By the time they arrived in Fort Worth, the sun was preparing to sink into the horizon. It was only twenty after six. Dallas and Tana had been silent throughout the duration of the car ride. Tana had pulled a sketchbook out of her duffle bag and got right to work on a half-finished drawing. By the looks of it, it appeared to be John Lennon.
Dallas had no idea how she was able to draw such smooth lines while he jerked the steering wheel every few minutes. He was mostly doing it to get some sort of reaction from her, but it was also partly due to the fact that Dally was just a reckless driver. Tana said nothing. It was like she didn't care that he could crash her car if he really wanted to.
"We're coming up to our first motel," Dallas said finally as he saw the sign on the right, causing Tana to look up from her drawing.
"Good. I have an idea. But I'll need you to do some things for me."
"Oh god," Dally groaned.
"No. It's a good idea. And I'm a master bullshitter."
"So what's your plan, then?" he asked as he pulled off the highway and parked haphazardly in a parking spot.
"Put your sunglasses on." Dallas obliged.
"How is this gonna help us get Sunny in?"
"Because Sunny's gonna be your guide dog. Now give me your ring."
"Hey, this ring is important to me," Dally said.
"Relax. You'll get it back." Dallas reluctantly handed Tana his skull ring, which she slid onto her left ring finger. "Can I borrow your leather jacket?"
"So I can look more like I'm your wife."
"What the fuck—"
"Seriously, you just have to trust me, okay?"
Dallas sighed and removed his jacket and handed it over to the girl in the passenger seat.
"So I'm supposed to be blind, and you're my wife, and Sunny is my guide dog?"
"Yep," Tana replied. Her tone almost suggested that this wasn't the craziest tale she'd ever told.
"You'd better hope those people in there are stupid or this isn't gonna work."
"Trust me, it'll work." Left with no other option, Dallas trusted Tana. "Do I look like a greaser?"
Dallas took in Tana's appearance. She was wearing a long skirt, a white tank top, and his leather jacket. She looked far from being a greaser. And the diamond studs in her ears didn't help.
"Take out your earrings," Dally said. Tana did as she was told and stuffed the earrings into one of the jacket pockets. "Okay, now mess up your hair. It's too neat."
Tana shook out her hair and messed it up as best as she could.
"Do I look like a greaser now?"
Dallas shook his head. "Do you have any pants?" Tana shook her head. "Well, it'll have to do, then."
The two got out of the car, hoping no one saw Dallas had exited from the Driver's side.
"Come on, Sunny," Dallas said. Tana grabbed both of their bags.
"Take my hand," Tana said.
"Are you fuckin' serious?"
"Do you want this to work? Take my damn hand."
Dallas huffed and held his hand out, which Tana took. She tangled their fingers together. Together, the three of them entered the lobby of the motel. Several people, most of them being motel staff, turned to stare at the trio. Tana led Dallas over to the front desk.
"Hello. One room please," Tana said sweetly.
"I'm sorry, but we do not allow animals into the rooms."
"The dog is actually my husband's guide dog. He's blind, you see."
The woman looked from Tana to Dallas.
"Please. We're on our honeymoon," Tana pleaded, jutting her bottom lip out. The whole scenario was completely ridiculous, but the secretary felt a pang of guilt.
"I'm really not allowed to let animals in, but I would feel horrible if I turned you away," she said. "So for just one room... that'll be sixty dollars."
Tana reached into her bag and pulled out seventy and handed it to the lady. "Keep the change."
The secretary smiled to herself and handed Tana a key. "Room ninety-seven. Checkout is at eleven A.M."
"Thank you so much," Tana said, giving the woman a smile. She turned to Dallas, taking his hand in hers again. "Come on, babe."
They started down the hallway and found their room. Once the door to their room closed, they couldn't contain their laughter.
"I was trying so hard not to crack up the entire time," Dallas said. It was the first time they were hearing each other laugh and Tana couldn't deny, she loved the sound of it.
"I know. You should hear some of the fibs I tell at home. I've never come up with any that elaborate before."
"That was awesome."
"Thank you, thank you," Tana said, taking a mocking bow. She stood up straight and shrugged out of the leather jacket. She handed it back to Dallas.
"And the ring," he said.
"Oh, right. Sorry." She slipped the ring off and handed it back to Dally. "So, that ring's important to you, huh? Where'd ya get it?"
"Rolled an old man for it," Dallas said simply. Tana frowned.
"You stole it and it's important to you?"
"Well, it wasn't then. Now, it reminds me of who I used to be. Tough. Cold. Mean."
"What and now you're all soft and sweet, huh?" Tana teased. Dallas just grinned.
"I am who I am, doll."
As they went silent, Tana realized their new predicament.
"Shoot," she said. "There's only one bed."
"Ah," Dally muttered. "Guess you'll have to sleep in the tub or something."
Tana glared at him. "Ha ha."
"Nah, you can have the bed. I'll take the floor."
"Why can't we both have the bed?" Tana asked. "It's a pretty huge bed."
"Well, if you insist." Dallas kicked off his boots and flung himself back onto the bed. Sunny jumped up, lying next to him. "He's not sleeping with us, is he?"
"Yep. Sunny always sleeps with me."
"Oh, glory," Dallas sighed dramatically.
"I'm more concerned about dinner. We haven't eaten since the diner."
Dallas felt his stomach grumble and he sat up.
"Since you got the room, I'll get dinner." Dallas reached into his duffle and pulled out his stack of cash.
"How much of that money did you get illegally?" Tana asked curiously.
"How much of that money was your daddy's?" Dally retorted, making Tana go quiet.
Dallas moved over to the window and threw it open. He tossed one leg over the edge.
"Where are you going?"
