No, Why?
I was in Seth's locker room stretching for our match.
"So wait let me get this straight, the girls in the locker room, except Natalya and Alexa, and Becky, were talking about you "lying" to Eva and Paige" Seth tells me
"Well technically yes, but they were talking shit about me" I answer him.
"Well I guess, they just want this" he said pointing to his body, smirking.
"Oh please who would want that" I say jokingly.
"Well I thought Ashley did" he mumbles.
"Seth, look I'm sorry I did that"
"No, I get it, you just wanted to get revenge for what she did to you"
"Yea and no offense, but I'm glad I did that"
"Me too, if you didn't do that, right now I would probably be giving her tons of money for her and her husband"
"Don't forget her child"
"Yea" he says sadly.
"Seth I'm sorry"
"Nicole I told you it's fine" he tells me.
"Well can I ask you a question" I ask him
"And what is that Nikki"
"Did you even care about her" he sighs.
"Well at first all you want to do is care for them, but after at least a month of dating I didn't care as much for her"
"Why did you stay"
"I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I already lost somebody important to me before"
"Are you talking about..." I say unsure if I should say her name.
"Oh um... well it's okay"
"It's really not"
"How, I got publicly embarrassed because of her, she posted my nudes" he tells me.
"Yea, but you got past it right"
"Sure let's go with that"
"You didn't get over it right"
"No" he tells me quietly
"Is that why you act arrogant"
"I guess so, I don't want people to see that I'm weak, like you are now" he tells me.
"Well we are so much alike". He looks at me confused.
"We both have gotten our heart broken"
"Oh yea Ziggler and Cena"
"Yea them" I say quietly.
"I'm sorry" he tells me
"Don't be they were assholes anyway"
"Isn't it awkward when you see them in the halls"
"Well for me yeah, but I just pretend they aren't there"
"Yeah" he was about to say something when there is a knock on the door. He gets up to open it. He opens the door and quickly looks at me.
"Wait just a second, I don't have...pants" he says.
"Pants really" I say trying not to laugh
"Nicole go to the bathroom" he whispers.
"Cena is here"
"Oh" I say and quickly get up to go to the bathroom.
I stand by the door and listen to their conversation.
"Seth I need to speak to you"
"Well I know Nikki is your girlfriend and all but I love her again"
"Wait you like my girlfriend"
"Yea I think I just said that"
"Look johhnyboy, I want you to stay away from my girl, she doesn't want to see you at all"
"Yeah I know that, but who knows you won't be the same"
"Same how"
"She has been cheated on all the time, hell even I cheated on her, but you've cheated before too" I know how Seth doesn't like talking about that subject.
"Yeah at least I didn't fuck her"
"Oh yeah forgot it was sending nudes and kissing, touching" that's it I've had enough.
"Hey Sethie, I was wondering if you we..." I walk out so a fight doesn't break out.
"Nicole" John says smirking.
"Seth what is he doing here"
"He just came to talk" Seth says trying to stay calm.
"Well John can you leave, Seth and I have a match to prepare for" I tell him.
"People these days calling intercourse matches now" John says smirking once again. I gasp and look at Seth to see fuming. I quickly pull him back and try to calm him down. Key word: Try.
"John please just leave"
"Anything for you Stephanie" he winks at me and leaves.
"Nicole why did you come out, I had that handled"
"Well I know what John said was getting to you, and I know I've only known you, for like a week but knowing you were about to pounce on him"
"Guilty as charged"
"Yea I know" we stare at each other for a few moments until we get interrupted by a knock on the door.
I walk to go open it.
"Nikki hello" says Clark.
"Oh its you"
"Yeah baby in the flesh"
"What do you want Clark"
"Well there's only one thing and that's you" he says trying to flirt.
"Do we have a problem here" Seth says coming behind me.
"Yeah actually we do Babe, Clark over here is trying to get laid, and he wants me to do it" I tell Seth.
"Oh I see" Seth says
" uh M-Mr. Rol-Rollins, and Ms. Be-Bella, it's ti-time for you-your ma-match" he says stuttering. Seth and I walk out of the Locker room. Seth making sure to bump his shoulder against his.
