Applejack and Rainbow Dash
(The song above was composed by Rebecca Yang, an amazing composer. The rest of the songs she's composed are all original and amazing! Follow her on MuseScore or subscribe to her on YouTube. She needs the credit. 🙂)
Applejack knocked on the door.
Applejack: Rainbow Dash, it's me, Applejack. Can I come in?
Rainbow (offscreen): *sniff* Yeah.
Applejack quietly walked into the room.
Rainbow: Hi...
Applejack: You okay? Twilight told me that you wanted me.
Rainbow: Yeah, I feel safer with you around, Jackie. Can you make sure no one tries to get me? Especially that big turtle.
Applejack giggled.
Applejack: Sure.
It was quiet for several minutes, then Rainbow Dash broke the silence.
Rainbow: Jackie? Have you ever been in a situation like this?
Applejack: Honestly, no. I mean, come to think of it, I was never paranoid about somethin'.
Rainbow: Same, I think this is the first time I've been. Are you sure no one's gonna get me?
Applejack: Rainbow, you're safe. Ain't nobody gonna getcha, and if they tried, I'm here to stop them. And hey, you won't have anything to worry about when we get back home. We'll be able to perform at the All School Social.
Rainbow: Jackie, we probably missed it.
Applejack: ...C'mere.
Applejack cradled Rainbow Dash in her arms and gently rocked her back and forth, like you would when trying to rock a baby to sleep.
Rainbow: But what if we don't?
Applejack: What do you mean?
Rainbow: I mean, what if we don't make it back home? Will I have to keep living like this? Being kidnapped and rescued a lot.
Applejack: I don't think so, sugarcube. He has no idea how our geodes work, I don't think he'll try and use them again. Plus, we'll find a way to get home, don't you worry about it.
Rainbow: But what if he does find out? He might kidnap all of us and steal our magic. I don't wanna give up my speed, I need it!
Applejack: Rainbow, don't say that. Our magic doesn't work unless we have our geodes on. He won't be able to use it, don't worry.
Rainbow: Are you sure?
Applejack: Don't be silly, I'm telling you the truth. Trust me, it's not gonna happen.
Applejack gave Rainbow Dash a warm smile. Rainbow Dash smiled and rested her head on Applejack's chest.
Rainbow: I guess I'm overreacting, I'm scared, though. I'm just glad I wasn't hurt.
Applejack: That's good, I'm glad we didn't lose you.
Rainbow: Yeah, I feel like when he was trying to torture me, it was totally worthless. He was mostly after my geode. Why would he just take me all together if he wanted my geode?
Applejack: Gosh, that's a good question, Rainbow. I ain't so sure. But the good news is that he didn't get your magic, alright? You're fine, you're still here.
Rainbow Dash smiled, she was feeling a little bit better. The two shared a hug.
Applejack: You're amazing, Rainbow.
Rainbow Dash blushed and giggled.
Rainbow: You say the sweetest things, Jackie. I feel like you're always there for me. You saved me when I almost drowned that day at the beach.
Applejack: Aww, don't mention it. That was no trouble, really.
Rainbow: You sure?
Applejack: I'm sure, sugarcube. I love you.
Rainbow: I love you, too, Jackie. I'm glad to be back with you guys.
Applejack: Me too.
Applejack hugged Rainbow Dash tightly. Eventually, Rainbow Dash drifted off to sleep, Applejack tucked her into bed. She stayed by her side the entire time. Rainbow Dash needed some time away from reality. She really did.
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