Meeting the parents
I wake up at the sound of the dogs scratching at the door wanting to get out. I groan and let them outside. I take them to the backyard and stare in awe. How rich is Seth?
I go back inside with the dogs and head back to bed. It was currently 3am and I needed to sleep.
"Where did you go" Seth asks.
"Take the dogs outside to use the bathroom" I see him nod his head in the dark. He pulls me closer to him and I bury my face into his chest. I fall asleep with one thing on my mind and one thing only, Seth Rollins.
I wake up to Seth getting out of bed, I look at the alarm next to me and see it's ten. I grab my crutches and grab a tank top and some shorts from my suitcase. I turn around to see Seth staring.
"Is there something on my face" I say touching my face. He laughs and shakes his head.
"No but it must be hard for you to bend down, so what you are going to do is unpack everything and put them in drawers and stuff" he says. I take off the brace and nod. I put on the clothes and walk out with my crutches.
"Nicole I feel like you're teasing"Seth says from the kitchen. I laugh and shake my head. I put the brace back on because my neck started to hurt.
"I'm not don't worry and I overheard the doctor telling you no sex for a month" I tell him.
"Your doctor said that too, did you listen" he asks. I roll my eyes and laugh.
"You're hard to resist" I say winking. He groans and goes back to making coffee. I go to the couch and call Brie.
N: hey Brie
B:Nicole where are you. Shit I forgot to tell her
N: with Seth in Iowa.
B: why didn't you tell me
N:I forgot
B:whatever are you okay
N:fine, why
B: just asking.
N:whatever, so where are you
B:Arizona with Dean.
N:he has a day off.
B: month, I'm lonely
N:geez well I have to go call you later.
B:bye take care
I hang up and go to the kitchen. I make coffee and scroll through Instagram.
"Babe?" I look over at Seth and look at him.
"Yeah" I answer.
"Well my parents are coming" my face pales I never liked meeting the parents I'm always a nervous wreck.
"Well step-dad and mom" he says. That doesn't help.
"When?" I ask with a shaky voice.
"An hour or two" okay that's enough time for me to prepare.
"Well I'm going to get ready" I say getting off the stool. I walk to the shower and wrap the brace.
I get out and choose an outfit I already laid out.
I put on a pair of adidas and I'm set. I FaceTime Alexa while I get ready.
"Nikki" Alexa says smiling.
"Lexi" I say.
"So how's Iowa" she says smiling.
"It's great now enough chit chat, how was Becky's date" I ask smirking. I start to curl my hair as I talk to Alexa.
"Well she didn't tell me I had a show and she was sleeping when I got back, which was around two in the morning"
"Where is she" she moves the camera for me to see Becky sleeping.
"What time is it over there"
"Eight in the morning"
"I'm sorry did I wake you" I say worried.
"No not at all" she says. This is what I love about Lexi she never gets mad.
"Okay cause then I would feel bad" I say, finishing one side of my hair.
"Alexa what are you doing" Becky asks.
"Talking to Nikki" she answers, Becky immediately shoots us and runs to the camera.
"Nikki" she says.
"Okay so Becky, Nikki and I were wondering how the date went"
"Overall it was okay" she says.
"Okay?" Alexa and I say at the same time.
"Finn and I are from Ireland so that means we know people here" she says.
"So this girl named Lindsey came up to us and started to talk to Finn and he apparently knew her"
"So when she finally notices me she stares at me in disgust and asks me really cocky WHO ARE YOU" Becky says imitating this Lindsey person.
"So I say a co worker of Finn and she says I KNEW HIM FIRST "
"She looks at Finn and says real well and winks at him" I stare at my phone in shock.
"So then she proceeds to talk more to Finn, but by talk she was flirting."
"How did Finn react" I ask.
"Well he looked uncomfortable"
"So then she looks at me and says I WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND" I roll my eyes and finish curling my hair.
"I would have slapped her fake ass" Alexa says. I laugh and start taking out makeup. Seth walks in the room and just lays on the bed.
"So what did you do" I ask Becky. Staring as Seth starts taking off his shirt.
"I left, I still haven't heard from Finn but I hope he does call or comes to see me" I nod my head as I start doing my makeup.
"You know what" Lexi says. We wait for her answer.
"I'm going to Finn's room right now" Lexi says.
"What no" Becky says.
"Take me with you" I say finishing my eyeshadow. I start doing my eyebrows as Becky and Lexi argue.
"Fine I'm done fighting with you" Becky says giving up.
"Ha, Nikki I need back up to confront Finn" I finish my eyebrows and just put on lipstick.
(A/N same as what they did to Becky.)
I go to the bed and lay my head on Seth's chest. He draped his arm over my body and we both watch Alexa head to Finn's room.
"Hey Seth" Alexa says.
"Hey" he says back. Alexa starts knocking loudly on the door and screaming Finn's name.
The door opens to reveal Sami.
"Alexa chill I was sleeping" Sami says.
"Where's Finn" she says.
"Right there, and are you recording or something" he says pointing at the phone.
"It's just Nikki and Seth" I wave as Alexa goes in.
"Finn Fucking Balor" Alexa says.
"What" he says clueless.
"What happened on your date yesterday" I say through the phone.
"Oh hi Nikki and why do you want to know" He asks.
"Because, now who was the slut that joined your dinner and what happened after Becky left" Alexa says.
"Damn" Seth whispers. I give him a quick kiss and go back to looking at Alexa yell at Finn.
"I went after her but she already left when I went to her" Finn says.
"Not good enough" my butt was right against Seth crotch area and I'm guessing he was enjoying it there.
"Go talk to her" Alexa says smacking Finn right on the arm.
