Chapter Six
Chapter Six
The next day,
Sahdev's Pov,
I was unable to sleep properly last night after mata dropped a bomb on us by telling us about the promise
Author's pov,
Kunti called the Pandavas to her room after night feast
Yudishthir: Maata you called us??
Kunti: Yes putra do you remember before 16 to 17 yrs a small girl along with Madri's friend came to visit us while we were in forest??
Yudishthir: Yes I don't exactly remember Mata Madri's friend but that little girl stayed with us for a few months so I remember her very well
Bheem: Jyeshth is correct we used to call her doll because she was just like a doll..... I remember she cried so much that she didn't want to leave us due to which her mother allowed her to stay with us for a few months
Kunti: You are right putron.....Even we 3 got so attached to her and she just became our daughter....She was around 6 years at that time
Arjun: Yes mata but why does it matter right now?
Kunti: Well putra it does matter as Madri and Sunanda were childhood best friends and always wanted their children to get married to each other....And when they saw the bond of their children they gave each other a promise that their children will marry each other... Today Madri is not with us but Sunanda has told in her letter vthat she wants to keep her promise at least to honour her best friend and their friendship
Pandavas were shocked to the core and had no words to say anything
Arjun: Who is the girl mata? Does she even know anything about it??
Kunti: You must have seen her today. She is Abhiti, the princess of Avanti and no she has no idea about the promise or anything related to it.....Sunanda wants me to tell it to her
Nakul: Whom did Mata Madri promise to get married to Avanti Princess??
Kunti: It was....
Before she could complete a maid enters
Maid: Pardon me for interrupting but Mahamahim Bhishma has some urgent work with Pandavas and has asked them to meet him in his chambers
She leaves after delivering the message
Kunti: Go sons we will talk later.... Remember no one knows about this except us 6 right now so don't talk about it to anyone or infront of anyone....First of all I will talk with Abhiti tomorrow and then we will decide what will happen next
The Pandavas took their leave but were still in a shock specially someone.... They were shocked as how can their mother take such an important decision of their life when they were just kids but did not utter a single word about it.
Flashback ends
Sahdev's pov,
After that the entire night I had weird dreams about someone called Aariv and Shorvi but I couldn't see their faces but just heard their names and voices
Shorvi: Aariv I am scared I can't imagine myself to be separated from you
Aariv: Shorvi have faith in ur Bhrata Narayan and our love.... Didn't he say that if our love is true than we will meet after crossing all the hurdles and get united
Shorvi: Yes we will.... I have full faith in our love and Bhrata Narayan we will get united after crossing all the hurdles
Aariv: That's the spirit love....We might have to suffer but it will all be worth at the end
Shorvi: You are right my dear....I am so lucky to have you in my life
Dream ends
Sahdev's pov continue,
That was a damn weird dream but somehow it felt as if someone was trying to tell me something through that dream.....It felt as if I had already witnessed that dream.....Today I will have to find out at any cost if she is my angel or not and if she is then what will happen if she is promised to any one of my brother....Damn I will go crazy at this rate if I keep on thinking so much.... I will think once I find her identity and if she is here the same way as I am then we will need his help
Author's pov
Here Abhiti had the same dream as Sahdev and even she did not understand who the 2 people were but she felt as if she was seeing a flashback....She decided to forget everything since she had meet Kunti and then go to the arena
In Dwarka,
Krishna was watching both of them and smiling thinking about it
Krishna: They are slowly finding out their destiny and purpose on earth.....Soon they will have to know everything so they can finish the main purpose because of which they are on Earth
Back at Hastinapur,
Author's pov continues,
Abhiti got ready and found that she still had time before the Kala Pradarshan would start so she decided to visit Kunti and ask about that letter....She went to her chamber and asked for permission to enter....On entering she took her blessings
Abhiti: Pranipaat Maasimaa
Kunti: Aayushman Bhava putri
Abhiti: Maasimaa please tell me about the letter as Maa has made me quite anxious about it by telling something about how my life will change after this
Kunti: Putri before I tell you promise me you will calmly listen to the complete matter then think over it and then take any decision
Abhiti: Alright mata will do that no.... I promise
Kunti: It starts when you were around 6 years old.......
So guys which Pandav has Madri promised to get married to Abhiti??....Will Abhiti agree??...How will Abhiti react??
Are you guys liking my story or not??? I really need people's opinion on my story....So do share your opinions
Also there are certain changes which I am making in the story till now however they are not major changes so you don't have to read the story again
Changes :
1. Age:Abhiti -22 yrs (Previously 20yrs age)
Sahdev-24 yrs (Previously 22yrs age)
2. No one knows about soul splitting except Abhiti and Krishna till now ( Before Maharaj Abhay and Maharani Sunanda knew)
3. Abhiti's best friend's name has been changed: Now it is Vedant Khanna (Before it was Aadish)
These changes are quite minor and won't affect the story....Also the ages of Pandavas are different everywhere so I have just assumed as I don't have any single age
Do vote and comment on the story.....I really wanna know what you people think of the story so far
.I know I am late but I won't be able to give regular updates for a few till my admission thing is sorted....After that I will update at least once or twice a week...So till then you will find irregular and late updates
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