Chapter 6: ... the beauty of the shells hidden beneath the sand were revealed.
George was safe, finally. He could feel his consciousness returning as he gained control over hisself, his catlike instinct slipping away.
The storm was still frightening, but somehow being in the arms of his best friend made the flashes a bit dimmer, the booming thunder into soft rumbles.
He sighed softly, allowing himself to relax into the embrace.
It was nice, the calmness that had enveloped them, the unique energy that settled over them.
It was new, this energy, but it was intoxicating.
The warmth, not only of his body, but of his heart.
The fluttering of his stomach, the lightness of his head, the prickling of his cheeks.
It was new, but it was addicting.
George nuzzled into the beige sweater of the blonde, fighting down the purr that tried to rise from his chest in his comfort.
The brunette felt loved, but he wasnt sure why.
In the past week, they had snuggled a lot; durring movies, when they were simply sitting on their phones, in the ungodly hours of the morning when neither one could sleep.
It never ended, and yet, it never felt like this.
This... was nice.
At some point, George found himself slipping off to sleep, but fought valiantly to keep his eyes open, trying to keep listening to Dream whisper to him in that soothing tone, trying to pay attention to the slow circles that were being rubbed into his back, trying to keep clutching onto the sweater underneath his head in a silent plea for the blonde to stay, even when he fell asleep...
George was happy to know, when he woke up in the middle of the night, that his friend had stayed.
His arm was wrapped around his waist loosely, his hand in his hair, fingers tangled in locks.
The brunette smiled, taking the hand from his hair and slipping out of the blonde's grasp.
He walked over to the window, relieved to find the storm over, but a few stray raindrops falling from the heavens as a reminder of his fright earlier.
Brown eyes swept to the laying body of the blonde once more, a small smile dancing on his face as his mind softened with fondness for his friend.
It wasnt a way that George usually thought about his friend, but it didnt feel wrong- more like a part of his thoughts he had never acknowledged as different.
It didnt feel wrong, but that didnt mean he particularity liked it.
Thinking about how sweet his friend was, imagining what it would be like to be in his embrace more often; it felt right, but it didnt seem like it should have been.
So he tore his eyes away from where he knew green ones rested behind eyelids and looked back out the window with a grunt.
Fur, brushing against his bare ankles, prompting him to look down.
Glowing lime green eyes, almost the same shade as her owner's, stared inquisitively up at George.
Patches was connected to the brunette in a way no one else was, being able to sense his feline attitude in a way only a cat could.
Usually, when she had contact with him, Patches would purr, but she didnt now.
She stared at George, her eyes asking all the questions he didnt want to answer.
And so he avoided her eye, too, muttering quietly to her.
"Shut up, Patches. I dont want to think about that." he grumbled, his mind clouded with the small remnants of comfort Dream provided him and with sleep he was now missing because of the thoughts that somehow felt comfortable swimming around in his mind, but that he didnt want to be there.
It was strange, fighting something he had no problem with, but he felt the need to.
George pulled a chair to the window, sitting down, laying on his arms as he crossed them on the windowsill before him, finger tracing the stray raindrops that fell unevenly like the thoughts on his waning conscience.
He was so tired, but so awake at the same time.
Maybe a small nap?
Eyes closed, breaths evened out, and the brunette slept once more.
Dream woke up feeling empty, as though something was missing.
It didn't take long to realize that it was only because he had fallen asleep holding George, and he was gone now.
But why did he feel at a loss?
It had never happened before when they had fallen asleep cuddling; the blonde had always risen for the day with ease, not sparing a second thought of the sleeping boy he left alone wherever they had last dozed off.
It was strange, but it more so festered in his brain as a welcome uniqueness that added to the speciality of the night prior.
He smiled, sitting up from his spot on the brunette's floor, immediately seeing his friend asleep at the windowsill, curled into his oversized hoodie as he dreamed.
Small smile, fond thoughts.
It was new, but the longing and warmth in Dream's chest was welcome, it felt right.
And so, for the first time sparing a glance at the sleeping boy before he left, the blonde rose to his feet with his thoughts flowing merrily about his brain, the sight of the catboy still fresh in his mind.
Dream wasn't one to question abnormalities.
He was quicker to accept them than he was to ponder their existence, or the patterns that had pointed to the reasoning behind something.
When George had come out to him, he was quicker to assure the boy that it changed nothing than he was to realize the disinterest his friend held when talking about celebrity women.
When he saw the brunette's cat features for the first time, he rushed to get over his shock and make the smaller comfortable in sharing, not wasting a second to try and understand how it had come about.
It wasn't his place, he had decided, to understand the makings of the world. He wanted to understand them, but he knew he had to accept them for what they were first.
And so, humming and mixing up some oatmeal, Dream found himself more joyous than he had been in a while because of the feelings he had no name for, but were welcome in the way they made his stomach flutter and his chest burn with passion.
Even in the way it kept his mind on George and the way he was curled up, the way his ears twitched at every sound, the smallness of his frame, the paleness of his skin...
Cute, he decided.
Borderline adorable.
Tommy's drunk mcc stream was hilarious.
Hope u guys enjoyed
1114 words
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