We make our way to the gorilla position and see Brie and Dean there.
"What took you guys so long"
"We had a few run- ins along the way" I tell them.
"Oh and Brie before I forget Paige and Eva are going to attack us"
"Alright thanks"
"Brie, Dean, you're up"
"See you guys out there" Dean says. It's funny how out in the ring Dean can be a little, well lunatic. Outside of the ring Dean is a sweetheart, cocky, but still a sweetheart.
Introducing first, from Cincinnati, Ohio Dean Ambrosee, and His partner from Scottsdale, Arizona, Brie Bellaa.
They do their entrances and stand in the ring waiting for us to come out.
And their opponents from Davenport, Iowa, Seth Rollins and his partner from Scottsdale, Arizona, Nikki Bellaa.
"You going first" I tell Seth
"Yea, go through the ropes sweetheart"
------------------skip to the attack part------------
(I suck at writing the matches)
I was on the apron waiting for Seth to tag me in, when my feet get pulled from under me. I try to block my face as Paige starts attacking me. She throws me into the barricade, and starts throwing punches once again.
I get thrown shoulder first into the post. It was supposed to end with her throwing me into the post and then throwing me into Brie. But apparently she had different plans.
She grabs a chair from under the ring and starts hitting me. I scream in pain as she hits me with it multiple times.
I finally get the strength to kick her back, but she just grabbed a kindo stick and starts beating me with that.
I look over to see Brie laying motionless getting attacked by Eva. I feel a pain shoot up through my whole body as Paige starts attacking my knee. She's going to far. I gasp for air as Paige puts the chair on my neck not letting me breathe.
"Paige" I manage to choke out.
"This is for stealing Seth from me" she yells at me.
"Please" I try saying again, as I try to make her move the chair from my Neck.
She finally moves the chair and again she starts hitting me with it on my knees. The crowd goes silent as blood starts gushing out of me. My face, my legs, my back. Everything hurts. She goes too far to the chair against my neck. I keep gasping for air as she keeps doing it. I see Seth and the referee trying to take Paige away.
"Nikki, baby, stay awake for me" Seth says. Instead of answering him, I manage to choke out Brie's name.
"She's getting helped out to the back, baby, don't close your eyes"
"You're supposed to talk to me like that, Seth" Paige screams at me. Once again I'm hit with a chair against my neck, this time I don't fight it. I start to feels weak. She hits me once again, not long until security takes her away
"Se-Seth, I ca-can't bre-breath" I tell him.
"I know just, hold on you will be okay" I see the referees call for an ambulance.
"Now ladies and gentlemen, it seems like Paige has gone too far" I hear Byron say.
"Obviously Saxton, the ref wouldn't be calling for an ambulance" Corey Graves says.
"I have just gotten an update and Nikki Bella is slipping in and out of conciseness" Michael Cole says.
"We have a code red, we have a a women athlete, slipping in and out of conciseness and has been hit in the throat multiple times, we need an ambulance here fast"
"Nikki" I hear Seth tell me, I try to open my eyes
"Nicole" Seth says again.
"Stephanie Nicole Garcia Colace, keep your eyes open for me" I force my eyes open and look at his brown orbs to see sorrow.
I get loaded on a stretcher, and taken to the back.
"Nikki are you okay" Brie says coming towards me. I try to say something but all I do is gasp for air.
"Brie she can barley breathe, how can she be able to talk" Seth answers for.
"Seth, Nikki, Brie, it was not supposed to go that far" Stephanie says running towards me.
"I thought they were just going to throw Nikki into Brie" Seth tells them.
"Stephanie that was not supposed to happen" Natalya says running over here.
The last thing I see is Alexa, Becky, and Natalya running towards me with concerned faces. I look around and hear.
"Nikki no don't close your eyes" Everyone yells, I couldn't do it any longer I had to close my eyes, I fall into a dark whole.
Wow, Paige went too far in this chapter. Comment your thoughts and what you think would happen next. Until next time, I'll see you guys later.
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