Chapter 5: When the storm washed upon the shore of our friendship...
It had been a week and a half since that night, and the two boys had fallen into a routine.
Wake up, meet in the kitchen where the blonde was already cooking, chase each other around the house with nerf guns for one stupid reason or another, and halfway plan out another day.
Sapnap would be arriving in two days, his trip being moved closer due to an opening from someone who had aborted their spot on an earlier plane.
That meant that the two friends were in a frenzy to clean the house, even if they knew for a fact that the final member of the Dream Team wouldn't mind messier surroundings.
"We have to at least be hospitable for a little while." the blonde had said, but both of them knew their cleaning was more about avoiding the fake complaints their friend would have if the house wasn't as clean as possible.
It was nearing another day, and Dream had finally collapsed onto his bed after another long day of straightening up. The house was finally nearing the end of their sterilization.
He pulled out his phone, playing the few games he had on it for a while, not realizing time slip away from him and occupy him for five hours with a color coding app.
He sighed, glancing at the clock on his bedside table once more in shock, irritated that he allowed himself to be distracted and idle for such a long time.
It was darker in his room, despite it being only 4pm. The blonde looked out his window, green eyes meeting the dark grey of the clouds outside.
He mentally cheered, happy for some rain to break the unbearable heat that the state had been suffering through.
'I'll bet George is happy. He's used to storms and stuff.' Dream thought idly.
Now that he thought about it, the brunette hadn't been seen for hours; since breakfast early that morning.
On his feet once again, Dream made his way around the house, looking for his friend, not seeing him in any of the commonplaces.
Another sigh.
He glared at the stairs pleadingly, as if begging them not to make him climb the steps once more.
But, with yet another sharp exhale, that's what he did, going through the admittedly quick but tedious task once more.
George could only be in his room right now. There weren't many other rooms upstairs other than the bedrooms, only three streaming rooms that hadn't been completely set up yet.
The brunette's door was closed, causing Dream to pause to knock.
But George must be in there.
Another knock, the thuds of his knuckles on the door being followed with a flash of lightning and roll of thunder.
And then, a small whimper, and a quiet snuggle.
"George?" Dream called out, growing worried.
"Are you okay?"
Nothing moved, but the quiet was soon to be broken by the slow start of pattering rain and harsh wind on the window.
It was peaceful, and the boy on the other side of the closed door was quiet.
Until a crash of thunder and bright lightning erupted from the clouds outside.
There was a yell, a noise of fright that could come from no one other than George.
The blonde was debating on whether or not he should enter the room without consent, settling on calling his friend's name again.
Fur, a fluffy feeling at the ankle of Dream, revealed to be Patches as she curled around his leg and scratched at the door in front of her, letting out an urgent mewl.
The storm was worsening, but not to an alarming rate; the thunder and lightning becoming more frequent, but wind and rain remaining a steady pattern.
It was apparent that George didn't think so. Whimpers could be heard from the room, louder now, and it was the tipping point for the blonde.
The door opened, and Dream stepped through with his cat at his heels, green eyes staring around only to be met with no person in sight.
Patches, being shorter than her owner, found the person the blonde couldn't, slipping under the bed, and beginning to mew again.
Bending down, Dream's gaze softened, and his tone was only gentle.
"George..." The brunette lay under the bed, curled up with his ears flat against his hair and tail curled around his body. There were tears in his eyes and his pupils were slightly dilated with fear. He was shuffling around, uncomfortable in his position and uneasy at the storm, but he managed to speak anyway.
"Dream..." Broken voice, desperate gaze- it was enough to make the blonde pull his friend from under the bed by his hand and into an embrace.
Dream wanted nothing more for his friend to feel safe, so he held him. He pressed the brunette's small body to his, allowing him to lay down on the broader chest, closing his eyes.
Patches curled beside the boys, attempting to provide whatever comfort she could.
The friends had cuddled before, the brunette occasionally laying his head in the blonde's shoulder for a few seconds, or the taller swinging his arm around George's shoulder while watching a movie, but this time it felt different.
This time, Dream felt his heart warm as his friend's small hands grasped at his sweater. He felt a fond smile growing on his face as the brunette's breaths became slow and even.
Maybe it was something in the need with which George held onto him with, but this time holding the smaller felt special.
George must have been a very special friend if the man who had once been an introverted teenager, afraid of any physical contact, was now holding the boy with this amount of tenderness and affection, careful in every circle he rubbed into his small back, gentle in every word he whispered.
Yes, this time was special, and it made Dream's stomach flutter at the thought.
He didn't know why he felt strange, but he welcomed the feeling.
If it was an addition to the happiness he felt right now, he would take it.
He would willingly be here for the brunette like this any time.
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