The All School Social
Finally, the day of the All School Social arrived! It would be a blast!
Rainbow: I'm a little nervous about my solo, but mostly excited!
Twilight: What song are you gonna sing?
Rainbow: I'll be singing "I'll Fly!" One of my favorite songs! Of course, I'll perform with you guys right before. But, Trixie and the Illusions are going first which really stinks.
Applejack: At least that'll give us time to practice.
The All School Social began. Pinkie participated in some kind of donut-eating contest, she won but after that, she was puking donuts out for 20 minutes. Rarity got her face painted, the design was a butterfly. Twilight was reading stories to the little kids. Rainbow Dash practiced playing her guitar for her solo. Fluttershy spent some time in the petting zoo. Soon, the concert began, like Rainbow Dash mentioned, Trixie and the Illusions were up first.
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
And I captivate
'Cause I'm powerful and great
Oh, whoa, oh-oh-oh-oh
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
See me dominate
'Cause I'm powerful and great
Oh, whoa, oh-oh-oh-oh
You think you've got what it takes to go toe to toe?
I've got more moves than you'll ever know
I own the stage,
I'm all the rage
You're from the past,
I'm from the Space Age
Come on, you're just making noise
Listen how my music destroys
Anything you throw at me
I'm gonna throw back,
Just wait and see
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
And I captivate
'Cause I'm powerful and great
Oh, whoa, oh-oh-oh-oh
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
See me dominate
'Cause I'm powerful and great
I'm here to take you down a peg
Oh, whoa, oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh-oh
By the time I'm done,
You're gonna beg
Oh, whoa, oh-whoa-oh-whoa-oh-oh
To be in my band,
Application rejected!
Don't look so sad and so dejected
And so dejected
Don't mean to brag,
Don't mean to boast
But I'm a six-course meal and you're just burnt toast
Think I'm gonna ever give up?
No, never, ever, ever, ever!
Come on, you're just making noise
Listen how my music destroys
Anything you throw at me
I'm gonna throw back,
Just wait and see
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
And I captivate
'Cause I'm powerful and great
Oh, whoa, oh-oh-oh-oh
Ya better believe
I got tricks up my sleeve
See me dominate
'Cause I'm powerful and great!
Up next was Flash Sentry.
Flash: First of all, I wanna dedicate this song to a good friend of mine, Sunset Shimmer. Could you come up here?
Sunset blushed and got on stage.
Pinkie: Aww...Isn't that cute?
Flash started to sing.
Leading Ladies
I'm Happy Where I Stand
Cause you're the superstars
And I'm the super fan yeah
You're my heroes
You got the master plan
So Into You
I'm just here to
Cheer you on
Someone you can count on
I Live to cheer you o-o-on
The Supporting Man in your world
All for Equestria Girls
Girls girls girls girls (Yeah)
All for Equestria Girls
Girls girls girls girls (Yeah)
If I could be the wind under your wings
To watch you soar
So high makes my heart sing
You Don't have to ask
I'd do anything
So into you
I'm just here to
Cheer you on
Magnificent and strong
Someone you can count on-o-o-on
The supporting man in your world
All for Equestria Girls
Haters gonna hate
He know where he stands
They Wish they could be
An Equestria Man
He is the one
He'll never be fake
Friendship forever
Bounds you don't break
F is for freedom
R is for real
I is inspired
E- Equestria yeah
N never ending
D is for dreaming
Don't stop believing
He'll always be there
I'm just here to
Cheer you on
Someone you can count on (Yeah)
I live to cheer you o-o-o-on
The supporting man in your world
All for Equestria Girls
Girls girls girls girls
Someone you can count on-o-o-on
The supporting man in your world
All for Equestria Girls
Rainbow: That's so cute.
Pinkie (whispering): Dashie has a soft side.
Rainbow Dash and Applejack glanced at each other and smiled. Soon, the Rainbooms were up next. They sung a very meaningful song.
Once upon a time,
You came into my world and made the stars align
Now I can see the signs,
You pick me up
When I get down
So I can shine
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
Friends, you are in my life
And you can count on me to be there by your side
And when the music comes alive,
You sing us songs to lift us up so we can shine
And the sound that we hear in our hearts
Makes a crescendo
And the light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
Together we stand
As the rain begins to fall
And holdin' our heads up high
As the sun shines through it all
And the sound that we hear in our hearts
Makes a crescendo
And the light that ignites in the dark
It makes us all glow
And shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
Shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
We shine like rainbows
Then, it finally came, Rainbow Dash's solo. Everyone except her left the stage.
Rainbow: Hey, guys! You're probably wondering why I'm still on stage, right? I'm gonna be singing a solo and I think you're gonna love it. But first, I'm gonna do a piano solo.
She sat down at the piano and began to play. The audience adored her piano playing, they didn't know she was that good. The song she played was "Crystal Rose" by Rebecca Yang. (Remember, she deserves the credit!)
(Listen to the song before moving on, you'll love it!)
The audience clapped and cheered once she finished.
Pinkie: Yay, Dashie!
Rainbow: Hehe, thanks guys. I'll be doing my singing solo now, I want to dedicate it to my pet turtle, Tank.
She waved at her friends in the crowd, she put Mario's cap on. She grabbed her guitar and began to sing.
When life gives you lemons
You can make lemonade
But life gave me Tank here
And my choice has long been made
No winter will come to Ponyville
I'll do it on my own
I will keep you by my side
So I will not be alone
And I'll fly
And I'll fly until the end of the sky
So I'll be the one who doesn't
Have to say goodbye
I'll clear the skies forever
So we won't be apart
I'll keep the weather warm for you
And the winter will never start
Weather makers, pegasi
You make the seasons in the sky
I don't wanna sabotage you
But you see, I've got to try
No winter can come here now
I'll keep the warmth and the sun somehow
I'm sorry ponies this has to be
For I need my friend and he needs me
I know it's wrong, but what does it matter
As nothing's gonna stop me now
I'll change it all it's only the weather
And nopony's gonna bring me down
I'll keep the sunlight shining free
And I'll bust the clouds apart
So you can stay with me
And I'll fly
And I'll fly until the end of the sky
So I'll be the one who doesn't
Have to say goodbye
I'll clear the skies forever
So we won't be apart
I'll keep the weather warm for you
And the winter will never start
Everyone cheered and clapped for Rainbow Dash, she felt amazing. Her friends joined her on stage and gave her a group hug.
Twilight: That was amazing!
Rainbow: Thanks! After everything I've been through, I wanted to sing this song.
Pinkie: You know what this means?
Fluttershy: What?
Everyone grew excited, summer was finally here and the girls were happy to be home. Rainbow Dash still missed the Mushroom Kingdom though. When she got home, she found a note on her desk. She picked up the note and petted Tank.
Rainbow: Miss me, buddy?
Tank only blinked slowly.
Rainbow: I'll take that as a yes.
She read the note, it said:
Dear Rainbow Dash,
It was quite a shock that you and your friends came into our world. But hey, at least it made the adventure more exciting having you guys around. Hope to see you again soon!
- The Mario Bros.
Rainbow Dash burst into excitement, she was so glad she had something to remember their big adventure.
Rainbow: This has been the best day ever!!!
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