Part 11: Compromise
Psyche's breath comes out in small pants. The pain in the room reverberates off the walls, suffocating her.
Gene cries over her daughter's body. Kit's older brother stands to the side. Damian's blonde hair falls forward to cover his eyes as he holds his sister's hands with silent tears falling down. Kit's father, a man no taller than 5'10, stands steady behind the two. He has a hand on each shoulder, squeezing rhythmically while staring through the wall before him. Each one mourns. Each one is different.
The goddess closes her eyes on the scene, quickly passing through each child's toy. Finding solace in knowing that others sleep easily during the early morning hours. Dawn would be breaking soon.
"I can't tell them yet," Psyche whispers, opening her eyes.
Bright golden threads shoot out of Kit's lifeless body on the bed. The golden lines thicken and spin above her like a flower bud before falling open. The golden threads widen, and suction cups appear on them. The octopus-like legs pulse to move in the room, latching onto objects. They pulsate, loosening and tensing around the things for a few moments before Kit's spirit lifts from her body. Her blonde hair sways slightly while exiting her body, causing sparkles to flutter on top of her grieving mother.
Gene's voice hitches, and her sobs seem to ease momentarily. She hugs her daughter's body tightly.
"You fought so hard. I'm so proud of you," Gene whispers.
Kit's spirit sits up and blinks its eyes. The ghost smiles at Gene and rests a hand on her head.
"I'm okay," Kit's spirit whispers. "You always have me with you." She touches the cords that connect her to her family with a soft smile. "Psyche, will she be okay?"
Psyche nods. "Yes, with time." The goddess walks over to Kit, extending her hand. The girl takes it and steps off a slab that neither can see, but both seem aware of its existence. "I will watch over them like you asked me to."
Kit wraps her arms around Psyche, hugging her tightly. "Thank you," she whispers. "What about my friends? Will they be okay?"
Psyche nods as they walk through the closed door, leaving the pulsing golden legs to rest with her body. The hallway is busy with staff walking past. A nurse stands outside whispering with the medical staff.
"I've already started some of the paperwork," the nurse says as Psyche and Kit's spirit walk past her. "We don't need to make this even more difficult for them. Has anyone—"
The goddess guides Kit away with a steady hand. They keep walking in silence through the hall towards the elevator.
"Usually, I would float away. But, I don't want to scare you," Psyche comments.
Kit shrugs. "Knowing you is why I'm not scared right now."
Psyche stops and turns to the blonde girl. She kneels down and brings her into a tight hug. Kit returns the pressure, closing her eyes tightly. A wave of peace washes over them and through the hall.
Nurses walking past seem to slow their pace. A mother's pacing outside of room 1232 stops.
Kit opens her eyes. Three rooms down, she sees a boy with brown hair walk through the closed door of a room. She could tell from the slight sparkle of his skin that he wasn't with the living anymore.
The boy's hands clap together in front of a red and blue pajama set he has on. His dark brown hair covers his eyes as he stares at the floor. Kit watches as his shoulders begin to shake.
"Psyche," Kit whispers. "Look."
Psyche releases Kit and turns to see the boy. She sighs deeply before rising to her feet.
"Come along, Kit," she says. "We may have more to take with us to Persephone."
Kit nods, and the two walk toward the boy. Psyche and Kit each offer the boy a hand, which he readily takes.
"Were you sick too?" He asks Kit as they walk to the elevators.
"Yeah, I was over in 1212," Kit nods, motioning behind them. "I wasn't leaving my room much near the end. My name is Kit."
"My name is David," he smiles up at her. "I'm just so happy I don't have to do this alone. My mommy and daddy were crying so loud. I didn't know if I could leave them."
Psyche squeezes the boy's hand. "I will go visit them after we see Persephone, okay?"
David nods. "Will that make them feel better?"
Kit laughs. "It will! Psyche is the best at making people feel better!" The little girl beams up at the goddess. "She is the only reason I kept smiling."
The brown-haired boy looks up at Psyche in wonder. "What are you?"
"I'm a goddess," she smiles. "And I'm taking you to a different one who will be with you next."
The boy nods, and the trio continues their journey. Psyche guides them into an elevator and presses a round button with a "U."
"Is she nice?" David asks.
Kit nods enthusiastically while Psyche shrugs. He looks between them in confusion.
"Don't listen to her," Kit smiles. "I met Persephone, and she was really nice. I wouldn't be surprised if she has games and cookies waiting for us."
"Cookies!" David gleefully cheers. "It's been months since I've been able to eat a cookie!"
"Puree?" Kit asks with a scrunch of her nose.
David shakes his head. "That wasn't good for me. They said I can only have some small amounts of chocolate if I wanted." He lifts up his shirt and looks down at his stomach. His eyes widen as he touches it. "The button is gone! I had a little button for the tube here." He points at his stomach.
Kit leans over to give him a side hug. "Guess you're all good now!"
The elevator stops. A soft ding sounds as the door slide open, revealing a dark hallway. Psyche's eyebrows go together. She glances down at the children, who unconsciously take a step closer to her, staring wide-eyed into the darkness.
Psyche steps forward, and the two children squeak, grasping at her dress. She stops and turns to them.
"It's okay." She uses her hands to release their grip on her dress. "I will go first, and you will see nothing is to fear."
The two children nod their heads. Psyche turns back to the darkness and steps forward, hoping Persephone is only playing a warped trick, born from too much time alone in this place. Correction, with Hades in this place.
Two lanterns flicker beside her before igniting with a soft click, two by two, down a wide gravel lane. Psyche walks to the right and leans over to see a stream rushing beneath the walkway. Unlike her last visit to the underworld, no souls stare back at her.