"Fine" he says walking out. Alexa smacks Sami on the way out and follows Finn.
"What was that for" Sami says. Alexa laughs and runs up to catch up to Finn.
"Knock on the door stupid" Alexa tells Finn. He knocks and waits for Becky to open.
"It's just a prank" Becky and Finn say at the same time. My butt pushes up to Seth boner more because of what they said.
"What!?" Alexa and I say.
"It's just a prank the date went fine" Becky says. I look at Alexa and see fury in her eyes.
"I'm gonna leave you guys with Lexi, Bye" I hang up and smirk.
"That was something" Seth says.
"Seth don't act as if your dick isn't pushing up against my butt" I say. He smashes his lips onto mine and we have a make out session. He starts touching, squeezing my boobs.
"COLBY" yells a voice. We both look towards the door to see a lady and a man at the door. We jump away from each other and I fix my top.
"Mom, dad" Seth says.
"You must be Nicole" his mom asks.
"Yes" I say.
"You were supposed to come at one" Seth says.
"We wanted to surprise you, we didn't think you were doing anything" his dad says. I look down and play with my fingers.
"Okay so as you know this is Nicole, my girlfriend of three months" Seth says. I look up and wave.
"Yes well Nicole it's nice to meet you" I shake her hand and an awkward silence fills the room.
My phone starts ringing and I see its from my doctor.
"Nicole" My doctor says.
"Yes" I say walking out the room.
"So I know you're in Iowa and stuff, but I booked you an appointment at the doctors over there and it seems like you can get in the ring sooner" I smile wide.
"Really" I say.
"Yes the brace can come off in two weeks and then the neck brace can be removed in around two months" I smile wide.
"Thanks mr. Jones"
"One more thing, in order for your neck to heal properly we need you to have the neck brace on full time, only when you eat you can take it off"
"Alright thanks" I say smiling. I go back to the room and sit back on the bed.
"Nicole how did you meet Colby" his mom asks.
"Work" I say reaching for the neck brace and putting it on.
"You know Seth met Leighla in school and the didn't have any physical contact till they graduated" his dad says. My smile instantly drops and I look down.
"Dad!" Seth says.
"I'm just saying son"
"I'll be outside" I say walking out.
I walk out with the dogs as tears roll down my cheeks. My day went from great to bad.
Seth's pov
"Dad you made her uncomfortable" I say once Nicole leaves the room with tears rolling down her cheeks.
"Son we feel as if you are taking things to fast" my mom says.
"Fast how" I ask.
"You just broke up with Zahrah" my dad says.
"That was two years ago" I say getting annoyed.
"Okay son now answer me this" they say.
"What" I ask.
"How can she take care of you if she has a broken leg and neck" he asks.
"I don't know if you noticed, but her doctor called and she came back into the room happy" I say.
"Maybe the doctor gave her good news" I say rolling my eyes.
"What if a guy called her" his mom asks.
"Why would you assume that." I ask.
"We're looking out for you Seth" my dad says.
"And by looking out for me is making my girlfriend uncomfortable in her own home" I say.
"This is not her home, it's yours." My mom says.
"She's living here for the time being" I say.
"Still not her home" my dad says.
"She's my girlfriend what's mine is hers too" I say almost yelling.
"Go apologize to her" I say.
"What" they say.
"I said go apologize to her" I yell. They walk out and I sigh. They never act like this.
Nikki's pov
I sit on the couch and call Brie.
"Nikki what's up" I sniffle over the phone and I hear her stop what she's doing.
"Nikki what happened" she asks worried.
"Was it Seth" she asks.
"What do you mean"
"His parents came and they basically insulted me, I think they said slutty hoe in a somewhat nice way"
"What kind of parents does he have"
"I don't know, I came outside because I didn't want to cry in front of them"
"It's okay"
"It's not, this reminds me of high school when they would all call me the fat twin and say I was a slut and a hoe" I say crying even more.
"You know you're not those things" Brie says.
"But what if I am a slut and a hoe, I mean, two adults called me these things"
"Nikki you're not trust me"
"I don't know, our whole fanbase calls me the fat twin, they're probably right"
"You're not, you have a beautiful body"
"If you say s-"
"Nicole can we talk" Seth's parents ask.
"What's wrong" Brie asks.
"Nothing I have to go, bye Brie call you later" I hang up and scoot over to let them sit.
"Yeah sure" I answer, wiping away the tears.
"We wanted to apologize to you for what we said back there"
"It's okay" I say.
"Are you sure because we overheard your conversation with your sister and we are deeply sorry that we made you think we called you a slut"
"It's fine, don't worry, you're just looking over your son" I say.
"Thank you for understanding" his mom says.
"No problem" I say.
"If you don't mind me asking when you left the room to answer the phone call, who was it?" His dad asks.
"That was my doctor he was telling me how I can get off crutches in two weeks and get back into the ring sooner" I tell them.
"Alright we should get going" his mom says.
"Have a nice day" I watch as the leave and I head back inside.
I walk into the room where Seth and I were staying in.
"Nicole" Seth says hugging me when I reach the bed.
"Hey Seth"
"I'm so sorry for what my parents said to you, it isn't like them" he apologizes.
"It's okay, they were just looking out for you" I say.
"Okay so what did your doctor say?" He asks.
"That I can get off crutches in two weeks" I say smiling brightly.
"That's great babe"
"Yeah it is and I get back in the ring in seven months"
"Oh by the way when my parents went to apologize I got a call from Steph; Slammys are in a week here in Iowa."
"Great" I say smiling.
I lay down and take a nap.
Woah huge chapter, don't worry next chapter coming tomorrow.
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