Part 9: Booger Eaters
Lucilla stares at the two girls wearing pink in front of her with narrowed eyes. Ophelia holds on to Kai's arm tightly as he tries to twist away while Faye stands loyally beside her with crossed arms.
"He," Ophelia states with a tilt in her speech. "Is part of our people now."
"No!" Kai protests, but Faye elbows him in the side.
Lucilla crosses her arms. "You can't just make him follow Aphrodite."
"Yes, we can," Faye responds. "She says that we can have any boy we want. So, we choose Kai because we like his hair."
Jonathan walks over and pushes Ophelia down, breaking her hold on Kai. "Leave my friend alone!"
Kai quickly moves away from the girls to stand behind Lucilla.
Faye pushes Jonathan back, causing him to stumble a few steps. "You leave my friend alone!"
Lucilla's eyes widen, and she turns to see if the teachers are watching them. "Guys! You're going to get in trouble!"
"Yeah!" Ophelia says, standing up. "You're going to get us in trouble, booger eater!"
Jonathan points his finger at Ophelia. "No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!" Faye yells back.
"You two are the boogie-eating terrors! You eat so many boogies that your hair will turn green!" Kai yells at the girls.
The two girls gasp before running at Kai and pushing him down. Jonathan runs after the girls to push them back.
"Psyche! Help us!" Lucilla screams.
Psyche turns her attention from Kit's bed by closing her eyes. She lets herself be sucked into the robot behind the bed to flow out of the dinosaur in Lucilla's arms.
"Five-year-olds," she mutters, watching everyone push each other. Well, apart from Lucilla, who just screams at them to stop. She extends her hand to release calm energy from her palm.
The small group takes a few moments to reach a calm state.
What happened?
"Aphrodite's followers were trying to take Kai to become one of their boyfriends!" Lucilla gushes. "We were super scared. And then everyone started pushing each other and calling each other booger eaters. And I don't want anyone to go to sit on the wall during recess! I hate time out!"
Ophelia and Faye look at one another while Kai and Jonathan sigh in relief.
"Thank you for helping, Psyche," Kai whispers before falling to his knees.
Psyche's response becomes stuck in her throat as a bright light shines behind Ophelia and Faye. A curvaceous blonde goddess walks through the light and stands behind the girls, crossing her arms.
"Hello, Psyche," Aphrodite smirks. "Do you like my new followers? I believe they were yours once."
Psyche thanks Zeus for the veil between them and the living. She would hate for her young followers to see her so shocked and... well, scared.
Psyche and her mother-in-law have never been on the best of terms.
"Hello, Mother," Psyche responds, proudly watching the corners of Aphrodite's mouth twitch in annoyance. "They seem like lovely girls. I just wish they weren't forcing my follower to go with them."
Lucilla clutches tightly onto her dinosaur as she looks around her. "Psyche, are you feeling okay?"
The other four children glance at each other quickly before running away in fear. Lucilla pauses and looks at her friends running away. Something did not feel right in this part of the playground anymore. She clutches tightly onto her dinosaur and runs away. On her way, she brushes past Enzio. Stoic and ever-constant, his long bangs blowback from his face as the unnatural wind rushes past him.
Aphrodite rolls her head from side to side as her arms drop down from their previous position. Psyche closes her eyes for a moment. The sound of a steady beep meets her eats. She can see Gene smiling as one of the physical therapists helps Kit transfer to a wheelchair. Psyche opens her eyes to meet Aphrodite's frosty blue eyes and smirk.
"You're really stretching yourself thin over these ones," Aphrodite comments, looking down at her nails. "I wasn't going to involve myself when those girls approached me, but then they mentioned how Psyche was mean to them. It surprised me."
Psyche tilts her head. "That I can be mean?"
"Oh no, darling," Aphrodite laughs, touching her chest. "That you were able to find followers! No one has seen you in so long. And, after your last ones scattered so quickly when you disappeared. My poor Eros didn't know what to do, and—"
"I'm sure," Psyche jumped in, trying to stop her from talking further about Eros. She didn't need to hear more about him. "My time in the abyss scared me as well. Janus told me there were rumors I passed on."
