I'll break you bitch
Even though I wrestled with the SmackDown girls, I was going to raw. Thankfully Seth was there. Everybody thought I was going to SmackDown. There is no way in hell I was going to be managed by Daniel Bryan. Last night was absolutely amazing. We were two hours away from being to the next city and I was glad. I don't like being stuck on a tour bus for hours.
Brie: you're on raw 😩
Me: yeah, sorry for leaving you with Daniel 😢
Brie: it's okay I have Dean 🤗😄
Me: of course 🙄
Brie: whatever I'm going to sleep
Me: it's ten in the morning
Brie: I've been up all night 😏
Me: gross 😷
Brie: whatever I have to go
I roll my eyes and get out of bed. I get in the shower to get the smell of sex off of me.
I spent about forty-five minutes in there. I finally get out to find Seth still sleeping. I roll my eyes and pick my clothes.
I finish changing and wake up Seth.
"Baby we're almost hotel" I tell him. He gets up and mumbles things under his breath as he walks his naked ass to the bathroom. I grab a pair of my Louis Vuitton's and put on some perfume. I lay down and scroll thorough my Instagram. I realize I haven't posted in a while. I decide to post about yesterday.
@thenikkibella: yesterday at SummerSlam was absolutely amazingly, thank you to all my fans for supporting me through my whole injury. They thought they got rid of me, but I came back stronger than ever!
I post it as we finally reach the hotel. Seth comes out of the bathroom as I get all my stuff together. We lock hands as we get out of the bus. We walk to the hotel lobby to check in. Today we have a show and I was exhausted, but anything for the fans.
"Yeah we have a room under Rollins." Seth says. The lady at the desk hands us our keys. I spot Melanie with Amber in the elevator. I heard she's the raw women's champion, not for long. She smirks as the elevator door closes.
"Such a bitch" Seth mumbles, I nod my head as I press hit button that goes up. The elevator door opens and we step in.
"Hold the door" Sasha and Charlotte say. I hate Charlotte, but lately she has been really nice to us on Twitter. I let them in and we stay in an awkward silence. The elevator door opens and Seth and I step out.
We reach our door and I immediately head to the bed.
"Tired?' Seth asks.
"Guess I have that effect" he says smirking. I slap him on the chest.
It was currently five in the afternoon and we had to get to raw. I had a segment with Melanie about the championship. Maybe after I can beat her ass. I changed into my gear and picked a SnapBack. Seth had a match, it wasn't main event so thankfully we can get to the next city more early. I had to book a flight yesterday for Seth and I. My segment was after a match.
"Alright baby have to go" I walk out to the gorilla. Melanie was rambling about how she was the best champion.
"There is nobody that is on my level" she says with venom in her voice. That was my cue. I walk out and do my booty shake.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, but I was backstage and I couldn't help, but over hear you say you're the best" I say.
"That's right" she says.
"Are you the longest reigning divas champion" I say smirking.
"No, but are you the women's champion"
"No, but I will soon when that title comes to it's rightful owner." I say.
"This title is not going anywhere" she says, holding her belt high in the air. The crowd boos her.
"It's going on my shoulder sweetheart face the facts" I say.
"You don't deserve this championship." She says,
"Have you been with this company for a decade" I say.
"Do you have a boyfriend that is actually known for something, other than cheating"
"Don't you dare" she says.
"Ladies and gentlemen let me tell you about the real Melanie" I look over at her in disgust.
"She was my best friend in high school" I look at the crowd. "I know it's a shocker." I see Melanie yelling at me to stop. "In high school I had a boyfriend by the name of Alex"
"I thought everything was going fine until I got injured because of Melanie" I smirk. "That's right Melanie is the one who got me injured the first time"
"I go back to school in hopes that my boyfriend will care about my injury" I say, my voice turning serious.
"I find Melanie and my boyfriend in the janitors closet cheating on me" my voice was filled with so much venom.
"And that's the story of how Melanie's daughter was born" I say clapping. I look over at Melanie and she's fuming.
"Sorry Mel did I hit a nerve" I say fake pouting.
"But wait there's more"
"What else do you have to say" Amber says, she speaks. I signal her to stop talking as I continue.
"Hey Melanie remember how Paige and I were good friends." I say.
"So what" she scoffs.
"Let's talk about how you almost ruined one of my FRIENDSHIPS" I say yelling at the last part.
"Melanie I had to do a lot of digging as to why she would backstab me like that" I say touching my heart.
"And it's really funny to find out you blackmailed her into doing that" I hear the commentators freaking out. I smirk as she gasps.
"That's not true" she lies.
"You sure, because I have a video I want to show you." The video plays and shows Paige admitting Melanie blackmailing her.
"I'll stop the humiliation when you give me a title shot for MY title" I say.
"But since Hell in a cell is coming up why not make it interesting" I say.
"How so"
"You and me, at hell in a cell, locked in hell in a cell" the crowd cheers as I say that.
"Another reason to beat your ass" she says.
"Cool it's set"
"But first" I turn her around and hit my new finisher on her.
"Mess with me I'll break you bitch, ya hear me" I say as she lays on the ground. My music plays and I step on her as I go to the back.
One step closer to being the face of the company.
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