Not again
I wake up to a bright white room. I look around and all I see Brie and Seth sleeping on the couch. I hit the button for the nurse and look around for my phone. I find it next to me. I open up twitter, I see all these #prayforNikki. I stare at my phone in confusion. Just as I was about to look into it further, a nurse comes in my room.
"Stephanie I see you are awake" a nurse tells me.
"I'd rather be called Nikki or Nicole"
"Alright miss Nicole, let's see do you remember why you are here" I shake my head no.
"Well let me take you to the x-ray room and show you why" I nod my head in approval.
We make it into the room and they sit me into this table. Well first we are taking an MRI, to see how you are doing. My neck, what the hell happened, I think to myself.
"Alright Nicole just lay flat on your back and don't move okay, we want this scan to be really accurate"
"Alright" I tell him.
I lay on the table for about 5 minutes, when the machine makes a really loud obnoxious noise.
(A/N: I haven't had an MRI, and I don't know how they work so bear with me here)
"That means it's done"
"Great, so how long until I get back my test results"
"Well I'll take you back to your room and maybe wait an hour or two" I nod my head.
"Wait before you take me back to my room, why am I at the hospital anyway" I ask him.
"Wait you don't remember why you are here" I shake my head.
"Well you got sent here immediately, you could barley breathe on your own, you were slipping in and out of conciseness"
"Oh so how long have I been in the hospital" I say while trying to look down at my neck. Did I mention I had a neck brace on?
"Two days"
"I have been knocked out cold for two days"
"Why exactly am I here though like, what happened"
"Well Nicole, when you got here you were badly injured and like I said barley breath"
"You came here from WWE and you took multiple chair shots to the neck, which is why you could barley breathe"
"Chair shots, to my neck, wouldn't I be like you know...dead?"
"Well if she took more chair shots than she did, you would have been dead"
"A she"?
"Yes another fellow wrestler injured you"
"Who was it"
"I don't know her name, sorry"
"It's okay"
"Well let me wheel you back to your room and you can wait for the results"
"Alrighty then"
I make it to my room to see Brie waking up.
"Nikki" she says...loud.
"What happened" Seth said.
"She's awake, dumbass" Brie says.
I get on the hospital bed and watch them talk at the same time.
"So basically I stayed here everyday" Brie says
"Wow, thanks I guess" I tell her.
"How you feeling" Seth tells me.
"My neck hurts" I complain.
"Well it sure is a pain"
"Speaking of pain, where's Dean" I ask
"He had to go Smackdown tonight"
"What time is it"
"6:55, why"
"I'm putting smackdown on"
I watch Smackdown and Paige comes out. I think back to the day when I caught her and Melanie coming up with a plan to ruin me.
"Yeah yeah hate all you want, but I took out the most dominant diva as she likes to call herself, by my own damn self" Paige says into the mic.
"Right now she Is probably sitting in the hospital with her sister and boy toy"
"Which diva did she attack and send to the hospital" I ask Seth and Brie. They both looked at each other.
"Just watch" Seth finally tells me.
"Just watch this video" Paige says. I keep watching the Tv and I see I'm in a match. I don't remember being in a match. The videos shows me yelling at Seth to tag me in and suddenly I'm pulled off my feet. Paige attacked me and started hitting me with a chair in my neck. I touch the neck brace and slowly all the memories from two days ago comes back to me. That little bitch, I keep watching Smackdown and see a next video clip is shown.
Nikki no, they scream, I wake up dazed and they put some thing in my arm and I get out in the ambulance. Brie gets in with me, but before she tells the rest to follow us to the hospital. Then the screen fades back to Paige.
The whole crowd starts chanting "Nikki Bella".
"Oh boo hoo, to make things a little more interesting, I have some friends that well like to show you around" Paige says. What does she mean.
"Nikki" we all snap our neck to the door, well except me I turn my head slowly, because it still hurts. I look at the door to see Melanie and a camera crew behind her.
"What are you doing here Melanie" Brie tells her.
"I just came to visit my old friend is that wrong" she tells us. I don't know what to do, I watch her every move, waiting for her to do something.
"Melanie leave" Seth says.
"Now Seth that's not what you said last night" Melanie smirks.
I look at Seth to see him shocked at why Melanie just said. Wait they were together last night. Brie and I look at him as if he's crazy.
"What the hell does she mean" I tell Seth.
"Uh... I don't know what she's talking about" Seth says.
"I thought you went to go get some clothes for Nicole, when you went to the hotel" Brie says
"I did didn't I come back with her clothes" Seth tells her. I am just as confused as before.
"Nikki and Brie, don't you realize it"
"What" Brie and I say at the same time, it's a twin thing.
"He came to me saying that you weren't good enough and how he felt alone" she tells me. I am so tempted to get out of this stupid bed and hit her. Not for what she told me about Seth, I could care less, honestly. We are not even dating, it's all so we could keep Steph happy. When we were kissing it was to either shut him up, or somebody was coming.
"I never said that" Seth says.
"You don't care about me, do you Seth" I tell him.
"I do" he tells me sounding genuine.
"I told you if you ever hurt my sister I would fucking kill you" Brie says. This is live fucking television.
"And you I will hurt you worse than what I'm going to do to The authority's lap dog"
Melanie slowly makes her way towards me and Brie looks like she's ready to jump over me and take her head off. I guess Melanie saw this because she tell Brie.
"Take one step closer and I will hurt her even more than what Paige did" Melanie tells Brie. She grabs my neck forcefully and a pain jolts through my neck.
"Oh who am I kidding I'm going to do it anyway" I gasp as she starts taking off my neck brace and starts hitting my neck. I scream in pain as Alex and Kira come in to hold Seth and Brie down.
"Melanie please stop" I yell.
"This is what you deserve" she tells me. She starts targeting my shin, the one she shattered. She finally makes it back to my neck and starts hitting even harder than before. Security comes in and takes Melanie away with Alex and Kira.
"Alright Nicole it's going to be okay"
I start fading and suddenly the world goes dark.
Nikki got attacked again, but this time by Melanie. What's going to happen next in Where do we Stand. Read to find out.
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