"Oh, that two face? I'm sure he doesn't know front from back sometimes," Aphrodite waves the comment away. "And you are too young of a goddess to pass on."
Psyche nods. "That's true. It is so wonderful that elder—"
Aphrodite provides a slight glare before cutting her off. "Do you have any theories about how you got stuck in the abyss?"
Psyche shrugs. "Not really. I've been busy," she motions towards the playground where the children run around.
"Yes, yes," Aphrodite agrees. "They are very," she pauses while scrunching her nose. "Active. Aren't they?"
"They are," Psyche chuckles.
Aphrodite crosses her arms and takes a step closer to Psyche. "Well, I think you should talk to Persephone about the abyss. A goddess stuck in darkness—"
"A what?" Persephone's voice calls out, making the two women turn around and see only trees and a fence. "Down here." The two women look down to see Persephone resting on her elbows, smiling up at them from a dark hole. "I thought I should finally join the conversation when I heard my name."
Aphrodite's eyes narrow, and her eyebrows furrow momentarily before she forces a smile. "Oh, Persephone, darling! It is so wonderful for you to join us in the sunlight," she finishes with a wave of her arm and fluttering eyelashes.
Persephone rolls her eyes. "I didn't come here for the company Aphrodite. So, no need for the histrionics."
Psyche chuckles. "Why are you here?"
"Just to say that it wasn't me," Persephone shrugs, pushing her dark hair behind a shoulder. "As she said, I'm already in the darkness. I don't want to put more people in it... Even if they broke my trust in the past."
Psyche winces and nods. "Okay, thank you for letting me know."
The three goddesses become silent as the wind blows past them. Clouds begin to form overhead, and thunder rumbles."
"Looks like our little party isn't making my brother happy," Aphrodite sighs. "I guess we must reconvene this little reunion another time."
They stand awkwardly for a moment, watching the clouds form.
"It could also be because Hades went to visit," Persephone smirks. "Those are never sunny meetings."
Psyche laughs. "I'm sure." She pauses here, collecting her words. "I want both of you to know it doesn't matter who caused my time in the abyss. I'm here now. And I will protect my followers."
The two other goddesses nod. Aphrodite taps her fingers on her arm, staring off towards her followers, running around in pink. The teachers scream something to the children, causing them to head toward the school doors. Persephone moves from the front of her black hole to leaning back as if on a recliner.
"I may need to introduce you to one, Persephone," Psyche whispers.
Persephone nods. "I've seen her string. Just let me know when."
Aphrodite glances between the other two goddesses, becoming increasingly annoyed by the second. The other two don't seem to care that Zeus's hissy fit storm intensifies around them. Lightning strikes a tree behind them, leaving sparkling embers crackling. These minor goddesses really annoy her sometimes.
"Well," Aphrodite huffs. "I guess I will be the one to leave first, then. Until our next meeting." She raises one hand to twinkle her fingers at them before leaving into a golden walkway.
The other two don't acknowledge her farewell. Instead, Persephone considers Psyche for a few minutes.
She looks down and screams, "I'm going to the surface for a minute. Tell Hades he can get over it!" Then, lets herself float out to stand beside Psyche. "You know," she starts. "I think Aphrodite slipped you something and then—"
"It doesn't matter," Psyche shrugs. "I can't do anything about that."
The thunder stops as the rain lightens. Psyche holds out her hand to let the droplets fall through her.
"I'm more concerned about these little ones," Psyche sighs. "Kit might not have much time left." She can feel Persephone nod beside her. "I will tell her about you and how kind you can be. I wouldn't be so bold to ask you to come to the surface again to meet her."
Persephone scoffs. "Times have changed since you've been gone. I can go to the surface now."
Psyche glances at her. "I can see that. Your mother must be pleased."
"To an extent," Persephone shrugs. "But," She looks over her shoulder and down towards the darkness. "I probably should head back now. I've got my own to care for. Let me know when she is ready to meet me."
"Thank you," Psyche whispers, watching Persephone float away.
