin sister.
I was walking towards the hall when I see Ashley talking to one of my ex boyfriends. I decide to eavesdrop, I mean just in case ya know.
"So I see you have Nicole as one of your friends"
"Ugh don't even get me started on her"
"I'm just using her to get all her money"
"What do you mean"
"Her mom married this rich ass guy, and what I've been recently trying to get her to do is to loan me some money and blah blah blah"
"Wait isn't her little twin with her"
"I told Nikki if she wanted to remain friends, she had to choose me over Brie"
"Nice work" I stared at them in disbelief.
I make my way over there and slap her right across the face.
Nit long until she pushes me on the ground and starts calling me names.
I hear Brie yell at Ashley to get off of me. When she doesn't she beats her up. That was the day we moved from California because Ashley left me heartbroken and Well Brie got expelled for putting her hands on the vice principal's daughter.
~flashback over~
I look over at Brie shocked at what she told me.
"How do you know"
"She dropped her drivers license and I picked it up and I saw it was her"
"Why would Seth be with someone like her"
"I don't know maybe he doesn't know the whole story"
I slump back in my seat as we drive to the gym.
Well there you guys go. Back to back updates
But one more thing
I can relate in so many levels
Anyways see you guys later
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