Too Soon
The weekend had approached quickly, and Phil was working at the bookstore with Techno. Which unfortunately left the two youngest's home alone. A terrible decision really. After the elders had left Tommy had put his plan into action. He started with making Wilbur some breakfast and preparing some medication. The brunette ventured from the shared room in a bit swaying occasionally on his feet. Tommy winced each time he did so but was too scared to move.
Wilbur had soon arrived at the benchtop and with a sigh slid to the floor. He was clearly unwell, a blind person could see that. Tommy crouched next to his older brother who was nearing a state of unconsciousness. The brunette chuckled which led to Tommy joining the laughter nervously.
"Help me up child," Tommy pouted but helped his older brother up.
"I am no child," Wilbur smirked in response.
"That's exactly what a child would say," Wilbur muttered going to make food.
"OI!" Tommy protested. "I already made some!"
"Aww," the brunette scoffed and ruffled his little brothers hair. "The child, caring for his sick older brother." Tommy only grew angrier.
"I didn't hafta do jack shit for you," Tommy crossed his arms. "But I figured supposed older brother wanted to go outside today, but that doesn't matter." Wilbur let out a strangled noise as he inhaled water like a fish. Tommy cackled as Wilbur coughed constantly before chuckling softly.
"Bitch-" Wilbur wheezed, and Tommy laughed. The two were quick to finish their food and get ready to go out. The meds had started kicking in and Wilbur dawned a bright smile at the opportunity of leaving the little house. Both boys had dressed in warm clothes and were quickly out of the house.
"So I was thinking," Tommy started as they walked trying to avoid the eyesight of both elders. "We could go into the forest this morning and around about midday we could go to my friends house?" Wilbur stopped seemingly thinking about the plan. He didn't quite feel like making friends, but he assumed he wouldn't have to talk to anyone he just had to go with his brother. The brunette nodded and the day was put into play. They arrived at the forest after a while of walking. They didn't feel quite inclined to venture towards their old home due to sadness lurking behind their calm demeanour.
"What are we gonna do?" Wilbur pondered.
"Well... uh..." Tommy looked around nervously. "I just wanted to see how you... uh... hunted?" Wilbur looked at his little brother astonished. The brunette took a few moments to process his words before looking dumbfounded at the younger.
"Why?" he questioned.
"Oh... uh..." Tommy shrugged. "I've always wanted to learn..." Wilbur nodded slowly.
"So you want to learn..." Wilbur processed slowly. "I mean... I guess your old enough." Tommy smiled in delight. He had always wanted to learn what his brother did. "Lets find a rabbit hole shall we." Tommy strode confidently beside his brother as they traversed further into the snow coated forest. Soon they arrived at a little mound in the ground and Wilbur glanced to Tommy then back to it.
The blonde seemed to ripen at the idea of learning the 'big man ways' he called it. The brunette gently squatted and stuck his hand into the mound. Not safe, don't try at home. In a matter of seconds he was pulling something out. A rabbit. It was a brown one too. Wilbur was very quick to have a good grip on it. Tommy watched in awe.
"Can I?" the blonde murmured, and Wilbur smiled.
"Here have a tight hold on it okay," Tommy nodded furiously receiving the very still rabbit. "Now, for the worst part." Wilbur seemingly shivered. "You grab its head firmly in your hand, and then you twist, make it quick for 'em." Tommy nodded solemnly. The blonde did as his older brother said. As he twisted a soft snap could be heard.
After that was dealt with Wilbur had praised Tommy multiple times on their way to his friends home. The rabbit remained in his bag so they could surprise Techno and Phil later. Tommy eagerly knocked on the door of the house noticing Wilbur squirming behind him. The blonde gave him a reassuring glance before the door was answered by Ranboo.
"Oh!" the boy smiled. "Tommy! And...?"
"Wilbur," the brunette nervously smiled. "Your Ranboo?" the boy nodded and took a step back to let them in.
