The Blade
Phil woke to quiet murmurs. He groaned rolling over looking at the doorway. There stood two boys. He hummed quietly, sitting upright to try and keep himself awake. It was a weekend, and he didn't have to work hence the sunlight beaming in from the doorway making the boys merely silhouettes. He rubbed his eyes coughing slightly. The two boys didn't approach, and he sighed.
"What's up kiddos?" he sighed getting up. He could see their defining features better know and recognised who was who. On the left the golden hair of the 10-year-old dazzled and somewhat blinded the man. And then the long red hair which he assumed was the same pink he had seen the day before just in different lighting.
"We were just checking on you," Tommy seemed to bounce around. "You slept for a bit more than normal." Phil chuckled at the younger's thoughtfulness.
"Well I'm fine boys," he smiled. "Do you want me to make you some breakfast or-"
"It's around lunch time Phil," Techno muttered not looking upset at all, but Phil definitely had disappointed him. The two boys disappeared out of sight and Phil huffed a sigh feeling like he had let them down. After getting dressed out of his pyjamas, going downstairs he found just the two boys again. Techno sat on the couch reading something he didn't recognise whilst Tommy looked around in the kitchen for things to eat.
"Where's Wilbur?" Phil asked slightly concerned. Tommy proceeded to shrug but Techno looked up from his book to answer.
"Out," he simply replied before going back to his book. Phil nodded slowly still being concerned. Techno noticed the adult's slight discomfort and offered a weak smile. "He will be back soon."
Wilbur had left early in the morning to go out into the forest. He skipped looking at the shack all over again because he didn't see the need for it. He simply went to check the traps even though he would be fed, it was instinct. He stumbled through the snow his mind racing. He had woken up early this morning most likely to stress. Afterall a lot of things had happened in the past few days.
He hadn't realised he was at a trap until he nearly stood on it. He checked but nothing had taken the trap. He shrugged it off. He continued in the forest the occasional yawn breaking the cold silence of the icy November air. He wasn't concerned that his brothers would be worried because he regularly went off on his own when he needed space. Yawning again, he was pulled to his senses as a majestic tree suddenly started blocking the sunlight. It enticed him to just have a small rest to put his aching mind at ease.
He climbed the tree smiling to himself. It had been a while since he had climbed a very big and beautiful tree like this one. Its branches twisted into the greater forest as if it were a weed. But it was in fact not and laced the area with small silky white petaled flowers and made the area seem all too surreal. But Wilbur didn't take much notice and instead rested his head gently on the smooth bark. He promised himself to not sleep too long but well that didn't quite work out for him.
Techno was getting anxious at home. Wilbur did have a thing for wandering off when he was stressed but it was past midday now and Techno felt the urge to go out and find the younger. Tommy had left to hang out with Tubbo for the day, so it was just Techno and Phil. The pinkette decided Wilbur was fine and closed up his book looking to where Phil was also reading.
"Watcha reading?" Techno asked trying to small talk which he quite hated.
"Oh, just a history book I figured was interesting," Phil responded with a kind smile. Techno nodded and before it got too quiet between the two, he spoke again.
"Smoking 'ey?" he spoke softly but his glare would make anyone panic.
"Uh..." Phil sighed closing his book. "Yes?"
"You live alone?"
"Ever kept children before?" Phil started looking very nervous. He had thought Wilbur to be the more untrusting one, but Techno did appear to have higher standards of people than both his younger brothers.
"No, I have not," Phil replied slowly meeting Techno's unwavering eyes. "Why do you ask?"
"No reason"
"Yeah," Techno shrugged opening his book again. The two remained in silence as they waited awkwardly for someone else to enter the apartment. But no one came. Techno's sudden anxiety increased, and he decided to go looking for his brothers. He got up just as the two returned. Tommy was clinging to Wilbur as the elder shivered consistently. Techno looked at them concerned and Phil instantly got up taking Wilbur into his arms and placing him on the couch.
"What were you two doing?" Techno asked chuckling nervously.
"Well I went to hang with Tubbo, but I was actually going out to find this loser and found him out in the forest freezing," Tommy responded shaking his head. "If it wasn't for me-"
"Y-Yeah," Wilbur chuckled. "S-So brave are-aren't ya?" Techno laughed and Tommy pouted. Phil sat on the couch next to Wilbur wrapping him in a nearby blanket and rubbing his arms. Wilbur seemed to move away but Phil held him tight. The four of them proceeded to chat for the rest of the night joking about nonsense. Once things had quieted down some more and Tommy was resting in Techno's lap the teenager spoke up.
"I'm going to stay here for a while," Techno whispered. Although he loved going to the country to work, he knew that Wilbur was in a rough mental state and Tommy would definitely follow him through that chaos. And Techno didn't fully trust Phil with his brothers due to his smoking and exhaustion. And the fact he didn't talk much to them even about his own life.
"Really?" Wilbur seemed shocked and the word came across more of a challenge than a question. Techno nodded and the three drifted back into silence again. As Wilbur was slowly dozing off Phil got up and went into the kitchen making toasties for dinner. Tommy ate his dinner quickly going straight to bed after saying his thanks. Wilbur finished around the same time but wanted to wait for Techno to be done so he could help pack up.
Techno put his hand in the younger's hair in a reassuring way and Phil nodded at Wilbur sending the brunette stumbling to the guest room. Even after Phil went to his room Techno stayed in the lounge a little longer. After maybe half an hour of reading his book he went to check on the others. Tommy had snuggled into Wilbur both quietly snoring. He peaked through Phil's door quietly seeing the adult sound asleep on his side. And with that he left the house entering a dodgy alley. He knocked on a door and was met with Clay his old friend.
"Techno?" Clay spoke quietly. "What are you doing here?"
"I want back in," Techno smirked. "After all I helped create this place." Clay nodded and simply opened the door more for him. He waltzed into the basement like he owned the place. Two boys around his age fought in the boxing rink both bloodied and bruised faces. He smirked at the sight of the club having grown since the last time he were here. A loud speaker interrupted his calm stroll into the room.
"Ladies and gentlemen," Clay sounded from the speaker. "Your champion has arrived! Please welcome
The Blade!"
omg so sorry for the filler kinda chapter im just trying to set up the story so far
weekly updates if i can??
also my word doc kinda commit malfunction and i lost my plan ;-;
have a good day/night <33333
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