Chapter 5
I had always been one who was up for an adventure. I loved road trips, parties, traveling, anything, you name it. Everyone knew this about me, which is why people were surprised when I began dating Ellis. He liked to stay on the safe side. Obviously I wasn't the one to go overboard and completely make myself look like a fool, but a little mischievous never hurt anyone. Except him, as it seems.
Luke and I had been at this party for about an hour now. He had told me that this was a 'small' party, but there were nearly 50 people crammed into this single apartment. There were a few flowing out the front door and outside, but inside it was nutty. The music had been blaring at a quarter to midnight, which I was expecting to hear in a few days how Cianna got a noise complaint.
Most of these people I hadn't known. I knew Luke, Cianna, Lukes' friends, and a random that offered to take my coat to the coat rack. Luke had met his 3 friends at a walk around the school campus a few weeks ago. I talked to them briefly, they were quite loud and annoying, but so was Luke. They fit him perfectly.
For me right now, I had a few drinks in my system and I knew that by the end of the night, I'd have a lot more than just a few. At the end of the summer, I always completely let loose since I knew school would stop me from doing so. And with the added nervous feeling of Ellis' weird stop by my front door paired with Luke and I almost kissing, I needed to have a little fun. I was always a social drinker, I'd never see the reason as to how drowning in alcohol would rid your worries.
Luke had never been a big drinker. Ever since his first time getting completely wasted his first time sophomore year on New Years, he promised that he'd never let himself get that bad again. But I don't think he'd had more than 3 drinks in the past 3 years. He didn't see the point of it and as to why you'd want to erase your memory then throw up for a whole day.
"Truth or dare?" The squeaking of Cianna's voice rang through the house. About 10 of us were sat on her back porch, very squished might I add. I don't exactly know how, but we'd all decided on playing the same game I played at parties in the 8th grade.
"Dare." A boy's voice called back. I was sitting in Luke's lap, since there were only 6 chairs. Over the course of the night, the awkward tension between Luke and I completely fell as it always did. I cocked my head across the group of people to see that it was one of Luke's friends, Ashton I believe, answering her question.
"Hmmm." Cianna tapped her chin and pursed her lips. I rolled my eyes at her, as just about everything she did annoyed me. "Find a girl in the crowd and get her to go home with you." She beamed her bright white smile at him. He rolled his eyes just like I'd done before at her. I smirked, knowing he was probably just as agitated by her as I was.
"Pass, Cianna." He declared. "That's just cruel." He chuckled, shaking his head. A few muffled laughs were heard, mostly towards Cianna and her actually cruel ways.
"Fine." She puffed. Her hands flicked her hair off her shoulder, letting it rest on her petite back. "Ask away then, but you're out after." She winked at him and he completely ignored and shifted his body right to me and Luke.
"Luke." He called. I could feel his hair tickle the back of my neck as his head shot up from reading whatever he was reading on his phone. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Luke immediately answered. He would never pass up a dare, as any other boy. Boys were quite dumb about this stuff in all honesty. It's like completing a dare gave you and ultimate power or something, I don't know.
"Seven minutes in heaven with Autumn." His eyes flicked towards me as he bit his lip to hide his laughter. My head turned to examine Luke's face, which was faintly turning pink.
"She has a-" I cut him off by planting my feet on the ground. I grabbed his hand, trying to be as seductive as possible which earned me cheers and whistles from the crowd.
I was surprised at his reaction, as we'd done this many times before. Not kissing in a closet, but actually faking it. We'd always make it seem like we were actually going to do something and we'd always over dramatize it, then we'd just sit and chat for the minutes.
"Uh, Autumn?" Luke questioned nervously as I shut the door. I shushed him right after, knowing that there were people standing around the door to see if they could here anything. "What about-"
"Don't worry, we're not in here to make out with each other." I whispered, letting out a gentle laugh. I still had my ear to the door, checking to make sure that we could actually talk without people listening in. "Okay, what's up?" I asked, sitting down and pulling him down with me.
"What's up?" He chuckled. "I'm sitting criss-cross applesauce in a dark closet with my best friend at a party, that's what's up." He said, being a little louder now since I hadn't told him to be quite again.