"Oh! Fancy seeing you two here!" May greeted the boys who were quick to do regular house courtesy. "Tubbo's upstairs!" Tommy and Ranboo ran off leaving Wilbur downstairs in a bit of an awkward stance. "Uh... would you like to hang out with Sapnap and his friends?" Wilbur stuttered softly seeming to panic. On que the middle child was downstairs and smiled at Wilbur.
"Finally decided to hang out with us?" Sapnap mocked and Wilbur smiled nervously. "Don't worry Mum, he's with us." May nodded and Wilbur was dragged upstairs too. Tommy was having a grand time with his two besties. Wilbur on the other hand felt very odd and out of place. The Dream guy was looking at him funny constantly. When Sapnap and George went to go harass the three younger boys Dream scooted closer.
"Do you know a Technoblade?" Dream's harsh and judgemental gaze was hidden behind the smiley mask. Or at least Wilbur had assumed he were judging him. The brunette nodded slowly. "How?"
"Oh uh..." Wilbur could feel his heart in his head, banging against his skull with intensity that of a migraine. "Why? Do you know him?"
"You could say that..." Dream was quick to put it together. "You're his brother aren't ya?" Wilbur swallowed and was quick to stand feeling very uncomfortable with the situation. "Did you keep him from the club?" Wilbur looked away and made his way for the door. Dream had quickly grabbed a hold of his wrist. "What are you hiding?" The brunette's eyes fluttered, and he was quick to lose consciousness.
Tommy heard the thud from across the hall and assumed the worst. He shot up and sped to Tubbo's older brother's room. He knocked loudly before pushing the door open. The boys had all gathered behind him, and May was also arriving. Tommy was quick to defence. Upon seeing his brother passed out on the floor and Dream standing next to him, expression unknown, he leaped onto the green hoodie kid an angry expression.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!" Tommy yelled tears coming to his eyes. "YOU GREEN BASTARD!" Dream had already freed himself from the younger and was backing away.
"I don't know," Dream meant in a calm tone, but no one could see how panicked he was behind the mask. "He just... collapsed..." Tommy was going to attack him again, but Ranboo held him back by the waist. May was kneeled next to Wilbur checking his pulse and breathing. Tubbo had run to the bathroom to get something his mother told him to get. Sapnap and George approached Dream wondering what happened, but the masked boy was quite in shock. A soft groan came from the doorway and Tommy was quick to his brother's side.
"Hey Wil," the blonde muttered as his brother's face contorted in pain. His eyes opened softly and closed again as the brunette let out a small whine. Tubbo had arrived with a wet cloth and painkillers.
"It looks like he's coming down with something," May announced and glanced to Tommy. "Has he been sick before?" The blonde nodded sadly, and she realised the vibes. May told all the boys to leave but Tommy. "What does he have?"
"My teacher said he has the flu," Tommy sniffed clearly very distressed of the situation at hand. Wilbur had awoken again and seen his brother's distress. He weakly grasped Tommy's hand trying to reassure him. May had lay the cloth on the brunette's head and offered him painkillers which he gladly took. Soon he was upright, and the colour had returned to his face. Wilbur was quick to have them leave as it was getting late and he honestly didn't want to bother them anymore.
"Are you sure you don't want someone to help you both home?" May asked as a concerned parent. Wilbur shook his head, and they said their thanks and made their way back home. Techno and Phil were waiting anxiously. As Wilbur promptly collapsed onto the couch Tommy was left to tell them what had happened. He was crying harshly by the end of the story.
Techno and Phil made silent promises to not lecture him as he was already upset about the situation. They had a group hug and Tommy went to bed. Techno took his leave to go to the club. He knocked firmly on the door and the masked boy greeted him.
"You didn't say your brother was ill," Dream stated as they walked inside and down the stairs.
"It was irrelevant," Techno stated blandly.
"How much is it going to cost?" Dream had stopped seemingly still fairly worried.
"His treatment," Techno swallowed.
"Too much" Techno continued down the stairs.
"How long until-"
"Too soon"
hmm yes this seems longer than the usual
hope yall are well uwu
have a good day/night <333333333333333333
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