On the other side of the stream, Psyche can barely see the shadowy carvings of the cave. This looks like the right place.
Psyche turns back to the children and offers a hand out to them. They rush forward, and the small group continues on their journey.
"I thought Persephone would be here to welcome us," Kit whispers.
Psyche smiles down at the girl. "She is probably just ahead."
They walk for what seems like hours. The lanterns and walkways appear to eternally repeat in front of them. Tension begins to grow in Psyche's chest.
Could this be another trick? Another way to get her stuck in darkness? The only mercy is that this time she wouldn't be alone.
Perhaps, Psyche should have been nicer to Eros when she had the chance. Then, he would feel some motivation to venture down here to find her. But, there is little Psyche can do against Persephone and Hades.
Maybe she could send some petals along the river as a sign? Eventually, they would reach the surface.
Or leave the children here and run back to the elevator? No, that is hardly an option. Psyche couldn't risk the children falling into the water. Plus, if they make it. They wouldn't have any coins for the ferry. She must protect them until they pass to the underworld.
A small light emerges in the middle of the lane. Kit lets out a breath and tugs on Psyche's hand. "Look!"
"I see," Psyche smiles. "We must almost be there."
The children cheer beside Psyche and take off running ahead of her. Psyche rises slightly off the ground to float behind them.
The light in the middle of the lane slowly takes a rectangular shape. It takes Psyche a few moments to realize that the light is an open doorway. Finally, a room at the end of the walkway.
"Persephone is probably inside there," Psyche whispers as they get closer. "We shouldn't keep her waiting."
David and Kit nod their heads. The three slowdown until they stop outside of the door way. The light shines so brightly from inside that they can't decipher details about what lies on the other side.
Psyche glances down at the children, staring up at her. They would walk inside if she did. Psyche takes a deep breath and lets go of the children's hands. She steps inside.
The feeling of warmth envelops her, destroying any tension or anxiety within her. Psyche looks back to see Kit and David walking in, holding hands.
"You finally made it!" Persephone cheers, running towards them. "I was so worried. Hades doesn't like it when I welcome new guests anymore. He says we have to," Persephone forms quotation marks around the next word, "'compromise,'" dropping her fingers with a roll of her eyes. "On our ideas of what the underworld should be."
Psyche glances around the beige room filled with welcoming couches, flowers in vases, paintings on the wall, and even a small TV in the corner. She feels the children run past her to the TV. A small table appears in front of the TV with a plate of cookies and two cups of juice.
"I like it," Psyche whispers.
Persephone smilingly shrugs while waving the compliment away with her hand. "It's amazing what a few thousand years of marriage can do to change a man." She sighs. "Anyway, this is just the welcoming center. I will take them from here to the underworld."
Psyche opens her mouth to speak, but Persephone holds up a hand.
"Don't worry, I won't throw them into the river. As you saw, we got the souls out. Now, they will have an eternity of peace," Persephone smiles. "We even have a playground and—"
"Playground!" Kit screeches, running back to them. "Are there other kids to play with?"
Persephone nods.
"Will we—"
Persephone holds up a hand to stop the young girl. "I will show you in just a moment. Plus, I have a very special surprise for both of you." Persephone looks between Kit and David with a smile. "Now say farewell to Psyche for now. She needs to go take care of the living."
Psyche squats down to give each child a long hug. "Take care. I will be down to visit."
Kit shakes her head. "Don't worry about us. We will be okay. Persephone will watch us now." She pauses, biting her lip. "But, will you watch after my new little brother or sister? Aphrodite says my mom is going to have more babies."
Psyche gasps. "Aphrodite visited you?"
Kit nods. "Yeah, after the two of you left me the other day."
"Oh," Psyche smiles and nods, brushing a piece of hair behind Kit's ear. "Well, of course, I will. Your family will be okay."
"Thank you, Psyche!" Kit gushes, throwing herself at the goddess to give her another hug.
Psyche hugs the girly tightly, letting her tears disappear into her blonde hair. She reluctantly releases her and rises to her feet. "Well, I will be off now."
Persephone offers her hands to the two children who take them. Psyche provides the three one last smile before leaving the underworld's welcome center. The lanterns turn off two by two behind her as she returns to the elevator.
Psyche protected Kit until the end. She has done part one of her mission. Now, she needs to let Lucilla and the others know. And, as promised, make sure David and Kit's families are okay.
Persephone swings her hands, fingers entwined with Kit and David, as she walks towards the back right corner of the room. A blue door materializes before them that opens automatically when Persephone stands before it.
The three walk through, revealing a playground in a lush green field. Kit and David look up at Persephone in wonder before running away. The goddess waves them off as they make friends with other children.
This joy is their eternity.
Persephone walks through the field before turning to reveal another door. She opens it and enters a dark study. Persephone turns the desk lamp on.
The three-headed dog stirs slightly somewhere to her right, and Persephone smiles softly.
"More souls are happy," Persephone whispers.
"That's good to hear, wife," Hades says from behind her making Persephone jump and turn.
His curly black hair bounces slightly above his shoulders as he moves toward her. A smile is partly hidden behind the dark mustache and beard that covers his face.
Persephone waits for him to get close before placing a hand on his face. "You need to do something about this facial hair. It has gotten out of control again."
Hades shrugs. "Did you have fun playing on the surface again?"
Persephone smiles and provides him with a wink. "You know I did. Do you want to meet our new inhabitants?"
Hades shakes his head and walks away. "That's too cheerful for me. And, dare I say, social?" He pauses to wink at her. "Have fun. I might go play with the tortured souls if I get bored."
Persephone shudders, watching her husband disappear into the darkness. Marriage is all about compromise.
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