The feels
I was sitting in Seth's locker room after what happened out there. He just got out of the shower and damn did he look good. Wait what the hell am I thinking, but he looks so good. What the hell is wrong with me! I keep staring at his abs and damn did they look good.
"Nikki, NIKKI!" Somebody yelled.
"Yeah what, what happened." I ask completely oblivious as to what is happening.
"You zoned out as I was telling you about the tour we are going on" oh.
"Oh right"
"What's wrong" nothing, it's just you're so hot.
"Nothing" I say.
"Okay" I have to talk to Brie about this.
"Hey Seth is it okay if I go talk to Brie"
"Sure go right ahead" on my way there I bump into none other than Carl himself.
"Nikki is that you?"
"What do you want Carl, I don't have time for rodents like you right now"
"I just want you to know I finally found a girlfriend" he says proudly.
"who would date you" I say walking away.
I walk for about another five minutes until I finally find the women's locker room. May not be the best idea, but hey it's worth a shot. I open the door and all heads turn around. Some smile while others glare. I spot Brie and make my way towards her.
"Nicole what are you doing here you have to be with Seth" she says.
"Trouble in paradise" I hear Emma whisper to Dana. I ignore them, and look at Brie.
"I need to talk to you it's urgent" I say.
"I think they broke up" Charlotte whispers to Emma. Emma nods eagerly.
"Is something wrong" I shrug and walk out the door. I see Maryse put her leg out so I put my crutch on top of it and step on it really hard.
"what the fuck bitch" she hisses.
"Sorry didn't see you there" I sarcastically say. I walk out the door and look down at the floor.
"What's wrong" she asks.
"I think I might like Seth" I say barley above a whisper, still looking down at the ground.
"Wait what I couldn't hear you" she says.
"I like Seth" I say loud enough for her to hear. I finally look up and see her with her eyes wide open. We stand there awkwardly staring at eachother.
"Oh" is all she says.
"Is that all you're going to say" I ask her.
"It's just that finally after two years, you finally like somebody" she says.
"I think that it's finally time to move on"
"Well are you going to tell him"
"I don't think it's a good idea right now"
"Why not"
"Well you guys are going on tour and won't be back for another month so what's the point"
I walk away, back to Seth's Locker room. I was about to open the door when I hear voices inside.
"It's just I don't know, but when I'm around her I feel different" I think seth says.
"Different how" sounds like Roman.
"Whenever I was around Leighla I would say I would get butterflies, with her I'm so nervous I can barley speak, but I manage through it"
I look down in disbelief as Seth admits he has feelings for somebody else.
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