Today was hell in the cell, Seth and I both had matches in the cell. I was beyond nervous, I have been in the gym non stop since Mick and Stephanie agreed to the match. I was also getting back from the gym. It was also the last raw before hell in a cell. I had a segment with Melanie and then a match with Amber. It was nerve wrecking that I was going to be one of the First Ladies to step inside the cell. Seth told me many things about it. Mick was telling us about his experience in the cell during our contract signing.
I just got out of the shower and was getting ready to head to raw.
I put on my dress and headed out with Seth.
"Babe you nervous" he says.
"Very" I say.
"Don't be, just pretend it's a regular match" he says. I found out that Charlotte and Sasha are also going to be having a hell in a cell match. I was relieved that one of my best friends was also going to be in the cell as well. She was going after the divas championship. (A/N lets just say that the divas championship is not retired because us women deserve three title belts)
We drove to the arena and I was in the locker room changing in my gear.
"Babe you look hot in that gear" Seth says. I look down and I'm wearing my usual gear red and black.
"Thanks, you look hot in your gear too" I say tying my shoes. Loud knocks are heard. I open it and see Sasha.
"Nikks I'm scared" she says.
"What's wrong" I ask worried.
"I don't know if I can do it"
"Do what?" I ask.
"Compete inside hell in a cell"
"Trust me you can and when you do, you're going to walk out champ"
"If I don't."
"Come on don't doubt yourself, it's your hometown" I say.
"You're right and we'll both walk out champs" Sasha says. I nod and she leaves. By the time she left it was time for my segment and match. I was currently heel also because it's heel vs heel. I see Melanie waiting at gorilla, but I walk out first. My music hits and I do my twirl.
I walk out and stare at the crowd for a few seconds before I ask for a mic. Many Nikki Bella chants were being said. I finally bring the mic up to my lips and speak.
"At hell in the cell you better believe that us women are making history" I say.
"From Melanie and I, to Sasha and Charlotte going inside that structure"
"But truth be told on Sunday you better believe there will be a new champion."
"I will end your nightmare when I take the championship away from its unfit owner"
"Because as I said a few weeks ago I'm going to break that bitch" I say. Melanie's music plays and she walks out with Amber following right behind.
"Oh please stop talking it hurts my ears" she says covering her ears. I roll my eyes.
"Real mature" I say.
"On Sunday this title is not going anywhere" she says. She says walking down to the ring.
"Why are you so confident" I ask.
"Because I know, you've said yourself I stole everything from you"
"On Sunday I'm going to steal your spotlight, including your precious little boyfriend"
"Aren't you married hoe" I say.
"Well yeah, but can't he be my sidekick" I see her look at the crowd to one specific person. I follow her gaze and see Alex holding their beloved daughter.
"What are you staring at" I ask.
"Nothing" she says turning her attention towards me.
"As I was saying your boyfriend is coming to me" she pauses. "Seth freakin Rollins is coming to me and leaving your sorry ass" well since she brought my boyfriend in this.
I climb out of the ring and walk to Alex. "Hey Alex remember me I'm your ex girlfriend you cheated on" I smirk looking at Melanie.
"Stay away from them" she yell without the mic. I shake my head and continue the torture.
"Hey isn't that your daughter" I ask, pointing to her daughter.
"Stay away from her" Melanie screams.
"Hey sweetie what's your name"
"Emma" I nod my head as Alex keeps telling me to stay away.
"I'm sorry sweetie" I tel, her, she looks at me confused.
"For what, you didn't do anything wrong" she asks, how adorable.
"For having her as a mommy" I say pointing to Melanie. "And him as a father" I say staring at Alex with cold eyes.
"Get your ass back in this ring" Amber yells.
"Hold on MOM I'm not done yet"
"Now Emma sweetie is mommy a good mommy" I ask. She looks at her mom and nods. I nod and go back to the ring. Melanie staring at me with fire in her eyes.
"You know what why not send Seth Rollins out here" I yell at her he isn't that stupid to come out. His music plays. Seth you god damn idiot. I face palm as Melanie laughs.
He gets in the ring.
"Why did you come out" I say without the mic.
"Steph sent me out" I nod and look at Melanie talking to Alex.
"Perfect Seth you're here" Melanie says, getting in the ring.
"Hey Nikki watch this closely." Amber says. I look at her confused. Melanie then grabs Seth and smashes her lips onto his. I stare at shock, but then tackle her. Amber pushes me off.
"Go kiss Alex for revenge" Seth whispers, cleaning his lips. I smirk and get out if the ring.
"Melanie, look over here" she looks over in horror as I grab Alex and smash my lips onto his. I pull away as I see her fuming.
"Doesn't feel good does it" I say.
"Now Seth babe, I advise you go to the back and go to the medical staff, so they can see if you have herpes." The crowd laughs as I say that.
"You might wanna go to the hospital for herpes too Alex" I get back in the ring to face off with Amber.
----Skip Match----
I win my match and head to the back. I see Seth and kiss him. He laughs as I pull away.
"Your segment was hilarious even though you basically cheated on me, but I told you too" he says. I laugh and walk away before Melanie comes back. I change back into the clothes I came with and head to cartering.
"Nikki your segment was hilarious" Titus says. I nod and grab an apple. I sit with Sasha and Charlotte. Not gonna lie, I've grown to like her.
"Girl your match was funny as fuck" I shrug.
"But was that really your ex" Charlotte asks. I nod and take a bite out of my apple. At hell in the cell Melanie has another thing coming. She's going to lose in front of her whole family.
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