It's Time
I wake up to somebody shaking me obnoxiously. I sit up to see we are at Brie and I's house.
When she divorced Bryan and I broke up with John; instead of living with our mom, we decided to buy a house together.
"Nice house" Seth tells us. I try to nod and make my way to the door. I open it and walk into the living room.
Brie decorated the living room and I have to say she did a good job. I on the other hand decorated the bathrooms, my bedroom, the kitchen and that's it. I helped Brie with other things.
I put my bags next to the couch and walked into the kitchen.
I checked the fridge but us always being in the road we had no food. The food that was there was already expired.
"Brie we have no food" I yell from the kitchen.
"What did you expect" she shouts back.
"I'm ordering takeout"
I dial the best Chinese restaurant they have in Our area. I walked around the house, I missed this place.
I walk into the bathroom that I decorated and look around. Brie never likes the door that was placed there, but oh well.
We built this house from scratch. We had all sorts of things in this house. We had a gym, a room where Brie says is a place for her "kids" by that she means the dog she wants to get. We have a movie room, five rooms in total in this house. We have a backyard pool, a game room. Brie added a bar in the basement. With the basement we have a cellar. We have this little room Brie likes to call the panic room. She says if anybody ever breaks in this is where she will go to panic.
I walk into our movie room, which was just the attic but it was too boring.
Brie and I both decorated this room together.
I walk into brie's dog room, even though she doesn't have a dog. I laugh at how extra Brie can be.
I go downstairs to go grab my bags to take to my room. I walk down there to see them all sprawled out on the couch.
"Brie are you not going to put your bags in your room" I ask her.
"Yeah, but later though, I'm tired" She says. I grab my bags and make my way up the stairs.
I walk into my room for the first time in months.
(A/N Nikki's bedroom)
I walk in and smile at the memories when Brie first walked in. She laughed and told me I'm so extra. I look at my room and hate to admit it but she was right. Then again she made a small room for dogs.
I walk out of my room to see Brie coming up. I follow her into her room. Fun fact we have two master bedrooms because Brie and I fought who would get the master bedroom.
"Hey want help" I ask her.
"Sure take this bag" she says handing me her duffel bag.
I walk into her room and look around.
Obviously Brie had a better view than me but it's okay.
"Where are the boys sleeping" I ask her
"Well Seth in one of the guest bedrooms and Dean with me, because we are dating"
"Nicole can you bring them up and show them to their rooms I want to unpack first" I make my way down stairs to see both of them sleeping. How do you wake up two grown men.
I had a choice of being nice and gently waking them up or throw water in them risking wetting our couch. I wake them up gently and see them stir/
"Hey guys grab your bags and follow me I'm taking you guys to your room" I tell them.
I walk upstairs and take Dean to Brie's room. I take Seth to one of the guest bedrooms . Making sure to put him in the one as far as way as mine.
"Thanks" he tells me. I walk away and go to my room to change into something to sleep in.
I climb up the little stairs I have in order to get to my bed. I make my self comfortable and fall asleep faster than than the snap of a finger.
I wake up to loud groaning and moaning. I check the time on my phone and see it's three in the fucking morning. Fuck Brie and dean. Wait they are already doing that anyway.
Where do I go to get away from all that moaning and groaning. I would go to the guest bedrooms but they are so close to Brie's room, my last option is Seth. I groan and make my way over there.
I knock on the door only for him to open immediately.
"Please tell me you hear the moaning too" he asks me. I nod at him.
"Yeah my room is right next to hers"
"So why are you here"
" your room is the farthest from that so I was hoping you'd let me crash here" I ask him.
"Sure" I walk in the room and sit on the bed.
"Let's share a bed better than sleeping on the floor" he nods and comes to the bed. I fall asleep almost instantly.
Few hours later
I wake up to a flash in my eyes. I wake up too see Nattie standing over me while I'm cuddled into Seth. Why do we always end up like this?
" Nattie what are you doing here" I ask her
"It's your surgery and I didn't want to miss it" oh fuck it's today.
"You're right what time is it" I ask Nattie while finally freeing myself from Seth.
"Noon" she tells me. I better get up. I have to be there around three.
"I'm gonna go take a shower and be ready to leave by then" I tell her
I make my way to the bathroom and jump into the shower. I stand there with all these thoughts running through my mind. If the surgery were to go wrong what would happen. All these horrible thoughts run through my mind. I take at least forty-five minutes in there.
I finally get out and walk into the walk in closet in my room. I choose a comfortable outfit and do my hair.
I put on the outfit and start blow drying my hair. I finally dries and I put it in a messy bun.
I put on my shoes and walk to the living room. I see Brie and dean there and they look all tired.
"Well well if it isn't our own little porn stars" I say smirking at them. They look at me with with wide eyes.
"Mmm right there Dean, Uhh Dean Faster Faster DADDY" I say mocking Brie. She looks down blushing in embarrassment.
"Hold on, Brie open those legs, yeah just like that, you're so good" I say this time mocking Dean. They both look down in embarrassment.
"What" I tell them
"How do you know" they both ask
"You two are so fucking loud" Seth says coming from out of nowhere.
Nattie is looking at us with a face of amusement. We all start talking about random things for the next two hours.
I check the time and see I have to be at the hospital in 45 minutes. We all get in the car and drive there.
At the hospital
I'm sitting in this hospital gown and playing with my nails.
"Okay Nicole its time" this is is. I wave goodbye to everybody as I'm wheeled into a room.
"Okay Nicole count back from ten" the doctor tells me.
"8" I say before blacking out
Fucking finally, I finally updated. Well Brie and dean did the dirty and Niki went into surgery.
Wanna know what happens next.
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