Part 10: All the goddesses
Gene holds her daughter's hand tightly, listening to the monitor. She falls asleep quickly these days. Doctors, nurses, and therapists filter through the door to check. Sometimes Kit is ready to go; other times, she isn't. No matter, the poison still drips. The tumor still wrecks her. Her beautiful hair is gone. Small tufts of hair poking out in random places. A scar down the center of her head from where they tried to remove everything and thought they did. Until the next MRI showed, it was back. Now, they are trying chemo—and she's so weak. And—
A ball tightens in Gene's chest, and then, peace. The woman smirks and almost scoffs at the feelings. Kit would say Psyche did it, pointing incessantly at a printed picture of the goddess on a communication board her speech therapist left in the room.
"Sigh," Kit would whisper. "Sigh-ee."
"Psyche." Gene would have to inform the new ones who came through the door.
The woman's tired eyes transition to the glowing golden eyes of the robot behind her daughter's bed. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to talk to that thing. After all, it could be true.
"Psyche," Gene whispers. "You better be taking care of her dreams."
Nothing happens.
"Kit believes, and that's good enough for me. I want her to be happy. I want her to feel calm and—"Gene's voice breaks as tears form in the corner of her eyes. "I just want her. I want my baby girl."
Sobs shake the woman's body, and she looks at her daughter in fear. Kit can't see her likes this. So, Gene quickly gathers herself in a tight hug and leaves to stand in the hall. One of the nurses would be there to hug her. See if Gene finally wants to speak to someone. Maybe today Gene would agree. After all, she just pleaded with a robot.
A soft click sounds as the door closes behind Gene. Psyche materializes in the room beside the chair Gene just sat in. She walks over and places a hand on Kit. The girl moves slightly in her bed before smiling. Psyche provides joy and calmness within the girl's spirit before sitting down.
Six months, Psyche whispers to Kit. We've been here for six months. And I still won't leave.
Kit murmurs something, and Psyche smiles.
They're doing well. Everyone misses you, but they're practicing their dances. I know you're going to love it.
Kit's eyes flutter slightly open. She sees the glittering outline and smiles.
"Sigh-ee," she whispers.
Psyche leans forward and places one hand on her arm. The two just sit for a few moments, then Psyche leans back.
Lucilla wants me to tell you she has made peace with Aphrodite's girls at school.
Kit smiles at this. Her mouth moves. Psyche waits patiently, watching her closely.
No, no one got in trouble. Kai didn't even have to marry anyone.
Kit giggles at this. She makes a kissy face, and Psyche laughs.
I'm not telling Lucilla that!
Kit yawns, making Psyche pause, considering the young girl. Then, Psyche moves her arm in a large arc, causing green spirals of light to fill the room. Kit giggles in her bed.
The green spirals expand to form little universes. Then, shooting stars fly through them, sending tiny glittering sparks onto Kit. The young girl turns one of her palms over to catch the spark. She clutches it and closes her eyes. Psyche watches her mouth moving and smiles. Kit opens her eyes to stare at Psyche.
Don't worry. I won't ever tell them your wish. Psyche bites her lip before speaking again. Are you ready to meet Persephone?
Kit nods, and Psyche sighs. She knew this day would come.
Psyche closes her eyes and whispers, "Persephone, she is ready to meet you."
A dark hole forms on the wall, and Persephone walks through. Her dark purple robe moves around her without wind.
Hello, Persephone smiles, allowing her form to sparkle beside Kit's bed. I hear that we are going to be fabulous friends.
Kit giggles and nods. She pushes herself slightly to turn towards Persephone, then motions to the room.
I see! Psyche has been so gracious with the entertainment. Persephone throws her hands up in the air. You're going to find out that I'm the boring one.
Psyche rolls her eyes and sends a green spiral through Persephone. Kit giggles, watching Persephone pretend to be hurt. After a moment, Persephone moves closer to Kit and leans down.
Now, down to business. Do you have any questions for me? Persephone watches Kit's mouth move and continues to attend to her even when the young girl seems to be in thought. Kit appears to give up and shrugs. No, don't apologize to me. I think I got most of it. And it is okay to be afraid. But do you see this thread?
