The Aftermath
Techno had passed out after saying that spine chilling line. Wilbur looked pale as he held the eldest in his arms. Phil quickly took care of the situation. He took the limp teenager from Wilbur picking Techno up and taking him downstairs. He lay the pinkette on the couch grabbing a cloth and dampening it. He reapproached the couch and lay the cloth on the eldest's head. Wilbur had taken Tommy into the guest room to give Techno space knowing he probably wouldn't want so many people around him at this moment.
Phil sat beside the teen watching and waiting for signs of his regained consciousness. He waited for a whole hour, it would nearly be smoko time if he were working at the bookstore, but he wasn't. He decided to get up and check on the other boys. He cracked the door open slightly trying not to intrude. His heart softened seeing the two both fast asleep on the bed.
He smiled and walked closer. Tommy cuddled into Wilbur's chest on his side, as Wilbur held him close his face gently in the blonde's messy hair. Phil started to pull the blanket up to tuck them in, but Wilbur had started stirring at the elder's presence. Phil met the tired amber eyes of the brunette and offered a small smile.
"How's Tech?" Wilbur yawned. Phil shook his head proceeding to drape the blanket over the teen.
"You don't need to know," Phil smiled rubbing the boy's shoulder. Wilbur let out a huff of exhaustion as he let his eyes roll shut. Phil waited to make sure he was asleep to leave. It would be a small mess if Techno and Wilbur argued again.
Hell someone would die. Soon soft snores filled the room and Phil looked down to check. Indeed both boys were asleep again and with that he made his way out of the room. Heading back down stairs he saw Techno was sitting upright yawning.
"Eh?" Techno looked around. "The fuck happened?"
"You passed out mate," Phil sat next to Techno who didn't shuffle away this time.
"I feel shitty," Techno muttered. Phil chuckled.
"I'm not surprised."
"Shut it old man," Techno scowled but a grin of slight amusement sparked Phil's heart making him feel like things would be okay.
"Soooooo," Phil whispered. "What happened- like yesterday and today."
"You my friend," Phil smirked shaking his head. "Are hilarious."
"It's true," Techno shrugged.
"No one, and I say no one," Phil looked Techno in the eyes concern filling his voice with strength. "Shoves their little brother, causes their other brother to have a panic attack and then punch a mirror saying, 'blood for the blood god'." Techno took a deep and shaky breath and Phil definitely knew there was something up.
"H-How's Tommy and Wil?" Techno fiddled with the cloth which had been on his forehead until he had woken of course.
"They're both resting," Phil looked at Techno sadly. "It's not your fault-"
"It actually is," Techno interrupted. "I hurt Tommy, I nearly did it again. I caused Wil a panic attack and I got you involved in something you shouldn't be involved in."
"Hey," Phil soothed rubbing the pinkette's back. "Even though your actions caused effects to us all, doesn't mean it's your fault."
"But it does-"
"I'm sure that wasn't you," Phil referred to the scene in the bathroom. Techno seemed to shake nervously, and Phil knew something was up. "Please tell me if anything's wrong, you'd be surprised about how much I can help." Techno leaned into Phil looking for comfort, which he received as Phil wrapped his arms around the teen.
"They're just so loud," Techno whispered.
"Tommy and Wilbur?" Phil didn't dare use nicknames of the two because after all Techno is fairly protective. "I'm sure if you told them they woul-"
"It's not them," Techno shivered. "It's the voices." Phil seemed to shrink back at the mention of these 'Voices'.
"What do they say?"
"They say many different things," Techno shook his head. "but they most commonly... demand blood." Phil's breath hitched in his throat. Blood? This boy was only 16 and he is going through more than your average child.
"Any blood or someone's?"
"Mainly other's like today," Techno's voice shook. "I... Tommy... He's always been a brave kid." Phil pulled Techno into his chest.
"It's okay, you didn't hurt him," Phil waited patiently for the boy to pull together knowing he would mend like water freezing over.
"I did! I-"
"Techno," Phil made delicate eye contact with the 16-year-old. "You may have hurt them but that does not mean you get to beat yourself up over it okay?" Techno looked away before focussing on the stairs. Phil turned to see the younger brunette standing there with tired eyes. Phil let go of Techno giving the 15-year-old a soft smile. Wilbur proceeded to wordlessly stumble over to Techno and sit down next to the older wrapping his arms around him in a tight hug.
"I'm sorry Techno," Wilbur muttered closing his eyes as he leaned into Techno's shoulder. The pinkette relaxed and pushed a hand through his brother's wavy brown hair.
"It's not your fault okay," Techno made eye contact with Phil. "It was just an accident." Phil smiled getting up to make some food. The two had stayed on the couch in silence just silently comforting one another. Tommy had made his way downstairs soon and held a blanket. Wilbur's blanket. The blonde smirked at the two unknowing to his presence and draped the blanket on them from behind. Techno looked back making eyes contact with him and chuckling. Wilbur proceeded to snuggle deeper into the blanket and Techno's shoulder even after Tommy joined the snuggles.
Phil smiled as the 3 soon dozed off and he quietly let his mind go wild. He was thinking of the future. Their future. Techno probably has never told his brothers of his 'Voices' and Phil was very thankful he trusted the elder to keep his secret. Then again, he overheard chatting the other day from Tommy and his wish of having a family was coming true. He felt worried for them though. He could barely look after himself let alone 3 kids. He regretted what he was going to do but he was too late. The person on the other side of the phone asked who it was, and he inhaled a shaky breath before responding.
"Yes, this is Philza," he looked back at the couch again. "Are you missing 3 boys ages 10, 15 and 16?"
Trying my best to update this story sorry- also sorry for the short chapter hopefully more updates soon tho
ive currently lost ideas for the oneshots so ima prepare some good ol' wayp chapters to feed yall
have a good day/night <333333333
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