Where it starts
In North Carolina's country side in winter.
"Scarlet you better get back here now!"
The man yelled as long as he could. The girl would not stop to look back. She knew he would run after her. The blood on his face was rushing down on to his shirt, she could smell it.
"When I get you I will KILL YOU!"
He stop running after her; he was out of breath. She, on the other hand, does not need to catch her breath. She is free now! Sadly she is lost and alone.That was the only thing going though her mind. Well and one other thing.
Where to go now?
The old man had her around to clean and cook for him. As far as she knew, he had no family. He went to work then came home. He was nice to her when she was little. She was in dog form then. She was his little dog. As far as he knew the little dog ran away and a 13 year old girl showed up.
He thinks I killed the dog, A.K.A me. So I cleaned and cook for him. I got too mad and my claws came out. It was the first time that happened. Ginger colored ears came out--with a fluffy tail. As for the rest of my body, it remained the same. I mean, you should've heard what he said to me. I slapped him hard. And then his nose started to bleed. He thinks I am some kind of freak now. That is fine by me.
I have not been out of the house all my life. It is surounded in woods. The bassment is my room. It is big and lonely. A bed and a book self. Not that I have books to put in it. Hard wood floor in the house every where. Walls where all gray in and outside the house. It was like a prison. It is like the house has it own feelings. The house is a outcast, like me.
I stoped running and started running. Then I came to a little town. There were little shop. They look like they have been there for year. Some have red brick . Other have wood or clay walls. This little town had a welcoming feeling ,but at the same time unwelcoming. I could see they have lights every where. In the trees and the poles too. I mean who puts lights in tree. TREES come on. These people must be crazy.
I was hungry ,and if these people are crazy. Then maybe they give food to a cute dog. With that thought in my head I turned into my dog form. My giner colored ears tall and pointed. My long furry tail. I was not too big but not small. No one was out side. The snow was felling hard. It was hard to see in the snow. It was up to my belly. That was when I saw a wolf. He was taller than me. His eyes were blue like sea or the sky. His fur white like the snow falling. He looked in to my brown eyes. Then the wolf was gone. Am I seeing things? Plus what is that smell. It smells like old cloth. The same smell the old man had. I hated that smell so much. That was when I fall to the ground. The world went in to slow motion. Colors blurred together.
The last thing I saw was the wolf running to me. With a panic look in his eyes. A look of compassion deep in his eyes.
Thank you for reading.
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