Chapter 42
"Wind in my hair, feet in the sand, my hand on your ass," Luke said, both of us laying on our stomachs on our towels on the beach.
"You head will be in the sand if you don't move it." I mumbled, swatting Luke's hand off of my butt.
"I hate you." He laughed. I turned my head to face him, giving him a small smile.
"I love you too," I said, scrunching my nose up at him. I rolled over onto my back, sliding my sunglasses over my eyes and sighing. "Can we live here next year?" I asked, looking back over at him.
He laughed as he squinted his eyes at me to avoid the harsh sun. "I wish. But if we find the stupid amount of money it takes to get out here, then I say we go," He said, getting me to shake my head.
"Do you think we could pull it off?" I asked, glancing down at him then to the waves that were crashing down a few feet away from us.
"Autumn," Luke said in a serious tone. He sat up and put a hand on my shoulder while looking right into my eyes. "You're going to have to start stripping." He told me.
"Stop." I whined, shoving his shoulder. "You know you can sell one of your kidneys to the black market for like, 260 grand?"
"No way?" He raised his eyebrows at me out of surprise. "How do you know that?" He laughed, pulling the Ray-Bans off of my face to put over his own eyes.
"I don't know." I truthfully said. "But I can tell you that I still have two kidneys." I assured him.
"Not for long." He replied, poking at my stomach. I pushed his hand away, but instead he had taken it in his as he laid back down on his stomach. "But if we're ever in a financial struggle, remind me of that." He joked.
"You know it's illegal, right?" I laughed, leaning back onto my elbows.
"It's not illegal if we don't get caught." He answered.
I raised an eyebrow at him, "I wouldn't risk going to jail for however many years over a kidney."
"Pfft, a kidney that's worth $260,000. I would."
"Then what would you do with your money if you got thrown in jail?" I asked, looking back over at him.
"Let you use it to bail me out." He told me, taking my sunglasses off of his eyes and handing them back to me.
"I'd prefer not to be dating a criminal, but I guess we could make it work." I chuckled, getting a small shove on my thigh from him. "What? I'm just being truthful!" I laughed as he rolled his eyes.
I turned back to face the water, seeing Ashton running back up the shore, except this time without Michael. Luke and I watched as he pulled a towel from the bag I had brought to dry himself off with.
"I don't understand how Michael does that." He sighed as he laid down his towel in front of us.
"Does what?" Luke and I said together, glancing at each other before back at Ashton.
"He attracts literally every girl," he said. We laughed at his words only for him to shake his head at us.
"He has cool hair and a cute smile, what more could a girl want?" I replied. Ashton laughed as Luke furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"Hey!" He seemed offended, but the smile on his face let me know that he was being playful. "You're annoying." He told him, sitting up at the way and wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I leaned my head on his shoulder as Ashton rolled his eyes at us.
"Couples are gross." He scoffed, leaning into his hands behind him. "Especially you guys." He added.
"It's Luke who's the gross one," I said, putting a finger to Luke's lips before he could interject and defend himself. "But what happened between you and Cianna? I thought you liked her." I asked in confusion.
He shrugged, "I still do, she just wants to stay friends for right now and I guess I'm kind of waiting on her to come around." Ashton explained.
"How do you know she will?" Luke suddenly asked. I snickered as Ashton glared at him.
"Because she told me she will, you dick." He told him. "She said that right now she wants to like 'stay away from all of that' and that later we can try it out." He put her words in air quotes, glancing between me and Luke and then the sand between us. Ashton didn't necessarily seem bothered by it, maybe disappointed if anything.
It had kind of reminded me of me and Luke as Ashton went into depth about it. I liked that he was actually taking his time and being a gentleman about it instead of just rushing into things. Of course he wouldn't let her keep him waiting forever, but she sure had him wrapped around her finger.
"Can I sleep in here?" Luke asked, looking around at the mountains of bubbles forming over the hot water.
We got back from the beach an hour or so ago and felt completely exhausted from the sun. Calum and his girlfriend arrived later tonight so we decided we should clean up and make sure everything was just as it should be around his house.
"Do you want to drown and have to die looking like a raisin?" I replied, laughing as I flicked the foam off of my fingers and towards him.
My idea of cleaning up was just to take a short shower and get ready for the evening, but once Luke came into the bathroom to see how big the bathtub was he decided it would be the best idea to pour half of the soap into the running water. It was like when we were younger, doing this same thing in our bathing suits after a long day, by choice of course. And right now I was stuck in a state of nostalgia.
"No, good point." He laughed, stretching out his crossed legs underwater and letting rest on mine.
"I'm not your personal footrest." I told him, raising my eyebrows at his flat expression.
He narrowed his eyes at me, "Yes you are," he said.
"You're so mean." I whined, splashing him just the smallest amount.
"You're such a butt." He whined back, fixing his hair that I just messed up.
"I'm a butt?" I giggled as he was currently reminding me of a child. I scooped up a handful of bubbles from the top of the water and wiped it across his chest.
