The Final Battle
This was it, the showdown.
Mario: Everyone ready?
Cappy: I know I am, Mario! You're gonna win this!
Fluttershy: Dashie...?
Like usual, the castle was big and scary, the girls hesitated.
Applejack: Is this was Rainbow Dash goes through while she's playing them games?
Mario: What do you think?
Applejack: Uh...maybe?
Rarity: Ugh, this much heat will ruin my hair!
Fluttershy: This place is scary...and big. How're we gonna find Dashie?
Mario: Luigi and I know Bowser's castle so well, we have all of the directions memorized. Just leave it to us!
Twilight: ...Okay.
Mario and Luigi guided the girls through the castle, it was scorching hot with all that lava. Fluttershy nearly fell into the lava, Pinkie pulled her back up.
Pinkie: Watch your step!
Fluttershy: O-Okay...
Soon, they all came across a large door, it slowly opened. Applejack felt her heart racing. Would Rainbow Dash be okay?
Sunset: You okay, Applejack?
Applejack: Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm just nervous.
Fluttershy: Me too.
Slowly, everyone stepped in, the door closed behind them. Fireballs began shooting towards them.
Applejack: Duck!
Pinkie: Duck? Where?
Twilight pulled Pinkie down, everyone crawled the rest of the way. When it was all over, shutters came down where they came from, they were locked in.
Fluttershy: *Gasp!* Is this a trap?
Bowser suddenly appeared, everyone freaked out.
Bowser: No, you're just stuck in here until you defeat me! Like that'll ever happen...I still haven't found out how your friend's necklace works!
Twilight: Geode.
Bowser: Whatever, let's fight.
An epic fight started, Bowser breathed fire right towards everyone. Rarity shielded everyone from it.
Rarity: How do we defeat him?
Mario: See that button over there?
Applejack: Sure, why?
Mario: That button will cause the bridge to collapse. Let's just avoid Bowser for now and try to get there.
Twilight: Okay, we can do that.
Bowser: What's the matter? Are you little girls to scared to fight me?
Applejack punched Bowser in the stomach with her strength.
Sunset: Nice move, Applejack!
Applejack: Thanks!
Everyone hurried to the end of the bridge, they waited until everyone was present and Pinkie jumped on the button. The bridge collapsed and Bowser fell.
Twilight: That was...easier than I thought!
Pinkie: Yay! Now let's go save Dashie!
?: Don't get your hopes up yet!
Kamek flew above them!
Kamek: Once I'm through, you little girls will never see your friend again!
He started flying in circles while waving his wand, the ground began to shake.
Applejack: W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What-t-t the-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e h-h-h-h-h-h-hay is-s-s-s-s h-h-h-h-a-a-a-app-p-p-p-p-p-p-pening?
Pinkie: I-I-I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-d-d-do-o-o-o-on't kn-n-n-n-n-no-o-o-ow-w-w-w. It's ma-a-a-a-a-ak-k-k-k-k-king our vo-o-o-o-oices so-o-o-o-ound s-s-s-s-so-o-o-o-o-o- si-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-lly!!!
That was when it was revealed, Bowser had grown into a monstrous size.
Bowser: This isn't over yet, dweebs!
He started attacking and the castle began to collapse. The girls ponied up.
Sunset: We can't leave without Rainbow Dash! Twilight! You, Pinkie, and Applejack go find Rainbow Dash! We'll hold him off!
Twilight and the other two went to search for Rainbow Dash.
Applejack: Rainbow Dash! Where are you?
Suddenly, they heard Rainbow Dash crying uncontrollably, they followed the sound of her voice. By the time they found her, the lava was already close to her feet.
Rainbow: G-G-Guys?
Pinkie: Yay! We found you!
Rainbow: G-G-Get me outta here!
Applejack: ...I could try and break the chains...but *shudders* I don't wanna think about the result!
Pinkie: Ooh! Something shiny!
Pinkie found something gold on the floor, Twilight took a look at it, it was a key. Perhaps it would unlock the chains. She flew up to Rainbow Dash and held onto her waist.
Twilight: Hang on tight, Rainbow.
Rainbow: O-Okay...
Carefully, she unlock the chains, freeing Rainbow Dash. She carried her to safety.
Pinkie: Dashie!
At the same time, all the noise stopped. The sweet sound of victory.
Twilight: I think we won!
Pinkie: We won!
Applejack hugged Rainbow Dash tightly.
Applejack: You alright?
Rainbow: You guys have no idea how happy I am to see you! *sob* It was a nightmare!
Everyone else found them.
Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash! You're okay!
All the girls got into a group hug, they gave Rainbow Dash her geode back. They had reclaimed it in the process. Rainbow Dash was sobbing bitterly. Applejack cradled her girlfriend in her arms.
Rainbow: *sniff* Did I miss out on anything?
Sunset: No, you're good.
Rainbow Dash buried her face in Applejack's chest.
Rainbow: *sob* *sniff* You*sob*
Applejack: Now, now, Rainbow Dash, you're safe now, there's no need to cry. Shh...Relax.
Mario: Another successful battle!
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