Chapter 12: ... and reciprocations
Green eyes looked up through the darkness as the slight squeak of the door opening sounded out.
A smile larger than what suited the occasion spread across the blonde's face as he knew George would be entering soon.
Perhaps to cuddle again, perhaps to talk? It didn't matter; just being in the brunette's presence was enough to set off the sparks he had become so addicted to.
He couldn't see a person, but he could hear the soft and excited pattering of his best friends footsteps approaching the bed before there was a dip in the mattress and slender arms were wrapping around his torso.
Butterflies, just the fluttering in his stomach and excited beating of their wings in his chest was enough to make his cheeks tint red.
His arms were wrapped around his friend in an instant, and the scent of coconut shampoo was quick to override his senses as he burrowed his nose into brown locks.
It was quiet, but it felt like a song was playing gently around them in their moments of intimacy before the brunette suddenly pulled away and switched on the lamp that sat on the bedside table.
Old movements, new meaning.
Finally. It hadn't been long since he'd seen George's face brightened in the glow of an overhead lightbulb, but the luminosity of his features was long awaited.
Each time he saw his friend, Dream couldn't believe how beautiful he was.
George's hair was tousled, and his ears were perked up happily while his tail thrashed around in an anxious sense. His hands, partially hidden by the sleeves of his sweater, were picking each other apart. There was a smile on his lips, but his eyes were hesitant, almost wary with anticipation.
Dream reached out a hand, placing it on George's cheek and smiling reassuringly.
"Is there something you want to tell me, George?" the blonde spoke in a soothing tone. "You know you can tell me anything and I won't judge."
Small smiles, made up minds.
With those words, eons worth of anxiety rushed out of George's body, and he relaxed more than he thought he needed to.
His shoulders slumped in something almost akin to defeat, succumbing to the force that was pressing him to speak his mind, to share what he knew.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath.
It was Dream's right to understand his feelings, and to know they were reciprocated.
"I've felt... different when I'm around you." George began tentatively. His brown eyes peered up into green ones, assessing any emotion that was to be found and gazing at the blonde with an almost desperate imploring gesture, hoping that he could understand the words that were spoken.
Dream nodded, encouraging his friend to continue.
"I feel... flutters... in my stomach when you look at me..."
Green eyes widened in surprise, but George continued talking.
"I feel... like my heart can't stay in my chest when you talk to me... it beats so fast."
A fond smile found its way onto Dream's face, making it a bit easier to continue the confession.
"My head gets all fuzzy when you hug me, and my nerves feel like they're shot with electricity anytime you touch me."
The gaze the brunette was met with was gentle, it was accepting. It was easy to talk.
"I always want to be around you, Dream. I want you to hold me... and I want to say I don't know why... but that's a lie."
There was silence for a while as they stared at each other, hanging on the last word that was uttered, waiting for the next thing to be said with a desperate need.
George's chest felt like it was caving in with the need to tell his friend how he felt, but at the same time, Dream's hand was making its way to cover his, and his veins were on fire, his cheeks burning.
He couldn't meet the gentle yet piercing gaze of the blonde, knowing it would make him weak, knowing ir would render him helpless and subjective to the feelings that pushed him closer and closer to Dream, closer and closer to the edge.
"Go ahead, Georgie... you can tell me anything. I'm here for you."
Words are such a fickle thing, always taken for granted when they're used, and overlooked when they're received. But sometimes, words are a push, sometimes they're reassurance. More often than not, they're spoken at a time when one most needs them.
George's eyes welled with unwanted tears, and a bursting pain in his chest was quick to erupt.
"I think..." Brown eyes turned to meet a fond gaze. "I think I like you..."
Finally 🙄
784 words
There was shock in Dreams face when he heard the words.
Even though the entire conversation had been leading up to it, he never expected the confession. He never expected the words to fall from George's lips. He never expected to feel the same way.
Everything felt so real in this moment.
He became hyperaware of everything around him.
The hand he had placed over George's was burning, his cheeks were on fire, his mind was buzzing, his nerves were electrifying.
And the gravitational pull he always felt in the presence of the brunette was too strong to ignore.
In an instant, Dream was tackling his friend onto the bed in a large brace, holding him tightly as breathless laughs escaped his fluttering chest.
"George." Never had the name been spoken so softly, so lightly, each syllable so full of meaning.
"I think I feel the same."
Smaller arms were wrapping around a larger frame, giggles erupting from both boys, smiles were wide, hearts were light.
Their feelings were reciprocated, the need for a larger display of affection was daunting, but both knew that neither of them was ready for a kiss, their feelings too new to move on to that so soon.
Their confession was a promise, a contract that entitled them both to later progression in their relationship; perhaps a kiss, perhaps a tittle.
But as of now, they were content in laying in each other's arms, their legs tangled together, faces close, sweet words, and fulfilled sleep.
Sorta trash ending but wtvr
1043 words
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