"It's not like it's not enjoyable, let's be real here." I giggled. The small amount of alcohol was making me more giddy than usual and Luke had taken a notice in it. He always did.
For the rest of the time, we talked about the most random things. It was good that we were both able to keep a conversation, it made each other a lot more bearable. We were just talking about how we thought college was going to be when we heard a few voices outside asking what closet we were in. My head turned towards the door and I immediately stood up, Luke followed, but was rather slow.
"Come on." I groaned, pulling him up by his bicep. I heard the voices come closer and I pushed my back to the wall, grabbing Luke and pressing him right against my chest. "Just pretend you were all over my neck." I whispered. His eyes widen at me, slowly leaning down.
"Are you-" He started. I cut him off and pulled him further down to me by putting my hands around his neck.
"Yes, I'm sure." I told him. I stood on my tiptoes to make it easier for him as his arms snaked around my back, hugging me even closer to his chest. I guess my timing was off since his lips were lingering just centimeters away from my neck for longer than I intended.
"Guess you didn't need to rush me." He hummed nearly against my neck. I swallowed, suddenly feeling flustered. Just as he ended his sentence, Ashton ripped the door open.
"I found them!" He shouted as he turned around to, I'm guessing, was another one of his friends. Luke let his forehead fall on my shoulder as my hands dragged across his shoulder blades then grasped his forearms. I let out another faint laugh as Luke picked his head up, giving me an apologetic look that matched his red cheeks.
"Let's get back out there." I spoke, grabbing his hand once more and pulling him out and towards the large crowd again.
It was a very, very convenient thing that Luke and I lived in the same building because at this point, neither of us were able to drive. Well, Luke was, but he's extremely wary of that. He's never felt comfortable in any type of dangerous situation. As for me, I was right about my prediction and was now stumbling over my feet. I was glad that I had the ability to keep myself composed while I were was there, but once we took a single step outside of Cianna's place, I immediately crashed into Luke, almost knocking him off his own feet.
We're now standing in front of our door, laughing just a tad too loud about God knows what. I kept jingling with the keys, but I was apparently impaired with this and could not open the door to save my life.
"Let me do it." Luke grumbled from behind me. I watched him rattle the door a few times before pushing it open. "There." He said, giving me a small smile as he gestured me to get inside first.
I stumbled inside, not too dramatically, but it was noticeable. Luckily I'd taken my shoes off as we were walking over here or else I would probably fall over just as I stepped inside from the aching of my feet. Instead of falling to the floor though, I carelessly threw myself on the couch.
"Autumn." Luke whined, finally walking in after me and seeing me laying on the couch.
"What?" I whined back, resting my wrist on my forehead. He sighed and walked over to the other end, pushing my legs off. "Hey!" I shouted.
"Be quiet!" He said back, pushing my shoulder as I was now sitting up. "We have neighbors who are probably sleeping." He rubbed his eyes, clearly showing that he's had enough ruckus for the night.
"Good." I smirked. "LUKE HEMMINGS IS A DICK!" I shouted, pushing his buttons.
"Autumn!" He warned. Throwing a hand over my mouth. I crossed my eyes to see that hand over my lips. My hands moved up and fought his grip on mine, eventually ripping it off.
"AUTUMN SAUNDERS HATES LUKE HEMMINGS!" I yelled again, louder this time. My laughter quickly filled the room then withered away once I saw that his expression was completely unimpressed and annoyed. "Come on Luke, have some fun." I told him, standing up and heading to my room to change.
"I don't defy 'fun' as waking up my neighbors by having you scream out my name." He called out as he followed behind me. He stopped once he reached my door frame, leaning against it with his arms crossed.
"Well, if put in a different context, it sounds pretty fun to me." I shrugged my shoulders, knowing he brought that joke upon himself.
"Primrose!" He called out.
"Kidding, kidding!" I defended myself as I walked to my bed, sitting down while I watched him walk over to my drawers and pull out clothes for me to sleep in. He'd done this every time I'd been intoxicated for the soul purpose that he was afraid I was going to hurt myself somehow. No matter how much he denied it, I knew it was the truth. "And I told you to stop calling me that." I added, looking down at my hands in my lap.
"I told you to stop yelling, didn't I?" Luke answered back, handing me a pile of clothes. I took them from him as I was already standing up and was having trouble with dress since the zipper was just out of reach.