Persephone shrugs and twiddles her finger in a mock imitation of Aphrodite. Psyche laughs and floats away toward the school.
Suddenly, a flash of white catches her attention as she rounds the corner.
The goddess's metaphorical heart begins to race, and her mind fogs. She turns slowly to her left, facing her curly blonde-haired husband, Eros. His white, feathered wings flap twice before folding onto his back and disappearing. Her golden eyes try to move from his but cannot.
"You managed to make my mother mad again, I hear."
Psyche gasps, and her eyes narrow. "That's what you have to say to me? I've been locked away in the abyss because someone stuck me in a statue—a place you never tried to free me from. A child had to do it, by the way! And, now, have been out here scrambling around with 5-year-olds to stay in this world—and—and your main concern is me upsetting Aphrodite!?!" Psyche screams.
Psyche closes her eyes and opens them, sending flower petals into the wind. She can feel the children's anxiety as their toys rumble in the cubbies. The wind picks up around them.
Eros crosses his arms. "I never said it was a concern. Just a comment." His wife's eyes narrow. "A bad comment?" She nods. "Look, I just didn't think you wanted to see me. I couldn't find you, and when I felt you here—I—I just didn't want to interrupt what you were doing by bringing in our drama."
His arms hang at his side in deflation.
"Our drama," Psyche hisses. "I have only ever done what your mother asked me to. That's how I ended up asleep, so close to death you had to bring me to Zeus, by the way! She probably—no, she did. Aphrodite had to be the one who stuck me in that statue. Then—"
Eros sighs and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "She used a potion from Demetre to cause the vine overgrowth. Then, added a spell so I wouldn't be able to detect you there." Psyche's eyes widen. "I got her to confess by threatening to never see her again. Then, I realized that if you knew this might never want to see me again."
The winds begin to calm.
"I didn't think you wanted to see me," Psyche whispers. "That's why I told Janus not to let you know—"
"Like he could have stopped me. You're my wife. I know your spirit," Eros smirks. "Well, when it isn't covered by my mother."
They stand a few feet apart as the flower petals fall. The toys inside stop moving, and the children settle in their seats. Eros sighs. He glides three steps forward to close the distance and takes Psyche's hands.
"I talked to my mother," Eros whispers. "She won't meddle with you or us anymore. I want you to know I'm sorry for what happened to you. You left the human world to be with me and," he pauses, closing his eyes as if fighting an inner pain she can't feel or touch. "I abandoned you." He squeezes her hands before lightly smiling. "I promise to be a better husband moving forward."
Psyche closes her eyes. Kit's monitor is quiet, and she can't see anyone in the room. She transitions to Lucilla's dinosaur and watches the other children work. Psyche opens her eyes to look at her husband.
"You've set a pretty low bar already," Psyche sighs. "How much better are you talking?"
Eros smirks at her. "My new low will be higher than Olympus."
Psyche scoffs at him before sighing.
"I've missed you, but I can't be with you just yet," Psyche whispers. "I need time to process this."
Eros nods and lets her hands go. "That's fair. Part of love is patience. Shall we meet here again tomorrow?" Psyche shakes her head. "You would rather meet tonight? How daring!"
Psyche presses her lips together, willing herself not to smile at his teasing. "Just go."
She pushes him, causing Eros's wings to materialize again. He smiles down at her as Psyche turns to float into the school.
Once safely away from her husband, she lets a smile bloom. Eros still loves her. But she couldn't begin to heal there. Not yet. She needs time with herself. Time with her followers. Psyche has a duty to her little priestess, and she refuses to let her down.
She must ensure someone other than Eros will look for her if Aphrodite changes her mind.
Eros hovers outside the school where Psyche left him a few minutes before. He places a fist to his chin in thought. His wings flap softly, sending flower petals and white feathers to scatter on the ground.
"That could have gone better," he muses. "Perhaps, I should have brought out the dolphins? They could have done a show to represent our love." The image of fifty dolphins spinning in unison and creating random hearts in the air fills his mind. "No—too much."
He paces a bit before stopping. A slow smile forms on his lips, "I know." Then, Eros flies away.
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