Barbara, the once little girl who was afraid of what her shadow was hiding from her, soon blossomed into a charismatic, young, funny lady. She and her brother James declared that they would have a "Prank War Day" once a month, much to their parents' disappointment. However, instead of banning the children's Prank War Day, Fleamont had told his wife that it was a great way for the kids to bond. He explained to her that the best way for them to have a strong relationship to last until their deathbed was to ensure they're doing something they both love doing.
He also promised to clean up after them, which was what made Euphemia agree to it.
Today was the first day of their Prank War; and the twins could not be more excited. The day before, Barbara had gone out with Fleamont while James went out with Euphemia as they searched for their practical jokes. Barbara was taken to Hogsmede in the morning while James, who claimed he needed his "beauty sleep," went there in the afternoon. One store Barbara was adamant about was a Muggle pranking shop, a place she had wanted to go to ever since she was told they were not, in fact, bad people.
She skipped through the store with a smile on her face, ignoring the strange looks she and her father were receiving from their outfit choices. Why would Barbara care if her black and white striped skirt did not go with her plaid shirt? Why would she care if her dad wore a pair of trousers with a woman's shirt? They were going to be seen by the Muggles only for a few hours.
After her gear was paid for (which took about ten minutes because of Fleamont's utter confusion with Muggle money), Barbara and her father returned to the house Barbara had affectionately nicknamed "Potter Palace" because of its grand stature. She, unlike her family and many other Wizards, did not mind apparating. In fact, knowing that there would be a time she could leave a situation in under a second was a dream come true to her.
When she stepped into the house, she knew James would have set up his traps for her while she was gone. She was no stranger to his obsession with pranks. Barbara walked around the house as carefully as she could, knowing that for every prank she fell for gave him a point. She wanted to prove to her brother that, even though she was an amateur, she could still beat him.
Climbing the stairs up to her room was a difficult task. James and Barbara agreed that there would be no dangerous pranks nor would they vandalize anything; so Barbara was not alarmed when she calmly walked to her dresser and pulled out the plans she had created a couple days earlier.
Barbara looked over her plans very carefully. She knew very well that James would take an evening shower and hoped that the Muggle "food dye" product would last much longer in his hair than normal Wizard color-changing hair products. Next, she looked at where she would place the Muggle water balloons, which she silently commended them for making. James would not be expecting Muggle pranks. Finally, she looked at her last Muggle prank, the handheld zapper toy she would put on her hand in order to shock him. The young girl grinned evilly as she turned to her Wizard pranks.
Zonko's was officially her favorite store of all time. Sure, Diagon Alley was a beautiful place full of life and amazing stores, but Zonko's Joke Shop was so interesting to her and captivating like no other place she had been to for the three years she had been away from St. Mungo's. Carefully, she opened the box of supplies she had bought in Zonko's and took out a few of the dungbombs and a nose-biting teacup. Gingerly, she took out a sugar quill for herself and then proceeded to take out some fireworks and a couple inflatable tongues.
Once she had decided where each prank product would go, she tiptoed her way around the house and carefully placed each item where it needed to be. It was perfect timing, too, because she had just heard James and her mother come home. Now, the fun begins...
"Hey, Barbar-AH!" James yelped. There was no doubt in Barbara's mind that he had opened the door to have a couple water balloons dropped on his head. Judging by her mother's laugh, it had missed her.
Barbara openly laughed at her brother as he made his way upstairs only to be greeted with another water balloon that his sister had thrown directly at his face.
There was a whole bucket next to her, which made James realize the only way to win was to steal them from her. He quickly sprinted up the stairs; and before Barbara was able to realize what was happening, James had thrown some at her. Quickly, the prank war turned into a water balloon fight. They forgot about all the items they had hid throughout the house and continuously threw them at each other, creating a pool on the upstairs level.
"Okay— okay— James, truce?" Barbara asked in between laughter. She knew there was no way she would be able to beat him and there would be no way she would allow him to beat her.
"Yeah, yeah truce," James agreed, out of breath from the laughing and sprinting behind objects he had been doing for the past hour," how many of these things do you have anyway?"
"A lot more than I should. I think I convinced Dad to buy around one thousand," Barbara replied.
"Well, I know what we can use about twenty of them for, if you know what I'm thinking."
Barbara smirked, "I think I know exactly what you're thinking if you know what I'm thinking."
"Dinner!" Euphemia Potter shouted from the bottom of the stairs. She had instructed Fleamont to clean up the mess after dinner as to not disturb the twins from their bonding. Fleamont sat at the table ready to eat. He knew it would be a special dinner considering they were celebrating a new monthly, family holiday.
After a couple minutes of impatient foot-tapping, Euphemia sighed and went back into the kitchen only to be greeted by her soaked husband. "Honey, what's going-"
"HI MUM!" The twins yelled jovially as they threw a water balloon at their mother. She laughed at their antics but apparated away before another one could hit her. Fleamont, however, was too stunned to see his children pranking him together to move.
It was like a scene from one of those Muggle horror movies Euphemia had bought for the Muggle TV, which was run on magic. The two of them stood side-by-side, grinning maliciously as the held more water balloons in their hands.
"Oh Merlin..."
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