Chapter Twelve
Chapter 12
On one side Abhiti was lost in her own dilemmas and on the other side Dev was also thinking about what is Abhiti hiding..... He could see that she was really hesitant in revealing her secrets so he knew better than to force her.... Although it really shocked him to see his Angel hesitating in front of him and he felt like shaking her and telling her that he is still the same Dev with whom she used to share every single detail freely but he controlled himself because it was not the right time.... He did promise to make Abhiti realise that just because they are in Dwapar yug doesn't mean things will change between them
Abhiti received an invitation to join the celebration dinner from Kunti and she knew that she couldn't refuse that because she had already refused it yesterday..... But before anything she knew she had to meet a person... She had already sent a secret note to that person to meet in a secret spot so no one can see.... She felt bad for hiding all this from Dev but she felt that right now is not the right time considering the equations currently it is the right thing to do.... She left immediately to meet that person
Person (sarcastically): Finally the great Princess graced me with her presence.... I am so thankful to see you princess otherwise I thought that you have forgotten me or did you actually because I did not receive any letters or any news about you since a month
Abhiti: I am really sorry.... I couldn't send any letters for a month because he is with Bhrata Karna whereas I was at Avanti and it was really difficult to send letters without my brothers noticing.... Also don't act like you were clueless about this situation.... I had already informed you regarding this so you all won't be in any worry
Person: I know I know... It's just that I missed you a lot and I finally met you after 14 years nanhi
Abhiti: I know even I missed you loads.... I had my training and it was impossible for us to meet during that period
Person: I know but till when will we meet like this in secret nanhi??... Even others miss you and want to meet you
Abhiti: Don't worry I will meet them soon too but right now is not the right time....You can't let him know that we are already acquainted with each other... We can meet in secret though
Person: I know I just want this to end soon so we don't have to meet secretly
Abhiti: Don't worry I have some plans... You can relax
Person: You know you have been an angel in our life nanhi... I never want to lose you my sunshine... You have absolutely changed my life for good
Abhiti: You will never lose me because you're an integral part of my life.... And you very well know how protective I am of the ones I love and I will never let them go away from me
Abhiti hugs that person tightly and that person reciprocates
Abhiti: Alright now I need to leave.... There is a feast in some time and I have to be on time.... By the way, she was remembering you... Go meet her soon
Person: I will go visit in a few days... Take care I have got an information from my spy that maybe someone is planning to attack during today's feast
Abhiti: Alright I will take care... Even you take care and tell them I miss them a lot and I will meet them soon
Somewhere two people were seeing this with sad expressions
Woman: I wish we could help her.... She has already suffered a lot in the past
Man: I know dear but we're helpless.... This is her fight and only she can fight it... All we can do is give her support silently..... This is her Mahabharat and it is up to her how events will turn out.... Seeing all this I am damn sure that she has made many changes other than this
Woman: But how and what changes would have happened?
Man: We can't forget that Abhiti in Dwaparyug already had memories of her past 2 lives and knew the whole story of Mahabharat..... We have to wait to see what changes have taken place because of her power she has unknowingly kept it hidden from us
Woman: But is it possible even when she doesn't remember her original identity?
Man: Her soul knows it... It's just that her human mind is not ready to accept that reality... If I just give her a hint she will remember everything but we'll have to wait for the right time.... What I'm afraid right now is her emotions which I can feel like anxiousness, insecurity and the biggest is fear
Woman: But why is she feeling such emotions?
Man: That's the most difficult part dear that all I can feel is her emotions but I can't read what's going on in her mind.... It seems like she hasn't told everything to him and even I don't know it
Woman: What an irony that even after being the supreme Gods we're helpless against destiny..... All we can do is see her suffer
Man: Don't worry about her... Have you forgotten who she is?... She is Shorvi, the Goddess of Bravery.... She will always be able to overcome all the problems that she has.
Woman: I hope so... I don't want her to suffer alone anymore.
Man: She won't suffer alone now... She has found so many people who will always be there for her especially her Dev and never let her suffer any hardships alone.... Even we both will be there for her
Woman: I just hope that all her wishes get fulfilled.
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