"What do you like on your pizza?" Dallas asked.
Tana made a face before she smiled. "Green peppers."
"Any preference in beer?"
"Not that nasty cheap kind."
"I'll get what I can. I'll be back in an hour. You'll have to let me back in through the window, 'kay?"
Tana nodded and Dallas disappeared out the window. She didn't even ask him how he was gonna buy them beer."
An hour later, Tana was putting some final details into her drawing of John Lennon. There came a series of tapping on the window, making Sunny bark lowly.
"Sunny, shh." Tana got up and walked over to the window. Dallas stood there, a large pizza and a six pack of beer in hand. He handed the box and the beer up to Tana and she took them over to the bed before walking back and helping Dallas up. Dally closed and locked the window.
"Wow. What a party," Tana said, opening the pizza box to find a few pieces missing.
"Sorry about that. I was hungry."
Dally took one of the beers out of the package and handed it to Tana. He removed another for himself. The girl watched as he popped the cap off using his belt buckle.
"Learned that from my buddy Two-Bit," he exclaimed happily, clearly proud of himself.
"Impressive, I must admit," she smirked, handing her bottle over. He removed her cap and handed the bottle back. "Thank you." They clinked their bottles together before sitting down on the bed and delving into the pizza and beer.
"Well, happy honeymoon, honey," Dallas said as he laid back, his belly full. Tana shoved the empty pizza box onto the floor. Too tired and too full to fuss with changing into her pajamas. She curled up on the other side of the bed. She was asleep in a matter of seconds.
As her light snores filled the room, Dallas found it hard to fall asleep. He found the girl's abandoned sketchbook on the floor on his side and picked it up. Making sure she was asleep, he began flipping through it. There were a few drawings of Sunny, and there were a few of places he recognized from around Tulsa. The one that surprised him the most was the drawing of a guy he knew.
Marcus Edwards. It looked just like him. The drawing was so surreal, it could have been an actual photo. He knew Marcus to be a real asshole. Dally remembered what Tana had said about drawing things important to her. What was Marcus' significance in her life? Had they dated?
He flipped the page only to find that drawing of John Lennon she'd been working on.
"The Beatles are my favorite," Tana said from beside him. He jumped a mile out of his socks and turned to see she'd been watching him.
"You've got a pretty shitty taste in music, then."
Tana smiled. "What, you don't like British boy bands?"
"It's not that. I just like real music."
"Whatever you say, Winston." Tana rolled over onto her other side, back to him, and fell asleep again. He set the sketchbook on the floor.
"Whatever, Thompson," Dallas said and laid down, finally falling asleep himself.
When morning rolled around, Tana found herself the only one awake. Sunny was curled up, sleeping right next to her. On the other side of her dog lay a sleeping Dallas. She couldn't help but smile as she took him in. The longer she was around him, the more she found herself attracted to him. He wasn't at all what she'd usually be interested in, but she thought it was maybe more his dangerous and unpredictable nature. Everywhere she went with him turned out to be an adventure. This whole thing had been the biggest adventure of her life. She was happy it was with someone who was just as passionate about leaving Tulsa as her.
The only thing on her mind was the fact that she'd eventually have to find her way back home. She had to finish school so she could go to college. Maybe she could go up to Chicago and get away for real. She wanted to go to art school, much to her parents' dismay. She should be going into law or business, continuing the family tradition of being filthy rich and good at hating poor people.
But she wanted to express herself in the way that other artists did. And the only way she could really do that was to get out. Like, really get out. Away from her parents. Away from her friends. Away from Tulsa. The Art Institute of Chicago was her calling.
Tana finally decided to get up and she located her bag. After finding a fresh set of clothes for the day and finding her toiletries, she made her way into the bathroom to take a shower. She felt refreshed to be clean but, upon remembered she'd left her makeup at home, felt weird. She'd never gone without makeup since she had started wearing it in junior high. After getting dressed and throwing her wet hair up into her towel, she exited the bathroom.
"That was probably the quickest shower I've ever known a woman to take," Dallas commented from the bed, where he was laying in just his boxer shorts.
"Oh my god," Tana said, crossing her arms across her chest.
"What? It's Texas. It's hot as hell." Tana huffed. "Surprised you're not wearing makeup."
"I didn't bring any."
"Do we need to go buy you some?"
"Am I really that ugly?" she questioned him, a smug grin on her face.
Dallas just laid there and smirked at her before saying, "Not at all, honey."
"Enough with the pet names. It's weird."
"Well, you are my wife," he joked.
"Yeah, and right after we leave this motel, I want a divorce."
"Yikes. Was our first time really that bad?"
Tana snorted. "Check out's in an hour. If you want a shower, you better take one. I need to figure out what to do with our pizza box. Our garbage can in here is too little."
Dallas got up off the bed and made his way into the bathroom for a shower. While Dally cleaned up, Tana straightened up the room to make it at least a little easier for the maids to clean, even though it was hardly even close to being messy. Tana set both their bags up on to the slightly made bed. Sunny sat patiently waiting for their departure, excited about where they were going to go next.
When Dallas exited the bathroom ten minutes later, it was the first question he asked.
"I've always wanted to go to Phoenix for some reason," Tana commented.
"After that, we should go to Vegas."
"Isn't that where people go to get hitched? And to gamble away their money?"
"Two things on my bucket list," the cowboy winked.
"Oh, brother," she groaned. Dallas sat down on the edge of his bed.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah. Let's go, Sunny."
Dallas slipped on his sunglasses and attached Sunny's leash to his collar. "Let's ditch."
Tana grabbed the bags and the room key and the three of them headed out. She set the keycard on the front desk before they made their way out to Tana's Corvette and climbed in.
"So, Phoenix?"
"Let's go."
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