Chapter Five
"Okay, Okay." Carson said, "You lost my at possible location." He stood up and walked over beside Bella, holding a Starbucks cup, and staring up at a board of red strings and photos that may lead to the discovery of Rowan, "Uhhhh...Carson, this is the FIFTH TIME that I've had to describe this to you." Bella said turning to face him, he did the same, "We'll sorry that you came up with a..." He paused, "Sorry, just explain it again. Slowly." He finished as he stared back at the board, "Okay. Sooo, Roowwann iiissss missssssingggg." Bella said obnoxiously slow. Carson gave her a sideways glance and rolled his eyes, "A little quicker please." He said. Bella started to talk about her plan in a normal speed.
To quickly summarize Bella's plan, a teenage boy named Sebastian Fray was Bella's first suspect because she knew him. He was arrested four times in middle school for petty theft, but he did commit a serious crime, assault causing death. Sebastian had a grunge against Bella and Rowan because of them both denying him the apparent "honor" of dating him, "Wait. He is so mad at you and Rowan that he would kidnap her?" Bella mumbled, "He's done crazier." as a response. (Back to the Plan) She then explained how close that Sebastian lived towards Rowan and how police have found diaries of fantasies, plots, and descriptive plans to kidnap a girl. As Bella neared the end of all the details, she felt burning tears stinging her face, "Who am I kidding." Bella said sobbing and walking over to her bed and sitting down, "This is the dumbest plan of all time." She buried her face in a pillow soaking the cover with her tears of anger and pain.
Carson walked over to Bella with a look of concern and sympathy painting his face. He then sat down beside her. She looked up, "Sorry." Bella whispered into the pillow.
"Sorry for what?" Carson asked
"I'm sorry for pulling you into this mess. I'm sorry for opening up to you. And I'm sorry for this." She motioned to the board of accusations
"Bella. I know we only just met, but you are pretty cool." Carson didn't know what to say. He'd never approach a girl that he didn't even know well while she was clearly emotional, "And, I wouldn't want to be stuck in a mess like this with anyone else but you." Bella looked up and tossed the pillow to the side,
"You, you really mean that." Bella asked with wide eyes
"Yes, and your plan makes perfect sense. The evidence is there. You have a solid case." He reached out and held her hand. Her breath spiked as he did so, "And, with you're brain and passion. You will find Rowan." The two made eye contact while Bella was holding back tears. Carson let go of her hand and outstretched his arms, "Let it out." Carson smiled. Bella accepted the offer and flung herself into his arms and cried on his shoulder,
"Wow you do cry a lot." Carson said after twenty minutes of them sitting on Bella's bed holding each other.
"Carson?" Bella asked as they separated
"Can you stay the night?"
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