Persephone holds up a thread that connects to Kit and extends out towards the hall. Kit nods her head and then turns to Psyche.
Psyche nods. I see it. Persephone will explain.
This is your thread, Persephone whispers. It connects your spirit to everyone you love. Death nor gods can destroy it. Not even goddesses. She finishes with a wink.
Kit's mouth opens in shock. She turns to Psyche again, and the goddess nods.
Yes, Psyche affirms. It connects you to your mother and friends. They will always be close to you, and you to them.
Kit leans back against her pillow and smiles. "Thank you," she whispers to the goddesses.
You're welcome. Now, I better go. I can feel Hades getting snippy about me being gone for so long. Persephone backs away from the bed. Please don't hurry to see me, Kit.
Kit nods her head and waves toward the wall. She turns to Psyche with wide eyes and points to the wall, mouthing, "Wow." Psyche laughs and nods her head.
The young girl settles on the bed with heavy eyes, watching the green spirals and sparks fly through the room. Kit's eyelashes flutter close as the door clicks open to reveal a tired Gene.
The mother startles for a moment. She must be tired. Because, just for a moment, she saw the glittery figure of a woman and shooting stars in her daughter's room. Then, with an eye rub, they were gone.
Gene walks over to the couch beside the window and goes about making it into her bed for the night. She can hear Kit's steady breath behind her as she lies down. The mother turns and watches her child sleep, burning it into her memory. Praying to whatever deity existed to save her baby girl.
A bright light forms in the doorway, and Aphrodite steps through. She walks over to Kit's bedside with crossed arms.
"You know," Aphrodite smirks down at the girl. "I usually only come to these places to cause trouble. But..." her head bobbles back and forth. "My son says I need to start making up for the past. So, I guess I can be good today."
Aphrodite glides through the bed over to Gene. She hovers over the woman placing a hand on her stomach. A small light glows, growing into a small ball before disappearing within the woman. Aphrodite smiles lightly at the woman, a facial expression between envy and pity.
The goddess turns back to Kit. She jumps to hover directly above the girl. Aphrodite scans the sleeping girl's face. Her smile is now sorrowful, twitching slightly at the edges with emotion. She places a small kiss on her forehead.
You don't need to worry about them now. Your mother is going to have more children. Psyche will be okay. She will watch over your friends and find happiness again. Just let go. Persephone is waiting.
Aphrodite floats to the foot of the bed.
The beeping on the monitor changes in rhythm as her heart rate increases, and the faintest sign of rattle forms in Kit's throat.
Then, another goddess somberly disappears from the child's room.
Kai sits on a swing. His legs push lightly, causing him to twirl in half circles. Behind him, he can hear Jonathan practicing part of the dance routine with Chloe.
"Psyche," Kai whispers. "Thank you for helping me with those Aphrodite girls."
He lets his shoe make a path in the pebbles below his feet. A sudden jolt on the swing makes Kai's eyes fly up to meet Enzio's. A small smile forms on his lips.
"Hey," Enzio smiles back. "Can I swing with you?"
Kai nods. "Wanna see who can swing the highest?"
The two boys hold on tightly and back up on the swings. They run as fast as they can and begin to swing, pushing their legs against the ground anytime they get close to it. Air rushes through their hair as they laugh.
"Time to go in!" Ms. Anya calls.
Kai and Enzio use their feet as anchors to slow down before getting off the swings. They both take their time brushing dirt off their green pants.
"Do you think Kit is okay?" Kai asks after a moment.
Enzio nods. "Yeah, I think she's got a lot of people watching over her. Do you want a feather I found?" Enzio pulls a white feather from his back pocket.
Kai's eyebrows go together, and he laughs. "You find these a lot lately."
Enzio shrugs and waves a hand. "I'm just lucky. Let's hurry so we aren't last!"
The two boys run towards the school with a few classmates behind them while Eros watches from above.
Eros glances over to the reader and points a thumb at himself. "I'm a good husband!"
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