"Just shut up and help me." I demanded, stumbling over my words a little. We traded spots, him now sitting on the bed behind me and I was stood directly in front of him with my hair tugged to one side.
"I swear you're in kindergarten. You can never get your clothes off without needing my help." He sighed out. I giggled at the innuendo I heard once again and caught my dress around my chest just as it was falling off my body. "What's so funny?" He chuckled. I turned around and watched him throw his hands over eyes.
"Luke." I said shortly. I knew he had a lot more respect for me than to take advantage of the moment, but right now I knew just about nothing.
"You're half naked." He plainly said. I paused for a few moments, seeing if he's budge, which he didn't. I rolled my eyes and took my hands off my chest and put them over his, letting my dress fall to the floor, now standing in just a black laced bra and my bottoms matching it. I peeled his hands from his eyes, surprised as how he didn't put up a fight.
"It's fine." I assured, lowering my voice. Without thinking, I pulled myself to him and crawled into his lap, straddling him just like I had before we left.
"What are you doing?" He asked slowly, finally looking down at my nearly naked body then back up to my eyes. I smirked and leaned to his ear, loosely draping my arms over his shoulders, bending one elbow to wear I was able to reach the hairs on the back of his neck.
"You said we should do this more often, didn't you?" I whispered, letting my words slur the slightest bit. I dragged my lips across his jawline, hoping for a reaction out of him.
"You have a boyfriend." He spoke softly, still not parting from me.
"What he doesn't know won't kill him." I mumbled against his neck, finally pressing my lips against him. He hands immediately moved up and clutched my waist as he felt me leaving a mark.
"You're making it really hard to keep me off of you." He admitted, moving his thumbs up down a few times on my hips.
"I know, that's what I intended." I told him, moving down and leaving yet another mark. Before I could actually take in what was happening, his hands fell from my hips and grabbed my shoulders, pushing me off of him. He looked my right into the eyes with a serious look.
"I think you need to get some sleep." He spoke with his voice deepened, nodding at me in hopes for an agreement. Since it was Luke, I had agreed with him and climbed from his legs and into my bed.
"Hey Luke?" I called as he threw a few blankets over me, making sure they were flat.
"Hmmm." He hummed, focused on making sure I was comfortable.
"Can you stay with me?" I asked, wanting him by my side for an unknown reason. He didn't answer, which only made me more persistent. "Please?" I pleaded, rolling over and facing him as he was now done. He stared at me with a look that read 'Are you serious?' in a more irritated look.
"Okay." He surprisingly said.
"Thanks." I giggled, cuddling myself up to the blankets in attempt to warm myself up. I pulled my knees to my chest, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion.
"I'll be right back." He told me, leaving my room before I could protest. I sat and waited for a few minutes, but was barely able to keep my eyes open. I then began feeling the headache that was coming on, but decided that a water and ibuprofen in the morning would be enough.
Luke walked in silently, not wanting to ruin my attempts of falling asleep. I opened my eyes to find Luke placing down a glass and a bottle of pain killers on my bedside table, as if he had read my mind. He changed into sweatpants seeing that I could understand why he wouldn't want to sleep in jeans.
I closed my eyes once more, feeling the bed dip next to me and the blankets ruffle around then his long legs tangling with mine. I smiled to myself as I felt his arm rest around my waist.
"Luke?" I mumbled, calling out his name once more.
"Yeah?" He replied as he moved closer to where his chin rested on top of my head.
"I was just seeing if you were awake." My hands fiddled with the hem of the t-shirt he made me put on before actually getting in the same bed as me. I was quite content at the moment, still feeling the alcohol running through me.
"You make it so hard to be your friend." He laughed, his accent thicker than normal. My lips twitched into a half smile then relaxed as the rest of my body did.
"I try to make it hard." I sleepily said. I snuggled deeper into the blankets around me, then into the boy next to me. "Goodnight, Lucas." I yawned out. He pulled himself to me, engulfing my smaller frame with his broad one.
"Goodnight, Autumn."
autumn is such a horndog dang i originally did not plan for her to seem like she throws herself at boys ok but she only does it to luke so i dont blame her
thank you if you're reading, i hit 2K reads like what even
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