"Yes, you're an asshole." He replied, getting a handful of bubbles and putting it through my hair.
I frowned and got more of it in my hand, reaching over his head to attempt to cover his hair in it too. He stopped me just as I reached over and he grabbed my forearms. He pulled me down and put my arms over his shoulders and I was now face to face with him as his eyes were now lit up and excited.
"Can we go shopping? Like grocery shopping?" He asked.
"Why?" I laughed, moving my legs so I could sit comfortably on his.
"Because there's going to be a house full of hungry college kids and I don't want to share my food." He explained. I rolled my eyes at his reason, but it was just Luke being Luke.
I paused for a moment, tapping my fingers along his shoulder blades. "Alright." I answered. "But we're on a budget and we both have to approve it."
"But Autumn." Luke groaned, leaning his head back to rest on the back of the tub.
"But Luke." I mocked, poking at his chest. He looked back up at me with raised eyebrows.
"I'll let you ride in the basket." He offered. I paused once again and let him anticipate my answer even though I knew I would already say yes.
"Fine." I sighed, looking around at the mess we had made then back at him. "But first let's clean up this bathroom before Calum comes here and kills us." I giggled, tapping the tip of his nose before we both hurried out of the bathtub.
"What kind of M&Ms?" I asked over my shoulder, being surrounded by various cereals and snacks.
"Get the peanut ones." Luke mumbled as I reached out to the candy next to me. The store we were in was really small and only had a few aisles so there was no problem acting like idiots in here.
I scoffed, "The peanut ones? Really Luke? I'm disappointed." I jokingly shook my head at him as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"What? I like the peanut ones!" He said in his own defense.
"They're so gross! The peanut butter ones are so much better." I told him, reaching out to grab both bags next to me. I couldn't get very far since I was sitting in the shopping cart, but my arms reached out just the perfect length.
"Shut up, Autumn." He grumbled, crossing off another thing on his own list.
"That's no way to speak to your lovely girlfriend." I said, acting as if I was offended.
He rolled his eyes, "I have no problem flipping this cart over."
"What a gentleman." I sighed as he pushed me along the sleek tiled floors of the store.
"What else do we need?" I questioned as I looked behind me to see that he was now standing on the edge of the cart as we rolled into the next aisle. I peered up at the shelves that were filled with cereals and coffee again. "We were just down here." I groaned.
"Do you really think we could pull off living here?" He asked, keeping his eyes ahead of us to make sure he wouldn't crash into anything. We've had that experience far too many times.
I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe, like after we graduate." I told him, looking back at him. He glanced down at me before speaking again.
"I think we should." He quietly said, a faint smile pulling at his lips.
"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. "I thought you liked big city and bright lights and everything," I said.
"I do, and I know you do too." He informed me. "We could surely find a place to live that has all the craziness while still being able to head down to the beach every weekend," he said, now turning down another aisle. He was pretty much just pushing me randomly now since we had crossed everything off of our lists that we wanted.
"How about San Francisco?" I shrugged, thinking of places off of the top of my head.
"I was thinking more of LA." He told me, raising his eyebrows at me.
"Los Angeles?" I questioned, staring back up at him as he nodded his head. "Even I think that's a little crazy." I joked.
"We live in Manhattan." He laughed, comparing the two cities.
"True," I nodded. "What about San Diego?" I suggested. I had only been to California one time before this and it was a little further south of Los Angeles and I figured it would be a good amount of crazy for us both.
"I haven't been down there, but if you suggested it I'm sure it's great." He smiled, turning yet another corner that made us go further back into the store. I started moving around and he stopped the cart, helping me a bit as I climbed out of it.
"I'm getting a little too big to do that," I laughed. "But, I would say that we could go visit San Diego while we're here but it's like, 3 hours away." I sighed, trailing behind him as he headed towards the registers so we could check out.
"I'm sure we can squeeze in some time over the summer." He nudged my arm playfully, which had gotten me even more excited for the upcoming summer.
I shook my head, "I can't believe we're already planning things for when college is over."
"I know, we'll have like a real life with real jobs and probably a real home." He laughed, stopping the cart and unloading things onto the conveyor belt after the older woman had greeted us.
"That is if we don't hate each other by the end of the next 3 and a half years." I quietly said, putting the vast amount of food and drinks and the black belt.
"Do you really think that's possible?" He questioned, glancing over at me.
"No," I quickly answered, handing over my wallet to him so he could pay. "But I'm not moving there without you, so you better be all for it." I poked at his sides, making him flinch just a little.
He turned around to me with a sweet smile, placing a soft kiss to my cheek, "I will be, I promise."
wOW lautumn gettin too real
sorry for the lack of updates i was feeling v uninspired and this chapter is actually a mess but i though it was cute so yes!!!!
ily guys so much thank you for all of the reads a votes and ur comments always make me laugh ok i love u enjoy fam!!!
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