The Walk
Scarlet P.O.V
What is the Pack? Why does Heart hate the Pack so much? Plus they sound dangers. Jake said he know the Pack. I am walking behind Jake. The heart is behind me. I taped Jake on the shoulder.
"Hey Jake, what is this Pack we are going to?"
Jake slowed down so we are walking side by side. The path is narrow and so we are touching shoulders. I feel so safe and content by his side.
" As you know me and heart are wolfs. Wolfs have Packs some wolfs leave their Pack and become loners."
" So that means that Heart is a loner right. Are you one too?"
" I and Heart are brothers so we are from the same pack. He left the Pack when I was not here. So yes he is a loner. My pack had me go on a mission outside of the Pack's land. The Pack is like a family and is one."
" If the Pack is your family then why did Heart leave it? Plus he seems to resent the pack a lot."
"I and Heart were close when we were younger. In a pack, each wolf has a job. My job and Heart were not the same. So I didn't see him a lot. Sadly it turned to never.
If I had a sister I would never want to lose her. To have someone that you know is your friend for life. Having someone that will keep you safe. I wonder if that's why Jake and Heart are so tense around each other. Is Heart mad at Jake for leaving him? Jake is mad at him for kissing me. I need to talk to Jake about the whole link thing. Do I want to keep this link to Jake or not? Plus I need to tell Heart that I don't like the way he likes me. Jake looks sad I should have been quiet and not talk about Heart. I need to change my mood. I know-how. I to jake and give him a side hug. I put my head on his chest. He is taller than me sadly. Heart is just a little taller than me. Why is everyone taller than me?! He hugged back and we walk like that for the whole way.
I feel warm like we are sitting by a fire. Just us, not our problems or worries.
Free together
Maybe I do want to keep this link if it makes me feel like its.
Jake P.O.V
I stop talking. I am becoming the leader of our pack. sadly that means training all the time. Dad spent a lot of time on my training. He forgot all about Heart. Heart stopped talking to me. He resented me and the pack. I later learned that he was getting bullied. I saw this for my self for once. When the bullies saw me they ran away. Heart got mad and left me alone. I need him I need my brother. Then I got my mission and left for longer than I thought I would be gone. I miss him but he has changed into a sad cold soul. He uses to be a sunny and warm soul.
She is hugging me! It feels so nice and warm. It's like we are in a sunny felid. The air around calm and fizzy. That fizzy feeling the real world out. I love this I love her.
Heart P.O.V
They were side by side for too long. the one time I fall in love and he takes that way. He is good at taking things away from me. He has never been there for me. When he finally found out it was too late.
Wait are they...
They are hugging!
He is so DEAD!
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